CakePHP 3.0.8 translate behavior and data validation (requirePresence, notEmpty) - php

My problem is simple, yet I can't figure out how to solve it.
My website is multilanguage. I want the user to be able to add an article in multiple language if he wants, while requiring the inputs of his language (depending on his locale).
Problem is, with CakePHP's conventions about translation, all the inputs must end with the field's name, no matter what language. So all the fields has the same rule for the same field. I can't make one "name" required while another in another language not required.
For example, the default language's input would be:
<input type="text" name="name" required="required" maxlength="45" id="name">
And below that, another language's input for the same field:
<input type="text" name="locales[fr_CA][name]" required="required" maxlength="45" id="locales-fr-ca-name">
The "required" attribute is automatically added to both because of these rules:
->requirePresence('name', 'create')
->add('name', [
'length' => [
'rule' => ['minLength', 10],
'message' => 'The title needs to be at least 10 characters long.',
Note: I have to change the locale to the default (en_US) when I save to be able to save in multiple languages + the default language (otherwise the default inputs are saved in the default table AND in the i18n table).
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
// ......
EDIT: So here's the complete piece of code when I save (IngredientsController.php)
public function add() {
$ingredient = $this->Ingredients->newEntity();
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
$ingredient = $this->Ingredients->patchEntity($ingredient, $this->request->data);
if(isset($this->request->data['locales'])) {
foreach ($this->request->data['locales'] as $lang => $data) {
$ingredient->translation($lang)->set($data, ['guard' => false]);
$locale = I18n::locale(); // At this point the locale is fr_CA (not de default)
I18n::locale('en_US'); // Change the locale to the default
if ($this->Ingredients->save($ingredient)) {
$this->Flash->success(__('The ingredient has been saved.'));
I18n::locale($locale); // Put the locale back to the user's locale
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
} else {
$this->Flash->error(__('The ingredient could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
$this->set('_serialize', ['ingredient']);
I set the default locale is the bootstrap.php
* Set the default locale. This controls how dates, number and currency is
* formatted and sets the default language to use for translations.
ini_set('intl.default_locale', 'en_US');
Configure::write('Config.locales', ['fr_CA']);
I determine the user's locale in the AppController.php
public function beforeFilter(Event $event)
$locales = Configure::read('Config.locales');
$boom = explode(',', str_replace('-', '_', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']));
$user_lang = substr($boom[0], 0, 2);
// This piece of code is only to change the locale to fr_CA even if the user's language is just fr or fr_FR
if(in_array($user_lang, Configure::read('Config.langs'))) {
if(in_array($boom[0], $locales)) {
} else {
foreach ($locales as $locale) {
if(substr($locale, 0, 2) == $user_lang) {
$this->set('locales', $locales);
$this->set('locale', I18n::locale());
So if I save while being in a different locale than the default, the same default inputs will be saved in the ingredients table AND in the i18n table in fr_CA

Defaults saved in translation table
The fact that the input for the default language is being stored in the translation table in case the default locale has been changed, seems to be the expected behavior, just like when reading data where it will retrieve the data with respect to the current locale, the same applies when saving data.
Cookbook > Database Access & ORM > Behaviours > Translate > Saving in Another Language
Changing the locale to the default is a workaround, but it might be a little too invasive, as it will interfer with any code that uses that value to check the current locale. It's better to directly set the desired locale on the table
or, which is the least invasive option, on the main entity instead
$ingredient->_locale = I18n::defaultLocale();
Also the former is what the linked docs sesction is describing, but not actually showing, that needs to be fixed.
Fields picking up "wrong" validation rules
While I can see why the form helper, respectively the entity context, picks up validation rules for the "wrong" fields, ie fields pick up those for the name field, I can't tell whether this is how it is ment to work.
Since it wouldn't pick up nested errors, I guess this is the expected behavior, but I'm not sure, so I'd suggest to create an issue over at GitHub for clarification. In any case, there are various ways to work around this, for example by renaming the fields, or by setting the required option to false.
echo $this->Form->input('', [
// ...
'required' => false
In your example this is pretty much just a frontend issue, as the fields are not going to be actually validated on the server side.
Another option would be to use a custom translation table class, with validation specific to translations, that actually apply to the used fields, however this is probably not that advisable unless you actually want to apply any validation at all.
Apply validation/application rules to translated columns
For the sake of completion, let's cover validation/application rules too.
In order to actually apply validation and/or application rules, and have them recognized in forms, you'll have use a custom translation table class that holds the rules, and you must use the actual property name that the translate behavior uses for the hasMany associated translation table, which is _i18n.
Here's an example.
namespace App\Model\Table;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
use Cake\ORM\RulesChecker;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
use Cake\Validation\Validator;
class IngredientsI18nTable extends Table
public function initialize(array $config) {
public function validationDefault(Validator $validator) {
->add('name', 'valid', [
'rule' => function ($value, $context) {
return false;
return $validator;
public function buildRules(RulesChecker $rules)
function (EntityInterface $entity, $options) {
return false;
'errorField' => 'name'
return $rules;
public function initialize(array $config) {
// ...
$this->addBehavior('Translate', [
// ...
'translationTable' => 'IngredientsI18n'
View template
echo $this->Form->hidden('_i18n.0.locale', ['value' => 'fr_FR']);
echo $this->Form->input('');
echo $this->Form->hidden('_i18n.1.locale', ['value' => 'da_DK']);
echo $this->Form->input('');
// ...
Now the fields will pick up the correct validator, and thus are not being marked as required. Also validation will be applied when creating/patching entities, and finally application rules are being applied too. However I can't guarantee that this doesn't have any side effects, as the Translate behavior internally doesn't seem to account for the situation that the _i18n property has been set externally!
Also you'll still have to set the translations on the entity using translations() in order for the translations to be saved correctly!
foreach ($this->request->data['_i18n'] as $translation) {
$ingredient->translation($translation['locale'])->set('name', $translation['name']);


Laravel Validation: only allow known properties/attributes, otherwise fail validation

We are building an api endpoint where precision is required. We want to enforce strict validation on the parameters that are POST/PUT to the server.
If the api user sends a key=value pair that is not supported (eg. we allow the parameters [first_name, last_name] and the user includes an unsupported parameter [country]), we want the validation to fail.
Have tried building a custom validator called allowed_attributes (used as allowed_attributes:attr1,attr2,...), but for it to be usable in a $validationRules array, it has to be applied to the parent of a list of nested/child attributes (...because otherwise our custom validator did not have access to the attributes being validated).
Validator::extend('allowed_attributes', 'App\Validators\AllowedAttributesValidator#validate');
This created issues with other validators, where we then had to anticipate this parent/child structure and code around it, including additional post-validation clean-up of error keys and error message strings.
tl;dr: very dirty, not a clean implementation.
$validationRules = [
'parent' => 'allowed_attributes:first_name,last_name',
'parent.first_name' => 'required|string|max:40',
'parent.last_name' => 'required|string|max:40'
$isValid = Validator::make(['parent' => $request], $validationRules);
var_dump("Validation results: " . ($isValid ? "passed" : "failed"));
Any ideas/suggestions on how this can be accomplished more cleanly in laravel, without requiring the use of parent/child relationship to get access to the list of all $request attributes (within the custom validator)?
I preferred to post a new answer as the approach is different from the previous one and a bit more cleaner. So I would rather keep the two approaches separated and not mixed together in the same answer.
Better problem handling
After digging deeper into the Validation's namespace's source code since my last answer I figured out that the easiest way would have been to extend the Validator class to remplement the passes() function to also check what you needed.
This implementation has the benefit to also correcly handle specific error messages for single array/object fields without any effor and should be fully compatible with the usual error messages translations.
Create a custom validator class
You should first create a Validator class within your app folder (I placed it under app/Validation/Validator.php) and implement the passes method like this:
namespace App\Validation;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Validation\Validator as BaseValidator;
class Validator extends BaseValidator
* Determine if the data passes the validation rules.
* #return bool
public function passes()
// Perform the usual rules validation, but at this step ignore the
// return value as we still have to validate the allowance of the fields
// The error messages count will be recalculated later and returned.
// Compute the difference between the request data as a dot notation
// array and the attributes which have a rule in the current validator instance
$extraAttributes = array_diff_key(
// We'll spin through each key that hasn't been stripped in the
// previous filtering. Most likely the fields will be top level
// forbidden values or array/object values, as they get mapped with
// indexes other than asterisks (the key will differ from the rule
// and won't match at earlier stage).
// We have to do a deeper check if a rule with that array/object
// structure has been specified.
foreach ($extraAttributes as $attribute => $value) {
if (empty($this->getExplicitKeys($attribute))) {
$this->addFailure($attribute, 'forbidden_attribute', ['value' => $value]);
return $this->messages->isEmpty();
This would essentially extend the default Validator class to add additional checks on the passes method. The check compute the array difference by keys between the input attributes converted to dot notation (to support array/object validation) and the attributes which have at least one rule assigned.
Replace the default Validator in the container
Then the last step you miss is to bind the new Validator class in the boot method of a service provider. To do so you can just override the resolver of the Illuminate\Validation\Factory class binded into the IoC container as 'validator':
// Do not forget the class import at the top of the file!
use App\Validation\Validator;
// ...
* Bootstrap any application services.
* #return void
public function boot()
->resolver(function ($translator, $data, $rules, $messages, $attributes) {
return new Validator($translator, $data, $rules, $messages, $attributes);
// ...
Pratical use in a controller
You don't have to do anything specific to use this feature. Just call the validate method as usual:
$this->validate(request(), [
'first_name' => 'required|string|max:40',
'last_name' => 'required|string|max:40'
Customize Error messages
To customize the error message you just have to add a translation key in your lang file with a key equal to forbidden_attribute (you can customize the error key name in the custom Validator class on the addFailure method call).
Example: resources/lang/en/validation.php
return [
// ...
'forbidden_attribute' => 'The :attribute key is not allowed in the request body.',
// ...
Note: this implementation has been tested in Laravel 5.3 only.
It should work for simple key/value pairs with this custom validator:
Validator::extendImplicit('allowed_attributes', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
// If the attribute to validate request top level
if (strpos($attribute, '.') === false) {
return in_array($attribute, $parameters);
// If the attribute under validation is an array
if (is_array($value)) {
return empty(array_diff_key($value, array_flip($parameters)));
// If the attribute under validation is an object
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
if (substr_compare($attribute, $parameter, -strlen($parameter)) === 0) {
return true;
return false;
The validator logic is pretty simple:
If $attribute doesn't contains a ., we're dealing with a top level parameter, and we just have to check if it is present in the allowed_attributes list that we pass to the rule.
If $attribute's value is an array, we diff the input keys with the allowed_attributes list, and check if any attribute key has left. If so, our request had an extra key we didn't expect, so we return false.
Otherwise $attribute's value is an object we have to check if each parameter we're expecting (again, the allowed_attributes list) is the last segment of the current attribute (as laravel gives us the full dot notated attribute in $attribute).
The key here is to apply it to validation rules should like this (note the first validation rule):
$validationRules = [
'parent.*' => 'allowed_attributes:first_name,last_name',
'parent.first_name' => 'required|string|max:40',
'parent.last_name' => 'required|string|max:40'
The parent.* rule will apply the custom validator to each key of the 'parent' object.
To answer your question
Just don't wrap your request in an object, but use the same concept as above and apply the allowed_attributes rule with a *:
$validationRules = [
'*' => 'allowed_attributes:first_name,last_name',
'first_name' => 'required|string|max:40',
'last_name' => 'required|string|max:40'
This will apply the rule to all the present top level input request fields.
NOTE: Keep in mind that laravel validation is influenced by order of the rules as they are putted in rules array.
For example, moving the parent.* rule on bottom will trigger that rule on parent.first_name and parent.last_name; as opposed, keeping it as the first rule will not trigger the validation for the first_name and last_name.
This means that you could eventually remove the attributes that has further validation logic from the allowed_attributes rule's parameter list.
For example, if you would like to require only the first_name and last_name and prohibit any other field in the parent object, you might use these rules:
$validationRules = [
// This will be triggered for all the request fields except first_name and last_name
'parent.*' => 'allowed_attributes',
'parent.first_name' => 'required|string|max:40',
'parent.last_name' => 'required|string|max:40'
But, the following WON'T work as expected:
$validationRules = [
'parent.first_name' => 'required|string|max:40',
'parent.last_name' => 'required|string|max:40',
// This, instead would be triggered on all fields, also on first_name and last_name
// If you put this rule as last, you MUST specify the allowed fields.
'parent.*' => 'allowed_attributes',
Array Minor Issues
As far as I know, per Laravel's validation logic, if you were up to validate an array of objects, this custom validator would work, but the error message you would get would be generic on the array item, not on the key of that array item that wasn't allowed.
For example, you allow a products field in your request, each with an id:
$validationRules = [
'products.*' => 'allowed_attributes:id',
If you validate a request like this:
"products": [{
"id": 3
}, {
"id": 17,
"price": 3.49
You will get an error on product 2, but you won't be able to tell which field is causing the problem!

Laravel Validation Rules If Value Exists in Another Field Array

I am working in Laravel 5.4 and I have a slightly specific validation rules need but I think this should be easily doable without having to extend the class. Just not sure how to make this work..
What I would like to do is to make the 'music_instrument' form field mandatory if program array contains 'Music'.
I found this thread How to set require if value is chosen in another multiple choice field in validation of laravel? but it is not a solution (because it never got resolved in the first place) and the reason it doesn't work is because the submitted array indexes aren't constant (not selected check boxes aren't considered in indexing the submission result...)
My case looks like this:
<form action="" method="post">
<input name="program[]" value="Anthropology" type="checkbox">Anthropology
<input name="program[]" value="Biology" type="checkbox">Biology
<input name="program[]" value="Chemistry" type="checkbox">Chemistry
<input name="program[]" value="Music" type="checkbox">Music
<input name="program[]" value="Philosophy" type="checkbox">Philosophy
<input name="program[]" value="Zombies" type="checkbox">Zombies
<input name="music_instrument" type="text" value"">
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
If I select some of the options from the list of check boxes I can potentially have this result in my $request values
[program] => Array
[0] => Anthropology
[1] => Biology
[2] => Music
[3] => Philosophy
[music_instrument] => 'Guitar'
Looking at validation rules here: I think something like his should work but i am literally getting nothing:
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(),[
'program' => 'required',
'music_instrument' => 'required_if:program,in:Music'
I was hoping this would work too but no luck:
'music_instrument' => 'required_if:program,in_array:Music',
Thoughts? Suggestions?
Thank you!
Haven't tried that, but in general array fields you usually write like this: program.*, so maybe something like this will work:
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(),[
'program' => 'required',
'music_instrument' => 'required_if:program.*,in:Music'
If it won't work, obviously you can do it also in the other way for example like this:
$rules = ['program' => 'required'];
if (in_array('Music', $request->input('program', []))) {
$rules['music_instrument'] = 'required';
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
I know this post is older but if someone came across this issue again.
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(),[
'program' => 'required',
'music_instrument' => 'required_if:program,Music,other values'
You could create a new custom rule called required_if_array_contains like this...
In app/Providers/CustomValidatorProvider.php add a new private function:
* A version of required_if that works for groups of checkboxes and multi-selects
private function required_if_array_contains(): void
function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, Validator $validator){
// The first item in the array of parameters is the field that we take the value from
$valueField = array_shift($parameters);
$valueFieldValues = Input::get($valueField);
if (is_null($valueFieldValues)) {
return true;
foreach ($parameters as $parameter) {
if (in_array($parameter, $valueFieldValues) && strlen(trim($value)) == 0) {
// As soon as we find one of the parameters has been selected, we reject if field is empty
$validator->addReplacer('required_if_array_contains', function($message) use ($parameter) {
return str_replace(':value', $parameter, $message);
return false;
// If we've managed to get this far, none of the parameters were selected so it must be valid
return true;
And don't forget to check there is a use statement at the top of CustomValidatorProvider.php for our use of Validator as an argument in our new method:
use Illuminate\Validation\Validator;
Then in the boot() method of CustomValidatorProvider.php call your new private method:
public function boot()
Then teach Laravel to write the validation message in a human-friendly way by adding a new item to the array in resources/lang/en/validation.php:
return [
'required_if_array_contains' => ':attribute must be provided when ":value" is selected.',
Now you can write validation rules like this:
public function rules()
return [
"animals": "required",
"animals-other": "required_if_array_contains:animals,other-mamal,other-reptile",
In the above example, animals is a group of checkboxes and animals-other is a text input that is only required if the other-mamal or other-reptile value has been checked.
This would also work for a select input with multiple selection enabled or any input that results in an array of values in one of the inputs in the request.
The approach I took for a similar problem was to make a private function inside my Controller class and use a ternary expression to add the required field if it came back true.
I have roughly 20 fields that have a checkbox to enable the input fields in this case, so it may be overkill in comparison, but as your needs grow, it could prove helpful.
* Check if the parameterized value is in the submitted list of programs
* #param Request $request
* #param string $value
private function _checkProgram(Request $request, string $value)
if ($request->has('program')) {
return in_array($value, $request->input('program'));
return false;
Using this function, you can apply the same logic if you have other fields for your other programs as well.
Then in the store function:
public function store(Request $request)
$this->validate(request(), [
// ... your other validation here
'music_instrument' => ''.($this->_checkProgram($request, 'music') ? 'required' : '').'',
// or if you have some other validation like max value, just remember to add the |-delimiter:
'music_instrument' => 'max:64'.($this->_checkProgram($request, 'music') ? '|required' : '').'',
// rest of your store function
Here my piece of code to solve that kind of trouble usind Laravel 6 Validation Rules
I tried to use the code above
public function rules()
return [
"some_array_field.*" => ["required", "integer", "in:1,2,4,5"],
"another_field" => ["nullable", "required_if:operacao.*,in:1"],
I need that when some_array_field has 1 in your value, another_field must be validated, otherwhise, can be null.
With the code above, doesn't work, even with required_if:operacao.*,1
If I change the rule for another_field to required_if:operacao.0,1 WORKS but only if the value to find is in index 0, when the order changes, validation fails.
So, I decided to use a custom closure function
Here's the final code for the example that works fine form me.
public function rules()
return [
"some_array_field.*" => ["required", "integer", "in:1,2,4,5"],
"another_field" => [
Rule::requiredIf (
function () {
return in_array(1, (array)$this->request->get("some_array_field"));
I hope that solve your trouble too!

CakePHP 3 - Cake trying to validate notEmpty for some reason

My table is throwing a default "notEmpty" validation error, even though I have not written any validation of the sort.
Basic validation in my Table class:
public function validationDefault(Validator $validator)
return $validator->requirePresence('my_field', 'create', 'Custom error message');
Data being set:
['my_field' => null]
As far as I can tell from the docs, this should not fail validation.
Key presence is checked by using array_key_exists() so that null values will count as present.
However, what is actually happening is that validation is failing with a message:
'my_field' => 'This field cannot be left empty'
This is Cake's default message for the notEmpty() validation function, so where is it coming from? I want it to allow the null value. My database field also allows NULL.
I have managed to solve the issue by adding allowEmpty() to the validation for that field. This would, therefore, seem to show that Cake assumes that if your field is required you also want it validate notEmpty() by default, even if you didn't tell it so.
This directly contradicts the documentation line I showed above:
Key presence is checked by using array_key_exists() so that null values will count as present.
So does the documentation need to be updated, or is it a bug?
Although it is not mentioned in the Cake 3 documentation, required fields are not allowed to be empty by default, so you have to explicitly state that the field is required and allowed to be empty.
public function validationDefault(Validator $validator)
return $validator
->requirePresence('my_field', 'create', 'Custom error message')
->allowEmpty('my_field', 'create');
This had me stumped for a while. The default behaviour is not at all intuitive. Here's some code that applies conditional validation on an array of scenarios coded as [ targetField, whenConditionalField, isConditionalValue ]
public function validationRegister()
$validator = new Validator();
$conditionals = [ ['shipAddress1','shipEqualsBill','N'], ['shipTown','shipEqualsBill','N'], ['shipPostcode','shipEqualsBill','N'] ];
foreach($conditionals as $c) {
if (!is_array($c[2])) $c[2] = [$c[2]];
// As #BadHorsie says, this is the crucial line
$validator->add($c[0], 'notEmpty', [
'rule' => 'notEmpty',
'on' => function ($context) use ($c) {
return (!empty($context['data'][$c[1]]) && in_array($context['data'][$c[1]], $c[2]));
return $validator;
So, in this case, if the user selects that the Shipping Address is not the same as the Billing Address, various shipping fields must then be notEmpty.

cakephp3 custom validation

I have a duration field that sometimes can be empty and sometimes can't, depending on the other data sent by the form. So I'm trying to do custom validation in CakePHP3.
In my table I did
public function validationDefault(Validator $validator)
->add('duration', 'durationOk', [
'rule' => 'isDurationOk',
'message' => 'duration is not OK',
'provider' => 'table'
return $validator;
public function isDurationOk($value, $context)
// do some logic
return false; // Always return false, just for test
Now when I set the value for duration field I get an 'duration is not OK' error (as expected). But when I let the value empty I get a 'This field cannot be left empty' error.
So I added:
But in this case when duration is empty I don't get an error at all.
Am I doing something wrong or it's just me don't understanding how validation works?
Let me read the book for you:
Conditional Validation
When defining validation rules, you can use the on key to define when
a validation rule should be applied. If left undefined, the rule will
always be applied. Other valid values are create and update. Using one
of these values will make the rule apply to only create or update
Additionally, you can provide a callable function that will determine
whether or not a particular rule should be applied:
'on' => function ($context) {
// Do your "other data" checks here
return !empty($context['data']['other_data']);
So just define the conditions depending on your "other data" in the callback to apply the rule only when the conditons are true.
Alternatively you can manipulate the plain form data even before it gets validated in the beforeMarshal() callback of the table and change the form data as needed or load another validator or modify the validator.

Yii2: specific form field editable based on Role

Well, I can restrict users access permissions(i.e. view, create, update or delete) to forms or views based on access control using behaviors.
But I wonder how I can restrict a specific user from editing some of the fields in the form i.e. allow specific fields is read-only for some users and editable by some users.
Can I provide any kind of access rule in the model or attach some rule in the _form.php itself.
Try this.
if(\Yii::$app->user->can('admin')) {
In this case the input field will only appear if condition matches.
For exactly this case I've created my own class that extends ActiveForm. With the code below it's possible to add rules to a specific field for one or more roles. I use it like this in my forms:
<?= $form->field($model, 'foo', [], [AccessUtil::USER_ROLE => RoleBasedActiveForm::INVISIBLE]) ?>
The Role Based Active Form will show a normal input field when you don't add any rules. It won't display anything if you say it should be invisible for a roles and it also supports read-only (UNEDITABLE).
class RoleBasedActiveForm extends ActiveForm {
const VISIBLE = 0;
const INVISIBLE = 1;
const UNEDITABLE = 2;
public function field($model, $attribute, $options = [], $rules = []) {
$case = empty($rules) ? self::VISIBLE : $this->_validateRules($rules);
switch ($case) {
case self::VISIBLE:
return parent::field($model, $attribute, $options);
case self::INVISIBLE:
case self::UNEDITABLE:
return parent::field($model, $attribute, array_merge($options, [
'template' => '{label}' . $model->$attribute,
private function _validateRules($rules) {
// validate and return a const
This will do the form part. You will also have to do some validation after posting the values of course, to make sure someone hasn't modified the form. (changed read only to editable with the inspector or something)
Yes it can be done easily as far ur requirement is concerned without resorting to any utilities.
Try this code:
$form->field($model,'field')->textInput(['disabled' => !\Yii::$app->user->can('admin')]);
you need to replace ur field name and admin with your user role. In the above example only admin can edit this field, for other users it will show as disabled or readonly.
That's it.
This is a better answer. You put this in the validation either inline or as a separate function.
[[ 'input-name' ],
function ($attribute, $params) {
$user_role_array = Yii::$app->authManager->getRolesByUser(Yii::$app->user->getId());
if( !array_key_exists( "Role Name", $user_role_array ) ) {
$myOldA = ( $this->getOldAttribute( $attribute ) );
if( $this->{$attribute} !== (string) $myOldA ) {
$this->addError($attribute, "Please contact XXXXX to modify this option. The field has been reset. You may now resubmit the form" );
$this->{$attribute} = $myOldA;
} //End of if attribute equals old attribute
} //End of if array key exists
}, 'skipOnEmpty' => false, 'skipOnError' => false ],
[Next Rule if inline validation]
