Select using join tables and array in a table - php

Hi there I have 2 tables
and the second table
inside songsids theres an array like this
1,3,5,6,8 etc ...
What Im aiming to do is select * from table1 and echo out the table1 as in an array but instead of tables two array , the actual row of table1.
So basically To take out each row that contains the id in songslist and put them all into a php array.
I have learned a lot about PHP arrays , but I'm not that good with mysql , Any Idea of how can I do that ?
$selectmusiclist = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM music");
$songslist = array();
while ($songs = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectmusiclist)){
$songslist[] = $songs;
and then table 2 select:
$selectuser = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersmusic where user=$username");
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectuser);
$songslist = $user['songslist'];
NOW I need to tell the array $songslist[] to output only the songs with id $songslist contained ids

I think running a join like this will give you the results you are after.
SELECT * FROM usersmusic as um
join music as m
on um.songslist =
where user = '$username'
If $username is not a static value make sure you escape it; don't want to get SQL injected in the future.
Also note the mysql_ driver is now deprecated you should consider updating to mysqli or PDO.


How can I solve an problem with two select statements in one query

I want to retrieve og tags with sql in php language but I only get to see 1 result, that is the first one he reads, the other I don't get to see in page source.
this is the code with php.
$query = "SELECT metatitle FROM isacontent_content WHERE contentid = 12245
SELECT name FROM isacontent_module_anchorimage WHERE contentid = 12245";
$resimage = $conn->query($query);
foreach ($resimage as $resItem){
$metaData[] = $resItem->fetch_assoc();
$metaData[] = $resimage->fetch_assoc();
$title = $metaData[0]["metatitle"];
$image = $metaData[0]["name"];
I expect that both select statements will work and I can see both contents in the meta tags
For UNION ALL, your column name must be same or you can use ALIAS for this.
but, here in your example, you can simply use INNER JOIN to get the both values from 2 tables by using 1 single query.
SELECT ic.metatitle, FROM isacontent_content ic
INNER JOIN isacontent_module_anchorimage im ON im.contentid = ic.contentid
WHERE ic.contentid = 12245
Using INNER JOIN because your both tables having relation, so you can simply use INNER JOIN
Side Note:
If you know, your query will return 1 row then why are you storing data into an array here $metaData[]? you can simply store $title and $image inside you foreach() loop.
When you use union, your columns have to be in same number as it will combine results of two queries. In your case your asking for an particular content results which are stored in multiple tables, so you can go for joins.

PHP PDO - Get same field name values of three tables in join

query = SELECT * FROM design_trip,meal_pref,types where design_trip.meal_id = meal_pref.meal_id and design_trip.triptype_id = types.type_id;
There is two columns called "name_en", when i write in foreach
<?php echo $value->budget; ?>
its getting just first table value.
I'm using this in PDO query to get values from 3 table join, how can i print this values separately?
You could give separate names when selecting for the fields. Like
SELECT design_trip.meal_id as designtripmealId
FROM design_trip,meal_pref,types
where design_trip.meal_id = meal_pref.meal_id
and design_trip.triptype_id = types.type_id;
To get all the fields incase you don't want to specify the rest of the fields, you can use table_name.*.
try this
SELECT * FROM table1
JOIN table2 ON table1.userid = table2.userid
WHERE table1.userid = 1

Mysql - SELECT columns from 2 tables using INNER JOIN error

This should be a basic question, but I haven't used Mysql for a very long time and forgot all the basic stuff. So SO programmers please bear with me.
I have 2 tables like this:
Table 1 (events): here
Table 2 (users): here
I would like to select all rows in the events table where event_invitees contains a username. I was able to do this using:
SELECT * FROM meetmeup_events WHERE event_invitees LIKE '%$username%'
Now I'd like to also select the event_invitees's photo from the users table (column called user_userphoto). My attempt to this was this:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT meetmeup_events.*, meetmeup_user.user_photo
FROM meetmeup_events
WHERE event_invitees LIKE '%$username%'
INNER JOIN meetmeup_user
ON meetmeup_user.user_username = meetmeup_events.event_inviter");
$rows = array();
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$rows['meetmeup_user'][] = $r;
echo json_encode($rows);
This gave me an error: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
How can I do this? What am I missing? Can you give me some examples?
Thanks in advance! I'll be sure to accept the working answer!
You should change your mysql functions to either mysqli / PDO, although the problem seems to be the query itsef. Should be:
SELECT meetmeup_events.*, meetmeup_user.user_photo
FROM meetmeup_events
INNER JOIN meetmeup_user
ON meetmeup_user.user_username = meetmeup_events.event_inviter
WHERE event_invitees LIKE '%$username%'
(the WHERE clause at the end)
Sql fiddle demo:!2/852a2/1
Its just a matter of getting the query coded in the correct order, and you might like to make it a little more managable by using alias's for the table names
Try this :-
SELECT me.*,
FROM meetmeup_events me
INNER JOIN meetmeup_user mu ON mu.user_username = me.event_inviter
WHERE me.event_invitees LIKE '%$username%'
This of course assumes that all the column names are correct and the mu.user_username = me.event_inviter does in fact make sence because those fields are in fact equal
Additional Suggestion
You are not actually issuing the query for execution by mysql.
You have to do this :-
$sql = "SELECT me.*,
FROM meetmeup_events me
INNER JOIN meetmeup_user mu ON mu.user_username = me.event_inviter
WHERE me.event_invitees LIKE '%$username%'";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$rows = array('mysql_count' => mysql_num_rows($result) );
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$rows['meetmeup_user'][] = $r;
echo json_encode($rows);
Now in your browser using the javascript debugger look at the data that is returned. There should at least be a mysql_count field in it even if there is no 'meetmeup_user' array, and if it is zero you know it found nothing using your criteria.

how to extract mysql data into json using php

i have retrieved mysql data from one table in json using the following script
$table_first = 'abc';
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table_first";
$resouter = mysql_query($query, $conn);
$set = array();
$total_records = mysql_numrows($resouter);
if($total_records >= 1){
while ($link = mysql_fetch_array($resouter, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
$set[] = $link;
echo json_encode($set);
how can i retrieved data from two other tables in which there is a foreign key of this table in both of those tables. OR simply how can i retrieved data from 3 mysql tables in php.
I believe the best way to go here is using a JOIN or just something like this:
$sql = "SELECT
tabl1.*, table2.*, tabl3.* FROM table1, table2, table3
table1.fk1 = AND
table1.fk2 =";
//Do the whole selection process...
If you make the queries separately, you'll be forcing 3 queries onto your database and will end in a performance hit that you dont need. So, the idea is load all the data from the DB using joins or similar that and then encode the results. Is faster and you'll leave the merging work to MySQL
Hope I can help
You can get all data firstly.
Then merge the data array.
Finally use json_encode to change the data format.
There is a foreign key of this table in both so you can use "join" to retrieve values from other tables.
Suppose that there are two tables as State(st_id,st_name) and City(ct_id,ct_name,state_id). Now, primary key are st_id & ct_id respectively of tables State & City.
Connection between this two table can be establish by joining State.st_id and City.state_id.
Now, coming to your problem to retrieve data from two table State & City, we can make sql query like following,
$sql="select s.*, c.* from State s, City c
where s.st_id=c.state_id ";
Using above query you can fetch data from database and convert into json format and can send it to android system. here is a good article i hope you like it.
I believe your code roughly will look like this:
$query = "SELECT
A.column1 AS First_1
A.column2 AS First_2
B.column2 AS Second
C.column3 AS Third
FROM table1 A, table2 B, table3 C
A.fk1 = AND
B.fk2 =";
where a column is a relevant record you want to show. Meanwhile,
AS will act as a key name in JSON.

Enumerating tables used in mysql query?

Is there any way to enumerate tables used in mysql query?
Lets say I have query :
SELECT * FROM db_people.people_facts pf
INNER JOIN db_system.connections sm ON sm.source_id = pf.object_id
INNER JOIN db_people.people p ON sm.target_id = p.object_id
ORDER BY pf.object_id DESC
And I want in return array:
$tables = array(
[0] => 'db_people.people_facts',
[1] => 'db_system.connections',
[2] => 'db_people.people',
Yes, you can get information about tables and columns that are part of a query result. This is called result set metadata.
The only PHP solution for MySQL result set metadata is to use the MySQLi extension and the mysqli_stmt::result_metadata() function.
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM db_people.people_facts pf
INNER JOIN db_system.connections sm ON sm.source_id = pf.object_id
INNER JOIN db_people.people p ON sm.target_id = p.object_id
ORDER BY pf.object_id DESC");
$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();
$field1 = $meta->fetch_field();
echo "Table for field " . $field1->name . " is " . $field1->table . "\n";
You'll have to build the array of distinct tables used in the query yourself, by looping over the fields.
Depending on what you're using it for, MySQL's EXPLAIN could do the trick for you:
The solution marked as good will return only the result tables. But if you do the next query it will fail:
SELECT users.* FROM users, cats, dogs WHERE = cats.user_id
Will return only users and not cats and dogs tables.
The best solution is find a good parser, another solution is using REGEX and EXPLAIN query (more info in the next link):
Get mysql tables in a query
But I think that another good solution is list all tables and search them inside the query, you can cache the list of tables.
EDIT: When searching for tables, better use a preg like:
// (`|'|"| )table_name(\1|$)
if(preg_match('/(`|\'|"| )table_name(\1|$)/i', $query))
// found
If not, it can return false positives with for example "table_name2", "table_name3"... table_name will return FOUND two times.
