query = SELECT * FROM design_trip,meal_pref,types where design_trip.meal_id = meal_pref.meal_id and design_trip.triptype_id = types.type_id;
There is two columns called "name_en", when i write in foreach
<?php echo $value->budget; ?>
its getting just first table value.
I'm using this in PDO query to get values from 3 table join, how can i print this values separately?
You could give separate names when selecting for the fields. Like
SELECT design_trip.meal_id as designtripmealId
FROM design_trip,meal_pref,types
where design_trip.meal_id = meal_pref.meal_id
and design_trip.triptype_id = types.type_id;
To get all the fields incase you don't want to specify the rest of the fields, you can use table_name.*.
try this
SELECT * FROM table1
JOIN table2 ON table1.userid = table2.userid
WHERE table1.userid = 1
I want to retrieve og tags with sql in php language but I only get to see 1 result, that is the first one he reads, the other I don't get to see in page source.
this is the code with php.
$query = "SELECT metatitle FROM isacontent_content WHERE contentid = 12245
SELECT name FROM isacontent_module_anchorimage WHERE contentid = 12245";
$resimage = $conn->query($query);
foreach ($resimage as $resItem){
$metaData[] = $resItem->fetch_assoc();
$metaData[] = $resimage->fetch_assoc();
$title = $metaData[0]["metatitle"];
$image = $metaData[0]["name"];
I expect that both select statements will work and I can see both contents in the meta tags
For UNION ALL, your column name must be same or you can use ALIAS for this.
but, here in your example, you can simply use INNER JOIN to get the both values from 2 tables by using 1 single query.
SELECT ic.metatitle, im.name FROM isacontent_content ic
INNER JOIN isacontent_module_anchorimage im ON im.contentid = ic.contentid
WHERE ic.contentid = 12245
Using INNER JOIN because your both tables having relation, so you can simply use INNER JOIN
Side Note:
If you know, your query will return 1 row then why are you storing data into an array here $metaData[]? you can simply store $title and $image inside you foreach() loop.
When you use union, your columns have to be in same number as it will combine results of two queries. In your case your asking for an particular content results which are stored in multiple tables, so you can go for joins.
I have to select data from multiple tables based on single key value. I have one table called maintable where I will get all the ids from, and i have another 10 tables in the same database which have maintable.id as a foreign key. Now I have to retrieve data from the 10 tables where maintable.id matches in one single table.
The code I have tried is:
$sql = select id from maintable;
$runsql = mysql_query($sql);
while($sqlRow = mysql_fetch_array($runsql ,MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
for($i=1;$i<=10(This is another table count);$i++) {
$servSql = "select * from table.$i where ref_id = ".$sqlRow['id'];
$runServerSql = mysql_query($servSql);
while($serverRow = mysql_fetch_array($runServSql,MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
Try something like this in a join:
SELECT * FROM maintable m
INNER JOIN othertable o
ON m.id = o.id
That will select from both tables using an inner join ON the id column. You may want to look up a basic SQL tutorial to learn the basic types of joins you can use. Good luck!
Hi there I have 2 tables
and the second table
inside songsids theres an array like this
1,3,5,6,8 etc ...
What Im aiming to do is select * from table1 and echo out the table1 as in an array but instead of tables two array , the actual row of table1.
So basically To take out each row that contains the id in songslist and put them all into a php array.
I have learned a lot about PHP arrays , but I'm not that good with mysql , Any Idea of how can I do that ?
$selectmusiclist = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM music");
$songslist = array();
while ($songs = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectmusiclist)){
$songslist[] = $songs;
and then table 2 select:
$selectuser = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM usersmusic where user=$username");
$user = mysql_fetch_assoc($selectuser);
$songslist = $user['songslist'];
NOW I need to tell the array $songslist[] to output only the songs with id $songslist contained ids
I think running a join like this will give you the results you are after.
SELECT * FROM usersmusic as um
join music as m
on um.songslist = m.id
where user = '$username'
If $username is not a static value make sure you escape it; don't want to get SQL injected in the future.
Also note the mysql_ driver is now deprecated you should consider updating to mysqli or PDO.
I have made an SQL query from two tables. Everything works good but problem is that this two tables have the same field names and after I do not know how to display them correct, how to tell that $data['aaa'] is from table 1 and the same $data['aaa'] from table 2
here is my SQL query :
$query_str = "SELECT
FROM products_category cm, products_global_category u
WHERE cm.global_category_id = u.id
and display data
<? foreach ($sub_category_list as $line) : ?>
<td><?=$line['menu_lv']?></td> <---- here I want to display data from products_global_category u
<td><?=$line['sub_menu_lv']?></td> <---- products_category cm
<td><?=$line['sub_menu_ru']?></td> <---- products_category cm
<td><?=$line['sub_menu_en']?></td> <---- products_category cm
<? endforeach; ?>
As a solution you can change your SQL query to give an alias to the fields that have the same name.
For example:
SELECT somefield AS othername FROM table.
In this case, the somefield field will be available through the alias othername.
In your case:
$query_str = "SELECT
cm.id AS cm_id,
cm.menu_lv AS cm_menulv,
cm.menu_ru AS cm_menuru,
cm.menu_en AS cm.menuen,
u.id as u_id,
u.menu_lv AS u_menulv,
u.menu_ru AS u_menuru,
u.menu_en AS u_menuen
FROM products_category cm, products_global_category u
WHERE cm.global_category_id = u.id
And then in your PHP:
$line['u_menulv'] //Access field menu_lv from products_global_category table
$line['cm_menulv'] //Access field menu_lv from products_category table
EDIT: In mysql_fetch_array documentation page:
If two or more columns of the result have the same field names, the
last column will take precedence. To access the other column(s) of the
same name, you must use the numeric index of the column or make an
alias for the column. For aliased columns, you cannot access the
contents with the original column name.
In other words, either create an alias like shown above or access the fields by the numeric index of the array.
Simply alias the records you wish to print out which conflict with one another, for example:
table1.pid AS page_id,
table2.pid AS product_id
table1.id = table2.id
And then within your PHP you can echo them out as follows:
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
echo $row['page_id'];
echo $row['product_id'];
Hope this helps!
Ok, here's a database.
Say I've inserted values into the database for each of these tables, although the IDs would be auto incrementing. There are many BVALUES from each AVALUE, thus the AB table. I have all the AVALUEs from TABLE A in a drop-down list. A user selects an AVALUE which I put into a variable using
Then I do an sql statement to get the AVALUEs from TABLE A that equal $AVALUE.
How do I then get the NAMEID from TABLEA for that AVALUE, then reference to AB where TABLEANAMEID = NAMEID from TABLEA? Then I want to get all the BVALUES by getting all the TABLEBNAMEIDs that correspond to the TABLEANAMEIDs.
I then want those BVALUES in a drop-down list on a seperate HTML page. After a bit of Googling the solution I think would be to do some sort of a loop putting the BVALUES into a variable as all the NAMEIDs from TABLE B increment where the variable would be in an $BVALUE loop and the list values would show with all the BVALUES.
I hope I explained that right. I think I know what I'm trying to do but I have no idea how to actually implement it. Please help guys.
You need to join those table together. What you are describing is an m:n relation. In this case you have do use 2 joins like this:
SELECT * FROM TableA AS a WHERE a.avalue = $AVALUE
JOIN TableAB AS a2b ON a.namevalue = a2b.id_a
JOIN TableB AS b ON a2b.id_b = b.id
Maybe u means, u want to get all BVALUE which has relation with selected AVALUE in table AB
$sql = "SELECT B.NAMEID as id, BVALUE as value FROM TABLEA A
get mysql result
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo "<select>";
foreach ($r = mysql_fetch_object($result)) {
echo '<option value="'.$r->id.'">'.$r->value.'</option>';
echo "</select>";