So, here is the question ( I am trying to solve. To solve this, I created a simple function calculateFine and set the conditions to calculate the fine. What's the problem, then? Well, when I run the code on my machine, everything seems fine, but hackerrank won't accept the code. I am new to PHP and concept of functions was a bit confusing for me, but I tried. Below is my code:
$_fp = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
/* Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT */
$_a = explode(" ",fgets($_fp));
$_b = explode(" ",fgets($_fp));
// Initialising variable
$_fine = "";
// Calling Function
// Defining Function
function calculateFine($actualDate, $returnDate)
// Checking various conditions
if ($actualDate[0] <= $returnDate[0] && $actualDate[1] == $returnDate[1] && $actualDate[2] == $returnDate[2])
$_fine = 0;
echo $_fine;
elseif($actualDate[0] > $returnDate[0] && $actualDate[1] == $returnDate[1] && $actualDate[2] == $returnDate[2])
$_late = $actualDate[0] - $returnDate[0];
$_fine = 15*$_late;
echo $_fine;
elseif($actualDate[1] > $returnDate[1] && $actualDate[2] == $returnDate[2])
$_late = $actualDate[1] - $returnDate[1];
$_fine = 500*$_late;
echo $_fine;
elseif($actualDate[2] > $returnDate[2])
$_fine = 10000;
echo $_fine;
$_fine = 0;
echo $fine; // Updated (This is the undefined variable causing error )
It seems there's a newline in $actualDate[2]. So if you trim it you'll get the right answer:
But would be better to trim it here already:
$_a = explode(" ",trim(fgets($_fp)));
$_b = explode(" ",trim(fgets($_fp)));
I got it, sorry for the carelessness. The last echo is $fine instead of $_fine. That's why the condition was not matching with some of the test cases. Thankyou.
I am sorry to ask such a question but am bit confused about this.
I am having simple variables defined.
$a =1;
$testa = 1;
$testb = 4;
$testc = 3;
$testd = 7;
if($a!="" || $b!="" || $c!="" || $d!="") {
if($a==$testa && $b==$testb && $c==$testc && $d==$testd) {
echo $testa;
echo $testb;
echo $testc;
echo $testd;
This is sample php code.
what I need is that I have variables defined at top. SO in my loop i want to display result if user has any 1 variable but in below loop display result based on "and" parameter.
I actually want to skip the empty variable. SO in this case, I want as $d is empty, so it should be prevented somehow from if($a==$testa && $b==$testb && $c==$testc && $d==$testd) from here.
Any help is really appreciated.
To skip the empty values from the check, use ||
if ( ... && (empty($d) || $d == $testd)) {
Then if you also want to skip it in your echos :
echo !empty($d) ? $testd : '';
I'm trying to do a loop that display a few conditions based on load average and cpus/memory etc. However, it seems like it only pull the usage information once for the entire loop. I want it to update it on each loop: Here's what I got, any kind of help on this is great appreciated!
exec("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l",$processors);
function sys_getloadavg_hack()
$str = substr(strrchr(shell_exec("uptime"),":"),1);
$avs = array_map("trim",explode(",",$str));
return $avs;
$load = sys_getloadavg_hack();
function get_memory() {
foreach(file('/proc/meminfo') as $ri)
$m[strtok($ri, ':')] = strtok('');
return 100 - round(($m['MemFree'] + $m['Buffers'] + $m['Cached']) / $m['MemTotal'] * 100);
function print_exec(){
return $last_line;
for ($i=1; $i<=50; $i++)
$memory = get_memory();
$cpu = substr(print_exec(),-5);
if($memory>"10" && $cpu>"10" && $load[0]<$totalc) {
echo "Everything is good!";
} else {
echo "Memory: $memory || CPU: $cpu || Load AVG: $load[0] || #CPU's: $totalc<br> || #Runtime: $i\n\n";
You have to make all calculations every loop.
For example: You call sys_getloadavg_hack() only once before your loop.
Try to add the sys_getloadavg_hack() call in the for loop.
$load = sys_getloadavg_hack();
I have a function that will take an id and with that find out other information in the database relating to it spread among 3 tables. It then compares this to a csv file which at most times is cpu intensive. Running this once with one id takes approx 8 to 10 sec at most but I have been asked to have it run automatically across a varing number of ids in the database. To do this I created an array of the ids that match the criteria in the database at any point and then run a 'while' statement to repeat the function for each element in the array but it gets as far as maybe 4 of them and I get the following error:
Server error!
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete
your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in
a CGI script.
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 500
I'll admit that my code could be much much cleaner as I'm still learning as I go but the real bottle neck appears to be reading the csv which is a report which size changes each day. I have tried different combinations and the best result is (please don't chastise me for this as I know it is stupid but the other ways haven't works as of yet) to run the code as follows:
$eventArray = eventArray($venueId);
$totalEvents = count($eventArray);
for($i=0; $i<$totalEvents; $i++)
$eventId = $eventArray[$i];
echo $eventId;
echo $datename = getEventDetails($eventId, $zone);
// date of event
echo $eventDate = $datename['eventDate'];
// vs team
echo $eventName = $datename['eventName'];
$file_handle = fopen("data/rohm/sales/today.csv", "r");
while (!feof($file_handle) )
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 200);
Yes, it is repeating the reading of the csv every time but I couldn't get it to function at all any other way so if this is the issue I would really appreciate some guidence on dealing with the csv better. Incase it is relevent the code it 'finance_logic.php' is listed below:
if($line_of_text[0] == "Event: $eventName ")
$f = 1;
$ticketTotalSet = "no";
$killSet = 'no';
// default totals zero
$totalHolds = 0;
$totalKills = 0;
$ticketSold = 0;
$ticketPrice = 0;
$totalCap = 0;
if($f == 1 && $line_of_text[0] == "$eventDate")
$f = 2;
if($f == 2 && $line_of_text[0] == "Holds")
$f = 3;
while($line_of_text[$col] !== "Face Value Amt")
if($f == 3 && $line_of_text[0] !== "Face Value Amt")
if($f == 3 && $line_of_text[0] == "*: Kill")
$totalKills = $line_of_text[$col];
$holdsArray[] = $line_of_text[$col];
if($f == 3 && $line_of_text[0] == "--")
$f = 4;
if($f == 4 && $line_of_text[0] == "Capacity")
$totalCap = $line_of_text[$col];
$f = 5;
if($f == 5 && $line_of_text[0] == "Abbreviated Performance Totals")
$f = 6;
if($f == 6 && $line_of_text[0] == "$eventName")
// change when 1 ticket exists
$ticketTotalSet = "yes";
// set season tickets
// all non season are single tickets
$category = 'single';
$ticketName = $line_of_text[2];
$ticketSold = $line_of_text[3];
$ticketPrice = $line_of_text[4];
addTicketType($eventId, $ticketName, $category, $ticketSold, $ticketPrice);
if($f == 6 && $ticketTotalSet == "yes" && $line_of_text[0] !== "$eventName")
$totalHolds = (array_sum($holdsArray) - $totalKills);
// add cap, holds and kills
addKillsHoldsCap($eventId, $totalCap, $eventId, $totalHolds, $totalKills);
// reset everything
$f = 0;
$ticketTotalSet = "no";
echo "$eventName updated!";
Thanks in advance!
p.s. The reason the report is called each time is so that the 'eventName' and 'eventDate' are searched for with the 'finance_logic.php'. Obviously if this was set with all event names and dates already it would take one search of the report to find them all but I'm not sure how I could do this dynamically. Any suggestions would be welcome as I'm sure there is something out there that I just haven't learnt yet.
I have some heavy script i use with localhost sometimes and if i don't add anything they will just time out.
A simple solution is to limit the number of execution of your function, then reload the page, then restart where you stopped.
I'm just working on the Backend of a project an have a small problem with this snippet
if (isset($_POST['id'])) {
$cat_delete = "DELETE FROM category WHERE categoryid='".$_POST['id']."' ";
$cat_delete_ex = mysql_query($cat_delete);}`
But if the id is set with post, nothing happens.
The mysql query is working when I delete the
if (isset($_POST['id']))
anyone have an idea ?
Well I am not sure if your method is safe or not, but I would do it like this, might even throw in a regex to check for just numbers if the id is numeric:
EDIT: I made a revision, since you are dealing with an ID, I will assume the ID is numeric only, so instead of escaping it, I just will strip out everything but numbers. This may be a better fit for your situation. I also converted the function to a class so you will be able to reuse the script for several types of sanitizing strings. Maybe its because I am an overachiever too, I don't know. ADD, OCD, etc. Blame it on that :)
$postID = isset($_POST['id']) ? sanitize::ID($_POST['id']) : '';
if (sanitize::email("")){
echo "Real email";
} else {
echo "Fake email";
if ($postID != ''){
$cat_delete = "DELETE FROM category WHERE categoryid='".$postID."' ";
$cat_delete_ex = mysql_query($cat_delete);
class sanitize{
function ID($string){
$string = preg_replace('/[^0-9,]|,[0-9]*$/','',$string);
return $string;
# I added another sanitize function so you can see what you can do
# with it. Add phone numbers, domain names, etc... Each one could
# be called with sanitize::{FUNCTION}
function email($string){
if (!ereg("^[^#]{1,64}#[^#]{1,255}$", $string)) {
return false;
$email_array = explode("#", $string);
$local_array = explode(".", $email_array[0]);
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($local_array); $i++) {
if (!ereg("^(([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-][A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~\.-]{0,63})|(\"[^(\\|\")]{0,62}\"))$",$local_array[$i])) return false;
if (!ereg("^\[?[0-9\.]+\]?$", $email_array[1])) {
$domain_array = explode(".", $email_array[1]);
if (sizeof($domain_array) < 2) return false;
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($domain_array); $i++) {
if (!ereg("^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|([A-Za-z0-9]+))$", $domain_array[$i])) return false;
return true;
are you sure you are using post for the id?(asking because is the right way, but i have one too many times
<form action="action.php?id=hereistheid"
which will bring the id in the $_GET not $_POST.
next the checking
//do smth
Like the title says, PHP is really confusing me on a simple if comparison statement that's returning the opposite of what it should be returning. I'm trying to compare 2 datetime's that are first converted to strings:
//Fetched db query, this returns 2012-06-23 16:00:00
$databaseDateTime = strtotime($row['time']);
//This now returns 1340481600
//today's date and time I'm comparing to, this returns 2012-06-22 17:14:46
$todaysDateTime = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
//this now returns 1340399686
Great, everything works perfect so far. Now here's where things get hairy:
if ($databaseDateTime < $todaysDateTime) { $eventType = 'past'; }
And this returns 'past', which of course it shouldn't. Please tell me I'm missing something. My project kind of depends on this functionality being airtight.
Thanks guys for taking the time to help me out. Let me post the entire code because a few of you need more context. The request is coming from an IOS5 to my backend code and json is being sent back to the phone.
//all included files including $link to mysqli_db and function sendResponse()
function getEvents($eventType, $eventArray) {
global $link;
global $result;
global $i;
global $todaysDateTime;
foreach ($eventArray as $key => $value) {
$sqlGetDeal = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT time FROM deals WHERE id='$value' AND active='y' LIMIT 1") or die ("Sorry there has been an error!");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($sqlGetDeal)) {
//compare times to check if event already happened
$databaseDateTime = strtotime($row['time']);
if ($databaseDateTime < $todaysDateTime) { $eventType = 'past'; }
$result[$i] = array(
'whenDeal' => $eventType,
'time' => $databaseDateTime,
}//end while
}//end foreach
if (isset($_GET['my'])) {
//$_GET['my'] comes in as a string of numbers separated by commas e.g. 3,2,6,3
$myDeals = preg_replace('#[^0-9,]#', '', $_GET['my']);
$todaysDateTime = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$result = array();
$kaboomMy = explode(",", $myDeals);
$i = 1;
if ($myEvents != "") {
getEvents('future', $kaboomMy);
}//end if
sendResponse(200, json_encode($result));
} else {
sendResponse(400, 'Invalid request');
} //end $_POST isset
Found a quick hack around the issue. I just added a local variable to my function and rearranged my compare statement
//added local variable $eventTyppe to function
changed compare from:
if ($databaseDateTime < $todaysDateTime) { $eventType = 'past'; }
if ($todaysDateTime < $databaseDateTime ) {
$eventTyppe = $eventType;
} else {
$eventTyppe = 'past';
Notice if I rearrange compare:
if ($databaseDateTime < $todaysDateTime ) {
$eventTyppe = 'past';
} else {
$eventTyppe = $eventType;
I still get the same error. This is the weirdest thing I've ever seen and the first PHP bug I've run into (I'm assuming it's a PHP bug).
Could you print the values of the times right before this line?
if ($databaseDateTime < $todaysDateTime) { $eventType = 'past'; }
Since that one is declared as global I'm wondering if is it coming back incorrectly.