laravel routes, how to group similar in one file - php

I'm working with laravel(5.2), and there are a lot routes in my route file.
in fresh install I noticed that it was loading auth routes something like this.
nothing else was there in routes.php file related to auth routes.
in my file, I've like this one
Route::get('color/event', 'ColorController#index');
Route::post('color/event', 'ColorController#post_message);
and many others, So I want to load all in laravel way, like Route::color(); and it should load all color related routes
Thanks for you time

you can try this
and try this command
$ php artisan routes

Using Route::get(), Route::post() and similar functions is doing it the Laravel way - see the docs here
Route::auth() is just a helper function introduced in Laravel 5.2 to keep all auth definitions together.

so, anyone if s/he is looking for same answer, I figured that out.
if you want something like Route::auth(); OR Route::color();//in my case or whatever you want to call it, you need to add custom function in your Router.php file. So solution will look like
//inside Router.php file
public function whatever(){
$this->get('app/', 'AppController#index');
$this->post('app/new', 'AppController#create');
and in your route.php file, you can do this.
But this is really dirty way to do that
so instead you can extend the base Router and register your router in bootstrap/app.php
$app->singleton('router', 'App\Your\Router');
so I community forces to use second approach.
for more details, have a look here.
Extending Router( forum)
Extending default Laravel 5 Router
How to extend Router or Replace Customer Router class on Laravel5?
hope someone will find this useful


Laravel getting 404 error when creating new route

it appears that when I created a new route, I receive the 404 error when trying to access the url, which is funny,. because all of my other routes are working just fine.
My web.php looks like so:
Route::post('follow/{user}', 'FollowsController#store');
Route::get('/acasa', 'HomeController#index')->name('acasa');
Route::get('/{user}', 'ProfilesController#index')->name('profil');
Route::get('/profil/{user}/edit', 'ProfilesController#edit')->name('editareprofil');
Route::patch('/profil/{user}', 'ProfilesController#update')->name('updateprofil');
Route::get('/alerte', 'PaginaAlerte#index')->name('alerte');
Route::get('/alerte/url/{user}', 'UrlsController#index')->name('editurl');
Route::post('/alerte/url/{user}', 'UrlsController#store')->name('updateurl');
The one that is NOT working when I am visiting is:
Route::get('/alerte', 'PaginaAlerte#index')->name('alerte');
The controller looks like so:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Auth;
class PaginaAlerte extends Controller
public function __construct() {
public function index(User $user)
return view('alerte');
I am banging my head around as I cannot see which is the problem. It is not a live website yet, I am just developing on my Windows 10 pc using WAMP.
Moved my comment to a little bit explained answer.
So, in your route collection, you have two conflicting routes
Route::get('/{user}', 'ProfilesController#index')->name('profil');
Route::get('/alerte', 'PaginaAlerte#index')->name('alerte');
Imagine that Laravel is reading all routings from top to bottom and it stops to reading next one after the first match.
In your case, Laravel is thinking that alerte is a username and going to the ProfilesController#index controller. Then it tries to find a user with alerte username and returning 404 because for now, you don't have a user with this username.
So to fix 404 error and handle /alerte route, you just need to move the corresponding route before /{username} one.
But here is the dilemma that you got now. What if you will have a user with alerte username? In this case, the user can't see his profile page because now alerte is handling by another route.
And I'm suggesting to use a bit more friendly URL structure for your project. Like /user/{username} to handle some actions with users and still use /alerte to handle alert routes.
The following route catches the url /alerte as well
Route::get('/{user}', 'ProfilesController#index')->name('profil');
Since this one is specified before
Route::get('/alerte', 'PaginaAlerte#index')->name('alerte');
The /alerte will go the the ProfilesController instead.
To fix this change the order of the url definitions or change either of the urls to have nesting e.g. /alerte/home or /user/{user}
Maybe this is too late, but I have all week dealing with this problem.
I made my own custom.php file and add it in the routes path of my Laravel project, and none of the routes were working at all.
This is how I solved it:
You must remember to edit the RouteServiceProvider.php file located in app\Providers path. In the map() function, you must add your .php file. That should work fine!
To avoid unexpected behaviors, map your custom routes first. Some Laravel based systems can "stop" processing routes if no one of the expected routes rules were satisfied. I face that problem, and was driving me crazy!
I would wish suggest to you declare your URL without the "/", like your first "post" route, because sometimes, I have been got this kind of errors (404).
So, my first recomendation is change the declaration of the route. After that, you should test your middleware, try without the construct, and try again.
Good luck!

Wrong controller is being used for edit route ( using Laravel resource helper )

I'm currently using laravel 5.4 and I have stumbled upon something I can't fix.
I'm currently trying to bind a route to a controller using the Laravel resource helper as such :
Route::resource('campaigns', 'CampaignsController');.
I correctly see my route being there when I do a PHP artisan:route list, I have all my CRUD endpoints tied to the appropriate controller function. Also, note that I'm currently doing that for all my route that need to be tied to a CRUD system ( what I'm working with is mostly form ) without any problem
With this being said, whenever I'm trying to edit a Campaign, I get an error : Class App\Http\Controllers\Ads\Campaigns does not exist
I do not know why it's trying to look for a Campaigns controller while I specify the CampaignsController controller. Everything is behaving correctly in campaigns route, except the edit one. Also, all my other routes have the same logic and never faced this problem.
Any idea why it is looking for the wrong Controller ?
Here's my namespace declaration and folder hierarchy, which is ok ( please note that the adsController has its routes declared the same way and is used the same way too )
here's my edit method
and here's the error
It's quite possible that you try to inject not existing class in your controller.
Take a look at controller constructor or edit route if you don't have something like this:
public function edit(Campaigns $campaigns)
and make sure you import Campaigns from valid namespace (probably it's not in App\Http\Controllers\Ads namespace.
If it doesn't help try to find in your app directory occurrences of Ads\Campaigns to see where it's used. Sometimes problem can be in completely different part of your application.
Also make sure you didn't make any typo. In error you have Campaigns but your model is probably Campaign - is it possible that in one place you have extra s at the end?
Try with Route::resource('campaigns', 'Ads\CampaignsController'); in your web.php file

Laravel Forwarding Route To Another Route File

I'm building enterprise modular Laravel web application but I'm having a small problem.
I would like to have it so that if someone goes to the /api/*/ route (/api/ is a route group) that it will go to an InputController. the first variable next to /api/ will be the module name that the api is requesting info from. So lets say for example: /api/phonefinder/find
In this case, when someone hit's this route, it will go to InputController, verifiy if the module 'phonefinder' exists, then sends anything after the /api/phonefinder to the correct routes file in that module's folder (In this case the '/find' Route..)
/api/phonefinder/find - Go to input controller and verify if phonefinder module exists (Always go to InputController even if its another module instead of phonefinder)
/find - Then call the /find route inside folder Modules/phonefinder/routes.php
Any idea's on how to achieve this?
Middlewares are designed for this purpose. You can create a middleware by typing
php artisan make:middleware MiddlewareName
It will create a middleware named 'MiddlewareName' under namespace App\Http\Middleware; path.
In this middleware, write your controls in the handle function. It should return $next($request); Dont change this part.
In your Http\Kernel.php file, go to $routeMiddleware variable and add this line:
'middleware_name' => \App\Http\Middleware\MiddlewareName::class,
And finally, go to your web.php file and set the middleware. An example can be given as:
Route::middleware(['middleware_name'])->group(function () {
Route::prefix('api')->group(function () {
Route::get('/phonefinder', 'SomeController#someMethod');
Whenever you call api/phonefinder endpoint, it will go to the Middleware first.
What you are looking for is HMVC, where you can send internal route requests, but Laravel doesn't support it.
If you want to have one access point for your modular application then you should declare it like this (for example):
Route::any('api/{module}/{action}', 'InputController#moduleAction');
Then in your moduleAction($module, $action) you can process it accordingly, initialize needed module and call it's action with all attached data. Implement your own Module class the way you need and work from there.
Laravel doesn't support HMVC, you can't have one general route using other internal routes. And if those routes (/find in your case) are not internal and can be publicly accessed then also having one general route makes no sense.

laravel5 NotFoundHttpException

I am very new to Laravel and followed this tutorial for the startup.
As in the tutorial, i have
and in the Welcomecontroller I have a contact method:
public function contact()
return "Contact page";
But accessing the page http://localhost/ throws me NotFoundHttpException in D:\wamp\www\laravel\vendor\compiled.php line 7693:
What could be the reason behind this? Is there something to do with setting or installtion path?
I'd try two things:
Make sure you use the same cases for controller class name and route declaration (WelcomeController might not be equal to Welcomecontroller).
Go to your project base dir and run "php artisan clear-compiled" to make sure your Laravel "recompiles" everything and your compiled.php file includes the ControllerClass your route is expecting.
More things to check:
Question first: When you setup Laravel, did you test the installation to see that it worked? Or is this the first route you have tested?
If this is the very first route you have tested, maybe you have not set up the htaccess properly. See here:
You need to have mod_rewrite enabled.
1) Check to make sure that inside WelcomeController.php you have named your class WelcomeController (if you were copying an existing example, you may not have remembered to rename the class)
2) Like MaGnetas answered, make sure that in ALL instances, you have used the same spelling and same lower/upper case for "WelcomeController" (inside the routes, inside your class, anywhere you reference it.

Some Routing problems in laravel 4

I am new to laravel 4 framework but was previously working on CI and CakePHP, i have some problems with routes in it (i may sound nerd, so bear with me.)
-> If i have 3 controller userController,adminController,editorController and many methods inside them, do i need to define routes for every methods inside it (ofcourse i am not using ResourceFull controller for them). Can't i have something by which the methods can be accessed by using the controllername followed by method name like we do in other frameWork.
E.g usersController have manageUser method, i wnt to access it like
-> What is use of defining a route using Route::controller('users', 'UserController'); or restfull controller?
Thanks in advance :)
If you write
Route::controller('users', 'UserController')
runs the default function (index of all the objects), but you can write:
Route::get('/users', 'userController#function');
Route::post('/users', 'userController#function');
this route shows to Laravel what controller and function can call when you write this route, the diference is if you pass the parameters with get or post mode.
Hope I help you
