This is code snippet from my view file.
#foreach($infolist as $info)
{{$info->prisw}} / {{$info->secsw}}
Here is my route which I defined inside route file
I want to pass two values inside href tag to above route and retrieve them in controller. Can someone provide code to do this thing?
Since you are trying to pass two parameters to your controller,
You controller could look like this:
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class SwitchinfoController extends Controller{
public function switchInfo($prisw, $secsw){
//do stuffs here with $prisw and $secsw
Your router could look like this
'uses' => 'SwitchinfoController#switchInfo',
'as' => 'switch'
Then in your Blade
#foreach($infolist as $info)
Name your route:
Route::get('switchinfo/{parameter}', [
'as'=> 'test',
Pass an array with the parameters you want
<a href="{{route('test', ['parameter' => 1])}}">
{{$info->prisw}} / {{$info->secsw}}
and in controller function use
function ($parameter) {
// do stuff
Or if don't want to bind parameter to url and want just $_GET parameter like url/?parameter=1
You may use it like this
Route::get('switchinfo', [
'as'=> 'test',
function (){
You can simply pass parameter in your url like
#foreach($infolist as $info)
<a href="{{ url('switchinfo/'.$info->prisw.'/'.$info->secsw.'/') }}">
{{$info->prisw}} / {{$info->secsw}}
and route
Route::get('switchinfo/{prisw}/{secsw}', 'SwitchinfoController#functionname');
and function in controller
public functionname($prisw, $secsw){
// your code here
I have this route declared on laravel:
Route::get('pages/{page}/{slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')
->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
This route works fine and works if you make requests to:
The problem is that I need a more friendly url as well as.
I want remove the suffix called pages, The numbers for the pages will never change and will be static for each one.
I've tried to make static routes for each one but can't get it to work.
Route::get('other-page', array('as' => 'other-page', function() {
return App::make('Common\Pages\CustomPageController')->show(2);
}))->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
I would appreciate a little help.
You could always get the URL segment in the Controller and use that to know what page you are on. If you don't want to do that you could pass extra information in the 'action' to specify the page:
Route::middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler'])->group(function () {
Route::get('test-page', [
'uses' => 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show',
'page' => 'test-page',
Then you can get this extra information in the Controller:
public function show(Request $request)
$page = $request->route()->getAction('page');
If you knew all the pages you can use a route parameter with a regex constraint to restrict it to only those page names:
Route::get('{page:slug}', ...)->where('page', 'test-page|other-page|...');
public function show(Page $page)
You could just make use of a wildcard to catch your routes like this:
Route::get('/{slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')
->middleware(['web', 'prerenderIfCrawler']);
Then in your controller:
public function show($slug)
$page = Page::where('slug', $slug)->first();
// ...
Just be careful with where you place the route. It should be at the end of your routes otherwise it will catch all the request of your app.
// ...
// my other routes
// ...
Route::get('/{slug}', ...);
By the way, if you want to bind your page models using the slug attribute do this:
Route::get('/{page:slug}', 'Common\Pages\CustomPageController#show')->//...
Then in your controller:
public function show(Page $page)
{ ^^^^^^^^^^
// ...
Check this section of the docs.
I want to set {{$value['category']}} in {{route('')}}
This is my code:
#foreach($details as $value)
Controller function:
public function viewhome(Request $req){
$product = product::all()->unique('category');
return view('homepage',['details'=> $product]);}
Route::get('/homepage/db_val', 'HomeController#db_val')->name('db_val');
How to declare href properly. And what will be the route. Thank you.
1) warn : you call db_val function in HomeController but you show viewhome method in your question.
Route::get('/homepage/db_val', 'HomeController#<b>db_val</b>')->name('db_val');
if you want use method viewhome :
Route::get('/homepage/db_val', 'HomeController#<b>viewhome</b>')->name('db_val');
2) route is used with named route
you have a route named 'db_val' --> Route::.... ->name('db_val');
so it must be used like that ,
<a href='{{route('db_val')}}
3) in your case , assuming $value in foreach is an array with a 'category' index inside
you can use url instead route
#foreach($details as $value)
<a href="{{url('/your_url')}}/{{$value['category']}}">
link to {{$value['category']}}
4) but blade spirit is
#foreach($details as $value)
<a href="{{route('showcat', $value['category'])}}">
it means : you have one named route /showcategory with a parameter /{id}
Route::get('/homepage/db_val_1', 'HomeController#db_val_1')->name('db_val_1');
Route::get('/homepage/db_val_2', 'HomeController#db_val_2')->name('db_val_2');
Route::get('/homepage/db_val_3', 'HomeController#db_val_3')->name('db_val_3');
Controller Function :
public function db_val_1(Request $req){
$all = product::all()->where('category', 'db_val_1');
return view('homepage', ['details'=> $all]);
public function db_val_2(Request $req){
$all = product::all()->where('category', 'db_val_2');
return view('homepage', ['details'=> $all]);
public function db_val_3(Request $req){
$all = product::all()->where('category', 'db_val_3');
return view('homepage', ['details'=> $all]);
View home: In route the value will be ($value->category) like this.
#foreach($details as $value)
I got the solution. Thank you for helping.
my blade looks like this...
#if(count($alleSpiele) > 0)
<ul class="list-group">
#foreach($alleSpiele as $alleSpieleOutput)
This is my route...
Route::get('/spielerAuswahl', 'SpielplanController#getHeimGast');
Here is my controller...
public function getHeimGast(){
return view('test');
Now, my problem is to take the choosen variable from a href heimmannschaft from blade to route into the controller? What is the correct way to do this?
change your links to this
then change your route to
Route::get('/spielerAuswahl/{value}', 'SpielplanController#getHeimGast');
then in the controller you can have the variable like this:
public function getHeimGast($value){
// use $value in your code
return view('test');
I'm learning laravel, working with 3 files, Welcome.blade.php / route.php / tryaction.php and it's a controller.
I made three links that fetched from database table => hug, greet and slap
when I click any link it gives me an error that actions is not defined.
my Welcome.blade.php:
#foreach ($actions as $action)
my route.php:
Route::get('/', [
'uses' => 'tryaction#getHome',
//to deal with get requests
Route::get('/{action}/{name?}', [
'uses' => 'tryaction#doget',
'as' => 'benice'
my tryaction.php controller:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests;
use App\actionstable;
class tryaction extends Controller
public function doget($action, $name = null){
return view('actions.'.$action,['name'=>$name]);
public function getHome(){
$actions = actionstable::all();
return view('welcome',['actions'=>$actions]);
when I replace the href route in welcome.blade.php with # instead of {{ route('benice', ['action' => $action->name]) }} the error stops from showing on
the data are fetched correctly and the data is shown on the page .. the problem in the route and it's that the actions is not defined, here is the error page:
I am trying to delete an object without using forms. So what I did was improvising. I've made a route:
Route::get('category/destroyMe', ['uses' => 'CategoryController#destroyMe', 'as' => 'category.destroyMe']);
And in the view I am picking up the category id like so:
<a href="{{route('category.destroyMe', ['id' => $category->id])}}" ></a>
And finally the controller:
public function destroyMe()
return redirect()->back();
I was wondering if there is a way to do this without my helper method destroyMe()? Is there a way to forward a method = 'DELETE' via href or something, so i can call my resource route like category.destroy without the need of complication?
I don't want to do it with forms (as I do know how to do it like that). Nor do I want to complicate with ajax or some extra scripts or something. I am wondering if there is a pure Laravel slick solution like
<a href="{{route('category.destroy', ['id' => $category->id, 'method' => 'DELETE])}}" ></a>
Try this:
<a href="{{ action('CategoryController#destroyMe', ['id' => $category->id]) }}" ></a>
And action:
public function destroyMe($id)
return redirect()->back();
I have a blog in which I can delete posts and this works for me
The routing:
Route::get('delete/{post_id}', ['uses' => 'PostsController#delete', 'as' => 'delete-post']);
And the function in PostsController
public function delete($id) {
return redirect()->back()->with(["deleted" => "The post was deleted"]);