Value into href to controller - php

my blade looks like this...
#if(count($alleSpiele) > 0)
<ul class="list-group">
#foreach($alleSpiele as $alleSpieleOutput)
This is my route...
Route::get('/spielerAuswahl', 'SpielplanController#getHeimGast');
Here is my controller...
public function getHeimGast(){
return view('test');
Now, my problem is to take the choosen variable from a href heimmannschaft from blade to route into the controller? What is the correct way to do this?

change your links to this
then change your route to
Route::get('/spielerAuswahl/{value}', 'SpielplanController#getHeimGast');
then in the controller you can have the variable like this:
public function getHeimGast($value){
// use $value in your code
return view('test');


ErrorException Undefined variable:

Why I am getting this error?
Undefined variable: features (View: C:\xampp\htdocs....views\layouts\index.blade.php)
public function index()
$features = Feature::get();
return view ('layouts.index')->with(compact('features'));
public function index()
$products = Product::get();
return view ('products')->with(compact('products'));
layouts page- index.blade.php
#foreach($features as $f)
<div class="prodcut-price mt-auto">
<div class="font-size-15">LKR {{ $f ['features_id'] }}.00</div>
view page - index.blade.php
#foreach($products as $p)
<div class="mb-2">{{ $p ['prod_sub_category'] }}</div>
<h5 class="mb-1 product-item__title">{{ $p ['prod_name'] }}</h5>
<div class="mb-2">
<img class="img-fluid" src="{{asset('/storage/admin/'.$p ['prod_image_path'] ) }}" alt="Image Description">
<div class="flex-center-between mb-1">
<div class="prodcut-price">
<div class="atext">LKR {{ $p ['prod_price'] }}.00</div>
<div class="d-none d-xl-block prodcut-add-cart">
<i class="ec ec-shopping-bag"></i>
Route::resource('/products', 'ProductsController');
Route::resource('/layouts/index', 'FeaturedController#index');
Aside from not passing your variables to your blade views appropriately which other answers have pointed out, your trying to access features from a controller that does not have features set.
The controller below sets features and then makes use of it in the layouts.index blade file.
public function index()
$features = Feature::get();
return view ('layouts.index')->with(['features' => $features]);
// or
// return view ('layouts.index', compact('features'));
While this controller sets products but then makes use of a blade file that extends another blade file that has a features variable in it. This is why your getting the error
public function index()
$products = Product::get();
return view ('products', compact('products'));
And to fix it you must pass the features variable along side products like so:
public function index()
$products = Product::get();
$features = Feature::get();
return view ('products')->with(['features' => $features, 'products' => $products]);
But if more than one blade file is going to extend this layouts.index file then this approach is not advisable, and situations like this is why Taylor Otwell introduced Blade Components. You can now move the features blade view and logic to a component that can wrap around any other file you want or be included.
The documentation is straight forward but if you want me to show you how to implement it to solve your dilemma then hit me up on the comment below.
as u r using data in layout u should use laravel view composer to share data to layout file ref link
in your AppServiceProvider.php
inside boot() add this line
public function boot()
\View::composer('layouts.index', function ($view) { // here layout path u need to add
$features = Feature::get();
It share data based on specif view file like here layouts.index data is send to this view so if u not send data from controller it will get data from view composer
You can change your controller to this:
public function index()
$features = Feature::all();
return view ('layouts.index', compact('features'));
A your blade you should actually do #section instead:
#foreach($features as $f)
<div class="prodcut-price mt-auto">
<div class="font-size-15">LKR {{ $f->features_id }}.00</div>

Want to add {{$value['category']}} in {{$value['category']}} in Laravel

I want to set {{$value['category']}} in {{route('')}}
This is my code:
#foreach($details as $value)
Controller function:
public function viewhome(Request $req){
$product = product::all()->unique('category');
return view('homepage',['details'=> $product]);}
Route::get('/homepage/db_val', 'HomeController#db_val')->name('db_val');
How to declare href properly. And what will be the route. Thank you.
1) warn : you call db_val function in HomeController but you show viewhome method in your question.
Route::get('/homepage/db_val', 'HomeController#<b>db_val</b>')->name('db_val');
if you want use method viewhome :
Route::get('/homepage/db_val', 'HomeController#<b>viewhome</b>')->name('db_val');
2) route is used with named route
you have a route named 'db_val' --> Route::.... ->name('db_val');
so it must be used like that ,
<a href='{{route('db_val')}}
3) in your case , assuming $value in foreach is an array with a 'category' index inside
you can use url instead route
#foreach($details as $value)
<a href="{{url('/your_url')}}/{{$value['category']}}">
link to {{$value['category']}}
4) but blade spirit is
#foreach($details as $value)
<a href="{{route('showcat', $value['category'])}}">
it means : you have one named route /showcategory with a parameter /{id}
Route::get('/homepage/db_val_1', 'HomeController#db_val_1')->name('db_val_1');
Route::get('/homepage/db_val_2', 'HomeController#db_val_2')->name('db_val_2');
Route::get('/homepage/db_val_3', 'HomeController#db_val_3')->name('db_val_3');
Controller Function :
public function db_val_1(Request $req){
$all = product::all()->where('category', 'db_val_1');
return view('homepage', ['details'=> $all]);
public function db_val_2(Request $req){
$all = product::all()->where('category', 'db_val_2');
return view('homepage', ['details'=> $all]);
public function db_val_3(Request $req){
$all = product::all()->where('category', 'db_val_3');
return view('homepage', ['details'=> $all]);
View home: In route the value will be ($value->category) like this.
#foreach($details as $value)
I got the solution. Thank you for helping.

Laravel route without prefix name

I'm trying to utilize the Laravel landing page route. For example Laravel takes you to the welcome page by default, and it has no url text after the slash.
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
In my welcome page I'm using following condition to apply styling based on the route name.
{!! Route::is('/')? 'class="index"':'' !!}
However this code doesn't work. How can I check the route of the welcome page properly?
Edit: Using "Request" instead of "Route" makes it work. However for consistency's sake I would like to know if it can be done using "Route" too.
Name your route and use this name to condition your styling
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
In your blade
{!! (Route::currentRouteName() == 'home')? 'class="index"':'' !!}
Try this:
<li class="#if (request()->is('/')) index #endif"></li>
// ...
You can use wildcards as well with this:
<li class="#if (request()->is('/some-url/*')) active #endif">
// ...
try this
or more simply
if(Request::is('/')) {
Try this:
<li {!! Request::is('/') ? 'class=index' : '' !!}>...</li>
Route::get('/', function () {
return view('welcome');
in blade
class = "default class #if(\Request::route()->getName() == 'home')your_class #endif"

How to pass value inside href to laravel controller?

This is code snippet from my view file.
#foreach($infolist as $info)
{{$info->prisw}} / {{$info->secsw}}
Here is my route which I defined inside route file
I want to pass two values inside href tag to above route and retrieve them in controller. Can someone provide code to do this thing?
Since you are trying to pass two parameters to your controller,
You controller could look like this:
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
class SwitchinfoController extends Controller{
public function switchInfo($prisw, $secsw){
//do stuffs here with $prisw and $secsw
Your router could look like this
'uses' => 'SwitchinfoController#switchInfo',
'as' => 'switch'
Then in your Blade
#foreach($infolist as $info)
Name your route:
Route::get('switchinfo/{parameter}', [
'as'=> 'test',
Pass an array with the parameters you want
<a href="{{route('test', ['parameter' => 1])}}">
{{$info->prisw}} / {{$info->secsw}}
and in controller function use
function ($parameter) {
// do stuff
Or if don't want to bind parameter to url and want just $_GET parameter like url/?parameter=1
You may use it like this
Route::get('switchinfo', [
'as'=> 'test',
function (){
You can simply pass parameter in your url like
#foreach($infolist as $info)
<a href="{{ url('switchinfo/'.$info->prisw.'/'.$info->secsw.'/') }}">
{{$info->prisw}} / {{$info->secsw}}
and route
Route::get('switchinfo/{prisw}/{secsw}', 'SwitchinfoController#functionname');
and function in controller
public functionname($prisw, $secsw){
// your code here

Symfony2 - get main request's current route in twig partial/subrequest

In Twig partial rendered by separate controller, I want to check if current main route equals to compared route, so I can mark list item as active.
How can I do that? Trying to get current route in BarController like:
$route = $request->get('_route');
returns null.
Uri is also not what I'm looking for, as calling below code in bar's twig:
returns route similar to: localhost/_fragment?path=path_to_bar_route
Full example
Main Controller:
FooController extends Controller{
public function fooAction(){}
fooAction twig:
...some stuff...
{{ render(controller('FooBundle:Bar:bar')) }}
...some stuff...
Bar controller:
BarController extends Controller{
public function barAction(){}
barAction twig:
<li class="{{ (item1route == currentroute) ? 'active' : ''}}">
Item 1
<li class="{{ (item2route == currentroute) ? 'active' : ''}}">
Item 2
<li class="{{ (item3route == currentroute) ? 'active' : ''}}">
Item 3
pabgaran's solution should work. However, the original problem occurs probably because of the request_stack.
Since you are in a subrequest, you should be able to get top-level (master) Request and get _route. Something like this:
public function barAction(Request $request) {
$stack = $this->get('request_stack');
$masterRequest = $stack->getMasterRequest();
$currentRoute = $masterRequest->get('_route');
return $this->render('Template', array('current_route' => $currentRoute );
Haven't run this but it should work...
I think that the best solution in your case is past the current main route in the render:
{{ render(controller('FooBundle:Bar:bar', {'current_route' : app.request.uri})) }}
Next, return it in the response:
public function barAction(Request $request) {
return $this->render('Template', array('current_route' => $request->query->get('current_route'));
And in your template compares with the received value.
Otherwise, maybe is better to use a include instead a render, if you don't need extra logic for the partial.
in twig you can send request object from main controller to sub-controller as parameter:
{{ render(controller('FooBundle:Bar:bar', {'request' : app.request})) }}
in sub-controller:
BarController extends Controller{
public function barAction(Request $request){
// here you can use request object as regular
$country = $request->attributes->get('route_country');
