How to save file into network share folder - php

I am trying to save xml file into share folder.But I am getting below error.
Warning: fopen(\\XYZ-server\xml\10052.xml): failed to open stream: Permission denied
PHP code
$myFile = "\\\\XYZ-server-server\\xml\\$caseref.xml";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
I check that folder's permission.Everyone can create/delete/update files.
is there a way you can specify the credentials to be used to access a network share?

Have you checked what username PHP is running under and that that user has the right permissions? On our IIS server it runs as IUSR not as the user who is actually using the website.


Cannot write a file to AWS EC2 instance - PHP

I am trying to create and write a file to ec2 instance. I am getting the error below despite the folder that i am writing possessing all the permissions required.
$handle = fopen("thumbnailFolder/testFile.txt", "r"); // line 4
if($handle != false){
echo 'File created!';
echo 'File create failed!';
The 'thumbnailFolder' has the following permissions:
Error message:
fopen(thumbnailFolder/testFile.txt): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/book_aws/my_server/folder/web/thumbnailTest.php on line 4
File create failed!
As the error clearly say. System is failing to open the file which is not there.
$handle = fopen("thumbnailFolder/testFile.txt", "r");
Above code open files in read mode. if there is no files then throws an error.
If you want to open file to write then use try below code, this tries to open file and sets pointer at the begining if file is not there then creates the file in given name. for read and write use w+ instead of w
$handle = fopen("thumbnailFolder/testFile.txt", "w");
There are different modes with respect files. you can check below link for further details.

PHP datelog localhost on mac permission denied

I am trying to make a datelog file with PHP. I am running this on xampp on a macbook. It says all the time that permission is denied. How do i fix this?
the error that i am getting is:
Warning: fopen(Friday-01-April-16.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/aowigman/index.php on line 6
Unable to open file!
The code:
$datum = date("l-d-F-y");
$myfile = fopen("$datum".".txt", "a+") or die("Unable to open file!");
$txt = $datum. " ". $ip."\n";
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
Thanks in advance!
You may need to change the permissions as an administrator. Open up terminal on your Mac and then open the directory that file is located in. Then type:
sudo chmod 777 -R on directory file located
Go to your Xammp directory, right click and select Read informations. At the bottom of it, click on the chains, enter your password and change permission to read and write to everyone. Now, click on the cog and choose Apply to included elements.
Refresh your page that includes the code, and tadam, fopen(), file_put_contents(), etc, will work.

PHP Permissions Denied fopen

I ran into a really bizarre problem. I am trying to perform writing to file using fopen().
This is what I tried in writetofile.php:
$fw = fopen('/test.txt', 'w');
fwrite($fw, 'hello world' . "\r\n");
This is the error I keep getting:
Warning: fopen(/test.txt):
failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\writetofile.php on line 41
Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given...
I am 100% sure I have permissions to the server. I am the Administrator. Furthermore, I temporarily gave full permissions to everyone. I even tried running the php script locally, directly from the server using localhost. I am not using apache, I am using IIS. I tried restarting IIS after modifying permissions. I am not running php in safe mode.
Any idea on what might be causing this issue?
/test.txt would be a file in the ROOT directory of your filesystem, where user accounts generally do NOT have write privileges (unless you're running this code as root). This is especially true of PHP running under the webserver's user account.
You probably want just test.txt (no leading slash)` which will try to put the file into the script's "current working directory" - usually the same directory the script itself is in.
1- when you rollout website, delete all logs folder names
2- inside the code create folder name as below and create the logs insides
3- write at top of file. (during init the web)
$ClientUserName = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
function Data_Log($dataline)
global $ClientUserName;
$dir = 'UserInputLog' ;
$fileName = $ClientUserName. '_ServerWebLog.txt';
if(is_dir($dir) === false)
$fileName = $dir. '\\'.$fileName;
$myfile = fopen($fileName, "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
fwrite($myfile, "$dataline\r\n");

Saving and opening a logfile

I have a app that webrequests a PHP file which does this:
$msg = $_GET['w'];
$logfile= 'savedrv.idps';
$fp = fopen($logfile, "w");
fwrite($fp, $msg);
I want to make a PHP file that will open the new file created "savedrv.idps" so I can read it in This is what I tried:
$logfile= 'reg.idps';
$fp = fopen($logfile, "r");
How can I accomplish this?
Most likely your IIS settings for this Virtual Directory forbid a file with this extension to be browsed to. I got 404.7 error attempting to open a file in IE when I browsed to the URL: http://localhost/mysite/myvbfile.vb Using your browser, try to open the same URL that your VB program is attempting to access. I anticipate that you will get the 404.7 error in the browser window too.
You have two approaches here:
Have your PHP script write the file to a location outside of IIS where your VB.Net program can access.
Modify the Request Filtering in IIS for your site so that this file can be browsed.

fopen won't open file on Ubuntu server

The following function is normally able to open a file on xampp with no problems
/* converts string to xml*/
public function stringToXMLFile($string){
$file = __DIR__."/xml/feed.xml";
$fh = fopen($file, 'w+') or die("can't open file: ".$file);
fwrite($fh, $string);
But since uploading all my files onto an Ubuntu server I can not get fopen() to open and edit any files, is there something that I have to do on a newly installed Ubuntu Apache server which will give permission to perform such tasks?
After having discussion in the chat, the problems were:
Permissions on /var/www/xml directory.
Permissions on /var/www/xml/feed.xml file.
After adjusting them to proper values, problem was solved.
