I am trying to make a datelog file with PHP. I am running this on xampp on a macbook. It says all the time that permission is denied. How do i fix this?
the error that i am getting is:
Warning: fopen(Friday-01-April-16.txt): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/aowigman/index.php on line 6
Unable to open file!
The code:
$datum = date("l-d-F-y");
$myfile = fopen("$datum".".txt", "a+") or die("Unable to open file!");
$txt = $datum. " ". $ip."\n";
fwrite($myfile, $txt);
Thanks in advance!
You may need to change the permissions as an administrator. Open up terminal on your Mac and then open the directory that file is located in. Then type:
sudo chmod 777 -R on directory file located
Go to your Xammp directory, right click and select Read informations. At the bottom of it, click on the chains, enter your password and change permission to read and write to everyone. Now, click on the cog and choose Apply to included elements.
Refresh your page that includes the code, and tadam, fopen(), file_put_contents(), etc, will work.
This question already has answers here:
PHP - Failed to open stream : No such file or directory
(10 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I wrote this piece of code:
if (file_exists("testfile.rtf")) echo "file exists.";
else echo "file doesn't exist.";
$fh = fopen("testfile.rtf", 'w') or die("impossible to open the file");
$text = <<< _END
Hi buddies,
I write for the first time
in a PHP file!
fwrite($fh, $text) or die("Impossible to write in the file");
echo ("writing in the file 'testfile.rtf' succeed.");
But when I run it it says:
fopen(testfile.rtf): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/test/test1.php on line 64
impossible to open the file
I use XAMPP on my MAC to work on local server.
I found several topics where some people had the same problem, and solved it using something called "chmod 777" but I don't know what that means, where to write this, etc.
The error you are seeing simply means that your php script does not have the permission to open testfile.rtf for writing.
do not "chmod 777" everything anytime you are getting permission issues, this might introduce security problems later! instead- give the correct users the correct permissions.
In this case:
Since you are running XAMPP, then you need to make sure that your web server gets the write permission to the specific path you are trying to create new files in and\or edit existing files.
In the case of OSX and apache, I believe the webserver's user is named "_www".
Here's a small example (you might need to change it to your needs):
sudo chown -R _www:_www /path/to/folder
The example above will give _www (webserver) ownership of the /path/to/folder and all of the files in it.
Also: before you do any command-line based administration, you might want to read a little bit about unix commands, such as chown,chmod,etc..
Hope it helps a bit!
The following script bring up a "programming error". I am logged in as the owner of the file so I am not sure why I get the error. I have tried both relative and absolute paths.
Any help very much appreciated.
$myfile = fopen("test.txt", "r") or
die("Unable to open file!");
echo fread($myfile,filesize("test.txt"));
what means "I am logged in as the owner"? Do you run the script via the command line, or from a webspace?
If you run the script from a webpage, most of the time, the "www-data" user runs the process. Change the permissions for your file "test.txt", that the user which executes the script, e.g: "www-data" has at least read permissions.
It would be interresting to see your current permissions of "test.txt". I would bet that you have an issue with your permissions.
I am trying to save xml file into share folder.But I am getting below error.
Warning: fopen(\\XYZ-server\xml\10052.xml): failed to open stream: Permission denied
PHP code
$myFile = "\\\\XYZ-server-server\\xml\\$caseref.xml";
$fh = fopen($myFile, 'w') or die("can't open file");
I check that folder's permission.Everyone can create/delete/update files.
is there a way you can specify the credentials to be used to access a network share?
Have you checked what username PHP is running under and that that user has the right permissions? On our IIS server it runs as IUSR not as the user who is actually using the website.
I ran into a really bizarre problem. I am trying to perform writing to file using fopen().
This is what I tried in writetofile.php:
$fw = fopen('/test.txt', 'w');
fwrite($fw, 'hello world' . "\r\n");
This is the error I keep getting:
Warning: fopen(/test.txt):
failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\writetofile.php on line 41
Warning: fwrite() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given...
I am 100% sure I have permissions to the server. I am the Administrator. Furthermore, I temporarily gave full permissions to everyone. I even tried running the php script locally, directly from the server using localhost. I am not using apache, I am using IIS. I tried restarting IIS after modifying permissions. I am not running php in safe mode.
Any idea on what might be causing this issue?
/test.txt would be a file in the ROOT directory of your filesystem, where user accounts generally do NOT have write privileges (unless you're running this code as root). This is especially true of PHP running under the webserver's user account.
You probably want just test.txt (no leading slash)` which will try to put the file into the script's "current working directory" - usually the same directory the script itself is in.
1- when you rollout website, delete all logs folder names
2- inside the code create folder name as below and create the logs insides
3- write at top of file. (during init the web)
$ClientUserName = gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
function Data_Log($dataline)
global $ClientUserName;
$dir = 'UserInputLog' ;
$fileName = $ClientUserName. '_ServerWebLog.txt';
if(is_dir($dir) === false)
$fileName = $dir. '\\'.$fileName;
$myfile = fopen($fileName, "a") or die("Unable to open file!");
fwrite($myfile, "$dataline\r\n");
I am trying to get a variable from the query string and write it to a text file.
I have tried like this:
$content=( $_GET['var'] );
echo $content;
$file = fopen("etlLOG.txt","w+");
echo fwrite($file,$content);
I get the following errors:
Warning: fopen(etlLOG.txt) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in E:\Users\george\listener.php on line 8
Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in E:\Users\george\listener.php on line 9
Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in E:\Users\george\listener.php on line 10
You may need to change the permissions as an administrator. Open up terminal on your Mac and then open the directory that etlLOG.txt is located in. Then type:
sudo chmod 777 etlLOG.txt
You may be prompted for a password. Also, it could be the directories that don't allow full access.
chmod : Attempts to change the mode of the specified file to that given in mode.
Well it appears that the web server does not have access to that file. So used ftp fopen provided the correct credentials and paths and finally i did managed to access and edit the file
If you are running WAMP on windows
1) login as an administrator
2) Install wamp
3) Download subinacl.exe from microsoft:
4) grant permissions to the regular user account to manage the WAMP services: (subinacl.exe is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Resource Kits\Tools)
subinacl /SERVICE \MachineName\wampapache /GRANT=domainname.com\username=F
subinacl /SERVICE \MachineName\wampmysql /GRANT=domainname.com\username=F
5) logout and log back in as the user. They should now be able to launch the WAMP taskbar application and control the WAMP service.
My guess is that PHP is trying to create the file at 'C:\WINDOWS', so the solution wouldn't be to set permissions there.
I would suggest you use a specific location, example: create a folder at the same location as your php script and use it to create the files:
$filePath = dirname(_FILE_) . "/temp_vars/etILOG.txt";
$file = fopen($filePath ,"w+");
Kind regards,
The code you are running is trying to create the etlLOG.txt in the same folder as your PHP script. You need to give Full Permission to your IUSER_ account on the E:\Users\george folder.
If you do not know how you can browse the following links
How to set 777 permission on a particular folder?