Putting csv file data into a level 2 array - php

I have been researching fgetcsv() and have the following working code:
$file = fopen($pathToCsv,"r");
$data = array();
while(! feof($file))
array_push($data, fgetcsv($file));
However, when I try to adapt this to dynamically accept an unknown number of csv files stored into an array, things cease to work:
$year = $_POST['year'];
$m = "maths".$year;
$sheets = $$m; //an array containing between 5 an 8 paths to csv and other info
$data = array();
function ArrayFromCsv($file, $i) {
while(! feof($file))
array_push($data[$i], fgetcsv($file)); //line 15
for ($i = 0; $i < count($$m); $i++){
array_push($data, array());
$x = fopen($sheets[$i]['csv'],'r');
ArrayFromCsv($x, $i);
I get: Warning: array_push() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in ... on line 15
I'm not how to research this further. Is there a better way or obvious mistake? I've tried a number of methods.

You dont have access to the global $data variable inside of the function ArrayFromCsv. You either need to use "global $data" inside the function, which is bad, so DON'T
Or you could create a temporary array inside the function, which you return when the function ends and put the returned value from the function into $data[$i]. Also you should not open a file outside of a function and close it inside of a function. That could lead to undefined behaviour someday when your code gets bigger.

function ArrayFromCsv($file, $i) use (&$data) {
while(! feof($file))
array_push($data[$i], fgetcsv($file)); //line 15


php read and write file

function readWrite() {
$fileReader = fopen('file.txt', 'r') or die("ERROR: File not found");
$fileWriter = fopen('filewr.txt', 'w') or die ("ERROR: Write File not
$totalDaysArr= array();
$monthNumArr= array();
$monthArr= array();
$row= file("file.txt");
while($row = fgets($fileReader, 4096)) {
list($monthNumArr[], $monthArr[], $totalDaysArr[]) = explode(",", $row);
for($x = 11; $x >= 0; $x--)
$table = explode(",", $monthNumArr[$x]);
fwrite($fileWriter, $row[$x]);
I'm a beginner at PHP, so this is what I have so far. My objective is to make a function that will read a file called file.txt and then write it in reverse using arrays. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong here.
These are the requirements:
This function should use PHP array to store records (each line is a "record").
This function should use a PHP Loop to walk through the months names array and generate HTML5/CSS to display the table.
Create a function that writes the text file filewr.txt (reverse order).
This function should use PHP for loop to walk through the array in reverse order and write each array entry (line/record) to the filewr.txt file.
and also the txt file looks like this:
Why use fileReader when you decide to read the data with file("file.txt"); in the end?
The writing process is quite messed up fwrite($fileWriter, $row[$x]) is quite possibly the place where the error comes from: don't you aim to write that table to your file instead of a row from the original input file?
What you want to to is generating a HTML string.
Therefore, lets start with $table='<table>' and put this definition before the loop.
After the loop you add the tables closing tag: $table.='</table>'
The magic happens in between:
For each record you create the corresponding HTML representation.
Finaly you move the write command after the loop and write the generated Table Markup to your output file.
What you will end up with looks like
function readWrite() {
$fileWriter = fopen('filewr.txt', 'w') or die ("ERROR: Write File not
$totalDaysArr= array();
$monthNumArr= array();
$monthArr= array();
$row= file("file.txt");
while($row = fgets($fileReader, 4096)) {
list($monthNumArr[], $monthArr[], $totalDaysArr[]) = explode(",", $row);
for($x = 11; $x >= 0; $x--)
fwrite($fileWriter, $table);
I have no idea why you would need the reverse loop, but actually, you could achieve the same result with less effort:
function readWrite() {
$row= file("file.txt");
for($x = 11; $x >= 0; $x--)
$table.='<tr><td>'.implode('</td><td>', explode(',',$row[$x])).'</td></tr>';
file_put_contents('file.txt', $table);
I did not test it. But the idea should be clear.
Personally, I would agree with #Alive to Die. His approach is the most straight forward.

PHP - How to transpose an array that is from a text file

We have made an array from a text file full of numbers separated by commas, each new line is a new part of the array. (we are not allowed to use explode for this)
We are trying to create a transpose_matrix function to 'transpose' the array now.
Using tutorials on the internet, this is what we have come up with so far, but it doesn't work :(
$myfile = fopen("text1.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
//echo fread($myfile,filesize("text1.txt"));
$file1 = file("text1.txt");
$store1 = array();
for ($a = 0; $a<count($file1); $a++)
array_push($store1, $file1[$a]);
for ($k = 0; $k<count($store1); $k++)
echo "Line $store1[$k] <br/> END <br/>";
function transpose($store1) {
$file1 = file("text1.txt");
$store1 = array();
if (count($store1) == 0) // special case: empty matrix
return array();
else if (count($store1) == 1) // special case: row matrix
return array_chunk($store1[0], 1);
function myCallbackMethod() {
var_dump ($store1);
array_unshift($store1, NULL); // the original matrix is not modified because it was passed by value
return call_user_func_array('myCallbackMethod',$store1);
Try reading with fscanf().
something like
fscanf($file_link, '%s\n', $temp);
array_push($array, $temp);
should work.
Sukhdev Mohan

PHP Moving an array into different text files?

I've been given a list of data and I need to split it and move it into different text files. I've tried a few things so far but cant seem to get it to work.
*order the file based on surname (col 2)
*create two new text files - class A and B
*split the source text into two equal lists
*format them: ID, firstname, lastname. all words must be first letter caps
*move each list to a new file.
*close files
//This function converts every attribute/variable passed to it into a sentence case
function Uppercase($convert) {
return ucwords($convert);
//This function compares two items to see which one is higher
//src: http://php.net/manual/en/function.usort.php
function cmp($a, $b) {
$compResult = strcmp($a[1], $b[1]);
if ($compResult == 0) {
return strcmp($a[2], $b[2]);
}else {
return $compResult;
//This function gets rid of the whitespace that is not needed
function cut($c) {
return trim($c, " \n\r\0");
//open file
$myfile = fopen("students.csv", "r");
echo "A";
//initialise the array, giving them 'headers'
$array = array();
echo "B";
//sort through the data, moving it to a multidimentional array and setting the first letter in each item to uppercase
$line = fgets($myfile);
$pieces = explode(",", $line);
$array[$i][0] = $pieces[0];
$array[$i][1] = cut(Uppercase($pieces[2]));
$array[$i][2] = cut(Uppercase($pieces[1]));
echo "C";
//sort the file by the second item in the array
usort($array, "cmp");
echo array_shift($array)."<br>";
echo "D";
//create class files
$fileA = fopen("Class 1.txt", "w");
$fileB = fopen("Class 2.txt", "w");
echo "E";
//get size of array
$arraylength = count($array);
//half the array length(
$half = ceil($arraylength /= 2);
//echo $half;
//echo $arraylength."</br>";
echo "F";
echo "<pre>";
echo "</br>";
//move the first class into a text file
$k = 0;
foreach ($array as $key){
echo $key[0];
if ($k < $half) {
$current = file_get_contents($fileA);
$current .= $key;
echo "G";
echo "H";
When this runs, I get the following line recurring for each item in the array
Warning: file_get_contents() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, resource given in C:\xampp\htdocs\PHPLabs\EE1600Assignment.php on line 93
The document itself has 25 items that look like this:
123, billy, bobs
Any help is appreciated. Thank you
file_get_contents expects a file path, but you are providing a file handler. You probably want instead fgets($fileA).
Alternatively, if you want to read the complete file (it's not entirely clear from your code), you can use fread($fileA).
According to the documentation, file_get_contents requires a path to the file you want to open (as per the error message you're getting - file_get_contents() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path).
You're passing in $fileA - which you created earlier using an fopen call
fopen("Class 1.txt", "w");

Error: First argument should be an array in

I have this code and no code before it that refers to any variables seen below. Yet I still can't find why I'm getting the error: "First argument should be an array in..."
$array = array("element here for reason");
function sortdata()
$File = fopen("Names.txt", "r");
//put each file line into an array element
array_push($array, fgets($File));
$array is out of scope to the function. You can bring it into scope using global.
$array = ..;
function sortdata() {
global $array;
Alternatively, you can pass it by reference into the function.
$array = ..;
function sortdata(&$array) {
You use variable $array inside function body. In this case this is local variable and it automatically sets to string.
For work with your global variable $array you should use instruction global in your function.
function sortdata() {
global $array;
/* there your code for work with $array */
The issue with the code is that you are not passing the $array variable into the function. Aside from that, it would be more efficient to use the shortcut way to add an item to the array instead of calling array_push since it eliminates the overhead of calling a function.
$array = array("element here for reason");
function sortdata($array)
$File = fopen("Names.txt", "r");
//put each file line into an array element
$array[] = fgets($File);
return $array;
You should try to first initialize the array and bring the array within the scope of the function like so:
$array = array();
array_push($array, "element here for reason");
function sortdata()
global $array;
$File = fopen("Names.txt", "r");
//put each file line into an array element
array_push($array, fgets($File));
This give you backward compatibility
function sortdata(array $array = array())
$File = fopen("Names.txt", "r");
array_push($array, fgets($File));
return $array;

how to read text file and translate fild

Hello, how to read txt file using php and replacement with array?
i want read file like this:
this my php code:
$f = fopen("test.txt", "r");
$image= "Imgaes";
// Read line by line until end of file
while (!feof($f)) {
// Make an array using comma as delimiter
// $arrM = explode("---",fgets($f));
$arr = explode("||---||",fgets($f));
// Write links (get the data in the array)
$num = 1;
while($num <= 30) {
list($eng,$fa) = explode("||,||", $arr[$num]);
foreach($html->find('html') as $full) {
$all = $full->innertext;
$fe = str_replace($eng,$fa,$all);
$num = $num+1;
echo $fe;
but this not work:(!!!
before the explode, parse your data in this function:
// Function arrayData
function arrayData($data){
# code...
// Create an array out of each line
$data_array=explode("\n", $data);
// Find the last key in the array
// If the last line is empty revise the last key downwards until there's actually something there
// Figure out the first key based upon the value set for the number of lines to display
// Start a new array to store the last X lines in
// Work through the array and only add the last X lines to it.
foreach($data_array as $key => $value)
if($key >= $first_key && $key <= $last_key)
return $final_array;
} // end function
