How do I disable / enable sections of my website with PHP + Checkboxes? - php

I need help with enableing/disableing parts of my website.
<p>Disabled Sections:</p>
<form id="e-d-check" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="SRS" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">SkiRegionSimulator 2012</input>
<input type="checkbox" name="Bilder" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">Bilder</input>
<input type="checkbox" name="KWS" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">Klimawandel-Stunde</input>
if (isset($_POST['SRS'])) {
echo 'Disabled SkiRegionSimulator 2012';
} else {
Everytime I uncheck the box it checks itself again...

Check if this works for you:
$disabled = array();
$disabled['SRS'] = isset($_POST['SRS']) && (int)$_POST['SRS'] === 1;
$disabled['Bilder'] = isset($_POST['Bilder']) && (int)$_POST['Bilder'] === 1;
$disabled['KWS'] = isset($_POST['KWS']) && (int)$_POST['KWS'] === 1;
<p>Disabled Sections:</p>
<form id="e-d-check" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" value="1" <?php if($disabled['SRS'] === true) echo "checked"; ?> name="SRS" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">SkiRegionSimulator 2012</input>
<input type="checkbox" value="1" <?php if($disabled['Bilder'] === true) echo "checked"; ?> name="Bilder" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">Bilder</input>
<input type="checkbox" value="1" <?php if($disabled['KWS'] === true) echo "checked"; ?> name="KWS" onchange="document.getElementById('e-d-check').submit()">Klimawandel-Stunde</input>
if ($disabled['SRS'] === true) {
echo 'Disabled SkiRegionSimulator 2012';
} else {
We control what checkbox is checked by using the (guess!) checked attribute. If you are using XHTML then change checked to checked="checked"

A different but similar approach with submit onclick.
$check_SRS = "";
$check_Bilder = "";
$check_KWS = "";
if (isset($_POST['SRS']) && intval($_POST['SRS']) == 1) { $check_SRS = "checked";}
if (isset($_POST['Bilder']) && intval($_POST['Bilder']) == 1) { $check_Bilder = "checked";}
if (isset($_POST['KWS']) && intval($_POST['KWS']) == 1) { $check_KWS = "checked";}
<p>Disabled Sections:</p>
<form id="e-d-check" method="post">
<input type="checkbox" name="SRS" value="1" onclick="submit()" <?php echo htmlspecialchars($check_SRS); ?>>SkiRegionSimulator 2012</input>
<input type="checkbox" name="Bilder" value="1" onclick="submit()" <?php echo htmlspecialchars($check_Bilder); ?>>Bilder</input>
<input type="checkbox" name="KWS" value="1" onclick="submit()" <?php echo htmlspecialchars($check_KWS); ?>>Klimawandel-Stunde</input>
if (isset($_POST['SRS']) && intval($_POST['SRS']) == 1) {
echo 'Disabled SkiRegionSimulator 2012';
} else {
A version of elseif statements to accommodate what are assumed to be the other includes depending on the state of the checkboxes - if one only can be checked:
if(intval($_POST['SRS']) == 1){
echo 'Disabled SkiRegionSimulator 2012';
}elseif(intval($_POST['SRS']) != 1){
}elseif(intval($_POST['Bilder']) == 1){
echo 'Disabled Bilder';
}elseif(intval($_POST['Bilder']) != 1){
}elseif(intval($_POST['KWS']) == 1){
echo 'Disabled KWS';
}elseif(intval($_POST['KWS']) != 1){
if more than one can be checked:
if(intval($_POST['SRS']) == 1){
echo 'Disabled SkiRegionSimulator 2012';
if(intval($_POST['Bilder']) == 1){
echo 'Disabled Bilder';
if(intval($_POST['KWS']) == 1){
echo 'Disabled KWS';


How to make an entry in a text box required when one specific radio button is selected?

I have several radio buttons which can be chosen and then the form can be sent without an issue. However a user can easily select the "Other" radio button and submit without giving any context or reason on why they chose it leaving the people receiving the "completed" form guessing what the issue is.
What I want to happen is that if a person selects the "Other" radio button and try and submit without a note/message/comment they will be interrupted with a requirement massage.
The snippet of the form that I want this to happen to is:
<input name="category" type="radio" value="Other" checked>Other
Note: <br> <textarea name="comment" rows="10" cols="70" placeholder="More detail... (Is there a way to recreate the error? What happened?)"></textarea>
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="userFriendly">
I have tried many variations of if statements and the required function given with HTML5 but can not seem to get what I need.
Any help will be appreciated and thanks in advance.
Edit 1:
Here is the full code of my form:
<form action="send_form_email.php?OperationID=<?php print ($OperationID) ?>&title=<?php print ($title) ?>" method="post" onsubmit="return this.users.value != ''">
<select required name="users">
<option value=""></option>
foreach($users as $key => $value){
echo "<option value=\"$key\">$key</option>";
<td <?php print $hiddenJobDiv ?>>Job Number:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="jobid" value="<?php echo ($jobid) ?>" <?php echo $disabledInput ?>></td>
<td <?php print $hiddenPartDiv ?>>Part Number:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="partid" value="<?php echo ($part_id) ?>" <?php echo $disabledInput ?>></td>
<?php if ($OperationID == 20){ ?>
<td><input type="text" name="mach" value="<?php echo ($machCode) ?>" <?php echo $disabledInput ?>></td>
<?php } ?>
Error:<br><br><br> <!-- Display of dynamic list. -->
$html = customErr($OperationID);
foreach ($html as $oneError):?> <!-- foreach used to find the next iteration of the array. -->
<label> <!-- Beginning of the dynamic radio button list. -->
<input name="category"
value="<?php echo $oneError; ?>"> <!-- Dynamic value to be used in Slack API and email. -->
<?php echo $oneError; ?> <!-- Dynamic value as a visual representation for user. -->
<?endforeach;?> <!-- Stops foreach and goes to next object if avaliable. -->
<label> <!-- A permanent radio button labeled "Other" for (cont.) -->
<input name="category" type="radio" value="Other" checked>Other <!-- all report error forms. -->
if (isset($_POST['category'])=="Other" && isset($_POST["comment"])=="")
$required[] = ("You must write a note if you choose \'other\'.");
return $required;
Note: <?php echo $required ?> <br> <textarea name="comment" rows="10" cols="70"
placeholder="More detail... (Is there a way to recreate the error? What happened?)"></textarea> <!-- Allows the user to type in a custom message/note. -->
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="userFriendly"> <!-- A large 'submit' button for touch screen. -->
<input type="submit" name="close" value="Close" class="userFriendly"> <!-- A large 'close' button for touch screens. -->
Edit 2:
Here is the full code:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/main_style.css">
.error {color: #FF0000;}
table, th, td {border: 1px solid white;}
function close_window() {
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
$link = open_v8_db();
$users = get_clocked_in_users();
$OperationID = #$_REQUEST['OperationID'];
$title = "";
$grayedOut = false;
$disabledInput = "";
$hiddenJobDiv = "";
$hiddenPartDiv = "";
$ID = "";
$html = "";
$jobid = #$_REQUEST['JobID'];
$part_id = #$_REQUEST['PartID'];
$machCode = #$_REQUEST['Machine'];
if ($OperationID == 20)
$title = "Punching Machine";
$grayedOut = true;
elseif ($OperationID == 30)
$title = "Folding Machine";
$grayedOut = true;
elseif ($OperationID == 40 || $OperationID == 140)
$title = "Powder Coating";
$grayedOut = true;
elseif ($OperationID == 50 || $OperationID == 150)
$title = "Assembly";
$grayedOut = true;
elseif ($OperationID == 60 || $OperationID == 160)
$title = "Inspection";
$grayedOut = true;
elseif ($jobid != "" && $part_id == "")
$title = "Job";
$OperationID = 70;
$title = "General";
$OperationID = 80;
$grayedOut = false;
if ($greyedOut = true)
$disabledInput = "readonly";
function customErr($ID)
$html = "";
$issueReport_folder = 'document/Production System/';
$issueReporting = $issueReport_folder.'IssueReporting.csv';
$file_handle = fopen($issueReporting, "r");
if ($ID == 20)
while (!feof($file_handle))
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
if ($line_of_text[2] == "Punch")
$html[] = $line_of_text[1];
if ($ID == 30)
while (!feof($file_handle))
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
if ($line_of_text[2] == "Fold")
$html[] = $line_of_text[1];
if ($ID == 40 || $ID == 140)
while (!feof($file_handle))
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
if ($line_of_text[2] == "Powder")
$html[] = $line_of_text[1];
if ($ID == 50 || $ID == 150)
while (!feof($file_handle))
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
if ($line_of_text[2] == "Assembly")
$html[] = $line_of_text[1];
if ($ID == 60 || $ID == 160)
while (!feof($file_handle))
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
if ($line_of_text[2] == "Inspectoin")
$html[] = $line_of_text[1];
if ($ID == 70)
while (!feof($file_handle))
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
if ($line_of_text[2] == "Job")
$html[] = $line_of_text[1];
if ($ID == 80)
while (!feof($file_handle))
$line_of_text = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
if ($line_of_text[2] == "General")
$html[] = $line_of_text[1];
return $html;
$jobErr = $partErr = $machErr = "";
$job = $part = $mach = $note = "";
if ($jobid == "")
$hiddenJobDiv = "style=\"display:none;";
if ($part_id == "")
$hiddenPartDiv = "style=\"display:none;";
function test_input($data)
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
<div class="reportForm">
<h2>Report <u><?php echo $title; ?></u> Error</h2>
<form action="send_form_email.php?OperationID=<?php print ($OperationID) ?>&title=<?php print ($title) ?>" method="post" onsubmit="return this.users.value != ''">
<select required name="users">
<option value=""></option>
foreach($users as $key => $value){
echo "<option value=\"$key\">$key</option>";
<td <?php print $hiddenJobDiv ?>>Job Number:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="jobid" value="<?php echo ($jobid) ?>" <?php echo $disabledInput ?>></td>
<td <?php print $hiddenPartDiv ?>>Part Number:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="partid" value="<?php echo ($part_id) ?>" <?php echo $disabledInput ?>></td>
<?php if ($OperationID == 20){ ?>
<td><input type="text" name="mach" value="<?php echo ($machCode) ?>" <?php echo $disabledInput ?>></td>
<?php } ?>
Error:<br><br><br> <!-- Display of dynamic list. -->
$html = customErr($OperationID);
foreach ($html as $oneError):?> <!-- foreach used to find the next iteration of the array. -->
<label> <!-- Beginning of the dynamic radio button list. -->
<input name="category"
value="<?php echo $oneError; ?>"> <!-- Dynamic value to be used in Slack API and email. -->
<?php echo $oneError; ?> <!-- Dynamic value as a visual representation for user. -->
<?endforeach;?> <!-- Stops foreach and goes to next object if avaliable. -->
<label> <!-- A permanent radio button labeled "Other" for (cont.) -->
<input name="category" type="radio" value="Other" checked>Other <!-- all report error forms. -->
if (isset($_POST['category'])=="Other" && isset($_POST["comment"])=="")
$required[] = ("You must write a note if you choose \'other\'.");
return $required;
Note: <?php echo $required ?> <br> <textarea name="comment" rows="10" cols="70"
placeholder="More detail... (Is there a way to recreate the error? What happened?)"></textarea> <!-- Allows the user to type in a custom message/note. -->
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" class="userFriendly"> <!-- A large 'submit' button for touch screen. -->
<input type="submit" name="close" value="Close" class="userFriendly"> <!-- A large 'close' button for touch screens. -->
</form> <!-- End of form. -->
you can't use required method like that. I think your solution is add dynamically textbox when user clicked the option button like that:
Add this javascript function in your file:
<script language="javascript">
function activateNote()
var i = 1;
note_div.innerHTML = "Note: <br> <textarea required id='comment' name='comment' rows='10' cols='70' placeholder='More detail... (Is there a way to recreate the error? What happened?)' ></textarea><br><br>"
Change your elements like that, "delete note textarea" than add div element:
<input onClick="activateNote()" type="radio" name="category" value="Other">Other
<div id="note_div"></div>
One possible solution is to conditionally add the required HTML5 attribute to the required field when the "Other" radio button is selected.
You can do this with a javascript method attached to your radio button that is (de/)activated on select.

Radio button checked not working in php

This is my code :
if ($adPropertyPayment == "Direct") {
$checked = "checked = 'checked'";
} else {
$checked = "";
if ($adPropertyPayment == "CPC") {
$checked = "checked = 'checked'";
} else {
$checked = "";
if ($adPropertyPayment == "CPM") {
$checked = "checked = 'checked'";
} else {
$checked = "";
<input type="radio" id="radioPaymentDirect" name="payment" value="Direct" <?php echo $checked ?> onclick="showAmount('Direct');" />Direct
<input type="radio" id="radioPaymentCPC" name="payment" value="CPC" <?php echo $checked ?> onclick="showAmount('CPC');" />CPC
<input type="radio" id="radioPaymentCPM" name="payment" value="CPM" <?php echo $checked ?> onclick="showAmount('CPM');" />CPM
Checked is not working. I am getting the value of $aspropertypayment in POST.
Use this
$adPropertyPayment = $_POST['payment'];
if ($adPropertyPayment == "Direct") {
$checkedDir = "checked = 'checked'";
} else {
$checkedDir = "";
if ($adPropertyPayment == "CPC") {
$checkedCpc = "checked = 'checked'";
} else {
$checkedCpc = "";
if ($adPropertyPayment == "CPM") {
$checkedCpm = "checked = 'checked'";
} else {
$checkedCpm = "";
<input type="radio" id="radioPaymentDirect" name="payment" value="Direct" <?php echo $checkedDir;?> onclick="showAmount('Direct');" />Direct
<input type="radio" id="radioPaymentCPC" name="payment" value="CPC" <?php echo $checkedCpc;?> onclick="showAmount('CPC');" />CPC
<input type="radio" id="radioPaymentCPM" name="payment" value="CPM" <?php echo $checkedCpm;?> onclick="showAmount('CPM');" />CPM
Try writting only $checked = 'checked'; in your if statement.

Full Message is not showing in mobile phone using php sms api

Well, I just bought a sms api which is created by php. They provide me this 2 lines:
\well now i'm using a html form to send sms. But after message send it's not showing full sender name and message.
For example if i use "Test Sender" as sender_name and "Test message test message" as my_message then it's only showing First word like: Test as sender_name and Test as my_message. I don't understand why it's not showing full message and sender name
PHP code:
if(isset($_POST['Submit']) && $_POST['Submit'] == "Send SMS")
$write_numer = $_POST['write_number'];
$sender = inputvalid($_POST['sender']);
$type = inputvalid($_POST['type']);
$select_msg = inputvalid($_POST['select_msg']);
$msg = $_POST['txt'];
$length = strlen($msg);
$err = array();
if(isset($write_numer) && isset($sender) && isset($type) && isset($select_msg) && isset($msg))
if(empty($write_numer) && empty($sender) && empty($type) && empty($select_msg) && empty($msg))
$err[] = "All field require";
$err[] = "Write your mobile number";
elseif(strlen($write_numer) > 13 || strlen($write_numer) < 13)
$err[] = "Your mobile number format is not correct";
$err[] = "Your mobile number format is not correct";
elseif (!preg_match("/^8801(6|5|7|8|9|1)\d{8}/", $write_numer))
$err[] = "Invalid mobile number";
$err[] = "Select sender name";
$err[] = "Select your message type";
if(empty($select_msg) && empty($msg))
$err[] = "Select your message";
//error count
echo "<div class='error'>";
foreach($err as $er)
echo "<font color=red>$er.</font><br/>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<br/>";
$sms = "".$write_numer."&senderid=".$sender."&message=".$msg."";
$sms = file_get_contents($sms);
echo "<div class='success'>Successfully sent your message to $write_numer. Thank You.</div>";
$sql = mysql_query("INSERT INTO e_sent_sms VALUES('', '', '', '$write_numer', '$msg', '', '', '$length', '$type', '$sender', '$current_date', '$ip' )");
<form name="frm" method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) ?>">
<table width="800" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0" style="float:left; position:relative;">
<td>Write Number</td>
<td><input type="text" name="write_number" placeholder="Write your mobile number" class="td3" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['write_number'])) echo $_POST['write_number']; ?>" /><span style="color:#033;">* Mobile number must start with 8801XXXXXXXXX</span></td>
<td><input type="text" name="sender" placeholder="Sender name" class="td3" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['sender'])) echo $_POST['sender']; ?>" /></td>
<td>Message type</td>
<select name="type" class="select">
<option value="">--Select--</option>
<option value="5" <?php if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "5") echo 'selected = "selected"'; ?>>Text</option>
<option value="1" <?php if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "1") echo 'selected = "selected"'; ?>>Flash</option>
<option value="3" <?php if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "3") echo 'selected = "selected"'; ?>>Arabic</option>
<option value="2" <?php if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "2") echo 'selected = "selected"'; ?>>Unicode</option>
<option value="6" <?php if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "6") echo 'selected = "selected"'; ?>>Unicode Flash</option>
<option value="4" <?php if(isset($_POST['type']) && $_POST['type'] == "4") echo 'selected = "selected"'; ?>>Wap Push</option>
<td>Select message</td>
<select name="select_msg" class="select" id="carDealer">
<option value="">--Select Message--</option>
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT msg FROM e_sms_draft");
while($res = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
$draft = inputvalid($res['msg']);
$draft = stripslashes($draft);
if(isset($_POST['select_msg']) && $_POST['select_msg'] == "$draft")
$sel = 'selected = "selecteds"';
$sel = "";
echo "<option value='$draft' $sel>$draft</option>";
<td valign="top">Message</td>
<td><textarea class="textarea2" id="carPark" placeholder="Your message" name="txt" onkeyup="counter(this);"><?php if(isset($_POST['txt'])) echo $_POST['txt']; ?></textarea>
<script src=""></script>
function putIt(e) {
$("#carDealer").on("change", putIt);
<br/><input type="" name="lbl" style="border:none;"><br/></td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Save SMS" class="view"/>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Send SMS" class="submit"/></td>
Can you tell me what's wrong in my code ?
You need to urlencode your text before passing it to the URL. Do like this
$sender = urlencode($sender);
$msg = urlencode($msg);
$sms = "".$write_numer."&senderid=".$sender."&message=".$msg."";
Do this for all the variables that you are going to send it to the URL.

PHP Update multiple rows in MySQL

I have this PHP/HTML Code that is selecting data from a MySQL Database:
$sql3="SELECT * from property_images where property_seq = '".$property["sequence"]."' ";
<td colspan="2"><img src="<?php echo $property_img["image"]; ?>" width="80px" height="80px" /></td>
<td colspan="2"><input type="checkbox" name="image1" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image1"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image2" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image2"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image3" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image3"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image4" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image4"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image5" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image5"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image6" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image6"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image7" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image7"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image8" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image8"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image9" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image9"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image10" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image10"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image11" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image11"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image12" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image12"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<input type="checkbox" name="image13" value="Y" <?php if($property_img["image13"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> /></td>
each row, has its own image with the columns image1 - image13
i want to update the table with the checkboxes that are checked and unchecked on the form update
how is this possible?
If you mean that you want to update the $property_img["imagexx"] val on db depending on the user click on the checkbox you must use ajax.
Fire an event on triggering each checkbox and send the value to a php page that update the php.
Jquery Ajax function can help you on this task.
name all your checkboxes images[]
<input type="checkbox" name="images[]" value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="images[]" value="2" />
<input type="checkbox" name="images[]" value="3" />
<input type="checkbox" name="images[]" value="4" />
You can then update with PHP :
$q = "UPDATE property_images SET";
foreach($_POST["images"] as $image) {
$q .= " image" . $image ." = 'Y', ";
$q .= " property_seq = '".$property["sequence"]."' WHERE property_seq = '".$property["sequence"]."'";
First of all, mysql_ functions are deprecated, please google mysqli_ or PDO, mysql_ won't be supported on future versions, and is unsafe, etc
Your html output could be much simpler with a loop, also have an eye on putting the sequence number on a hidden field or something first:
$sql3="SELECT * from property_images where property_seq = '".$property["sequence"]."' ";
<td colspan="2"><img src="<?php echo $property_img["image"]; ?>" width="80px" height="80px" /></td>
<!-- THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: send the sequence or ID through a hidden field, to know which row you are gonna update later-->
<input type="hidden" name="sequence" value="<?php echo $property_img['sequence']; ?>"/>
<td colspan="2">
<?php for($i = 1; $i <= 13; $i++): ?>
<input type="checkbox" name="images[]>" value="<?php echo $i; ?>" <?php if($property_img["image$i"] == 'Y') { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> />
<?php endfor ?>
Then this is the next page where the update is done, have a good look at the comments:
//Handle as you want the situation when there are no images selected instead of using an exit(), I used it here just for the quickness;
if(count($_POST['images'] < 1) exit('no images where selected to update');
$images = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= 13; $i++){
$string = "image$i = ";
if(in_array($i, $_POST['images'])){
$string .= "'Y'"; //notice the double quoting here, it's important
} else {
//This updates the table so if it was checked when loaded, but unchecked by the user, this makes the change!
$string .= "'N'";
//This creates a string like: image1 = 'Y', images2 = 'N', etc...
$images = implode(', ', $images );
//try to sanitize the query first ... I won't cos am just showing you your question xD
$sql = "UPDATE property_images SET $images WHERE property_seq = " . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[sequence]) . ";

Why am I getting an "Unexpected $end" in my php code?

I do not know what im doing wrong. I have been looking through other forums that say my problem might be related to not having closed curly braces closed or a short php tag <? .... I have none of these as far as I can tell. This is a form that lets you know if any fields are left blank.
if (count($_POST) > 0)
function check_if_field_submitted($field_to_check)
if (isset($_POST[$field_to_check]) && $_POST[$field_to_check] != '')
return TRUE;
return "YOU MUST FILL IN THE $field_to_check FIELD!";
$error_messages = array();
//Validate the input
//Trim the fields
$_POST['first_name'] = trim($_POST['first_name']);
$_POST['last_name'] = trim($_POST['last_name']);
$_POST['comments'] = trim($_POST['comments']);
$_POST['first_name'] = strip_tags($_POST['first_name']);
$_POST['last_name'] = strip_tags($_POST['last_name']);
$_POST['comments'] = strip_tags($_POST['comments']);
//Required fields:
if (check_if_field_submitted('first_name') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('first_name');
if (check_if_field_submitted('last_name') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('last_name');
if (check_if_field_submitted('hobbies') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('hobbies');
if (check_if_field_submitted('university') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('university');
if (check_if_field_submitted('year') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('year');
if (check_if_field_submitted('comments') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('comments');
if (count($error_messages) < 1)
header("Location: success.php");
<DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
if (isset($error_messages) && count($error_messages) > 0)
echo "<ul>";
foreach($error_messages as $message)
echo "<li>$message</li>";
echo "</ul>";
<h1>Register or Fail</h1>
<form method="post" action="index.php">
<label>First Name</label>
<input type='text' name='first_name' value="<?php if(isset($_POST['first_name'])) { echo $_POST['first_name']; } ;?>" />
<label>Last Name</label>
<input type='text' name='last_name' value='<?php if(isset($_POST['last_name'])) { echo $_POST['last_name']; } ;?>'/>
<label>What are your hobbies?</label>
<input type="checkbox" name="hobbies" value="movies" <?php if(isset($_POST['hobbies']) && $_POST['hobbies'] == 'movies') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> Movies
<input type="checkbox" name="hobbies" value="sports" <?php if(isset($_POST['hobbies']) && $_POST['hobbies'] == 'sports') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> Sports
<input type="checkbox" name="hobbies" value="books" <?php if(isset($_POST['hobbies']) && $_POST['hobbies'] == 'books') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> Books
<input type="checkbox" name="hobbies" value="vgames" <?php if(isset($_POST['hobbies']) && $_POST['hobbies'] == 'vgames') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> Video Games
<input type="checkbox" name="hobbies" value="science" <?php if(isset($_POST['hobbies']) && $_POST['hobbies'] == 'science') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> FOR SCIENCE!
<label>What year are you?</label>
<input type="radio" name="year" value="1" <?php if(isset($_POST['year']) && $_POST['year'] == '1') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> Freshman
<input type="radio" name="year" value="2" <?php if(isset($_POST['year']) && $_POST['year'] == '2') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> Sophomore
<input type="radio" name="year" value="3" <?php if(isset($_POST['year']) && $_POST['year'] == '3') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> Junior
<input type="radio" name="year" value="4" <?php if(isset($_POST['year']) && $_POST['year'] == '4') { echo "checked='checked'"; } ?> /> Senior
<label>What university are you attending?</label>
<select name="university">
<option value="" <?php if(isset($_POST['university']) && $_POST['university'] == '') { echo "selected='selected'"; } ?> >Please Select an Option</option>
<option value="1" <?php if(isset($_POST['university']) && $_POST['university'] == '1') { echo "selected='selected'"; } ?> >Florida State University</option>
<option value="2" <?php if(isset($_POST['university']) && $_POST['university'] == '2') { echo "selected='selected'"; } ?> >University of Florida</option>
<option value="3" <?php if(isset($_POST['university']) && $_POST['university'] == '3') { echo "selected='selected'"; } ?> >University of Central Florida</option>
<option value="4" <?php if(isset($_POST['university']) && $_POST['university'] == '4') { echo "selected='selected'"; } ?> >University of Miami</option>
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
if (check_if_field_submitted('comments') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('comments');
if (count($error_messages) < 1)
header("Location: success.php");
if (check_if_field_submitted('comments') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('comments');
if (count($error_messages) < 1)
header("Location: success.php");
If I were you I would find an IDE with bracket matching/highlighting.
It looks like you're missing a closing brace on one of your if statements.
I think you want to change these lines:
if (check_if_field_submitted('comments') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('comments');
to this:
if (check_if_field_submitted('comments') !== TRUE)
$error_messages[] = check_if_field_submitted('comments');
