I have three tables. work_orders, customers, and aircraft. In the work_orders table there are two fields customer_id and aircraft_id. I'm trying to retrieve the customers and aircraft data through the use of join. I am getting an array of errors, but they all seem to be pointed in the same direction and that is that the table cannot be found.
Here is my WorkOrderController index:
public function index(WorkOrder $workorder)
$workorder_array = $workorder
->join('work_orders as work', 'work.aircraft_id', '=', 'aircraft.id')
->join('work_orders as workorder', 'workorder.customer_id', '=', 'customers.id')
->select('work_orders.opened_date', 'customers.mobile', 'aircraft.year')
return view('work-orders.index', compact('workorder_array'));
And with this I get the following error:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'aircraft.id' in 'on clause' (SQL: select work_orders.opened_date from work_orders inner join work_orders as work on aircraft.id = work.aircraft_id inner join work_orders as workorder on workorder.customer_id = customers.id)
I've tried switching work.aircraft_id with aircraft.id, because the Laravel Docs show it in that order, but that doesn't make any difference either. The only way I can get rid of this error is to remove my join statements.
I had the wrong table in the join statement. Here's what I should have had:
public function index(WorkOrder $workorder)
$workorder_array = $workorder
->join('aircraft', 'work_orders.aircraft_id', '=', 'aircraft.id')
->join('customers', 'work_orders.customer_id', '=', 'customers.id')
return view('work-orders.index', compact('workorder_array'));
I am trying to configure a query within a Laravel app that is equivalent to this:
SELECT SUM(balance), name FROM db.statement_versions
INNER JOIN statements ON statement_versions.statement_id = statements.id
INNER JOIN accounts ON statements.account_id = accounts.id
GROUP BY name;
This query works when I run it in MySQL Workbench, but when I try to translate it into PHP with the Laravel query builder I am getting an error. What I ultimately want is to return all accounts with their summed balance of statement_versions.balance. Here is my code right now:
public static function query(LensRequest $request, $query)
return $request->withOrdering($request->withFilters(
->join('statements', 'statement_versions.statement_id', '=', 'statements.id')
->join('accounts', 'statements.account_id', '=', 'accounts.id')
->orderBy('balance', 'desc')
->groupBy('statement_versions.balance', 'accounts.name')
I have tried a couple different variations of this, but I get the error SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'statement_versions.balance' in 'field list'. How can I solve this and get the query working correctly?
Not having your tables it will be a bit hard, but I hope that this will give you a path to what you want to achieve, it might be luck that it will work from the first shot :)
DB::table('statement_versions as sv')
DB::raw('sum(balance) as total')
->join('statements as s', 'sv.statement_id', '=', 's.id')
->join('accounts as a', 's.account_id', '=', 'a.id')
QueryException in Connection.php line 729:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'site_name' in
'where clause' (SQL: select email_date, url, recipient from
report_list where site_name = mywebsite)
$records = DB::table('report_list')
return records;
return view('monthlyReport')
My site_name was on different table and I don't know if I need to put Join or Make a model for this two.
Can someone help me with this query?
First of all You need to add column named "site_name" to your "report_list" table in database.
this query is for you to join 2 tables (here I took example "users" table as second table If your second table is defferent use your) ->
$records = DB::table('report_list')
->join('users', 'report_list.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->where('report_list.site_name', '=', $site_name);
->select('users.*', 'report_list.email_date','report_list.url','report_list.recipient')
return view('monthlyReport')
->with(['records' => $records , 'site_name' => $site_name ]);
If you show the tables to see the columns and table names could help you better, while these are some examples:
//Option 1
$results = DB::table('users')
->join('business', 'users.id', '=', 'business.user_id')
->select('users.*', 'business.name', 'business.telephone', 'business.address')
//Option 2
$results = User::join("business as b","users.id","=","business.user_id")
->select(DB::raw("users.*"), "b.name as business_name", "b.telephone as business_telephone", "b.address as business_address")
The laravel docs: https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/queries#joins
You should create a model for your other table which I assume it's Site then in the report_list model create a relation method like :
public function sites(){
return $this->hasOne(Site::class);
public function sites(){
return $this->hasOne('App\Models\Site);
After that in your eloquent query use this :
$records = DB::table('report_list')
->whereHas('sites', function($query){
SELECT COUNT(*) as count, MONTH(begin_date)
FROM `events`
WHERE (YEAR(begin_date) = YEAR(CURDATE()))
OR (YEAR(begin_date) = YEAR(CURDATE()) + 1)
GROUP BY MONTH(begin_date)
Here is sql query, i want to write it in laravel eloquent.
what i try:
$oncoming_events = DB::table('events')
->select(DB::raw('count(*) as numOfOncomingEvents, MONTH(begin_date)'))
->where('YEAR(begin_date)', '=', 'YEAR(CURDATE())')
->orWhere('YEAR(begin_date)', '=', 'YEAR(CURDATE()) +1')
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'YEAR(begin_date)' in 'where clause' (SQL: select count(*) as numOfOncomingEvents, MONTH(begin_date) from events where YEAR(begin_date) =
laravel 5.6
sql query works..
You need to use DB::raw() in where to tell the query builder that it is not column name it is data manipulation in query,
$oncoming_events = DB::table('events')->select(DB::raw('count(*) as numOfOncomingEvents, MONTH(begin_date)'))->where(DB::raw('YEAR(begin_date)'), '=', 'YEAR(CURDATE())')->orWhere(DB::raw('YEAR(begin_date)'), '=', 'YEAR(CURDATE()) +1')->groupBy(DB::raw('MONTH(begin_date)'))->get();
I have the following tables:
As you can see both users and hosts are connected with table rooms. Unfortunately users.room_number = 1, and hosts.room_number = 2. How can I create a query using leftJoin in laravel to distinguish between users.room_number and hosts.room_number? And then how I can refer to each room_number in my foreach loop?
I have something like this:
$main = DB::table('main')
->leftJoin('users', 'users.id', '=', 'main.user_id')
->leftJoin('hosts', 'hosts.id', '=', 'main.host_id')
->leftJoin('rooms as users_rooms', '=', 'rooms.id', 'users.room_id')
->leftJoin('rooms as hosts_rooms', '=', 'rooms.id', 'hosts.room_id')
->select('users_rooms.number as u_rooms_number', 'hosts_rooms.number as
return view('main.index', ['main' => $index]);
#foreach($main as $element)
{{ $element->u_rooms_number }}
{{ $element->h_rooms_number }}
Because of both leftJoin with 'rooms as users_rooms' and 'rooms as hosts_rooms' I get an Error "SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'rooms.id' in 'on clause'".
You get the error message, because you join twice on the rooms table. Your on clause therefore cannot identify which table of the two is specified with 'rooms.id'.
To avoid the conflict you correctly renamed the table joins in your query. Therefore you can use the names as if they were the tables themself.
->leftJoin('rooms as users_rooms', '=', 'users_rooms.id', 'users.room_id')
->leftJoin('rooms as hosts_rooms', '=', 'hosts_rooms.id', 'hosts.room_id')
I'm trying to build in search functionality in my application (Laravel 5.1), but my join doesn't seem to do anything to the resulting query. What am I doing wrong?
$query = InvoiceHeader::where('customer_code_id', '=', Auth::user()->customer_code_id);
$query->join('invoice_types', 'invoice_headers.invoice_type_id', '=', 'invoice_types.id')
->where('invoice_types.name', '<>', array_search('Faktura', InvoiceHeader::INVOICE_TYPES));
$invoices = $query->paginate(15);
Resulting query:
select count(*) as aggregate from invoice_headers where customer_code_id = 1 and (invoice_types.name <> 380)
Resulting response:
SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'invoice_types.name' in 'where clause'
This is the query I was hoping to see:
select count(*) as aggregate
from invoice_headers
inner join invoice_types
on invoice_headers.invoice_type_id = invoice_types.id
where customer_code_id = 1
and (invoice_types.name <> 380)
$query = InvoiceHeader::where('customer_code_id', '=', Auth::user()->customer_code_id);
you need to store the query in a variable.
$query = $query->join('invoice_types', 'invoice_headers.invoice_type_id', '=', 'invoice_types.id')
->where('invoice_types.name', '<>', array_search('Faktura', InvoiceHeader::INVOICE_TYPES));
$invoices = $query->paginate(15);
You need to add JOIN with invoice_types table if you want to filter on invoice_types.name.