I'm creating a WordPress plugin for my client using WP REST API V2,
and i got a problem with the wp_remote_get() function,
My wp_remote_get() always return "http_request_failed" when I send the get request to the server from the client-side plugin,
BUT its weirdly works well when I try the wp_remote_get() in other domain or when I send the request to other url,
I use this simple code
$allstores = wp_remote_get( 'http://admin.shopsaver.dk/wp-json/wp/v2/shop', array( 'timeout' => 20 ) );
var_dump( $allstores );
Please help :)
Thank you
I am building restful api for android app using postman, but in postman only get method is working
complete code is here https://github.com/arvindsinghs/GT/blob/master/apicontroller
this method work if i sent parameters
$atts = \Yii::$app->request->get();
but if it changed it to post method and try to send paramerts in body it is not working
$atts = \Yii::$app->request->post();
Any help is appreciated.
I am developing an app for iPhone that makes use of a Wordpress site as a backend. I am also making changes to the site and have created basic endpoints for servicing the app using the Wordpress wp-json restful api. I have installed the JSON API, JSON API Auth, and JSON API User plugins and support user authentication. I manage to login a user and get a session token while doing so, a cookie. How do I make the subsequent calls authenticated, i.e. how do I add the cookie as a required parameter to an existing endpoint?
For instance, I have this code that retrieves the latest menu for the week:
function get_latest_menu ( $params ){
$post = get_posts( array(
'category' => 69,
'posts_per_page' => 1,
'offset' => 0
) );
if( empty( $post ) ){
return null;
return $post[0]->post_content;
// Register the rest route here.
add_action( 'rest_api_init', function () {
register_rest_route( 'weeks-menu/v1', 'latest-menu',array(
'methods' => 'GET',
'callback' => 'get_latest_menu'
) );
} );
Where and how should I add the cookie parameter in the call so that it would become authenticated? Please provide specific code if possible.
This might seem quite basic but I have no real php/Wordpress knowledge
nor the time to acquire it. Thank you.
Not sure how much help this will be after the fact but recently for school I ran into a similar issue while developing a mobile application using Ionic. The things I had to do were:
Enable Authentication headers in the HTAccess file for wordpress (it usually fails if you do not do this, the docs for the JWT explain exactly what to add and it worked for me).
I used post man to test it but the first thing you do is get the token for the username / password.
Every subsequent call you add an authorization flag in the header in the form Authorization: Bearer <token> where is your token you had for the user. I had a package with Ionic that can force the token from my storage which worked every time I made a call.
Additionally, you can add a new check to verify if the token is valid but there are a few plugins that force any rest end point to be authenticated which ends up sending an unauthorized flag which you can check in your code.
My recommendation if your still unclear download and use postman and use it to verify if everything is set up correctly. Once you get that sorted everything else starts making more sense.
I've developed a WordPress plugin to pull videos from YouTube with the YouTube v3 API
The plugin works fine in most sites but currently I'm having an issue with one, I can't seem to pass the error:
"Daily Limit for Unauthenticated Use Exceeded. Continued use requires signup."
The weird thing is I can copy / paste the query with a valid API key on the browser and it works, I've tested with other Api Keys with the same results. It seems the problem is with that server
I've checked than other plugins were using the Google API, but disabled all of them and still getting the same error
I don't know what to do next
Here is an example of a basic query to the YouTube API
$request = new WP_Http;
$result = $request->request(
'method' => 'GET',
'headers' => array('Accept' => 'application/json' )
The request is handled by the native WordPress class WP_Http
I've written a Wordpress Plug-in that interacts with Salesforce via the REST API. It successfully gets an Instance URL and an Authentication Token using a username/password.
I'm able to submit queries and create objects using wp_remote_post with GET and POST respectively.
However, when creating objects, though successfully created in the Salesforce instance, I get the following in response to my POST:
{"message":"HTTP Method 'POST' not allowed. Allowed are HEAD,GET,PATCH,DELETE","errorCode":"METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED"}
Using the same json body content from these requests, I am able to submit and create via the Salesforce Workbench with no problems at all. I get a proper response that looks like this:
"id" : "003E000000OubjkIAB",
"success" : true,
"errors" : [ ]
Is there something in the Headers that I'm sending that Salesforce only partially disagrees with? Here are some other arguments that are getting sent as a result of using wp_remote_post - http://codex.wordpress.org/HTTP_API#Other_Arguments
Here's the php code that's calling it:
$connInfo['access_token'] = get_transient('npsf_access_token');
$connInfo['instance_url'] = get_transient('npsf_instance_url');
$url = $connInfo['instance_url'] . $service;
$sfResponse = wp_remote_post($url, array(
'method' => $method,
'timeout' => 5,
'redirection' => 5,
'httpversion' => 1.0,
'blocking' => true,
'headers' => array("Authorization" => "OAuth ". $connInfo['access_token'], "Content-type" => "application/json"),
'body' => $content,
'cookies' => array()
The $content is being encoded via json_encode before it gets to this point.
It is specific to one of the extra CURL options being sent by the WP_Http_Curl class. I haven't yet narrowed down which one Salesforce is having a problem with.
The solution is disable redirection in the request. You have it as 5 (the default) -- it needs to be set to 0 for this to work.
The initial request works but Salesforce sends a location header as a part of the response (the URL of the newly created object). WordPress thinks it is being told that the URL moved and that it should try again at this new URL. The response you're seeing is the result of that second request to the actual object you just created. That URL doesn't accept POST requests apparently.
It's a bit odd for Salesforce to be sending such a header, but there's also some discussion going on on the WordPress side that WordPress shouldn't follow location headers for non-301/302 responses which would solve this.
Thanks for posting this by the way. You update made me start debugging WP_Http_Curl which made me realize it was actually making a second HTTP request.
I want to use wp_remote_post to send information from one server to my other website.
So basically, I have added this line to my code -
$sidebarHTTP = site_url(); // Retrieves HTTP Url of sidebar
$sidebarActivation = $sidebar.' , '.$sidebarHTTP; // Activate Sidebar
$args = array(
'method' => 'post',
'body' => array('sidebar' => $sidebar, 'sidebarHTTP' => $sidebarHTTP),
'user-agent' => 'My site'
wp_remote_post( 'http://mysite.com', $args ); // Loads all default data
So basically, it doesn't send anything. Yes, I have correct domain entered. Maybe it does send something, but I don't know how can I retrieve the $args['body'] from that site. Also, I tried adding $response = wp_remote_post.... and then sending mail $response['body'], but it just sends source code of homepage to email.
Would appreciate help.
You will need to enable cURL in your php.ini file.
wp_remote_post() uses a class called WP_Http that in turn can use one of three transport classes (see file class-http.php function _get_first_available_transport).
POST method will work with class WP_Http_Curl, but will not work with class WP_Http_Streams (the cURL fallback).
The alternative is to use wp_remote_get()