how to get yii 1 post method working with postman - php

I am building restful api for android app using postman, but in postman only get method is working
complete code is here
this method work if i sent parameters
$atts = \Yii::$app->request->get();
but if it changed it to post method and try to send paramerts in body it is not working
$atts = \Yii::$app->request->post();
Any help is appreciated.


Requesting Data for call back url

I am new on working third party API, working on GUPSHUP API and with the help of guzzle I am sending msg to whatsapp but for receiving the message from callback url to my controller what should I use.
Notes-> Callback url which i added on is webhook call back URL , Now when any event happened on that url
how to receive that in my laravel controller, i search all the places where they suggested call webhook client server put a route
in this i have to put my call back url . but i want to receive this call back url in controller , how to do this , please help me out

REST API / DELETE METHOD / Slim Framework v3

I am currently in the process of learning how to buid my own REST API using the Slim Framework v3 for PHP. I found several tutorials and was able to build multiple routes to send GET and POST requests to my MySQL database.
Next up for me is a delete request, but it doesn’t work.
This is my code:
$app->delete('/usuario/[{correo}]', function ($request, $response, $args) {
$sth = $this->db->prepare("DELETE FROM usuarios WHERE email=:correo");
$sth->bindParam("correo", $args['correo']);
$todos = $sth->fetchAll();
return $this->response->withJson($todos);
I’m testing it in Postman and I always have the same problem: 404 Not found.
I can’t understand it because I think the url is correct (http://localhost:8080/usuario/
Postman view
Can anyone help me?
I think the problem was in the parameter you sent to the route
You can not send dots as a character in your route URL
IF you test
I guess if you test http://localhost:8080/usuario/bbb#bbbdotes
It will work fine
You can send the email address in the body not in the url
And then you can deal with it like POST route to fetch the email address

How to test rest api written in codeigniter using URL manually

How can I test my rest api via URL?
I copied code from and it only have instruction for get method.
So far what I've tried are :
You can use Postman to test your APIs with manual data.

wp_remote_get() request failed when requested from certain server

I'm creating a WordPress plugin for my client using WP REST API V2,
and i got a problem with the wp_remote_get() function,
My wp_remote_get() always return "http_request_failed" when I send the get request to the server from the client-side plugin,
BUT its weirdly works well when I try the wp_remote_get() in other domain or when I send the request to other url,
I use this simple code
$allstores = wp_remote_get( '', array( 'timeout' => 20 ) );
var_dump( $allstores );
Please help :)
Thank you

Retrieve post_impressions from Facebook with PHP SDK

Using the PHP SDK, i'm trying to get post_impressions for specific posts.
I've set a valid default access token using setDefaultAccessToken(), and then im trying:
$request = $fb>get("/$post_id/insights/post_impressions");
$graphEdge = $request->getGraphEdge();
I've also tried to prepend $page_id followed by underscore to the $post_id in the request, as explained here, but no luck.
The response i get from the request above is an object with protected properties with my app_id, secret_id, my request method.
No data about the post though.
Any ideas on what im missing out here?
