I retrieved data from my table by summing result and show in table.I want to show sum result record between date='2014-01' and date='2014-04' in 2014-04 column name.And then,I want to retrieve other sum result in 2014-05 to current date.
How can I do that?
SELECT MONTH(regist_timestamp) AS Month, YEAR(regist_timestamp) AS Year,
count(id) AS numberOfVisits FROM ash_members WHERE
DATE(regist_timestamp) < CURDATE() GROUP BY
DATE_FORMAT(`regist_timestamp`,'%Y/%m' )
Format the date on SELECT then GROUP BY. Try with -
SELECT MONTH(regist_timestamp) AS Month, YEAR(regist_timestamp) AS Year,
count(id) AS numberOfVisits, DATE_FORMAT(`regist_timestamp`,'%Y/%m' ) formatted_date
FROM ash_members
WHERE DATE(regist_timestamp) < CURDATE()
GROUP BY formatted_date
I have a table (Hire Rates) which contains multiple records. I'm trying to find records based on a date query but cannot get it to work correctly.
Essentially I am looking for records that contain a date between two dates. If my query date is "2021-08-15", it should return the third row (3000) as the query date falls between the two dates.
It is mostly working for me, except if the query date is equal to the start date or end date - in that case it doesn't return any result.
$sql = "SELECT rate, currencyID FROM hire_rates WHERE status = '1' AND NOT (startDate >= '$queryDate' OR endDate <= '$queryDate')
Try adding 'between' condition.
select rate, currencyId from hire_rates where states =1 and not (cast($queryDate as DATE) between cast(startDate As DATE) and cast(endDate AS DATE) )
You would pass in the date you care about as a parameter. Then you can use between (based on your description of the logic):
SELECT rate, currencyID
FROM hire_rates
WHERE status = 1 AND
? BETWEEN startDate AND endDate;
Where ? is a parameter for the date you are passing in.
For 2021-08-15, you can write:
WHERE status = 1 AND
'2021-08-15' BETWEEN startDate AND endDate;
If you want the current date, you can actually get that from the database:
SELECT rate, currencyID
FROM hire_rates
WHERE status = 1 AND
curdate() BETWEEN startDate AND endDate;
Just try this then, `$sql = SELECT hireRate FROM hire_rate WHERE startDate<= '$queryDate' and endDate >= '$queryDate'
I have a table with 4 fields as follows
I want an Sql query to calculate a total salary for each month, where the result will be as follows
Do you just want group by and sum()?
select sum(salary) salary, month
from mytable
group by month
I have a sms tracker database with a date column in the format 02/25/2018 04:12:52 pm. I want to count the no of sms sent each day to display it in bar chart.
I could only count sms sent by a user using this query "SELECT count(*) as user_count from table where username = 'CTC01'". How can i get an array of count for each day in a particular month
Since OP's date_column is VARCHAR type. We use STR_TO_DATE function:
SELECT DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_column, "%m/%d/%Y %r")), COUNT(*)
FROM table
GROUP BY DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_column, "%m/%d/%Y %r"));
Use DATE function, to convert a datetime expression to a date. Then use GROUP BY to get COUNT datewise.
In case, you want to get data for a specific user (eg: CTC01) and datewise. You can do the following:
SELECT DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_column, "%m/%d/%Y %r")), COUNT(*)
FROM table
WHERE username = 'CTC01'
GROUP BY DATE(STR_TO_DATE(date_column, "%m/%d/%Y %r"));
I see your date format is 'm/d/Y H:i:s'. So, to get the total for each day in a month, you have to do a comparison against the least time in that month and the highest time in that month. So, the query for February 2018 would be:
SELECT DATE(date_column), COUNT(*)
FROM jobs
where created_on >= '02/01/2018 00:00:00' and created_on < '03/01/2018 00:00:00'
GROUP BY DATE(date_column);
To get for a particular user, simply append a where clause to the query above like so:
SELECT DATE(date_column), COUNT(*)
FROM jobs
where created_on >= '02/01/2018 00:00:00' and created_on < '03/01/2018 00:00:00' and username = 'CTC01'
GROUP BY DATE(date_column);
Since your date column is varchar, you first have to convert it to datetime. So run this query instead:
SELECT DATE(DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(date_column, '%c/%e/%Y %H:%i'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s')) as Date, COUNT(*)
FROM jobs
where created_on >= '02/01/2018 00:00:00' and created_on < '03/01/2018 00:00:00'
GROUP BY DATE(DATE_FORMAT(STR_TO_DATE(date_column, '%c/%e/%Y %H:%i'), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%s'));
first of all i want to extract dates of the relevant month from the database.for that i have used following query and i had generated the following output.
SELECT DISTINCT date as tot FROM attendance WHERE date LIKE '%2016-06%'
then i need to get the present employees for that dates from the database.but when i try that, it gives me total for one date only.how can i over come this.Here is my code.
SELECT DISTINCT date as days, COUNT(DISTINCT employee_id) as tot FROM attendance WHERE in_time != '' AND out_time != '' AND date LIKE '%2016-06%'
You need to use group by. mysql just returns an arbitrary value when you omit fields from the select list that are not included in aggregate functions. Then you can remove distinct:
SELECT date as days, COUNT(DISTINCT employee_id) as tot
FROM attendance
WHERE in_time != '' AND out_time != '' AND date LIKE '%2016-06%'
Per comment, what data type is your date field? Assuming it's a date, you could remove like and use year and month:
AND Month(date) = 6 AND Year(date) = 2016
I have a table which has product quantity column and the database has multiple entries in a single month.
Date format is (YYYY-MM-DD)
Date Quantity
2016-03-01 1200
2016-03-05 200
2016-04-05 500
2016-04-10 1000
2016-05-05 850
2016-05-10 50
So I want data as:
March (2016-03-01 to 2016-03-31) = 1400
April (2016-04-01 to 2016-04-30) = 1500
May (2016-05-01 to 2016-05-31) = 900
How can I do this?
Use the following query and it will return the result that you want.
' date field ' is the name of the column where date is inserted and Tablename is the name of the Table.
SELECT MONTH(date field) as month , YEAR(date field) as year , SUM(quantity) as
quantity FROM Tablename GROUP BY MONTH( date field )
select MONTH(Date) As dt , SUM(quantity) total from #Table1
You can use DATE_FORMAT to convert the date field into just the year-month format, select the SUM of the quantity field, and then GROUP_BY the year-month field.
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('%Y-%m', `date`) as `ym`, SUM(`quantity`) FROM `table` GROUP BY `ym` ORDER BY `ym` ASC
You can try grouping by the month and year, taking the sum of the quantity field as an aggregate.
SELECT MONTH(Date), YEAR(Date), SUM(quantity)
FROM yourTable
If you want the fancy output with actual date ranges, that would be a bit more work to do. Those dates may not exist in your original data set, so it could require a date table. And handling February in a leap year could be a real pain.
Use the following query same as it is it will return what you want
(SELECT CONCAT('(',YEAR(date),'-',LPAD(MONTH(date),2,0),'-01 - ')
), (SELECT concat(last_day(date),')')
)) dates, SUM(quantity) qty FROM DATES GROUP BY MONTH(date) ORDER BY MONTH(date)