PDO and While function in PHP not working - php

Hey guys so i really have a problem in php and i have been working on it for like an hour and i can get it to work. So in my database i have two tables:
usuarios and menus
So each user have a menu assigned like this:
id email ....... menus
1 email ...... 1,2,3,4
where 1,2,3,4 is text that i will explode and convert it into an array so latter i can get the menus checking the menu id's.
id url .....
1 profile ..........
2 messages ..........
3 log out ..........
4 support ..........
I dont know why it is not working, please help.
if (!empty($_SESSION['id'])) {
include_once "database.php";
$section = !empty($_GET['s']);
try {
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE id=:usuid");
// Checks the user id from his session (session has been already started in headers)
if($stmt->rowCount() > 0){
$row = $stmt->fetch();
$menus = $row['menus'];
//Gets the menus
$menus = explode(",", $menus);
//Converts the text into an array.
$i = 0;
$menusize = sizeof($menus);
//Checks how big is $menus array
$menusize = $menusize -1;
//This is because $i=0 and not 1
while ($i == $menusize) {
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM menus WHERE id=:menus");
$row = $stmt->fetch();
if ($section==$row['url']) {
echo '<li class="liselected"><i class="'.$row['icon'].'"></i><p>'.$row['name'].'</p></li>';
echo '<li class="menuelement"><i class="'.$row['icon'].'"></i><p>'.$row['name'].'</p></li>';
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
//Here is the problem, in this while
} else {
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
I have checked and what happends is that $i doesnt seems to be incrementing, i have been working on it but nothing seems to do it.
Thank you all for your support!

You should do it a little bit differently altogether, like storing the menu's in different rows but for now:
if (!empty($_SESSION['id'])) {
include_once "database.php";
$section = !empty($_GET['s']);
try {
# When you set the $_SESSION['id'] and you're sure it's sanitized you don't have to prepare a query. Instead execute it directly.
# Preparing is useful for user submitted data or running the same query more then once with different values (seen below)
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE id=:usuid");
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
if($stmt->rowCount() > 0){
// This part of the code does not match your description of your database.
$row = $stmt->fetch();
$menu = explode(",", $row['menus']);
// end
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM menus WHERE id=:menus");
foreach($menu as $value){
$row = $stmt->fetch();
$css_class = ($section == $row['url']) ? 'liselected' : 'menuelement';
echo '<li class="'.$css_class.'"><i class="'.$row['icon'].'"></i><p>'.$row['name'].'</p></li>';
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
} else {
Please note that I only prepared the query once, this is the proper way to do it. Preparing takes server performance, but once prepared you can rebind the values.
Also, I changed the loop to a foreach loop, easier to maintain.
There where also some bracket issues in the code, my advice always code in the same way so these issues are easy to spot.


Matching user code with database and redirecting winners / losers

I am new to...well everything. Bear with me.
I have a website that has a textbox for user input ( a code they receive). When they submit, it sends the code to a PHP file, which then checks the code against a database. If it matches the winner code, it redirects the user to a specific page. Losers, are redirected to a loser page.
That works!
However, I'm now trying to redirect users to a third page, if their code matches a different table of codes, but I can't figure out the if else statements. Can anyone help a poor doodle like myself? Thanks!
Here's what I got:
// Connect to your MySQL database
$dbhst = "localhost";
$dbnme = "blah";
$bdusr = "blaaah";
$dbpws = "blahblahblacksheep";
// Using PDO to connect
$conn = new PDO('mysql:host='.$dbhst.';dbname='.$dbnme, $bdusr, $dbpws);
// Getting variables
$answer = $_POST['answer'];
$questionID = $_POST['questionID'];
// Comparing answers
try {
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM Winners WHERE Winners='" . $answer . "' LIMIT 0,1");
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
if ( count($result) ) {
foreach($result as $row) {
// echo 'Congrats, you've entered a correct code';
header("Location: https://get-a-brik.myshopify.com/pages/8522");
} else {
// echo 'Your code did not win. Please try again.';
header("Location: https://get-a-brik.myshopify.com/pages/5551");
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo 'ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage();
You can use an if ... else if ... else statement:
if (... user is winner ...) {
header("Location: https://get-a-brik.myshopify.com/pages/8522");
} else if (... user is looser ...) {
header("Location: https://get-a-brik.myshopify.com/pages/5551");
} else {
header("Location: winner page");

Can I improve my PDO method (just started)

I just switched to PDO from mySQLi (from mySQL) and it's so far good and easy, especially regarding prepared statements
This is what I have for a select with prepared statement
Main DB file (included in all pages):
class DBi {
public static $conn;
// this I need to make the connection "global"
try {
DBi::$conn = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname;charset=utf8", $dbuname, $dbpass);
catch(PDOException $e) {
echo '<p class="error">Database error!</p>';
And in my page:
try {
$sql = 'SELECT pagetitle, pagecontent FROM mypages WHERE pageid = ? LIMIT 1';
$STH = DBi::$conn->prepare($sql);
$STH->execute(array($thispageid)); // $thispageid is from a GET var
catch(PDOException $e) {
echo '<p class="error">Database query error!</p>';
if ($STH) { // does this really need an if clause for it self?
$row = $STH->fetch();
if (!empty($row)) { // was there found a row with content?
echo '<h1>'.$row['pagetitle'].'</h1>
It all works. But am I doing it right? Or can I make it more simple some places?
Is using if (!empty($row)) {} an ok solution to check if there was a result row with content? Can't find other decent way to check for numrows on a prepared narrowed select
catch(PDOException $e) {
echo '<p class="error">Database query error!</p>';
I would use the opportunity to log which database query error occurred.
See example here: http://php.net/manual/en/pdostatement.errorinfo.php
Also if you catch an error, you should probably return from the function or the script.
if ($STH) { // does this really need an if clause for it self?
If $STH isn't valid, then it should have generated an exception and been caught previously. And if you had returned from the function in that catch block, then you wouldn't get to this point in the code, so there's no need to test $STH for being non-null again. Just start fetching from it.
$row = $STH->fetch();
if (!empty($row)) { // was there found a row with content?
I would write it this way:
$found_one = false;
while ($row = $STH->fetch()) {
$found_one = true;
. . . do other stuff with data . . .
if (!$found_one) {
echo "Sorry! Nothing found. Here's some default info:";
. . . output default info here . . .
No need to test if it's empty, because if it were, the loop would exit.

How to make echo results in table hyperlinks

I have retrieved data from DB and inserted into a html table however I want to make each value in the table a hyperlink to another page. Below I have tried making the pupil_id and link to a profile.php but all pupil_id values have now vanished!
(if (!isset($_POST['search'])) {
$pupils = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pupil") or die("Cant find Pupils");
$count = mysql_num_rows($pupils);
if ($count == 0) {
$totalpupil = "There are currently no Pupils in the system.";
} else {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($pupils)) {
<td><?php echo '<a href="profile.php?id=' .$row['pupil_id'] . '"</a>' ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['pupil_name'] ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row['class_id'] ?></td>
The finishing table should display every hyperlink as a hyperlink to another page. Any help?
Because your HTML is invalid, you are missing a closing > and you have no text defined for the hyperlink
<?php echo '<a href="profile.php?id=' .$row['pupil_id'] . '"</a>' ?> //Wrong
Correct would be
<?php echo ''.$row['pupil_id'].''; ?>
Try replace this:
<?php echo '<a href="profile.php?id=' .$row['pupil_id'] . '"</a>' ?>
with this:
<?php echo "<a href='profile.php?id=".$row['pupil_id']."'>link</a>"; ?>
Also, you dont have <table> tags at all.
You don't put any text between your link tags, text here
Maybe this will help you:
<td><?php echo ''.$row['pupil_name'].'' ?></td>
Watch out, which ever resource you are learning from may well be quite old. mysql_query is now deprecated.
http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.php is a replacement.
Here is a kick starter to using PDO (this is much much safer) i write a while ago.
Include this file in which ever php script needs to access your db. An example file name would be 'database.php' but that is your call. Set the namespace from 'yourproject' to whatever your project is called. Correct the database credentials to suit your database
This will save you a lot of headaches hopefully!
I have given some example uses at the bottom for you. I remember when i started out getting clear advice was sometimes hard to come by.
//***** in a database class file*****/
namespace yourproject;
class Database {
private $db_con = '';
/*** Function to login to the database ***/
public function db_login()
// Try to connect
$db_hostname = 'localhost';
$db_database = 'yourdatabasename';
$db_username = 'yourdatabaseusername';
$db_password = 'yourdatabasepassword';
// Connect to the server and select database
$this->db_con = new \PDO("mysql:host=$db_hostname;dbname=$db_database",
// Prevent emulation of prepared statements for security
$this->db_con->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);
$this->db_con->setAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
return true;
// If it fails, send user to maintenance page
catch(PDOException $e)
/*** Function for database control ***/
public function db_control($query , $parameters, $returnID = false)
if(!is_array($query) && is_array($parameters))
//prepare the statement
$statement = $this->db_con->prepare($query);
//execute the statement
//check whether this is a select, if it is then we need to retrieve the selected data
if(strpos($query, 'SELECT') !== false)
//fetch the results
$result = array();
while( $row = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC) )
$result[] = $row;
//count the results
$count = count($result);
//return the array
return array( 'results' => $result, 'result_count' => $count );
//else return the number of affected rows
//count the affected rows and place into a returnable array
$affected_rows = $statement->rowCount();
$returnArray = array('result_count' => $affected_rows);
//check to see if we are to return a newly inserted autoincrement ID from an INSERT
//find the newly created ID and add this data to the return array
$insertID = $this->db_con->lastInsertId();
$returnArray['ID'] = $insertID;
return $returnArray;
catch(PDOException $e)
return false;
return false;
// Start the database class and connect to the database then create a globally accessible function for ease of reference
$db = new \yourproject\Database();
function _db( $sql , $params , $returnID = false ){
return $GLOBALS['db']->db_control( $sql , $params , $returnID );
When you include this file you now have a new function: _db(). As the function is global it can be called from within any class or std file. When called into a variable as demonstrated below will result in an array like this:
'result_count' => 3,
'results' => array(
array(/*row 1*/),
array(/*row 2*/),
array(/*row 3*/),
.. etc etc
Now include your database file in your php script:
//call in the database file
require_once 'database.php';
//your query as in the op
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM pupil';
//your params for the query
$params = array();
//running the query and getting the results returned into a variable called $query
$query = _db($sql,$params);
//if no results
if( $query['result_count'] == 0 )
echo 'sorry no pupils in the system';
//looping through each result and printing into a html table row
for( $i = 0 ; $i < $query['result_count'] ; ++$i )
echo '<tr><td><a href="profile.php?id=' . $query['results'][$i]['pupil_id'] . '"</a></td>';
echo '<td>'. $query['results'][$i]['pupil_name'] . '</td>';
echo '<td>'. $query['results'][$i]['class_id'] . '</td></tr>';
Your original query but with some parameters passed through
//Passing parameters to the query
//your query
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM pupil WHERE pupil_id = :pupil_id AND class_id = :class_id';
//your params for the query
$params = array(
':pupil_id' => 12,
':class_id' => 17,
//running the query and getting the results returned into a variable called $query
$query = _db($sql,$params);
//deal with the results as normal...
If you set the 3rd param as true you can return the automatic id of the row just entered eg:
//where $sql is a query that will INSERT a row
$query = _db($sql,$params, true);

PHP mySQL search script for website

I highly appreciate that you try to help me.
My problem is this script:
<?php include("inc/incfiles/header.inc.php"); ?>
$list_user_info = $_GET['q'];
if ($list_user_info != "") {
$get_user_info = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$list_user_info'");
$get_user_list = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_user_info);
$user_list = $get_user_list['username'];
$user_profile = "profile.php?user=".$user_list;
$profilepic_info = $get_user_list['profile_pic'];
if ($profilepic_info == "") {
$profilepic_info = "./img/avatar.png";
else {
$profilepic_info = "./userdata/profile_pics/".$profilepic_info;
if ($user_list != "") {
<hr color="#FF8000"></hr>
<div class="SearchList">
<div style="float: left;">
<img src="<?php echo $profilepic_info; ?>" height="50" width="50">
<?php echo "<h1>".$user_list."</h1>"; ?>
else {
echo "<br><h3>User was not found</h3>";
else {
echo "<br><h3>You must specify a search query</h3>";
I am creating a search script that takes the mysql databse information and shows the result associated to the search query. My script is the above, but keep in mind the sql connection is established in an extern scipt.
The problem is that i want the script to first check if the user is found with the search query in the username row, and then get the entre information from that user and display it. If the user is not found with the username query, it should try and compare the search query with the name row, and then with the last name row. If no result is displayed it should then return an else statement with an error, e.g. "No user wsas found"
Yours sincerely,
Victor Achton
Do the query as Muhammet Arslan ... but just counting the rows would be faster ...
//not found
you should add a "Limit 1" at the end if you are just interested in one result (or none).
But read about prepared statements
This is how it should be done in 2013!
Something like this but you don't need 3 queries for this. you can always use OR in mysql statements
$handle1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = $username"); // Username
if (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($handle1) !== false) {
// username is found
} else {
$handle2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = $name"); // name
if (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($handle2) !== false) {
// name is found
} else {
$handle3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE lastname = $lastname"); // Last name
if (($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($handle3) !== false) {
// last name is found
} else {
// nothing found
Already you did ,but you can improve it by using "AND" or "OR" on ur sql statement.
$get_user_info = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$list_user_info' or name = '$list_user_info' or last_name = '$list_user_info'");
$get_user_list = mysql_fetch_assoc($get_user_info);
echo "No User was found";
and you should control $list_user_info or u can hacked.
Here some adapted copy pasting from php.net
try {
$dbh = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test', $user, $pass);
foreach($dbh->query('SELECT * from FOO') as $row) {
$dbh = null;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
print "Error!: " . $e->getMessage() . "<br/>";
fetch data
$stmt = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM users where name LIKE '%?%'");
if ($stmt->execute(array($_GET['name']))) {
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
the rest is your programing ...
And do some reading it's very dangerous to use copied code without understanding !

How to Conditionally Retrieve Rows from the Database in PHP?

Ok, I have a database full of values with one field value for prospects and another for clients...
I'd like to retrieve only the clients information...
How do I write the function???
Here is the script I tried to write:
try {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM clients" // WHERE history" or die(mysql_error());
foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
$row['history'] = $value;
if ($value == 'clients'){
echo "1212";
} else {
echo "Failed";
$dbh = null;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Failed: " . $e->getMessage();
There's no reason to do a rollback here, especially since you haven't started a transaction, and this is just a SELECT, so there's nothing to rollback ... I'm also not sure why you're nulling out $dbh. It's possible to reuse $dbh for other queries, or throughout your application...
Also, your select statement should reflect what data you actually need. If all you need is history, then SELECT history FROM clients[...] is best.
try {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE history = 'clients'";
$query = $dbh->prepare($sql);
while($row = $query->fetch())
if($row['history'] == 'clients'){
echo '1212';
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Failed: " . $e->getMessage();
Based on your sample script this would do the same but it would place the conditional operator in the query at the database layer instead of within the script at the application layer:
try {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM clients WHERE history = 'clients'" // WHERE history" or die(mysql_error());
foreach ($dbh->query($sql) as $row) {
echo "1212";
$dbh = null;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo "Failed: " . $e->getMessage();
Of course, it obviously won't reflect non-client rows like your sample did, but from what I could understand of your question this was what you actually wanted to have happen.
