I have this code that access a api and gets the data and outputs it on my site, but I'm having a problem with the arrays and etc. I was wondering how can I access that data needed.
My problem is in:
foreach($entrieszz as $statSummaryzz)
{ $gamemodematchhistoryfellowPlayerslolsearch = $statSummaryzz->fellowPlayers->teamId; }
and its giving me error: Trying to get property of non-object
The data im trying to access:
Trying to get games->fellowPlayers->teamId and also games->fellowPlayers->championId
This is what I have:
$apiKey = 'e9044828-20e3-46cc-9eb5-545949299803';
$summonerName = 'tamini';
$new = rawurlencode($summonerName);
$news = str_replace(' ', '', $summonerName);
$str = strtolower($news);
// get the basic summoner info
$result = file_get_contents('https://euw.api.pvp.net/api/lol/euw/v1.4/summoner/by-name/' . $new . '?api_key=' . $apiKey);
$summoner = json_decode($result)->$str;
$id = $summoner->id;
// var_dump($summoner);
$clawzzeyu = file_get_contents('https://euw.api.pvp.net/api/lol/euw/v1.3/game/by-summoner/' . $id . '/recent?api_key=' . $apiKey);
$gazazzeyu = json_decode($clawzzeyu);
$entrieszz = $gazazzeyu->games;
usort($entrieszz, function($accc,$bccc){
return $bccc->createDate-$accc->createDate;
foreach($entrieszz as $statSummaryzz){
$gamemodematchhistoryfellowPlayerslolsearch = $statSummaryzz->fellowPlayers->teamId;
In your json sample there isn't teamId but only team
could be need
foreach($entrieszz as $statSummaryzz){
$gamemodematchhistoryfellowPlayerslolsearch = $statSummaryzz->fellowPlayers->team;
Currently, I created a system that uses daypilot calendar. For example, when I clicked a date, it will show the list of activities on that selected date.
Below code is successful display the list:
require_once '../../../config/configPDO.php';
$Fac_ID = strtolower($_GET['Fac_ID']);
$Room_Desc = strtolower($_GET['Room_Desc']);
$stmt = $conn->prepare("SELECT * FROM booking LEFT JOIN room ON booking.Room_ID = room.Room_ID
WHERE room.Fac_ID = '$Fac_ID' AND room.Room_Desc = '$Room_Desc' AND Book_Status <> 'Reject'");
$result = $stmt->fetchAll();
class Event {}
$events = array();
foreach($result as $row) {
$e = new Event();
$e->id = $row['Book_No'];
$e->text = "Meeting Name: ". $row['Meeting_Description']. " || " ."Requested by: ".$row['Requested_by']. " || " ."Location: ".$row['Fac_ID']. ", " .$row['Room_Desc'];
$e->start = $row['StartTime'];
$e->end = $row['EndTime'];
$events[] = $e;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($events);
But, when I change the code (Because want to retrieve json data), the data doesn't display at calendar.
Below is the code:
require_once '../../../config/configPDO.php';
$Fac_ID = strtolower($_GET['Fac_ID']);
$Room_Desc = strtolower($_GET['Room_Desc']);
//retrieve json
$url = "$Fac_ID&Room_Desc=$Room_Desc&Room_ID=&Book_No=&Book_Date_From=&Book_Date_To=";
$data = file_get_contents($url); //line 10
$json = json_decode($data);
$result = $json->bookingList; //line 12
class Event {}
$events = array(); //
foreach($result as $row) { //line 17
$e = new Event();
$e->id = $row->bookNo;
$e->text = "Meeting Name: ".$row->desc. " || " ."Requested by: ".$row->requestedBy." || " ."Location: ".$row->facID.", " .$row->roomName;
$e->start = $row->startTime;
$e->end = $row->endTime;
$events[] = $e;
header('Content-Type: application/json');
echo json_encode($events);
And, This is the error that I found at console:
PHP Warning: file_get_contents( 1 &Room_ID=&Book_No=&Book_Date_From=&Book_Date_To=): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ebooking\pages\manual_booking\backend\backend_events.php on line 10
PHP Notice: Trying to get property 'bookingList' of non-object in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ebooking\pages\manual_booking\backend\backend_events.php on line 12
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ebooking\pages\manual_booking\backend\backend_events.php on line 17
Can I know where I need to change? Thanks
This is probably because of the space in "Level 1". Try urlencoding your $_GET parameters:
$url = "" . urlencode($Fac_ID) . "&Room_Desc=" . urlencode($Room_Desc) . "&Room_ID=&Book_No=&Book_Date_From=&Book_Date_To=";
If you want to make the variable substitution more explicit, you could use strtr:
$template = "{Fac_ID}&Room_Desc={Room_Desc}&Room_ID=&Book_No=&Book_Date_From=&Book_Date_To=";
$url = strtr($template, array(
'{Fac_ID}' => $Fac_ID,
'{Room_Desc}' => $Room_Desc
I have a code below
/* Error display */
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
/* Requires */
require 'conn.php';
/* Parameters (DIM) */
$param_customer = $_POST['param_customer'];
$param_user = $_POST['param_user'];
/* Others */
$param_email = $_POST['email'];
$file_dump_area = "../general_sync/";
/* Array */
$jsonData = array();
$arr_result = array();
/******************************** Download customer *********************************/
$cur_filename = $file_dump_area . removeCharEmail($param_email) . "_" . $param_customer . ".csv";
$cur_file = fopen($cur_filename, "w");
$cur_sql = "CALL android_getCustomer('" .$param_email. "')";
$cur_result = mysqli_query($con,$cur_sql);
if ($cur_file && $cur_result) {
while ($row = $cur_result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
fputcsv($cur_file, array_values($row));
array_push($arr_result, array('done_process' => "done_cus"));
/******************************** Download user *********************************/
$cur_filename = $file_dump_area . removeCharEmail($param_email) . "_" . $param_customer . "1.csv";
$cur_file = fopen($cur_filename, "w");
$cur_sql = "CALL android_getCustomer('" .$param_email. "')";
$cur_result = mysqli_query($con,$cur_sql);
if ($cur_file && $cur_result) {
while ($row = $cur_result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM)) {
fputcsv($cur_file, array_values($row));
array_push($arr_result, array('done_process' => "done_user"));
$jsonData = array("received"=>$arr_result);
echo json_encode($jsonData,JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);
function removeCharEmail($val) {
$new_val1 = str_replace(".", "", $val);
$new_val2 = str_replace("#", "", $new_val1);
return $new_val2;
The target output of that code is to create 2 csv which is it does but the problem is the 2nd csv has no data although the query shows some it does not write. I tried to copy the 1st line of codes. it does create the file but it didnt write
Whats the problem?
Updated with help of Mr. Barmar
i got this error Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
The stored procedure is apparently returning two result sets. You need to fetch the next result set before you can start another query. Add:
After each loop that fetches the results. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/14561639/1491895 for more details.
I am working on a JSON file in which I want to increment instead of overwriting the data. However I cannot seem to do this (since it keeps on overwriting instead of adding data with an incremented ID).
The code underneath is: database_json.php (as u can see I include it in saveJson.php)
$databaseFile = file_get_contents('json_files/database.json');
$databaseJson = json_decode($databaseFile, true);
$database = $databaseJson['data'];
the below is the code of the file saveJson.php contains the following code:
// below starts a new page, the page that submits the form called saveJson.php
$data = $_POST;
//Setup an empty array.
$errors = array();
if (isset($data)) {
$newExerciseData = $data;
$exerciseArray = $data['main_object'];
$databaseFile = 'json_files/database.json';
$textContent = file_get_contents($databaseFile);
$database = json_decode($textContent, true);
if ($data['id'] === 'new') {
if (count($database['data']) == 0) {
$ID = 0;
else {
$maxID = max($database['data']);
$ID = ++$maxID["id"];
$newJsonFile = 'jsonData_' . $ID . '.json';
$newJsonFilePath = 'json_files/' . $newJsonFile;
//Create new database exercise_txt
$newArrayData = array(
'id' => $ID,
// a lot of variables that aren't related to the problem
$database['data'][] = $newArrayData;
file_put_contents($databaseFile, json_encode($database, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
file_put_contents($newJsonFilePath, json_encode($newExerciseData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT));
else {
$index = array_search((int) $_POST['id'], array_column($database['data'], 'id'));
$correctJsonFile = 'json_files/jsonData_' . $_POST['id'] . '.json';
$newJsonFile = 'jsonData_' . $_POST['id'] . '.json';
$newJsonFilePath = 'json_files/' . $newJsonFile;
//Create new database exercise_txt
$newArrayData2 = array(
'id' => (int) $_POST['id'],
// more not related to problem variables
$database['data'][$index] = $newArrayData2;
file_put_contents($databaseFile, json_encode($database, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
file_put_contents($newJsonFilePath, json_encode($newExerciseData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE));
echo json_encode($newExerciseData, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
so, what I wish for: To increment the IDs and NOT to overwrite the data.
I already did some research and didn't find any useful information besides this --> Auto increment id JSON, but to me it looks like I have the same principle applied.
Hubspot's API allows you retrieve a list of contacts, however it only allows a max of 100 per call.
I do that with this call:
$contacts_batch1 = $contacts->get_all_contacts(array( 'count' => '100'));
And then if I want to get the next 100 I do this:
$offset1 = $contacts_batch1->{'vid-offset'};
$contacts_batch2 = $contacts->get_all_contacts(array('count' => '100', 'vidOffset'=>$offset1));
I am trying to get all the contacts without having to create a new variable each time I want the next 100. My first question would be how would I go about getting the vid-offset of the last set, and then how would I put that as a parameter into the next variable automatically.
Here's an example of getting all contacts into one array using HubSpot's API.
require "haPiHP/class.contacts.php";
require "haPiHP/class.exception.php";
$contacts = new HubSpot_Contacts(HUBSPOT_API_KEY);
$all_contacts = array();
$params = array("count" => 100);
if (isset($vidOffset))
$params["vidOffset"] = $vidOffset;
echo "count=" . $params["count"] . (isset($params["vidOffset"]) ? ", vidOffset=" . $params["vidOffset"] : "") . "\n";
$some_contacts = $contacts->get_all_contacts($params);
if ($some_contacts !== NULL)
$all_contacts = array_merge($all_contacts, $some_contacts->contacts);
$vidOffset = $some_contacts->{'vid-offset'};
} while ($some_contacts->{'has-more'});
echo "Received " . count($all_contacts) . " contacts.\n";
I am using forecast.io API to deliver weather data to my website. Sometimes the forecast.io API is down, which causes every single page on my website which uses the forecast.io API to return "Service Unavailable, unable to get file content errors"
This is what I'm using to gather the weather data from the API
$api_key = '123123123';
$latitude = $data->getLatitude();
$longitude = $data->getLongitude();
$forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key);
$condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($latitude, $longitude);
$temp = $condition->getTemperature();
$temp = $temp + 2;
$summ = $condition->getSummary();
$icon = $condition->getIcon();
$icon2 = $condition->getIcon();
$icon = str_replace('-', '_', $icon);
$icon2 = str_replace('-', ' ', $icon2);
$icon = strtoupper($icon);
$icon2 = ucfirst($icon2);
I would like to include some sort of error handler where if the forecast.io API is unavailable, then this code doesn't get called.
This is the site where I had the problem
This is what I changed
$forecast = new ForecastIO($api_key);
$request_url = 'https://api.forecast.io/forecast/';
$content = file_get_contents($request_url);
if (!empty($content)) {
return condition = $forecast->getCurrentConditions($latitude, $longitude);
} else {
return false;