I assume some of you might be already rolling their eyes since my topic has been dealt with so often in this forum. However, I haven't found any solution yet in this forum.
I want to parse a JS Object to a receiving PHP Site via JSON. I already read numerous times about the right parameters for the XMLHttpRequest-Header and its impact on the PHP part. I tried the very same solutions given in several other forums, but IT SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK for me. I've been working on this whole issue for four month now. I really need some advice.
Here is my JSON encoding JS Script:
function saveToDB(knotItems) {
var txtobj = knotItems;
var json = JSON.stringify(txtobj);
var url = "http://localhost/projektplaner/tools/DBConnection/writeFileToDB.php";
rq = new XMLHttpRequest();
rq.open("post", url, true);
rq.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
rq.send("project=" + json);
rq.onreadystatechange = window.open(url);
This is the JS-generated object array knotItems after being stringified by JSON:
"rank": 1,
"name": "Baugrube",
"faz_obj": "2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z",
"fazInDays": null,
"faz_string": "19.5.2016",
"faz_timestamp": 1463680336402,
"d": "2",
"parallelTask": "seriell",
"fez": ["2016-05-21T17:52:16.402Z", "21.5.2016", "NaN2"],
"fez_dateObj": "2016-05-21T17:52:16.402Z",
"fez_string": "21.5.2016"
}, {
"rank": 2,
"name": "Kellerwände",
"faz_obj": "2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z",
"fazInDays": null,
"faz_string": "21.5.2016",
"faz_timestamp": 1463853136402,
"d": "4",
"parallelTask": "seriell",
"fez": ["2016-05-25T17:52:16.402Z", "25.5.2016", "NaN4"],
"fez_dateObj": "2016-05-25T17:52:16.402Z",
"fez_string": "25.5.2016"
}, {
"rank": 3,
"name": "Kellerdecke",
"faz_obj": "2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z",
"fazInDays": null,
"faz_string": "25.5.2016",
"faz_timestamp": 1464198736402,
"d": "5",
"parallelTask": "seriell",
"fez": ["2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z", "30.5.2016", "NaN5"],
"fez_dateObj": "2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z",
"fez_string": "30.5.2016"
The reason I post the variable content is to show that all object keys are in double quotes, as required by PHP's json_decode.
This is my PHP receiving script:
echo json_decode($_POST['project'],true);
echo "Keine Daten"; // No Data
This is the parameter payload that can be seen via Firebug analysis:
HTTP Status Code is always 200 (OK).
And this is what I get from the PHP File.
Notice: Undefined index: project in C:\xampp\htdocs\projektplaner\tools\DBConnection\writeFileToDB.php on line 7
Keine Daten
I don't want to sound melodramatic or anything, but I'm about to go ape. I just can't see what the hell is wrong. Could it be a Server configuration issue?
I really, really appreciate your help.
Thank you very much in advance.
I am really confused in how to get a mail attachment from Outlook REST API and show it as a download link. The documentation is not precise and I have multiple forums but none could help me with it.
I took an OOP approach and this is a snippet of my code getting the attachment.
$getMessagesUrl = self::$outlookApiUrl."/Me/messages/".$message_id."/attachments/$attachment_id";
return self::makeApiCall($access_token, $user_email, "GET", $getMessagesUrl);
A get a response like this:
"#odata.context": "https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/$metadata#Me/Messages('AAMkAGI2THVSAAA%3D')/Attachments/$entity",
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.OutlookServices.FileAttachment",
"#odata.id": "https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/Users('ddfcd489-628b-40d7-b48b-57002df800e5#1717622f-1d94-4d0c-9d74-709fad664b77')/Messages('AAMkAGI2THVSAAA=')/Attachments('AAMkAGI2j4kShdM=')",
"Id": "AAMkAGI2j4kShdM=",
"LastModifiedDateTime": "2014-10-20T00:41:52Z",
"Name": "minutes.docx",
"ContentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"Size": 11585,
"IsInline": false,
"ContentId": null,
"ContentLocation": null,
My problem is how to get the actual URL so I can see and download the file. Any help would be appreciated.
I figured out how to do it. I am using PHP and the steps are below.
1st: decode ContentBytes
$decocedData = base64_decode($attach["ContentBytes"]);
2nd: create a file with and write the decoded data in it
$myfile = fopen("files/$name","w");
3rd: display the url as href
echo "<a href='files/$name' download>$name</a>";
I have a problem with fetching the correct data from a decoded JSON file. I don't know if my question is correct since I don't really know what I am doing for the moment.
So, this is what I don't want to do.
$ln = 'https://api.steamprices.net/v2/csgoprices/?id='.market_hash_name.'&key=XXX';
$link1 = file_get_contents($ln);
$myarray1 = json_decode($link1, true);
echo $myarray1['median_price'];
I am trying to get the price for every steam skin that's being loaded in my code. What this code does is that it loads this api link for every item I load. So if I have 50 items, this link will be loaded 50 times, which is not accepted by the API.
What I want to do, is that I want to load it once, and fetch the prices for every item from that exact link. That link would look like this:
So, lets say I load it once, and then when I want to apply market_hash_name to it, how do I do?
I assume it is something like this.
$priceJson = file_get_contents('https://api.steamprices.net/v2/csgoprices/?key=XXX');
$priceData = json_decode($priceJson, true);
echo $priceData[''.$market_hash_name.'']['price'];
But it doesn't seem to work. I am sorry for this messy explanation, I an unfamiliar with this.
Note that an example response for the api link looks like this:
"-r-H1Z1 Shirt": {
"price": 0.11,
"image": "https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/iGm5OjgdO5r8OoJ7TJjS39tTyGCTzzQwmWl1QPRXu8oaf69-NOHLAbqw_23aLe8AcRQ8-3uyKA7_CGvsJYds9U65FMF7i6AbXTJ8PDm57EliZdK7KLPuuh3dxC3m4m0ihzss0MKE6NtIt4qs-JukOX73WgETXYze_pxEBA",
"game": "h1z1"
"2016 Invitational Crate": {
"price": 0.09,
"image": "https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/iGm5OjgdO5r8OoJ7TJjS39tTyGCTzzQwmWl1QPRXu8oaf69-NOHLAbqw_23aLe8AcRQ8-3uyKA7_CGvsJYds9U65FMF7i6APSjJ6BjX9rGBYZ9ioCPzysSX6hNNacA",
"game": "h1z1"
"ANGRYPUG Motorcycle Helmet": {
"price": 0.17,
"image": "https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/iGm5OjgdO5r8OoJ7TJjS39tTyGCTzzQwmWl1QPRXu8oaf69-NOHLAbqw_23aLe8AcRQ8-3uyKA7_CGvsJYds9U65FMF7i6AbXTJ8PDm57EliZdK7KLPuuh3WySnxyXoUgz870MKd7sFTkZq98oW1ORiqAVsCUYfbNu3SUQqvUSGyY__iEw",
"game": "h1z1"
Another output
"name":"Aces High Pin",
Well, the json string you provide isn't valid but something like this may help you
$jsonData=file_get_contents("json.file"); // simply contains your json string as posted
$list_of_MHN=array("2016 Invitational Crate","ANGRYPUG Motorcycle Helmet");
foreach($jsonArray as $hash_name=>$arr){
I know this is probably a simple question, but I have been struggling with this for a few hours without any solution. I calling the Facebook Graph API and getting a result like so:
"og_object": {
"id": "1060581720684416",
"description": "It's\u00a0a chance to donate to your local shelter, volunteer with animals or simply cuddle up to your furry friend.",
"title": "National Dog Day 2016 Quotes: 15 Sayings And Photos Celebrating Man's Best Friend",
"type": "article",
"updated_time": "2016-08-26T19:26:39+0000"
"share": {
"comment_count": 0,
"share_count": 481
"id": "http://www.ibtimes.com/national-dog-day-2016-quotes-15-sayings-photos-celebrating-mans-best-friend-2407163"
I am only interested in accessing the "share_count" and "comment_count" values from this array. Here is the PHP I am trying to use:
$searchTopFBCount = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' . $thisFBLink . '?access_token=xxxxxxxxxx';
$getthisContents = file_get_contents($searchTopFBCount);
$jsonTopFBCount = json_decode($getthisContents,true);
$jsonTopShares = $jsonTopFBCount[0][share]->share_count;
$jsonTopComments = $jsonTopFBCount[0][share]->comment_count;
$jsonTopFBTotal = $jsonTopShares + $jsonTopComments;
No matter what I try, I can't seem to get any values for $jsonTopShares and $jsonTopComments. Any help anyone can give me with this problem would be much appreciated!
As someone mentioned in the comments, I'm not sure why you're using [0] as your data isn't in a nested array. You're also trying to access the array properties like they're objects.
Try this instead:
$jsonTopShares = $jsonTopFBCount['share']['share_count'];
$jsonTopComments = $jsonTopFBCount['share']['comment_count'];
The result of the call to the api server is a json file, which begins with this string:
"result": "success"
, "data": {"total":16080,"pageCount":161,"result":[{"packWidth":250,"itemNo"
How do I remove the part that I do not care?
that is, this
"result": "success"
, "data": {"total":16080,"pageCount":161,"result":
The complete result is:
"result": "success"
, "data": {"total":16080,"pageCount":161,"result": [{"packWidth":250,"itemNo":"1203945","groupItemNo":"1203945","status":1,"categoryId":105096,"packType":"Color Box","barcode":"6922833439687","modelLabel":"Color","packQty":24,"packInclude":"USB Cable, User Manual, USB Charger, Earphone, 1pcs Li-Battery, LCD Protector, Leather Case, Plastic Case","clearance":false,"id":103928,"packWeight":"12.500","price":"181.2800","packLength":400,"description":"description test","unitWeight":"0.726","packHeight":300}]}}
I use the PHP language
I have to remove the initial part:
"result": "success"
, "data": {"total":16080,"pageCount":161,"result":
and the final:
If you want to use part of a JSON to populate a CSV file, then parse the json using json_decode method and access the necessary information.
Try something like this:
var jsonObject = json_decode(myJson);
var interestingPart = jsonObject.data.result;
You can now access the data in an Object manner. Or if you want to get a json back from it, then use:
var interestingJson = json_encode(interestingPart);
Not tested, but it should work
preg_replace("/^.*?:(?=\w*\[) | (\w*}\w*}\w*$)/", "", $str);
Edit: i wrote this before I knew of json_decode, you should really use the json functions like suggested in fazovskys answer.
I have a ajax call calling a php file who runs a long php function which returns a JSON encoded array/object. Now I need to send HTML also into the ajax response. I thought about sending the HTML inside the array.
Is that a good practise?
Right now I cannot get it working, I get a NULL as value for that property. Don't know why.
$statHTML = '<table>';
foreach ($toHTML as $key=>$value) {
$statHTML.= '
<tr class="'.$key.'">
<td class="side">'.$value[0].'</td>
<td>'.$value[2].' '.$value[1].'</td>
$statHTML.= '</table>';
// echo $statHTML; // - this works
//function return
$answer = array('mostSearched'=>$mostSearched,
'timeOfDay' => $timeOfDay,
'statHTML' => $statHTML
return json_encode($answer);
The ajax response from the console before the JSON.parse():
"mostSearched": {
"title": "Most serached houses",
"colNames": [21],
"rowNames": [2013],
"rows": [1]
"timeOfDay": {
"title": "Time of search",
"colNames": ["07:30"],
"rowNames": ["07:30"],
"rows": [
"mostSearchedDays": {
"title": "Most searched days",
"colNames": ["2013-12-21", "2013-12-22", "2013-12-23", "2013-12-24", "2013-12-25", "2013-12-26", "2013-12-27"],
"rowNames": ["2013-12-21", "2013-12-22", "2013-12-23", "2013-12-24", "2013-12-25", "2013-12-26", "2013-12-27"],
"rows": [
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
"statHTML": null
From php.net:
The value being encoded. Can be any type except a resource.
All string data must be UTF-8 encoded.
So use:
$answer = array('mostSearched'=>$mostSearched,
'timeOfDay' => $timeOfDay,
'statHTML' => utf8_encode($statHTML)
return json_encode($answer);
Most likely the build-in JSON parser used by PHP cannot properly parse the HTML, the easiest way to solve the issue is to base64 encode the html on the server, and then decode it on the client, using either the newer atob and btoa base64 methods, or one of the many polyfills out there.
use base64_enccode in this at the time of conversion
$answer = array('statHTML'=>base64_encode('<h1>html in here</h1>'));
echo json_encode($answer);exit;
And at the time of getting response from ajax
Hope you understand how it works