I am really confused in how to get a mail attachment from Outlook REST API and show it as a download link. The documentation is not precise and I have multiple forums but none could help me with it.
I took an OOP approach and this is a snippet of my code getting the attachment.
$getMessagesUrl = self::$outlookApiUrl."/Me/messages/".$message_id."/attachments/$attachment_id";
return self::makeApiCall($access_token, $user_email, "GET", $getMessagesUrl);
A get a response like this:
"#odata.context": "https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/$metadata#Me/Messages('AAMkAGI2THVSAAA%3D')/Attachments/$entity",
"#odata.type": "#Microsoft.OutlookServices.FileAttachment",
"#odata.id": "https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/Users('ddfcd489-628b-40d7-b48b-57002df800e5#1717622f-1d94-4d0c-9d74-709fad664b77')/Messages('AAMkAGI2THVSAAA=')/Attachments('AAMkAGI2j4kShdM=')",
"Id": "AAMkAGI2j4kShdM=",
"LastModifiedDateTime": "2014-10-20T00:41:52Z",
"Name": "minutes.docx",
"ContentType": "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
"Size": 11585,
"IsInline": false,
"ContentId": null,
"ContentLocation": null,
My problem is how to get the actual URL so I can see and download the file. Any help would be appreciated.
I figured out how to do it. I am using PHP and the steps are below.
1st: decode ContentBytes
$decocedData = base64_decode($attach["ContentBytes"]);
2nd: create a file with and write the decoded data in it
$myfile = fopen("files/$name","w");
3rd: display the url as href
echo "<a href='files/$name' download>$name</a>";
I have a problem with fetching the correct data from a decoded JSON file. I don't know if my question is correct since I don't really know what I am doing for the moment.
So, this is what I don't want to do.
$ln = 'https://api.steamprices.net/v2/csgoprices/?id='.market_hash_name.'&key=XXX';
$link1 = file_get_contents($ln);
$myarray1 = json_decode($link1, true);
echo $myarray1['median_price'];
I am trying to get the price for every steam skin that's being loaded in my code. What this code does is that it loads this api link for every item I load. So if I have 50 items, this link will be loaded 50 times, which is not accepted by the API.
What I want to do, is that I want to load it once, and fetch the prices for every item from that exact link. That link would look like this:
So, lets say I load it once, and then when I want to apply market_hash_name to it, how do I do?
I assume it is something like this.
$priceJson = file_get_contents('https://api.steamprices.net/v2/csgoprices/?key=XXX');
$priceData = json_decode($priceJson, true);
echo $priceData[''.$market_hash_name.'']['price'];
But it doesn't seem to work. I am sorry for this messy explanation, I an unfamiliar with this.
Note that an example response for the api link looks like this:
"-r-H1Z1 Shirt": {
"price": 0.11,
"image": "https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/iGm5OjgdO5r8OoJ7TJjS39tTyGCTzzQwmWl1QPRXu8oaf69-NOHLAbqw_23aLe8AcRQ8-3uyKA7_CGvsJYds9U65FMF7i6AbXTJ8PDm57EliZdK7KLPuuh3dxC3m4m0ihzss0MKE6NtIt4qs-JukOX73WgETXYze_pxEBA",
"game": "h1z1"
"2016 Invitational Crate": {
"price": 0.09,
"image": "https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/iGm5OjgdO5r8OoJ7TJjS39tTyGCTzzQwmWl1QPRXu8oaf69-NOHLAbqw_23aLe8AcRQ8-3uyKA7_CGvsJYds9U65FMF7i6APSjJ6BjX9rGBYZ9ioCPzysSX6hNNacA",
"game": "h1z1"
"ANGRYPUG Motorcycle Helmet": {
"price": 0.17,
"image": "https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/iGm5OjgdO5r8OoJ7TJjS39tTyGCTzzQwmWl1QPRXu8oaf69-NOHLAbqw_23aLe8AcRQ8-3uyKA7_CGvsJYds9U65FMF7i6AbXTJ8PDm57EliZdK7KLPuuh3WySnxyXoUgz870MKd7sFTkZq98oW1ORiqAVsCUYfbNu3SUQqvUSGyY__iEw",
"game": "h1z1"
Another output
"name":"Aces High Pin",
Well, the json string you provide isn't valid but something like this may help you
$jsonData=file_get_contents("json.file"); // simply contains your json string as posted
$list_of_MHN=array("2016 Invitational Crate","ANGRYPUG Motorcycle Helmet");
foreach($jsonArray as $hash_name=>$arr){
I assume some of you might be already rolling their eyes since my topic has been dealt with so often in this forum. However, I haven't found any solution yet in this forum.
I want to parse a JS Object to a receiving PHP Site via JSON. I already read numerous times about the right parameters for the XMLHttpRequest-Header and its impact on the PHP part. I tried the very same solutions given in several other forums, but IT SIMPLY DOESN'T WORK for me. I've been working on this whole issue for four month now. I really need some advice.
Here is my JSON encoding JS Script:
function saveToDB(knotItems) {
var txtobj = knotItems;
var json = JSON.stringify(txtobj);
var url = "http://localhost/projektplaner/tools/DBConnection/writeFileToDB.php";
rq = new XMLHttpRequest();
rq.open("post", url, true);
rq.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8');
rq.send("project=" + json);
rq.onreadystatechange = window.open(url);
This is the JS-generated object array knotItems after being stringified by JSON:
"rank": 1,
"name": "Baugrube",
"faz_obj": "2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z",
"fazInDays": null,
"faz_string": "19.5.2016",
"faz_timestamp": 1463680336402,
"d": "2",
"parallelTask": "seriell",
"fez": ["2016-05-21T17:52:16.402Z", "21.5.2016", "NaN2"],
"fez_dateObj": "2016-05-21T17:52:16.402Z",
"fez_string": "21.5.2016"
}, {
"rank": 2,
"name": "Kellerwände",
"faz_obj": "2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z",
"fazInDays": null,
"faz_string": "21.5.2016",
"faz_timestamp": 1463853136402,
"d": "4",
"parallelTask": "seriell",
"fez": ["2016-05-25T17:52:16.402Z", "25.5.2016", "NaN4"],
"fez_dateObj": "2016-05-25T17:52:16.402Z",
"fez_string": "25.5.2016"
}, {
"rank": 3,
"name": "Kellerdecke",
"faz_obj": "2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z",
"fazInDays": null,
"faz_string": "25.5.2016",
"faz_timestamp": 1464198736402,
"d": "5",
"parallelTask": "seriell",
"fez": ["2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z", "30.5.2016", "NaN5"],
"fez_dateObj": "2016-05-30T17:52:16.402Z",
"fez_string": "30.5.2016"
The reason I post the variable content is to show that all object keys are in double quotes, as required by PHP's json_decode.
This is my PHP receiving script:
echo json_decode($_POST['project'],true);
echo "Keine Daten"; // No Data
This is the parameter payload that can be seen via Firebug analysis:
HTTP Status Code is always 200 (OK).
And this is what I get from the PHP File.
Notice: Undefined index: project in C:\xampp\htdocs\projektplaner\tools\DBConnection\writeFileToDB.php on line 7
Keine Daten
I don't want to sound melodramatic or anything, but I'm about to go ape. I just can't see what the hell is wrong. Could it be a Server configuration issue?
I really, really appreciate your help.
Thank you very much in advance.
I'm getting this kind of response from instagram server.
"meta": {
"code": 200
"data": {
"pagination": {
"next_url": "...",
"next_max_id": "13872296"
How do I get the "data" - part? I've tried to json decoding in PHP like:
//$userfeed is giving me something like above.
$tried_this = json_decode($userfeed['meta']);
but $userfeed and $tried_this seems to be the same.
Down below is the REAL data...
I've left out the access token, but otherwise it's correct. This is just a part of it, but I hope you get the picture....
you give me a shout
only have one
#kevin could u please add share feature on IG? So users don't have to
screenshoot a foto first if we want to share it.
Forgive me for not giving you a "readable" var_dump, but for some reason the var_dump on a specific server I'm trying on doesn't make it readable as expected.
$data = json_decode($userfeed, true);
is returning NULL
Assuming, a valid JSON string, you would do:
$data = json_decode($json_string, true);
Lets assume that you have provided access_token, than following syntax will meet your requirements
$url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/users/3/media/recent/?access_token=ACCESS-TOKEN";
$content = file_get_contents($url);
$data = json_decode($content, true);
The result of the call to the api server is a json file, which begins with this string:
"result": "success"
, "data": {"total":16080,"pageCount":161,"result":[{"packWidth":250,"itemNo"
How do I remove the part that I do not care?
that is, this
"result": "success"
, "data": {"total":16080,"pageCount":161,"result":
The complete result is:
"result": "success"
, "data": {"total":16080,"pageCount":161,"result": [{"packWidth":250,"itemNo":"1203945","groupItemNo":"1203945","status":1,"categoryId":105096,"packType":"Color Box","barcode":"6922833439687","modelLabel":"Color","packQty":24,"packInclude":"USB Cable, User Manual, USB Charger, Earphone, 1pcs Li-Battery, LCD Protector, Leather Case, Plastic Case","clearance":false,"id":103928,"packWeight":"12.500","price":"181.2800","packLength":400,"description":"description test","unitWeight":"0.726","packHeight":300}]}}
I use the PHP language
I have to remove the initial part:
"result": "success"
, "data": {"total":16080,"pageCount":161,"result":
and the final:
If you want to use part of a JSON to populate a CSV file, then parse the json using json_decode method and access the necessary information.
Try something like this:
var jsonObject = json_decode(myJson);
var interestingPart = jsonObject.data.result;
You can now access the data in an Object manner. Or if you want to get a json back from it, then use:
var interestingJson = json_encode(interestingPart);
Not tested, but it should work
preg_replace("/^.*?:(?=\w*\[) | (\w*}\w*}\w*$)/", "", $str);
Edit: i wrote this before I knew of json_decode, you should really use the json functions like suggested in fazovskys answer.
I'm trying to connect with the instagram API, the connection works fine and I am receiving the updates just as described in the API documentation, the issue is that I cannot access to the data send to my callback function.
According to the doc
When someone posts a new photo and it triggers an update of one of your subscriptions, we make a POST request to the callback URL that you defined in the subscription
This is my code :
// check if we have a security challenge
if (isset ($_GET['hub_challenge']))
echo $_GET['hub_challenge'];
else // This is an update
// read the content of $_POST
$myString = file_get_contents('php://input');
$answer = json_decode($myString);
// This is not working starting from here
$id = $answer->{'object_id'};
$api = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/locations/'.$id.'/media/recent?client_secret='.INSTA_CLI_SECRET.'&client_id='.INSTA_CLI_ID;
$response = get_curl($api); //change request path to pull different photos
$images = array();
$decode = json_decode($response);
foreach($decode->{'data'} as $item){
// do something with the data here
Displaying the $myString variable I have this result, don't know why it is not decoded to json :(
[{"changed_aspect": "media", "subscription_id": 2468174, "object":
"geography", "object_id": "1518250", "time": 1350044500}]
the get_curl function is working fine when I hardcode my $id.
I guess something is wrong with my $myString, unfortunately the $_POST cvariable is not populated, Any idea what I am missing ?
Looking at the example JSON response included in your question, I can conclude that the object you are trying to talk with is wrapped in an array (hence the [ and ] around it in the JSON string).
You should access it using $answers[0]->object_id.
If that doesn't work, you can always use var_dump to check out the data in one of your variables.