I have table articles and it's related tables comments, views and likes which have a field article_id and in my function I am sending name of the related table, with $request['option'], comments for example, with ajax, to get the top 5 most commented articles. But in my function I am getting from the query result with article_ids and counts and then I am iterating through the results with foreach loop and getting article object with article_id that I am sending in the query. I would like to avoid doing that query for each of the results from the first query. What would be the way to do it more elegantly and without so many calls to DB?
This is my code:
public function mostArticle(Request $request) {
$from = $request['from'];
$to = $request['to'];
$result = DB::table($request['option'])
->select(DB::raw('article_id'), DB::raw('count(*) as count'))
->whereDate('created_at', '>=', date($from).' 00:00:00')
->whereDate('created_at', '<=', date($to).' 00:00:00')
->orderBy('count', 'DESC')
foreach($result as $val){
$article = Article::where('id', $val->article_id)->first();
$mostSomethingArticle[$article->id] = [];
$mostSomethingArticle[$article->id]['title'] = $article->title;
$mostSomethingArticle[$article->id]['summary'] = $article->summary;
$mostSomethingArticle[$article->id]['count'] = $val->count;
return json_encode($mostSomethingArticle);
You can use relations or joins. But im not sure, if this code is correct:
$result = DB::table($request['option'])
->select('article.id', 'article.title', 'article.summary', DB::raw('count('.$request["option"].'.id) as count'))
->join('article', 'article.id', '=', $request['option']."article_id")
->whereDate('created_at', '>=', date($from).' 00:00:00')
->whereDate('created_at', '<=', date($to).' 00:00:00')
->orderBy('count', 'DESC')
return $result;
I have a database query that needs filtering further. The id needs to match a number in an array I have. For some reason, I can select where using every column except id. Even something as simple as $query->where('users.id', 1); doesn't work. How can I perform a database query by id?
$portfolio_query_array = UserPortfolio::all()->pluck('user_id')
$query = DB::table('users');
$query->select('users.id as user_id','users.user_slug', 'users.social_id', 'users.social_img_update_status', 'users.avatar', 'users.first_name', 'users.last_name', 'users.bio', 'comments.rating', 'user_portfolios.title', 'user_portfolios.description', 'user_portfolios.filepath');
$query->leftjoin('comments', 'comments.comment_to', '=', 'users.id');
$query->leftjoin('user_portfolios', 'user_portfolios.user_id', '=', 'users.id');
$query->leftjoin('user_profile_category_selects', 'user_profile_category_selects.user_id', '=', 'users.id');
$query->where('users.status', 1);
$query->where('users.user_type', 3);
// The below simple query line doesn't work
$query->where('users.id', 1);
// The lines I do want to work also fail.
foreach ($portfolio_query_array as $user_id){
$query = $query + $query->where('users.id', $user_id);
Thank you for your help!
First of all, you should take advantage of Eloquent ORM, there is no need to use raw queries unless you have some performance issues or really complex queries.
Assuming you have 3 models User, UserPortfolio, Comment, and all relationships defined, you could do something as simple as this:
$users = User::with('comments', 'portfolio')
->where('status', 1)
->where('user_type', 3)
In this way, you are getting all users with portfolios which is what I assume you want.
Anyway, if you insist to use a raw query, there whereIn() method is what you need
$portfolio_query_array = UserPortfolio::pluck('user_id')->toArray();
$query = DB::table('users')
'users.id as user_id',
->leftjoin('comments', 'comments.comment_to', 'users.id')
->leftjoin('user_portfolios', 'user_portfolios.user_id', 'users.id')
->leftjoin('user_profile_category_selects', 'user_profile_category_selects.user_id', 'users.id')
->where('users.status', 1)
->where('users.user_type', 3)
->whereIn('users.id', $portfolio_query_array)
BTW, why are you doing a leftJoin to user_profile_category_selects if no fields are selected from that table?
In addition, if you are looking for all users that have a portfolio, starting from the whole list of portfolios, wouldn't be better to do a join to portfolios and get only those users having portfolios?
$query = DB::table('users')
'users.id as user_id',
->leftjoin('comments', 'comments.comment_to', 'users.id')
->join('user_portfolios', 'user_portfolios.user_id', 'users.id')
->leftjoin('user_profile_category_selects', 'user_profile_category_selects.user_id', 'users.id')
->where('users.status', 1)
->where('users.user_type', 3)
I have another table called tableb and it has a user relationship defined through the user_id field.
I want to run a query against tableb where a certain date is within a certain range but then I want to grab the user table associated with that row but I only want it to grab the user if it's not been grabbed yet. I'm trying to do this all in 1 DB query. I have most of it done, but I'm having trouble with the unique part of it.
Here's what I have right now:
$tableB = TableB::select('users.*')
->join('users', 'tableb.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->where('tableb.start_date', '>', date('Y-m-d'))
So right now I have 3 entries in tableB from the same user, and ideally I'd like to only get 1 entry for that user.
How would I go about doing this?
Since you're selecting only users data, just add a groupBy clause in your query.
$tableB = TableB::select('users.*')
->join('users', 'tableb.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->where('tableb.start_date', '>', date('Y-m-d'))
You should just add groupBy like this :
$tableB = TableB::select('users.*')
->join('users', 'tableb.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->where('tableb.start_date', '>', date('Y-m-d'))
Try This Code
public function getrelation(){
return $this->hasMany('App\tableB', 'user_id');
In Your Controller
use App/user;
public funtion filterByDate(user $user)
$date = '2016-02-01';
$result = $user->WhereHas('getrelation', function ($query) use($date) {
$query->whereDate('tableb.start_date', '>', $date)
I want to set up scheduled emails for recommended oil changes. To do this, I need to select from a table of line items where the last oil change was over 3 months ago. I need a condition to ignore currently selected customer rows where an oil change was purchased under 3 months ago. How would I add this condition?
$search_term = 'oil change';
$date = new DateTime('-3 months');
$users = $this->prospectInstance->getDatabase()->table('LineItems')
->join('WorkOrder', 'WorkOrder.id', '=', 'LineItems.order_id')
->join('Customer', 'Customer.customer_id', '=', 'WorkOrder.customer_id')
->where('LineItems.line_type', 'like', "%$search_term%")
->where('WorkOrder.create_date', '<=', $date)
// this block produces errors
->whereNotIn('Customer.customer_id', function($query) use ($search_term, $date)
return $query->where('LineItems.line_type', 'like', "%$search_term%")
->join('WorkOrder', 'WorkOrder.id', '=', 'LineItems.order_id')
->join('Customer', 'Customer.customer_id', '=', 'WorkOrder.customer_id')
->where('WorkOrder.create_date', '>=', $date);
->orderBy('WorkOrder.create_date', 'DESC')
Table Structure:
Edit: I was able to use the advice below to use two separate queries to accomplish this, but I'd like to know if there is a single query I can create to accomplish the same result:
$search_term = 'oil change';
$date = new DateTime('-3 months');
$base_query = $this->prospectInstance->getDatabase()->table('LineItems')
->join('WorkOrder', 'WorkOrder.id', '=', 'LineItems.order_id')
->join('Customer', 'Customer.customer_id', '=', 'WorkOrder.customer_id')
->where('LineItems.line_type', 'like', "%$search_term%")
->orderBy('WorkOrder.create_date', 'desc')
$recent = clone $base_query;
$users = clone $base_query;
$recent->where('WorkOrder.create_date', '>', $date)
$users->where('WorkOrder.create_date', '<=', $date)
->whereNotIn('Customer.customer_id', $recent->lists('customer_id'));
I think this would work but is obviously not tested:
$users = $this->prospectInstance->getDatabase()->table('Customer')
->join('WorkOrder', 'WorkOrder.customer_id', '=', 'Customer.customer_id')
->join('LineItems', 'LineItems.order_id', '=', 'WorkOrder.id')
->where('LineItems.line_type', 'like', "%$search_term%")
->whereNotIn('Customer.customer_id', function($query) use ($date, $search_term)
->join('WorkOrder', 'Customer.customer_id', '=', 'WorkOrder.customer_id')
->join('LineItems', 'WorkOrder.id', '=', 'LineItems.order_id')
->where('WorkOrder.create_date', '>', $date)
->where('LineItems.line_type', 'like', "%$search_term%");
->orderBy('WorkOrder.create_date', 'desc')
I have a table of Weeks that is joined to a property table, Weeks table looking like this:-
PropID, WeekDate, Available
1 , 2015-07-04, Yes
1 , 2015-07-11, Yes
1 , 2015-07-18, No
2 , 2015-07-04, Yes
2 , 2015-07-11, No
2 , 2015-07-18, No
I want to select properties where both the weeks of the 4th and 11th are available. In the example above, I want to return two rows with PropID 1 as both are available and no rows from PropID 2 as only one of the weeks are available.
I've tried various ways, but either get nothing or always return the 1st, 2nd and 4th rows.
I think this is close, but it's still missing something as it is looking for dates that are <= AND >=
$query = Property::whereHas('Week', function($q) use ($arrive)
$sub->where('WeekDate', '>=', '2015-07-04');
$sub->where('WeekDate', '<=', '2015-07-11');
$q->where('Available', '=', 'Yes');
Not sure this helps, but the Property table is simply
PropID, PropName
1 , Property 1
2 , Property 2
Just found that this SQL works.
SELECT PropID FROM tblweeks WHERE WeekDate IN ('2015-07-04', '2015-07-11') AND Available = 'yes' GROUP BY PropID HAVING COUNT(*) = 2
This will give your result as Property 1 only:
$weeks = Property::whereHas('Week', function ($q) {
$q->where(function ($sub) {
$sub->whereIn('WeekDate', array('2015-07-04', '2015-07-11'));
$sub->where('Available', '=', 'y');
$q->having('count(*)', '=', '2');
There are some changes i have did in your query :
Please check this solution
$query = Property::whereHas('Week', function($q) use ($arrive)
$q->where('WeekDate', '=', '2015-07-04');
$q->orWhere('WeekDate', '=', '2015-07-11');
$q->where('Available', '=', 'Yes');
This should work and will return desire output
There are some changes, the query might be using group by query :
Please check this solution
$query = Property::whereHas('Week', function($q) use ($arrive)
$q->where('WeekDate', '=', '2015-07-04');
$q->orWhere('WeekDate', '=', '2015-07-11');
$q->where('Available', '=', 'Yes');
This should work and will return desire output
You actually need two whereHas for this:
$query = Property::whereHas('Week', function($q) use ($arrive)
$q->where('WeekDate', '>=', '2015-07-04');
$q->where('Available', '=', 'Yes');
->whereHas('Week', function($q) use ($arrive)
$q->where('WeekDate', '<=', '2015-07-11');
$q->where('Available', '=', 'Yes');
I believe you do not need the second nested query.
$query = Property::whereHas('Week', function($q) use ($arrive)
$q->where('WeekDate', '>=', '2015-07-04');
$q->where('WeekDate', '<=', '2015-07-11');
$q->where('Available', '=', 'Yes');
Have you looked into whereBetween.
$query = Property::whereHas('Week', function($q) use ($arrive)
$q->whereBetween('WeekDate', '2015-07-04', '2015-07-11');
$q->where('Available', '=', 'Yes');
how can I sort posts by votes in Laravel Queries? I know how to get the count by using ->count() but I don't know how to integrate it while joining other table.
$posts = DB::table('posts')
->join('votes', 'votes.post_id', '=', 'posts.id')
->select('posts.id', 'posts.description', 'posts.user_id', 'posts.created_at')
->where('posts.created_at', '>=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()-86400))
I don't know how to orderBy vote counts.
Assuming you're storing individual votes for each post (one to many):
$posts = DB::table('posts')
->join('votes', 'votes.post_id', '=', 'posts.id')
->select('posts.id', 'posts.description', 'posts.user_id', 'posts.created_at', DB::raw('COUNT(posts.id) AS total')
->where('posts.created_at', '>=', date('Y-m-d H:i:s',time()-86400))
->orderBy(DB::raw('total'), 'desc')
Note that Laravel's paginate class is poorly implemented and, when used with a groupBy, might choke on large number of results.