Php Outer Quotes Not Working - php

This is so strange, i tried a bunch of combinations for the quotes but with no positive results, i just want to put the children_of_row variable to be inside a string, but it's not working as i expect, this is strange but since i know that it is me that is wrong and not php i want you guys to tell me where is my "mistake" ? (anything that helps me understand nesting php strings is appreciated).
$children_of_array is an array, $children_of_row["qu‌​estion_name"] is a string when i use php's gettype function, i push the value into $children_of_array, and then inside a php echo statement i implode the array (can i run php functions inside the echo statement ?), but even if i don't the results are the same, when outputted into javascript the type is not string anymore.

If you want the string of $children_of_row["question_name"], you just need to put that:
array_push($children_of_array, $children_of_row["question_name"]);
As long as the variable is already a string, or a value that is allowed in an array (including arrays), it'll work.


"encapsulate" a whole part in a html query?

It might sound odd, but I want to send "hierarchical" html-query's == queries that contain queries and sub-queries (to a PHP based system).
The idea is that the first parse_str() will just convert the "outer part" into an array leaving all the "inner party untouched (unlike it is done with %26 that is converted to "&" anywhere).
So, what I search for is kind of a "escape begin / escape end" type of char(s) that make the HTML parser to leave all inside the escape untouched.
Therefor, the "first" parse would deliver an array of queries (and values, if these are not "escaped").
Basically I my ideal query would look like this - where "{" and "}" are the escape begin/end chars:
where {this_is_a_query} would be: "k1=abc&k2=100" and {and_yet_another} would be "k1=xyz&k2=200".
So, fully written:
As a result, i would like to get an assoc array that holds "parsable" values that are queries themselfs:
query[0] => "k1=abc&k2=100"
query[1] => "k1=xyz&k2=200"
I know that I can do that with "%26", but that only works in the "first hierarchy", but not for "queries/in-queries/in-queries" (and so forth)
What I want to achieve is kind of a "batch query" that allows for running multiple programs with one single call.
I hope my description above is understandable?
Sorry, it looks like I did not well express mself. To clearify, I wtry to mak another example, think about parse_str() would have "{}" as chars enclosing what it should not touch:
received string:
first parse_str would return:
My function would now iterate the steps 0..1..2 and hand over the values to the next function that also uses parse_str to aquire it's parameters and so forth.
The sub-function of step 1 would itself get an array and loop it ... apssing the parameters to the "scene" function that itself would dismantle the parameters of what to be done
step 2 would be a direct execution ... wait 10 seconds
step 3 would again get an array of scenes that it would hand over to the scene function.
I hope it's more clear now, what my direction goes to.
Especially that there are same "keys" for some different parts of the "action chain string".
Why I want it this way is the fact that 1.) the sending device has no similar function like http_build_query 2.) the parameters shall be entered by users (not programmers) in an INI-like file.
One way of doing it would be to urlencode the whole "part":
// this will result in
see a little demo here:
Alternatively you could also json_encode() it:
On the receiving end you can then easily json_decode() the string you get in $part.
see here:

json_encode Returning a PHP Array

So I am working with PHP to pass a PHP array over a jQuery Ajax request to another PHP page. This is quite the task. For some reason, my json_encode is returning an array instead of a string, I am not quite sure why. Here is my PHP code:
$new_spreadsheet = nl2br($_POST['spreadsheet']);
$new_spreadsheet = explode('<br />', $new_spreadsheet);
$new_spreadsheet = array_values($new_spreadsheet);
echo json_encode($new_spreadsheet);
I would show you the output, but it is really long. Basically this is outputting a PHP array which consists of each row on the spreadsheet. This is what I want to have, but the problem is that I don't want the quotes and everything in the array. I am pretty sure I need to run json_decode, but when I do that my code returns an error saying that the parameter needs to be a string. I can tell something is not right, but am not quite sure what I need to change. I would appreciate any advice.
Update: At this point, when I try to loop through the array and print each value, the first array index is equal to a double quote like so: ". There are double quotes in random values throughout the area. I am not quite sure about what is causing this.
If I echo the rows from within the json_encoded PHP array onto the console, I get the following output:
correct value
correct value
correct value
You're using JSON, which means you have to adhere to somewhat more stringent syntax rules than Javascript's. e.g.
$arr = array('This' => 'is', 'an' => 'array in php');
echo json_encode($array);
{"This":"is","an":"array in PHP"}
There is NO way to avoid getting quotes on the values, as they're a fundamental requirement of JSON (and Javascript). If you don't want quotes, then don't use JSON.
try only br.
$new_spreadsheet = explode("<br>", $new_spreadsheet);
It will work. and json_enode can never return an array. try var_dump and check.Also make sure before you post, use htmlspecialcharacters.

sprintf array of objects in PHP

$maids = getMaids();
I get $maids to be an array of PHP objects each one with the same structure. Is there any way I can sprintf the values inside of these objects with just two lines of code?
foreach($maids as &$maid)
sprintf($form, $maid->name, $maid->pbx, $maid->id);
Why is the code above outputting nothing? Not even an error in the console.
I want to keep my code as clean as possible and using 3 lines just to assign the contents of the object to a variable and then echo() only that variable is too long. Why my shortcut is not working?
sprintf doesn't output anything, it returns a string that you can then echo to output it; or try printf() instead
Use printf() instead of sprintf().
printf() will output it's results to stdout while sprintf() will return the results as a string what is useful in some cases too

Getting array param out of query string with PHP

(NOTE: This is a follow up to a previous question, How to pass an array within a query string?, where I asked about standard methods for passing arrays within query strings.)
I now have some PHP code that needs to consume the said query string- What kind of query string array formats does PHP recognize, and do I have to do anything special to retrieve the array?
The following doesn't seem to work:
Query string:
$myarray = $_GET["formparts"];
echo gettype($myarray)
Your query string should rather look like this:
If you're dealing with a query string, you are looking at the $_GET variable. This will contain everything after the ? in your previous question.
So what you will have to do is pretty much the opposite of the other question.
$products = array();
// ... Add some checking of $_GET to make sure it is sane
// then assign..
$products = explode(',', $_GET['pname']);
and so on for each variable. I must give you a full warning here, you MUST check what comes through the $_GET variable to make sure it is sane. Otherwise you risk having your site compromised.

What to use as array_import/var_import for sort-of exported array?

I have a string. It's a user submitted string. (And you should never ever trust user submitted anything.)
If certain (not unsafe) characters exist in the string, it's supposed to become a multi dimensional array/tree. First I tried splits, regex and loops. Too difficult. I've found a very easy solution with a few simple str_replace's and the result is a string that looks like an array definition. Eg:
array('body', array('div', array('x'), array(), array('')), array(array('oele')))
It's a silly array, but it's very easily created. Now that string has to become that array. I'm using eval() for that and I don't like it. Since it's user submitted (and must be able to contain just about anything), there could be any sort of function calls in that string.
So the million dollar question: is there some kind of var_import, or array_import that creates an array from a string and does nothing else (like mysterious, dangerous calls to exec etc)?
Yes, I have tried and neither of the above _import functions exist.
What I'm looking for is the exact opposite of var_import, becasuse the string I have as input, looks exactly like the string var_export would output.
Any other suggestions to make it safer then eval are also welcome! But I'm not abandoning the current method (it's just too simple).
array('body', array('div', array('x'), array(), array('')), array(array('oele')))
as input, I replaced some chars to make it a valid JSON string and imported that via json_decode.
Works perfectly. If some illegal chars are present, json_decode will trip over them (and not execute any dangerous code).
