I'm new to Laravel and started a project. In the project I've to build a admin panel with user role and permission management. I've gone through few packages and selected these two. Which should I use in my project either Zizaco/entrust or spatie/laravel-permission. I've gone through the docs of both but it will be great if you guys please provide me some sort of tuts if available for the package so that I can understand it clearly.
I may be late to answer this, but I was looking for the same. I think this might help you Two Best Laravel Packages to Manage Roles/Permissions
I have an existing laravel project with AlpineJS. I wanted to integrate authentication but not able to find a proper solution having in mind I DONT USE VUE. I have done this with Vue but just wanted to know if there's an updated guide for Laravel with Alpine JS. I tried to look into documentation but wasnt able to find something related.
composer require laravel/ui
php artisan ui:auth
Do I still need to do this? Any suggestions for best practices?
Alpine is just a lightweight framework for DOM manipulation, it's not going to provide any authentication functionality alone so you will need to add something to your project.
If you're wanting to add authentication to your application, you'll want to consider something like Laravel Fortify which is a headless front end agnostic authentication solution. There are starter kits such as Breeze or Jetstream, however, adding either of these boilerplate start kits to existing projects can have issues. Some people recommend starting a new project, installing one of them and them porting your existing functionality across (this will obviously depend on the scale of your project).
I have fresh project on Laravel 5.3 and I want to user Cartalyst/Sentinel as default auth and roles manager.
I tried to find some documentation about - how to make Sentinel default Auth manager, but don't find any enough accurate answers.
Could someone provide with step-by-step instruction - what and where need to be changed, replaced, added to use Sentinel in right way?
Documentation of both the sites have instructions for this :
1) Laravel - https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/authentication#adding-custom-guards and https://laravel.com/docs/5.3/authentication#adding-custom-user-providers
2) Sentinel - https://cartalyst.com/manual/sentinel/2.0#laravel-5
Follow what Sentinel guys have to say for now. Understanding how Laravel manages to allow custom Auth system will help you as well.
please suggest any package for multiple user authentication from multiple tables in Laravel
You can use kbwebs/multiauth Package. Its easy to install and are well documented. I also use it in one of my project Its works fine.
Here the Link https://github.com/Kbwebs/MultiAuth .
If you found any issue installing consult me i will guide you. But i dont think you will need me because its well Documentation.
Hope this will help you.
this is not a code question about laravel 5.*, it's more like to know if you guys develop your applications using packages ("package driven development" ? Not sure if this is the right definition).
What I mean is: Instead of building an application and create controllers in app/Http/Controllers/, you wrap everything in a package and then 'require' that package using composer (like a wordpress plugin).
I'm trying to think in a way to isolate the core Laravel from my specific application and save time later when it's time to upgrade when a new Laravel version is available.
In my case I'm having some issues moving from version 5.2 to 5.3 because I have some customization in the registration and login process - It might be because I'm not using the right approach to write the code (patterns), so I'd like to hear from more experienced Laravel developers.
The great thing about Laravel, there's almost always a package for what you want to do. You can either create your packages as packages on composer, or you can install a module package and create them as modules.
For my projects I tend to use caffeinated/modules. I've tried a few and IMO it's the easiest to use.
Yii framework has a very good module that provides scaffolding (generates CRUD with forms - responsive) known as GII. It generates the basic search grid, insert, update and delete for a database entity. It really speeds up the develop.
I am planning to develop another product in Laravel, I didn't come across any scaffolding tutorial.
Do we have any scaffolding module in Laravel 5.X ?
Try The Scaffold-Interface
generate your model,view,controller + one to many relationship just in few clicks.
You can used Ping pong module generator this is really helpfull for me.
just try it i hope this is helpfull for you.
it's generate full module like yii2 generator Grid,insert,update,delete,etc.....
Yes It does. They have Generators for the same purpose. As for example, Laravel 4 Generator in github should do it for you. Not sure if as effective as Gii though. You should do some experiment on this.
Edit: Laravel 5 Generator in github.
Laravel is so flexible .. Lots of packages out there especially for laravel . surely you could get a decent package .. You could refer this FYI laravel package for curd