laravel 5.2 multi user authentication from multiple tables using package - php

please suggest any package for multiple user authentication from multiple tables in Laravel

You can use kbwebs/multiauth Package. Its easy to install and are well documented. I also use it in one of my project Its works fine.
Here the Link .
If you found any issue installing consult me i will guide you. But i dont think you will need me because its well Documentation.
Hope this will help you.


Laravel Adldab2 - Authentication

I have medium size application I have built using laravel, now I am asked to do ldap integration so all the users are in ldap are registered automatically. I found the adldab2 package the most suitable way and I was following this document, but I have not achieved or managed to make it work .. so is there is anything missing from the document? and is there is any other way to integrate ldap ?
I'm with the same trouble. Maybe this guide can help you.
Good luck.

How to work with stripe in laravel 5.2

I have read and tried most of the blogs and tutorials regarding implementation of stripe in laravel 5.2 but none of them work out or none of them had proper explanation. Can somebody please provide me some simple to understand tutorial link. or can guide in simple language.
I'm new to laravel
Personally I think that watching this video from Jeffrey Way at will give you a basic understanding of how to use Stripe inside a Laravel project.
The video is recorded using Laravel 5.3 but not much is different -
Without watching the free video though, you can use composer require stripe/stripe-php to include the PHP library (
And then basically follow the instructions here and in the documentation -

Laravel 5.2 Zizaco/entrust or spatie/laravel-permission

I'm new to Laravel and started a project. In the project I've to build a admin panel with user role and permission management. I've gone through few packages and selected these two. Which should I use in my project either Zizaco/entrust or spatie/laravel-permission. I've gone through the docs of both but it will be great if you guys please provide me some sort of tuts if available for the package so that I can understand it clearly.
I may be late to answer this, but I was looking for the same. I think this might help you Two Best Laravel Packages to Manage Roles/Permissions

Does Laravel support scaffolding?

Yii framework has a very good module that provides scaffolding (generates CRUD with forms - responsive) known as GII. It generates the basic search grid, insert, update and delete for a database entity. It really speeds up the develop.
I am planning to develop another product in Laravel, I didn't come across any scaffolding tutorial.
Do we have any scaffolding module in Laravel 5.X ?
Try The Scaffold-Interface
generate your model,view,controller + one to many relationship just in few clicks.
You can used Ping pong module generator this is really helpfull for me.
just try it i hope this is helpfull for you.
it's generate full module like yii2 generator Grid,insert,update,delete,etc.....
Yes It does. They have Generators for the same purpose. As for example, Laravel 4 Generator in github should do it for you. Not sure if as effective as Gii though. You should do some experiment on this.
Edit: Laravel 5 Generator in github.
Laravel is so flexible .. Lots of packages out there especially for laravel . surely you could get a decent package .. You could refer this FYI laravel package for curd

Wrap classes in Laravel 5

I'm trying to integrate a package in Laravel 5, is this one:
I'm just starting with Laravel 5 so I'm not sure what's the best way to add this into the framework,
Could someone give me a hand?
If you are using OAuth with Facebook, Twitter, Google or Github - then Laravel 5 has Socialite built in and will handle all of this for you.
Github repository:
I found that using Laravel with composer packages is dead simple, just adding the USE statement asking for the namespace of the package and you're done. So I don't need this answer anymore, I still need to know how to integrate a library into Laravel 5, but will be in my TODO list.
