I am working on a Laravel application, and I ran the command composer update in order to install new packages I had added.
I had changed/added some files in the vendor directory before that, and those files that were added have been removed. I have not committed to my vendor directory (another mistake!), hence I can't get them back through git.
Now my questions are:
What happens when composer update is ran?
Why the files removed are not in the Recycle Bin, what has
happened to them? Permanently deleted?
As well, I am well aware that I can roll back my composer update, but that will not give me back my modified files, it would rather install the original files of the previous version.
Please do let me know if there is any other way (even file recovery) would help me to get these changes back.
composer update looks for new versions of installed dependencies and, if found, installs new versions instead of the old ones. It doesn't care whether any changes were made to installed dependencies, because it's looking just at their descriptions stored in the composer.lock file.
The files most likely cannot be recovered with composer for reasons mentioned above. You can try looking for lost files inside the cache directory .composer/cache, but I see no reason whatsoever for the lost files to be there. Yes, they are probably permanently deleted and, if those are critical, you should look for a file recovery program.
You definitely shouldn't store any modifications made to dependencies for the mentioned reasons.
Also, you probably shouldn't add vendor/ to your repository, for all dependencies are tracked with composer.lock anyway, and changing dependencies inside vendor (making them hardcoded) is against composer workflow.
As suggested by Kévin Dunglas, you can also try to look for the lost changes in the local history of your IDE (e.g. in PHPStorm).
I followed instructions from an answer of a similar topic(https://stackoverflow.com/a/17531897/4388482). Well, my app is getting deployed on Heroku but it doesn't work good. I'm getting the following warning
Your project only contains an 'index.php', no 'composer.json'.
Using 'index.php' to declare app type as PHP is deprecated and may lead to unexpected behavior.
Do I need to install something maybe?
Project structure was initially this:
I did the following:
Installed PHP 5 and composer.
I renamed package.json to composer.json and removed package-lock.json.
Typed "composer update" command. I got "nothing to install or update" message.
Added vendor to gitignore. Pushed changes to heroku.
I got the following warnings
Your 'composer.lock' is out of date!
Composer vendor dir found in project!
The complaint that Heroku has is regarding this folder.
For the record, the contents of this folder presently are:
What has happened here is that someone has committed dependencies to your version control, which is not good practice. It will work as is, but it is not very easy to do upgrades, especially since you cannot easily see what versions you currently do have.
There are three ways to go about this.
Decide if these are PHP dependencies, by searching Packagist. There is a Composer dependency for Bootstrap, but you would need to see if the version you are using is available (or whether you can upgrade to one that is available).
Decide if these are JavaScript dependencies, by searching NPM. I wonder if it is worth examining the contents of your package.json in case these are already covered. For what it is worth, I would generally consider these candidates for JavaScript libraries rather than PHP, but do what works for you.
Choose to leave these dependencies committed in the existing vendor folder. It will work, but it is not ideal for the reasons already stated.
In the last two cases, you could probably get away with a composer.json file thus, which you should commit to the repo:
"require": {
You could try a composer install after this, to see if it will generate a .lock file on an empty dependency list. If this does generate, then you should commit this also.
I am reading/learning about Composer, the application-level package manager for PHP.
In this blog post written by lead dev Jordi Boggiano, he writes:
Composer on the other hand forces you to declare your project
dependencies in a one-stop location (composer.json at the root). You
just checkout the code, install dependencies, and they will sit in the
project directory, not disturbing anything else on the machine.
Another related feature is the composer.lock file that is generated
when you install or update dependencies. It stores the exact version
of every dependency that was used. If you commit it, anyone checking
out the project will be able to install exactly the same versions as
you did when you last updated that file, avoiding issues because of
minor incompatibilities or regressions in different versions of a
If I understand Composer properly, when we're talking about packages downloaded/installed by Composer, we are talking about PHP code packages, ie, programming code written in PHP, and not system-level packages, eg, extensions to the PHP runtime installed on the server. So once these PHP code packages have been downloaded and added to a PHP project, I would have thought those packages become part of the PHP application source code, eg to be checked in to whichever version control system is being used for the project. If another developer comes along and checks out the code, why would they need to then "install the packages", as is stated in the blog post? Wouldn't they get a copy of all code packages when they check out the code from source control? This line in the blog post is confusing me, and making me think I don't understand Composer.
Any clarity on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The dependencies themselves should not be commited to source control. The composer.json and composer.lock files, on the other hand, should. There's various reasons for this, amongst them:
Every time you update the dependency you would have to commit the changes. That kind of tightly couples your code to the dependency, when it should be exactly the other way around.
The packages themselves are already in their own repository with their own history. Why repeat that in your project's history?
Those repositories can be huge, just muddling the waters around your project. Why carry around all that weight?
Instead, having each developer just run composer install (very important: not composer update) whenever they check out the project is much more efficient. Composer will install the dependencies from composer.lock, making sure everyone running the same commit is on the exact same page. The same goes for deploying.
You can read more about this here.
On the other hand, there might be situations where you have to commit your packages to get around a problem, like for example when you know you won't be able to run composer install on your production server (shared hosting)
Normally packages installed via composer don't get checked in to source control, only the code you write and the composer.json and composer.lock files.
This way the repository for your project does not get bloated with code you did not write and possibly don't really care that much about.
Yes its normal after cloning down your repository a developer will need to run the "composer install" command. The composer.lock file will ensure they get the same modules and versions of them you used when creating your project.
Not including the composer modules in your source control also allow you to easily update to the modules to get bug fixes and new features in new versions of them.
I am sorry if this has been asked before but after searching for a while I couldn't really find answers to my dilemma.
I am part of team that is working on a PHP project and we use github for our version control. We would like to implement a PSR-4 autoloader and every single guide uses Composer so we would as well. Now, while searching I learned that the vendor folder should not be included into github, but only the composer.json and that every developer needs to install composer onto their own computer.
Does that require the autoloader to be created again on every developers computer.
And finally, when the project is done, we would like to upload it onto our website, but the only way we can do that is through FTP.
Which files should be uploaded to the live website and what would happen to th autoloader?
You need to commit the composer.lock file as well. That's super-important - it means that whenever someone else checks out the code they get the same set of dependencies (including their exact versions) installed to their /vendor directory.
That's why you don't need the /vendor directory to be committed - the lock file takes care of ensuring the dependencies are fixed.
The composer.json defines numerous potential versions of your dependencies that meet your requirements. Running composer update essentially checks to see if a more recent version is available that meets those requirements. That's the difference between install and update - install goes off the lock file and knows exactly what to look for - update goes off the json file and could return different results at different points in time.
In your composer.json you can define the autoloader by telling it where your root namespace lives.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"RootNamespace\\": "library/src"
When your colleagues have run composer install it will create the autoloader for them in a consistent path.
You have options for deployment:
You can either upload the composer.lock file and run a composer install on production, or do it ahead of time and upload your vendor directory as part of the build.
I do the latter as I would prefer if there was an issue at this point to know about it before any files are changed on the production server. The alternative could leave a botched upgrade on production with missing dependencies. Safer to install those dependencies first and transfer everything in one go.
As an aside, I also like to install a fresh release to a separate folder on production named after the git commit and then symlink it as part of the deployment step. This ensures you don't have a half-updated application whilst you wait for the rest of the files to be uploaded. This approach would also eliminate the issue mentioned before, meaning you could do your composer install from production.
I have a git project with one branch, I´m trying to clone all files in my local folder, but I can´t get the vendor folder. I would like to know if I can do it in other way to get also vendor class.
I´m running this:
git clone -b branch_name repo_URL
As I say, I don´t get one folder. What I need to do it to get all files?
PD: I can´t download a ZIP of the project.
You are not supposed to find that vendor folder in your repository. It would be useless redundancy.
In modern PHP projects, Composer is being used to manage external dependencies. When running composer update, it reads a file composer.json (which should be present in your repository) to find the most recent versions of the external packages to be used.
This creates a file composer.lock (which should also be in your repository) with the exact versions and commits that got downloaded. If at any later time someone (like you now) wants to recreate the contents of the vendor folder, they run composer install, which will try to get everything that was once downloaded.
So the first step for you is to download Composer, then run composer install (depending on your way of downloading, it might also be php composer.phar install or something close to that).
Reasons for composer install to fail is that dependencies can no longer be downloaded because they were removed from the internet, or that the project is too old and has too old versions of said files so that it does not run with current versions of Composer (although this should be very rare). In any case: If you encounter errors, ask a new question here with all the details, including the full output of the Composer command.
The reason why you don't get the vendor folder is because the vendor folder never went up to the git repository. If you see the .gitignore file, you will notice a :
This tells git to ignore that folder and not to send it up to the git repository when you are pushing. There is no way for you to get that folder unless you find the original project before you pushed to the git.
I'm new to Composer (getcomposer.org) and wasn't sure how it works if I install a package locally using Composer and then push my codebase to my production server using Git. Do I have to run Composer again on the production server?
When you setup your project, you add your dependencies into your composer.json file in your local project directory.
Once you have done this, you will need to run composer update. You can also run composer install, however, without a composer.lock file, composer install actually runs composer update.
Composer update goes out and resolves all the dependencies of all the libraries you are using, downloads them to the /vendor directory, creates an autoloader script and generates the composer.lock file.
For your project what you want to do is version your composer.json AND your composer.lock file.
On your production server, you will always run composer install, which insures that the libraries on your production server are the exact same ones you utilized in your development process.
composer install is also a lot faster as it does not have to do all the dependency management work, and can almost always just pull a specific commit#. It doesn't have to look at version strings. Thus is is usually very fast, once a server has already gone through it once.
In development the only time you should run composer update, is when you introduce a new library OR you have an issue where an underlying library has been changed and you know that you need to have composer go out and re-calculate the dependencies. composer update always recalculates and downloads the latest revisions of any library available even if the version level did not change. This means that there is a potential for something to have become broken, necessitating the potential for as full a set of regression tests as you might have available. In short, something having nothing to do with what you're actually changing could have broken, so you only want to introduce the potential for change when you are forced to.
Of course, if you did introduce a new library, you have no choice but to run composer update.
Once you run composer update, your composer.lock file will be updated (as expected) and the production server will pick this up when you run composer install on it.
As others stated, put the vendors in your gitignore. The point is that these are external libraries that you depend on, but that do not belong in your project, and should not be versioned. In the old days some people utilized git submodules, and it's a big PITA you really want to avoid, not to mention that submodules don't address dependencies of the libraries you included.
It depends how are you working. If you, like getcomposer.org says, are ignoring the "vendor" folder then you need to run it again. If you are versioning the "vendor" folder then you don't need to run it again.
Have in mind that composer will get in charge of managing your dependencies versions, so there is no need to put your dependencies files under versioning. If you put these files under git you will only make your repository bigger.
Read https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies.
For clarification when you ignore the "vendor" folder Git don't track the files under the folder so if you clone the repo it will be like composer never was executed