I have a git project with one branch, I´m trying to clone all files in my local folder, but I can´t get the vendor folder. I would like to know if I can do it in other way to get also vendor class.
I´m running this:
git clone -b branch_name repo_URL
As I say, I don´t get one folder. What I need to do it to get all files?
PD: I can´t download a ZIP of the project.
You are not supposed to find that vendor folder in your repository. It would be useless redundancy.
In modern PHP projects, Composer is being used to manage external dependencies. When running composer update, it reads a file composer.json (which should be present in your repository) to find the most recent versions of the external packages to be used.
This creates a file composer.lock (which should also be in your repository) with the exact versions and commits that got downloaded. If at any later time someone (like you now) wants to recreate the contents of the vendor folder, they run composer install, which will try to get everything that was once downloaded.
So the first step for you is to download Composer, then run composer install (depending on your way of downloading, it might also be php composer.phar install or something close to that).
Reasons for composer install to fail is that dependencies can no longer be downloaded because they were removed from the internet, or that the project is too old and has too old versions of said files so that it does not run with current versions of Composer (although this should be very rare). In any case: If you encounter errors, ask a new question here with all the details, including the full output of the Composer command.
The reason why you don't get the vendor folder is because the vendor folder never went up to the git repository. If you see the .gitignore file, you will notice a :
This tells git to ignore that folder and not to send it up to the git repository when you are pushing. There is no way for you to get that folder unless you find the original project before you pushed to the git.
I made a new branch, because I need to update a certain dependency and adjust the code so the new version works.
After I pushed the branch. I switched to master and noticed that the package is also updated. I had to revert the update.
I noticed that this happened because the /vendor/ file is included in the .gitignore. After some reading I understand why. In case, I want to pull the project somewhere else, I should use composer install to install the dependencies.
But I am thinking, is it really worth it? I just could upload the whole vendor folder and when I pull it somewhere it would just work. The only downside it, that the vendor folder may be huge, am I correct?
I do not see an other option how I would be able to update and test a dependency on a different branch.
Is it save to remove the vendor folder from the .gitignore?
Is size the only reason why it is there?
If I keep the vendor folder in .gitignore, which seems to be suggested everywhere, how do I update a dependency on a branch only without destroying master?
I could recreate the whole vendor folder every time, but thats insane, that sounds really wrong.
It is recommended to have vendor folder not in repo.
composer.json file should pushed to git repo. You just to run composer install each time when you change anything in composer.json it will sync vendor folder with composer.json, on first time composer install will create composer.lock file to lock the versions of packages,
To see more
I'm OK with running composer install every time that I swap the branches.
But I have an idea for your case you could keep vendor in your main .gitignore file then go to the vendor folder and initialize a git repo in that folder from now on you are able to switch between branches in that sub git repository.
Note: be aware that you should also change branches in the main repo when you want to test your dependencies. (It's better to keep the name of the main repository's branch and the sub repository's branch the same.)
I'm new to the whole Composer/dependencies game.
I want to know whether if I create a project using, for example composer require intervention/image from a cmd window opened in the project root folder, the project is then completely portable. Meaning if I copy the project folder on to another machine with no internet, no composer installed and none of the other dependencies installed, will it still work?
Put another way, when I run composer require intervention/image are all of the necessary files cloned locally?
You get a local copy of the files so if you manually copy the project, the vendor directory will go with it. If using Git, typically a .gitignore is set to ignore this dir and you won't get it on clone.
I've done lot of Google but still looking for solution, I'm working on Laravel5 project & wants to set it up with GitHub so multiple developer can work on it.
I've install Laravel & place in a repository on Git, Now I cloned it on my local machine & another developer also clone that repository in his machine and start working.
But issue is that, I have installed a package for HTML forms in my machine by composer & push my code to github. But when another developer pull the repository then his code is break because composer.js is updated for that package but actually that HTML package is not exists on his machine.
Can anyone help me to short out this, or is there any way so we ignore vendor folder, composer.js, app.php etc files during git Push?
To answer your question specifically, yes you could choose to ignore the vendor folder, composer.json and app.php files when you push to git. To do this, you would simply need to update your .gitignore file to reflect this. I.e, include these in your .gitignore:
But then the next question is whether you really want to do this, as doing so would mean that changes you make - and any subsequent pushes - may not be compatible with work the other developer is doing down the track.
If you exclude the /vendor file and the /config/app.php file but leave the composer.json file in there now that the other developer already has a copy of the core files, the updated composer.json file they download would allow them to use composer install to update the project with the new package.
However all of this would be problematic for a developer who joins you down the track and doesn't have any of the current files.
I'm new to Composer (getcomposer.org) and wasn't sure how it works if I install a package locally using Composer and then push my codebase to my production server using Git. Do I have to run Composer again on the production server?
When you setup your project, you add your dependencies into your composer.json file in your local project directory.
Once you have done this, you will need to run composer update. You can also run composer install, however, without a composer.lock file, composer install actually runs composer update.
Composer update goes out and resolves all the dependencies of all the libraries you are using, downloads them to the /vendor directory, creates an autoloader script and generates the composer.lock file.
For your project what you want to do is version your composer.json AND your composer.lock file.
On your production server, you will always run composer install, which insures that the libraries on your production server are the exact same ones you utilized in your development process.
composer install is also a lot faster as it does not have to do all the dependency management work, and can almost always just pull a specific commit#. It doesn't have to look at version strings. Thus is is usually very fast, once a server has already gone through it once.
In development the only time you should run composer update, is when you introduce a new library OR you have an issue where an underlying library has been changed and you know that you need to have composer go out and re-calculate the dependencies. composer update always recalculates and downloads the latest revisions of any library available even if the version level did not change. This means that there is a potential for something to have become broken, necessitating the potential for as full a set of regression tests as you might have available. In short, something having nothing to do with what you're actually changing could have broken, so you only want to introduce the potential for change when you are forced to.
Of course, if you did introduce a new library, you have no choice but to run composer update.
Once you run composer update, your composer.lock file will be updated (as expected) and the production server will pick this up when you run composer install on it.
As others stated, put the vendors in your gitignore. The point is that these are external libraries that you depend on, but that do not belong in your project, and should not be versioned. In the old days some people utilized git submodules, and it's a big PITA you really want to avoid, not to mention that submodules don't address dependencies of the libraries you included.
It depends how are you working. If you, like getcomposer.org says, are ignoring the "vendor" folder then you need to run it again. If you are versioning the "vendor" folder then you don't need to run it again.
Have in mind that composer will get in charge of managing your dependencies versions, so there is no need to put your dependencies files under versioning. If you put these files under git you will only make your repository bigger.
Read https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-dependencies.
For clarification when you ignore the "vendor" folder Git don't track the files under the folder so if you clone the repo it will be like composer never was executed
I have a web application that I built using FuelPHP which is hosted on a private GitHub repo.
I recently added JAXL and APNS-PHP to the project using Composer. Specifically, I created a composer.json inside of the fuel/app directory with these contents:
"require": {
"varavan/apns-php": "dev-master",
"abhinavsingh/jaxl": "3.*#dev"
I ran composer update and everything works fine on my local development environment. I can push to GitHub just fine from the command line also.
However, when I pull on the public server, the newly installed composer packages are not included in the pull, although their directories are created. Specifically, these directories exist, but are empty:
If I look at those directories on GitHub, they don't look like directories. They've got an icon that I don't recognize:
Also, if I click on "Sync Branch" from the GitHub GUI app, it gives me this message This has been resolved, see update below.
The submodule at 'fuel/app/vendor/abhinavsingh/jaxl' was removed from
.gitmodules, but the folder still exists in the repositroy. Delete the
folder, commit the change, then try again.
I used composer to install JAXL, not Git.
If I run composer install on the server, it says:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
But the JAXL and APNS-PHP directories are still empty.
How do I get the composer packages onto my production server?
I added this to my .gitmodules file:
[submodule "fuel/app/vendor/abhinavsingh/jaxl"]
path = fuel/app/vendor/abhinavsingh/jaxl
url = git://github.com/abhinavsingh/JAXL.git
[submodule "fuel/app/vendor/varavan/apns-php"]
path = fuel/app/vendor/varavan/apns-php
url = git://github.com/varavan/ApnsPHP.git
That fixed the error that the GitHub GUI app was giving me, but I still can't figure out how to get the composer packages installed on the production server.
I continued to try everything I could think of to get the composer packages loaded, but I couldn't figure it out.
After adding the submodule definitions to my .gitmodules file, I deleted the entire project from the production server and re-cloned the whole thing from GitHub. The submodules came along for the ride.
It's not the composer way of doing things...
Whatever. What a waste of time.
Composer uses git, especially if you specify you want a development version. It will get it directly from the source.
And if you create a second vendor folder inside app, and Composer has added a git repository there (because of what you specified), git will detect a repo-in-repo, and since submodules are active for Fuel, it will assume you're adding a new submodule.
Like Martin Bean said, make sure you exclude the vendor folder, to prevent this from happening.