Twitter analytics API - php

Is there any way to access Twitter analytics api and data with some kind of php library or something?
I want to access my own account data and I want to create a php app that allows me to get that data and show it in a different way (Html,Css).
I got my tweets and other stuff with his twitter API and with some libraries, but now I need to get data from twitter analytics.
I have read some topics about this in stackoverflow, but social media's api changes all the time and I want to know if it is possible to do this right now, or if someone has discovered a way to do it.

No API unfortunately, just a hackish way (Selenium) in Python that I created as a package.
$ pip install twitter-analytics
More here:


Twitter API or Library to remember the session

I've been going through the Twitter API, but they are not as friendly as Facebook. My requirement is remember the authentication in the server / db and post user messages to the timeline without invoking twitter UI. Ofcourse I know we need to allow first time authentication via Twitter UI.
I'm not sure where to start and 2 days of Google search didn't end at any place where I can get started. Is there any document, resources, library (PHP or JavaScript) available to execute such scenario?
Thanks in advance.
This is a wonderful tutorial on how to auto post via PHP to Twitter. Check it out

How to retrieve newsfeeds posted by FB apps using FB graph api?

I've been sarching for hours on FB graph api docs and google but couldn't find a solution. Let me explain my question. Using the FB graph API, we are able to retrieve user's newsfeeds, but how do we retrieve user's newsfeeds that are posted by FB apps, such as game scores/achievements? I know that it's possible to retrieve user's newsfeeds created by a specific app by adding filter=app_[app_id], but is there a way to filter newsfeeds that are created by any apps?
Currently what I do is that, if a newsfeed contains a link that links to, I assume it's posted by an FB app. I'm not sure if this assumption is safe and is there a better way to achieve my goal?
P.S. I use php SDK so a php solution is highly appreciated. Solutions using other SDK are also appreciated. I'll try to make a conversion by myself.
Thanks in advance,
Currently what I do is that, if a newsfeed contains a link that links to, I assume it's posted by an FB app.
Posts in /me/feed that have been made by/using an app should have a property "application" set, which contains the app name, namespace and id – so by just looking for that you should be able to determine if it was posted by an app or manually.

Easy way to get facebook statuses from a particular page in PHP?

I need to grab the statuses from a Facebook page via PHP to display on the page. I don't want to have people logging in to facebook just for my script to grab the statuses from the page since it is a public page and isn't restricted. I have the Facebook API for PHP in my projects directory but have no idea how to use it to do what I want it to. Could someone give me a code example of how I'd do this? Thanks!
It's really a straight forward task if you follow the documentation. Since /PAGE_ID/feed requires any valid access_token, your app access_token is enough to get the data:
Open the Graph API Explorer (I'm querying coca-cola/feed)
Get an app access_token from the Access Token Tool and use it instead of yours
You're done!

Getting Twitter followers images with PHP

I am totally new to the twitter API, and I am trying to get all of my followers images to display them on my site, but the documentation on has just confused me even more.
I am using PHP, and as far as I can tell I need to register an application, get a library that is suited to my needs, and them proceed to create my application.
The only problem with that is that I have no idea how to authenticate using OAuth, if anyone could shine some light on this matter, post a code snippit of how I can get all of the followers pics or maybe even point me to some useful tutorials or resources, that would be a great help.
Thanx in advance!
Everything you need to know is at the official Twitter API Docs at
Like you already pointed out, you are supposed to get a library for interfacing with the Twitter API. These libraries usually have means to authenticate via OAuth as well, for instance you can use Zend Framework's Zend_OAuth component to authenticate and then use the access token to talk to the Twitter API with Zend_Service_Twitter.

Get Twitter User Details without Authentication

I have noticed some Twitter Applications manage to get a particular users Location, Name, Profile Image etc using just the twitter username?
Hows is this possible?
I ask because I have not come across any where in the Twitter docs on how you can do this. I can get a users details myself using oAuth when the user provides my app permission but thats it.
Would be grateful if this could be cleared. I hope its not the use of CURL as this is not a good idea in my eyes. If there is another way, is there a PHP implementation that I could use.
Thank you for any help.
I did not know that existed! Is there a PHP wrapper or class someone has written to use that ? Sorry, I am complete noob and I relay on wrappers and simple function calls!
It's returned by the users/show call from the API.
For example:
The API wiki lists a PHP library FWIW.
