Changing logos of site based on class - PHP Wordpress - php

I have this code in my header.php to change the website's logo based on the page's slug:
$logo_img = 'default';
if (is_page('brookside')) {
$logo_img = 'brookside';
} elseif (is_page('hilltop')) {
$logo_img = 'hilltop';
} elseif (is_page('reserve')) {
$logo_img = 'reserve';
Which works great. However, the pages a need to change the logo are query string URL, so they don't have slugs. I was able to add a unique class to each page. My question is:
How do I translate that code to "if a page has "x" class? So, what function should I use instead of is_page?
Any help would be very appreciated!

You can use:
if($_GET['ct_additional_features'] == 'brookside') {
$logo_img = 'brookside';

You could use get_class that outputs the Class Name and there solve your if with what are you saying


Adding script to certain nodes and pages on drupal 7

I am trying to add a script code on all pages of my drupal except a few. Is there any conditionals I can use in html.tpl.php ? or any functions on the template.php to achieve this?
I tried the code below on template.php but no luck :(
Thanks in advance!
function THEME_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
if (isset($variables['node']->type)) {
$variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'page__' .
//this is what I am trying
if ($variables['nid'] == '77') {
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'THEME') .'/scripts/path.js');
You can use hook_page_build(&$page)
function MYMODULE_page_build(&$page){
$nids = array(123, 1234); // your nids
if(($node = menu_get_object('node', 1)) && in_array($node->nid ,$nids) ){
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('theme', 'mythemename') .'/scripts/path.js');
Clear all cache after create this function to see result , also ensure of path script is correct ;)

Function within a controller is not working

I have a controller with Index function, Now i am trying to make a more fundtion for on scroll pagintion in codeignitor Controller.
This is my function
public function load_more($cat2,$cat1)
$group_no = $this->input->post('group_no');
$content_per_page = 12;
$start = ceil($group_no * $content_per_page);
$all_content = $this->product__model->get_all_content($start,$content_per_page,$cat2,$cat1);
if(isset($all_content) && is_array($all_content) && count($all_content)) :
foreach ($all_content as $key => $content) :
echo '<li>'.$content->id.'</li>';
echo '<p>'.$content->ITEM_CODE.'</p>';
Controller name is Product
When i check this fucntion at my url its hows page not found...
this is URL
How can i resolve it ???
Siddharth vyas The issue is with your URL you are hitting. Use product instead Product.
So Use instead of
It will work for sure. Because it take the filename instead of Classname.
Try this
$route['method/(:any)/(:any)'] = 'controller/method/$1/$2';
your route should be
$route['method/(:cat1)/(:cat2)'] = 'product/load_more/$1/$2';
It seemd you are facing issue of index.php
Please try using url:

Smarty get the while template from the class

I'm totally new to smarty... and it's creeping me out :)
I got the following class in /inc/class/search.php:
Class search
function __construct($request) {
global $dbconn;
$request = htmlspecialchars($request);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id LIKE '%{$request}%'";
$res = $dbconn->Query($sql);
$entity = $res->fetchArray();
return $entity;
I have this in php_head.php:
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && !empty($_REQUEST['search'])) {
$is = new search($_REQUEST['search']);
$smarty->assign("searchValues", $is);
This code in php_head is designed to be called by ajax later on. But when I run index.php?search=string I get the whole smarty template. Please help.
What you need to do is displaying only some part of output when search is in URL.
So you could modify your code this way:
if (isset($_REQUEST['search']) && !empty($_REQUEST['search'])) {
$is = new search($_REQUEST['search']);
$smarty->assign("searchValues", $is);
$smarty->display('searchvalues.tpl'); // custom base template
exit; // stop execution of later code
And you should create searchvalues.tpl template and display here only this part that you want to display and not the whole base template.
You need to clear template that you need for ajax, and if you want to include it in some other template
{include file="path_to_template.tpl"}
And when you need only the result from this template use
echo $smarty->fetch('path_to_template.tpl');
For example you have :
$smarty->display('index.tpl');// this will return index.tpl
And in index.tpl :
<div id="result_ajax">
{include file="ajax_template.tpl"}
And in ajax.php :
//Do some stuff
echo $smarty->fetch('ajax_template.tpl');

Wordpress match url for custom content without post or page

Im new in wordpress.
I want to use two tables and display some content without creating pages or posts.
The matched url will be something like this:
/[category]/[image] - /nature/green-tree
My method was to check the url in index.php from theme and split the url and create a mini route system just for the gallery. But I think it is not the smartest idea.
I don't want to use gallery plugins because I'm already using one, and this is a change that I need to to.
What is the best method to do this?
I suppose you need custom rewrite rules. Here is how you can do it by yourself.
If you are using a theme then open the functions.php file and enter the following code, otherwise if you are using a plugin, place this code somewhere in your plugin, but make sure, that it is loading immediately.
function registerCustomUrl($rewrite)
$rewrites = $rewrite->rules;
$newRewrites = array();
$newRewrites['([^/]+)/([^/]+)/?$'] = 'index.php?gallery_category=$matches[1]&gallery_image=$matches[2]';
foreach($rewrites as $rk => $rv)
$newRewrites[$rk] = $rv;
$rewrite->rules = $newRewrites;
add_action('generate_rewrite_rules', 'registerCustomUrl');
function registerCustomQueryVars( $vars ) {
$vars[] = 'gallery_category';
$vars[] = 'gallery_image';
return $vars;
add_filter('query_vars', 'registerCustomQueryVars');
function myCustomTemplateRedirect()
global $wp_query;
isset($wp_query->query_vars['gallery_category']) &&
!empty($wp_query->query_vars['gallery_category']) &&
isset($wp_query->query_vars['gallery_image']) &&
// Within your custom template file you are able to
// use any theme function like the get_header(), get_footer(), etc
add_action("template_redirect", 'myCustomTemplateRedirect');

Codeigniter passing parameter to controller index

I'm building a tutorialsystem with codeigniter and would like to achieve the following URL structure:
/tutorials --> an introduction page with the list of all the categories
/tutorials/{a category as string} --> this will give a list of tutorials for the given category, e.g. /tutorials/php
/tutorials/{a category as string}/{an ID}/{tutorial slug} --> this will show the tutorial, e.g. /tutorials/php/123/how-to-use-functions
/tutorials/add --> page to add a new tutorial
The problem is that when I want to use the first two types of URLs, I'd need to pass parameters to the index function of the controller. The first parameter is the optional category, the second is the optional tutorial ID. I've did some research before I posted, so I found out that I could add a route like tutorials/(:any), but the problem is that this route would pass add as a parameter too when using the last URL (/tutorials/add).
Any ideas how I can make this happen?
Your routing rules could be in this order:
$route['tutorials/add'] = "tutorials/add"; //assuming you have an add() method
$route['tutorials/(:any)'] = "tutorials/index"; //this will comply with anything which is not tutorials/add
Then in your controller's index() method you should be able to work out whether it's the category or tutorial ID is being passed!
I do think that a remap must be of more use to your problem in case you want to add more methods to your controller, not just 'add'. This should do the task:
function _remap($method)
if (method_exists($this, $method))
else {
A few minutes after posting, I think I've found a possible solution for this. (Shame on me).
In pseudo code:
public function index($cat = FALSE, $id = FALSE)
if($cat !== FALSE) {
if($cat === 'add') {
} else {
if($id !== FALSE) {
// Fetch the tutorial
} else {
// Fetch the tutorials for category $cat
} else {
// Show the overview
Feedback for this solution is welcome!
