I'm realy new to this Bot stuff.
I want to create a simple PHP-Skript that is sending an answere every time the Bot is contacted by a user via Direct Message.
I read the Api-Docs but the only thing I found was the /-Command.
Currently I have a Cronjob thats checking the RTM-Api for new messages.
I think there must be a better way then running a Cron-Job every few seconds to check if there is a new message for the Bot.
I found the "EmojiBot" that is exactly responding in the way I want.
Using the RTM API to build a bot will work, but there is indeed an easier way: Use the new Event API from Slack.
The Event API allows you to subscribe to range of events. When the event happens, Slack will automatically call your php script. So you don't need to run a CRON loop. This also works with bot users and direct messages to bot users.
Check out the Event API documentation for details.
You can use Botonomous Framework which supports Events API. You should subscribe to the events, then update the framework configurations which is explained here. Finally you have got a nice event object and based on certain criteria you can send a message back to a Slack channel.
I'm trying to work with the slack Event Subscription app_mention, but I'm having some issues.
My backend is PHP, and I'm using this class.
Basically, what's happening is, if I have my bot user in multiple channels and someone mentions the bot, it will only reply in a single channel.
For example;
I have the bot user in 2 channels
If I # mention the bot in the development channel, it will send it's reply in the bot-testing channel.
My code used to send the message:
$client->to('#' . $event['channel'])->send("Hi. I'm currently under development.");
and my $event variable looks like this:
{"type":"app_mention","text":"<#UFT4EG0Q7> test","user":"UAKTRFH41","ts":"1548783398.055200","channel":"GAMED4PK5","event_ts":"1548783398.055200"}
but decoded obviously.
Why is my bot not replying in the correct channel?
So based on my reading of the PHP client you're using, that's designed for use with Incoming Webhooks.
Incoming Webhooks have a 1:1 relationship with a conversation/channel, so you can't define the destination for your message in the payload you send to the API.
If you want to do that, you could try using one of the other PHP SDKs built by the community.
I am integrating the Twitch user account API into my platform and had a look through the API to see if there was a callback section of some sort to send an update to my server when a user starts streaming, but I can't seem to find any reference for one.
Is there currently any services that offer this sort of thing? If not, what would be the best way of running regular checks on all of my users in my Database to see when they are streaming, of course doing this alone would kill the server with database queries, so I'm stuck as to where to go now.
What I am looking to do is receive a callback and then create a post in a social feed that the user has started streaming.
Based on the discussions at the links below, the API doesn't support webhooks and won't anytime soon. Instead, they expect you to use polling. Basically you would set up a worker process that makes requests periodically, such as every five minutes, then creates appropriate social feed posts, etc. You can batch them together if you have a bunch of channels to check (exaple from from the github issue):
I'm trying to implement push notification but I'm a little bit lost.
I just want to have a button in php and when I click it, a notification appear in all devices telling the users something like: "A new image is available in the web".
I read the GCM documentation but I'm not sure how to start.
I see that in some examples the users have to send their emails in order to register their "sender id"? it is necessary? I want the user don't have to register anywhere.
Can someone help me to start or give me a quick tutorial?
Thank's for all.
You will need to use curl to call the GCM, you can find examples like this all over SO, for example : how to send a notification to millions of android devices in php using GCM (first one that came up in a search)
And of course you will need the registration id's otherwise GCM doesznt know which device to send the notification to.
The solution is not so simple. You should at least use some package dedicated to this specific service. Also, you should read something about what push notifications are.
There are many services out there you can use to interface yourself with this specific kind of service.
Take a look to this service to get a first idea about the entire mechanism. Remember that you have to subscribe to a push service provider for every platform you want to use. For example the Apple Push Notification Service, or Cloud Messaging by Google.
Hope it's a good start for you.
I am trying to implement a chat application in IOS. In general We use two php files one for posting a message(sender) another for retrieving the message(receiver).
I want to accomplish the following:
Consider A(sender) and B (Receiver).
A sent message to B. And A is waiting for B's reply. So i need to call post-api.php for sending a message and at the receivers side(B) i need to retrieve using getapi.php
when B reply to A it must automatically appear in my inbox(live chatbox) of A, without calling getapi.php. I know this scenario is not possible. But is there any solution or method so that my chat application works like skype or facebookchat.
There is multiple way to implement the chat functionality.
Polling: Send request to server and process the response from the server in timely fashion after a particular time interval using NSTimer(But remember is will cause the battery drain).
Using APNS: Using the official Apple push notification implementation, whenever there is new entry in chat table on server side send the notification to particular device using push notification and handle the notification using the delegate methods (Although not 100% reliable).Using Push Notification
Using Socket Programming: Using the socket programming you can have dedicated connection between client(device) and server. I have provided the link having the source at the end of the tutorial.Using Socket Programming
As you know that without getapi.php it is not possible to update chat list so you need to make management something like: you need to use NSTimer and with the help of timer you need to call your getapi.php service after certain time interval let say after 2min so that chat can be refresh and user get the reply this is the only possible way at my knowledge.
I want to add an additional functionality to a CMS I am making that will allow users to add content to a site via text message. The user should be able to upload an image and add text and send the message to a number which when received will update the database accordingly.
Can this be done, and can it be done via PHP because that's the only language I know? Also what would be the general outline to achieve such a thing?
You have to find a SMS gateway that supports "incoming" of SMS. Click-a-tell is generally the one people choose because of their API and documentation, they aren't free though. If you do a quick Google search for "SMS Gateway" you'll find plenty of other solutions.
Once you choose the gateway you want to go with, the rest of the process is easy. You would just handle the SMS as a regular request into your application.
Hope that helps you get started!
Use one of the many SMS gateways out there like Twilio (whom I work for, but loved before I was an employee) which has a really simple API and great documentation. There are tons of PHP examples. When you receive a message, a simple POST request is made to a URL you specify with parameters for To, From and Body. Also if you return text from the URLs you use to receive messages you can respond back to them. You can also initiate outbound SMS from the same number using the REST API.
Twilio does not currently support MMS (needed for your image uploading requirement) and is not free, but you only pay for what you use at $.01 per message.
Completing the answer by Raphael Caixeta, I recommend that you use the standalone PHP binary to run a pre-determined script, which parameters you'll get from the SMS/MMS. This way you can separate the two process:
1) Make a script and test it by running it through the command line.
2) Implement the SMS/MMS receiver software so that it parses the messages and runs the first script with custom parameters.
You can use a GSM/3G modem (or dongle) to receive SMS messages. And this sms software can read those messages from the modem in real time and put them automatically in your database.