Php button push notification android - php

I'm trying to implement push notification but I'm a little bit lost.
I just want to have a button in php and when I click it, a notification appear in all devices telling the users something like: "A new image is available in the web".
I read the GCM documentation but I'm not sure how to start.
I see that in some examples the users have to send their emails in order to register their "sender id"? it is necessary? I want the user don't have to register anywhere.
Can someone help me to start or give me a quick tutorial?
Thank's for all.

You will need to use curl to call the GCM, you can find examples like this all over SO, for example : how to send a notification to millions of android devices in php using GCM (first one that came up in a search)
And of course you will need the registration id's otherwise GCM doesznt know which device to send the notification to.

The solution is not so simple. You should at least use some package dedicated to this specific service. Also, you should read something about what push notifications are.
There are many services out there you can use to interface yourself with this specific kind of service.
Take a look to this service to get a first idea about the entire mechanism. Remember that you have to subscribe to a push service provider for every platform you want to use. For example the Apple Push Notification Service, or Cloud Messaging by Google.
Hope it's a good start for you.


How to modify Firebase push notification

I am sending push notification form my server API to ios devices using google's Firebase push notification.
Right now when user receives it its structure is simple, there is a title and a message.
Can I add custom buttons in it? For example two buttons, one to accept the action and the other to reject it.
I have read the documentation but I could not find anything concerning code.
I know I am stating my problem straight away here.
Can somebody please guide me in this?
Thank You

Firebase chat notifications via PHP to SMS + EMAIL

We have firebase chat application (check any chat example or tutorial) that will have same copy as our.
We would like to sent email notification or sms message, if user hasn't seen the chat message yet.
We can connect to firebase database with php and check all the messages, if they are seen or not. but It's not really proper way of doing it.
Does anyone have idea how we can implement that, so we can track of all the messages and if they haven't seen it, then sent the email / sms notification based on user preference?
I just want to know how we can do that with firebase. if it was just php and mysql. it was really easy to do this.
Not sure if this can be done efficiently in Firebase. You will have to setup a cron job to fetch the messages which are not seen and trigger SMS/Email fallback.
I would recommend using Applozic ( for Chat related stuff and Firebase for storing user meta data and other data.
Applozic provides a single click configuration to enable Webhook/SMS/Email fallback, along with that you will get all the whatsapp like chat features along with full UI with no need to write any additional code.

how to send push notifications to multiple users via php

I am following this tutorial from androidhive.
Everything is working But The tutorial only shows how to send a push to ONE device at a time. I would like to send a push notification to all devices at once using the same method. I believe the way to do this is by editing the send_message.php But i'm still trying to understand how his method works.
I have tried commenting and emailing the person who wrote the article but have not gotten a response. I just need someone to point me in the right direction.
Any hints, guildance, answers, comments are much appreciated.
Now that you have successfully implemented what that tutorial teaches, the basis idea now for sending to multiple users will be something like this:
To send push notification to multiple users, you need to create an application server in PHP.Your application server will receive the registration id from the android application and will store it in a database (may be mysql).
Now when you want to send the message to the application then you write a message and fetch all the registration ids from the database which was stored earlier.
You can follow this useful tutorial to achieve exactly what you want.
The tutorial which you have mentioned was made using GCMRegistrar which is deprecated now.Instead you need to use GoogleCloudMessaging API.The link which i provided uses the new way.Hope this helps you to implement what you want.

user verification using SMS (php)

I am stuck in a situation in which when a user registers, he/she get a confirmation SMS on his/her mobile number, and he/she able to confirm their application by replying to the confirmation SMS, be repling like YES/NO to that confirmation sms..
Is there any SMS gateway available which provides the suitable functionality, I mean an API which takes user input from sms reply..
thanks in advance
Twilio has the ability to receive sms messages.
There is a definite solution available for this. Try exploring with FrontLine SMS that offers a similar functionality, though you will have to then use a 10 digit registered number to send your confirmation SMS.
How to use frontline sms:
Get an internet dongle from a cellular company (Idea, Airtel,etc)
connect dongle to PC
install frontline SMS
Frontline SMS detects dongle.
Frontline SMS API's available to read incoming SMS on dongle and forward to your server with POST/GET methods.
Try it out & let me know it work.
PS: i use Huawei dongle + idea connection.
You can use mVaayoo (
It supports Easy 2-Way SMS Integration with Website, ERP, CRM or any application.
They will provide the rich documentation which helps you to solve your problem.
You can go to that site and register and test it..
There are so many things in the documentation like return values by getting the return values.
You can use
This is easy to use and cheap. I used it for like 3 years. They have all types of API with documentation.
The answer is Yes, try Clickatell, they also support India.
Please note that this is copied answer from another question...original This question is a duplicate.
Expensive, but it is possible.

Send Push notification to specific Users

I am trying to develop an android app that verifies a transaction initiated from a browser on a PC. I want the server application to push a notification of a new transaction to the app so the user can confirm to complete the transaction. The tricky bit is the transaction is specific to a particular person (I'm using this as an alternative to sending an SMS for example). Can anyone help on how to go about this? Is it possible to do this with C2DM or GCM?
Using Android GCM is advisable. The complete reference to GCM is available at
Step by step GCM development is given in there. It is really very helpful. Hope this is helpful to you.
The critical thing you need to keep in mind before making a decision is that when you are using GCM, you need to keep a track of the users by keeping their GCM_ID in your database. You can add a gcm_id column to your users table for this and whenever the user opens your app, the gcm_id should be updated in your database. The gcm_id of the user's phone can change, from the official docs:
Note that Google may periodically refresh the registration ID, so you should design your Android application with the understanding that the intent may be called multiple times
GCM push notifications wont be able to reach your users mobile phone all the time,especially if his phone is not connected to internet or switched off.You are using this for transactions etc, so I assume that the notifications must not fail. You should keep a check in your web application to send an SMS or notify the user that this has failed. You should get a response from GCM to your server through which you can identify a failed case.
