Stateless Authentication - what really does it mean? - php

I use Socialite library in Laravel. In documentation tells one paragraph:
The stateless method may be used to disable session state verification. This is useful when adding social authentication to an API:
what really does it mean? When I should use that?

Actually, the basic authentication mechanism uses session to store the visitors identity so when you once get authenticated (providing credentials in a login form) the application doesn't ask for the password again when you visit another page after login. So, the session is used to keep the user's current state in the application. This is what happens in most of the cases.
On the other hand, the stateless authentication is used without using the session. In this case, the application doesn't keep any data into the session to identify the user on subsequent requests. Instead, it verifies every request independently.
When you gonna need this?
Basically, it's needed when you are going to build some kind of API which may serve resources as service to users where a user may send a request to your API to get data from anywhere, I mean the user may not be a registered user of your system but you may allow a user to consume data from your server depending on some sort of token based authentication.
This is not enough to describe the stateless auth but this may give you some idea. Further, you may check How to do stateless (session-less) & cookie-less authentication and this and also you'll find useful links if you search on Google using the term Stateless Authentication.


Laravel Authentication not remain

I created an API to login in my web app. After checking the parameters, use the Auth method: loginUsingId() with the id of the user to be logged in.
After that I get authenticated correctly, in fact doing an echo Auth::user() shows the user property correctly.
However, by making a redirect to another project page, I am no longer logged in the portal and shows me the login page.
It seems that the user's session does not remain or that is not created at all.
I use Laravel 5.6. I have no middleware for the route.
Each time your page accesses the API, it's essentially talking to a brand new instance of the API.
Think of it like this. Your "login" endpoint is not actually telling the API to log someone in. It's telling it to merely verify the caller's claim that the given password belongs to the given user, end of story. If you want to turn that authentication into actual "login" behavior from the UI perspective, there's other steps you need to take.
If Laravel is serving up Blade files for your site, then it's a different story. Out-of-the-box, it generates a Php session for you, and sends the session-key cookie to the browser for use in subsequent requests.
Similar to a session-key, for maintaining a session between a website and a separate API, you need each subsequent call to include a token. And you need the login endpoint to provide that token upon successful authentication.
Passport is one way to go, but it might be overkill for your situation. Passport is good for handling users, clients, and authorization permissions. But if all you want is authentication and you're not as concerned with controlling what they have access to beyond that, then I highly recommend Tymon JWT-Auth.
Both Passport and JWT-Auth use "bearer tokens" in the 'Authorization' header. There're other kinds though, like "basic tokens". A basic token is just an encoded concatenation of the username and password. Laravel supports this with a route middleware, but I do still recommend going with JWT.
One of the nice things about JWT is you can actually include extraneous data within the token itself. And it positions you better to lean into Passport (OAuth2) if/when you need it, by not requiring your client-side to change its authentication method.

Integrating SSO across differents Domains using WebService?

i have 3 différents domains and also
and i want to use SSO, if you log in to one of these domains you have access to all other domains.
1 - using cookies is impossible because we can't share the same cookie with differents domains
2 - i'm thinking about using webservice, but i'm not good in that so i'm wondering if it's a good solution
If you have any suggestion or recommandation or any thing Please i need you.
You can't share cookies but you don't need to.
Let's say your SSO runs on
You want to log in on
Make an XMLHTTPRequest request to to check if you have a session.
If you have a session and are logged in you get a login token back.
You pass the token to application A with an XMLHTTPRequest. It sends a request to to verify the token and get the user credentials.
You are now logged in on
This setup requires Cross-Site-Resource-Sharing to be enabled on the sso domain. The CORS implementation allows you to do the login process under water, no redirect is required.
Your an indepth look at CORS see:
I use SimpleSAMLPHP.. (
This allows me to make a single place I can ask if users a logged in. The whole thing uses SAML2 which is a secure markup language(
It can be a steep learning curve to make it work but its very safe and everything is encrypted using certificates. The nice thing is that you can use all the IDP's(identity providers) you can think of. This means you can implement facebook, google etc. log-in's as well as custom log-in's.
Another great thing is that it provides SLO(single logout) as well. This will trigger log-out's in all the applications that are currently logged on..

Centralize Login System

At work, there are a few different websites and they all access to the websites on the network (Intranet), for example: (Sales Panel) (Other Panel) (And different project)
I have to create a new account on each website and it become a bit of pain to use.
Then I thought why not create a Centralize Login System so each website can create and check the login account from a Centralize Login System.
For example, UserA have ability to login to or but not on (cookies is not needed, $_SESSION is fine).
How that should be implemented in regarding sending the request and response from a Centralize Login System?
Should I use HTTP GET for the request and response back a JSON object with several properties? For example
connect_status - "SUCCESS" - check was successful, "FAIL" - check was unsuccessful)
connect_id - UserId
connect_username - the username
If user successful logged in and user refresh the page - should it recheck the login or session via Centralize Login System?
How that should be implemented in regarding sending the request and response from a Centralize Login System?
That's entirely up to you. Just keep in mind that there are already many systems which were designed for very similar scenarios. Your use case is very similar to things that could be provided via kerberos, radius, or even ldap (if you have an existing AD) servers. If you have any of those around you already, it may be easier to query them rather than writing your own solution.
If you want your own, JSON response is as good as any other. Just make sure you verify the response is valid.
Should I use HTTP GET for the request and response back a JSON object with several properties?
Sounds pretty typical.
If user successful logged in and user refresh the page - should it recheck the login or session via Centralize Login System?
That depends on your backend technology and how quickly do you want to invalidate tickets. Are you ok with someone having access without authentication a couple of hours after changing the password, or disabling the account? Can you push a request to invalidate the authentication token / session files from the Auth controller to the app servers? How many requests per second do you get from all applications in total and can you handle all of the resulting auth requests in one place?
Answer some of those questions and you should get an idea of how you need to handle the rechecking / token caching / invalidation.
Also, in case you can/want to push some of the authentication handling to the client, have a look at protocols like oauth.

Design of Restful API with HTTP Basic Authentication

Note: I know there are LOTS of other StackOverflow questions dealing with this topic. I've read through many of them, as well as many other websites. I still have the following questions.
So, I'm building a REST API for a new product. At this time the API is entirely for private consumption by our websites and phone apps. However, I'm thinking it might be smart to design the API so that it can be made public in the future.
While I've looked at OAuth, I think HTTP Basic Authentication over SSL is plenty secure enough for our API. From what I understand HTTP Basic Authentication over SSL is a completely viable way of authenticating a REST API. It's also quite simple, which is appealing for me since I'm new to API development.
If a user logs in to the API using their username and password, they will only be given access to certain parts of the API. Meaning they'll have access to their own content, but not the content of other users. Further, they may be limited to what they can all do.
In addition to the user accounts, I plan to also have other other (non user) accounts for more global administrative tasks. These accounts could potentially have full access to the API.
Is this a good design? OR, is it bad to authenticate a user in this way? Should I only be authenticating my clients (ie. apps) this way?
My big question is, when logging a user into our web app, how do I manage their sessions? REST stipulates sending the username and password with each request. Further, REST API's are stateless, so I cannot manage sessions there. However, I need to track that they've logged into the web app somehow. They clearly can't possibly login manually for each request.
One approach is, after a user logs in, we save their login credentials (email & password) to the PHP session. Then, each subsequent request to the API could use those credentials. However, saving usernames and passwords in a PHP session just feels wrong and very unsafe. But if not done this way, how are people managing sessions when interacting with a REST API?
The phone apps are easier, as you can save the user's login credentials into a keychain.
Can anyone help with my design questions?
I know this question is a bit old and maybe you already finished your work, but I'd like to give you some tips. Maybe these could help you or anybody in the future. :)
HTTP Basic Auth over SSL is quite simple, that's true, but not so secure than you think. You only have to install 1 "fake" SSL cert on the client and with a man in the middle attack you can sniff the traffic.
How to install a fake certificate? It's not so hard in a browser lot of users just click on the ok when they see the huge red warning screen. On a mobile for example:
With this solution you only have to intercept the traffic once and you'll have the user's password!
My tip: Generate a temporary password at login and use this in every other requests. So the attacker have to intercept the login process for the password and if you store this pass locally on the phone for example it's much harder. (And of course you can add expiration to it etc...)
I don't really understand what would you do. User access management is a good thing, but it depends on the given project.
Not only the REST APIs, teh whole HTTP world is stateless. If you use a PHP session it stores a session id in a cookie on the client side and the browser sends this cookie value every time to the server.
The users don't have to login every time. They log in once and get a token/temporary password etc... and (or if you don't use these stuff) they send you a basic auth header at every requests.
This way you can easily track who sent you the request, because you already now who's that user and you can store and link some data to it on the server.
There are many ways to deal with users. Basic auth is one of them. And check this: OAuth's tokens and sessions in REST
"OAuth tokens are explicitly a session identifier, ..."
You don't have to store the user's password and email, you just have to check the headers/cookies/etc... from the client in every requests.
The phone apps are easier, as you can save the user's login
credentials into a keychain.
They can, but saving the user's real password on a phone is a very bad practice. Save a time limited token is a bit better. :)
In every other languages you can store values if you want. For example if you want to use a Python client for your API: It authenticates and stores a token or something what it needs in a variable and at every other requests it uses this stored data.
One more sidenote:
However, saving usernames and passwords in a PHP session just feels
wrong and very unsafe.
True that's unsafe, but the (real) PHP sessions are stored on the server side and as I said it stores only a single session id on the client side. Anybody who can get this session id, could impersonate the given user. (There are countermeasures for example IP check, etc...)

PHP RESTful Webservice with Slim Framework, Authentification needed or against statelessness?

I'm writing a RESTful Webservice with the Slim Microframework and use GET for reading data from a mysql database (select query) and also POST/PUT/DELETE for insert/update/delete rows in the database.
My question is now, is this not a big security issue if everybody is able to write or delete data in the database? But how could I prevent this, I thought the ST in REST stands for state transfer (so the webservice is stateless), which is a contradiction to a state like being logged in or not. And if I would pass some login data with the client which is allowed to write in the database, couldn't a bad guy catch the logindata and fake requests with it and for example delete all entries?
So, whats the normal way to go with this, the only Slim Framework examples I had found always show the route examples, but not how to secure it.
Are there also some opportunities in the Slim Framework to implement this what I need? It should be as easy as possible and the request should be responded nearly as quick as without an authentification or similar. There are no sensitive data like passwords, for me it would be enough that not everybody with a cURL commandline tool can delete all rows or things like that.
Would be great if anybody could explain me what to do and/or give some examples. I also need to know, what I maybe will need to change at the clients which are allowed to send the requests.
Lots of thanks.
Each request has to be authenticated and authorised.
People often get tied up with the word 'stateless'. This really just means that from one request to the next, the RESTful service has no prior knowledge of the users state.
BUT, the service is obviously allowed to be aware of the authenticated user that has just made a request, else how would it decide if it should allow access?
Therefore, you can 'store' the authenticated user in some variable during each request. Then it's up to you how you use this information to authorize the request.
I like to keep it simple and have all my users as a resource in my URI chain. They make requests like users/{username}/someresource.
I authenticate using http basic authentication (over SSL) and authorise based on the URI. If the request failed authentication, its a 401 Unauthorized Request. If the URI {username} and authenticated {username} do not match, the request is a 403 forbidden. If it is authenticated and authorized, the request is allowed (http code dependant on http verb)
Now that's the web service covered, now on to the web service client. This of course HAS to store state, otherwise your user would have to log in every time they make a request.
You simply store the users session in the application (as per normal session management) with the addition that you store the username and password (encrypted of course) in the session. Now every time a request is made, your web service client needs to retrieve the username and password, and send it with the request to your web service.
It will be stateless, in the sense that there won't be a session or a cookie, really. You'd normally issue out a key that would be required for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE.
It is then up to you to pass the key with each request and to determine when a key should expire.
It would be as safe as normal http authenticated sessions. These use a cookie etc to authenticate the connected user to the stored session state.
A stateless service would be no different - the token is passed to the service just as a token is stored in a cookie for normal http. If you are worried about sniffing (IE man in the middle attacks) you would secure the link via SSL.
The authentication token generated by the service would be encrypted and would include a salt which is also verified on the server for each request. You could also limit the session time to suit your paranoia, and also check changes in source IP, user agent etc and expire the user's token if these change.
I recently ran into similar problem. As recommended by people here, I have decided to go with OAuth Authentication.
I am using HybridAuth A php wrapper for OAuth and out of the box sign in solution for Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, etc.
