Laravel Authentication not remain - php

I created an API to login in my web app. After checking the parameters, use the Auth method: loginUsingId() with the id of the user to be logged in.
After that I get authenticated correctly, in fact doing an echo Auth::user() shows the user property correctly.
However, by making a redirect to another project page, I am no longer logged in the portal and shows me the login page.
It seems that the user's session does not remain or that is not created at all.
I use Laravel 5.6. I have no middleware for the route.

Each time your page accesses the API, it's essentially talking to a brand new instance of the API.
Think of it like this. Your "login" endpoint is not actually telling the API to log someone in. It's telling it to merely verify the caller's claim that the given password belongs to the given user, end of story. If you want to turn that authentication into actual "login" behavior from the UI perspective, there's other steps you need to take.
If Laravel is serving up Blade files for your site, then it's a different story. Out-of-the-box, it generates a Php session for you, and sends the session-key cookie to the browser for use in subsequent requests.
Similar to a session-key, for maintaining a session between a website and a separate API, you need each subsequent call to include a token. And you need the login endpoint to provide that token upon successful authentication.
Passport is one way to go, but it might be overkill for your situation. Passport is good for handling users, clients, and authorization permissions. But if all you want is authentication and you're not as concerned with controlling what they have access to beyond that, then I highly recommend Tymon JWT-Auth.
Both Passport and JWT-Auth use "bearer tokens" in the 'Authorization' header. There're other kinds though, like "basic tokens". A basic token is just an encoded concatenation of the username and password. Laravel supports this with a route middleware, but I do still recommend going with JWT.
One of the nice things about JWT is you can actually include extraneous data within the token itself. And it positions you better to lean into Passport (OAuth2) if/when you need it, by not requiring your client-side to change its authentication method.


Could I benefit from jwt in my Vue app when using Vuex?

I am building a Vue app that uses pure PHP (no PHP framework) for its back-end. For my authentication system, I thought that using jwt(JSON Web Tokens) could help me. So I searched the web and found this article and also this one to help me build a login-register system with the help of jwt. I have no problem in implementing these articles in my front-part (Vue) and back-part (PHP) of my app. Currently I can send a request when the user register to the site and send back a jwt to the front-part with the help of firebase php-jwt library.
But the main question comes here. As I know from Vue ecosystem one of the reasons that we use Vuex is to store some data (state) globally in our apps and without calling a server we could use them anywhere (or in any route) in our Vue apps.
By reading one of that two articles, I noticed that finally the jwt is stored in Vuex and when the user wants to see an authorized page (a page that needs Authorization) the Vue app checks the Vuex to see if the token exists or not and if it exists, the app allows the user to see that page.
By reading the second one I noticed that jwt is useful when the user sends request to the back-part of site. In that case jwt is decoded and if it is valid (for example the expiration date is OK or ...), the user can access to an authorized page.
With the description above what is the benefit of using jwt in my Vue app? If I store just the id and user-name of user, it could do the same task for me. In other words, If I want to ask my question clearly, the problem is when I want to use Vuex and not send request every time to the server, I don't need and can't benefit from jwt (am I right?). Similarly when I want to use jwt, I could not benefit from Vuex. Because I must send request each time to find that the jwt is valid or not and after that decide about the user.
If I understood correctly and there is a contradiction for using both jwt and Vuex, why there are so many tutorials that speak about authentication a Vue app with jwt? Also if my understanding about jwt is correct, does that mean that when the jwt is expired I must ask the user to login again and again (regardless of using or not using Vuex)?
Could anyone please help me to have a better understanding about this problem to have better decision about my authentication system?
With the description above what is the benefit of using jwt in my Vue app?
JWT is used in authentication. You could use cookie sessions if you want.
I don't think it has an impact on your app. Probably save you some few round trips if your JWT happens to contain some data you need like user id.
the problem is when I want to use Vuex and not send request every time to the server.
I am not sure how these two are related.
If you need to make a request, then why would you use Vuex?
Vuex is a state management library.
If you need to do a request, then do a request.
Vuex does not relate to JWT in any way.
If you decided to put your JWT token in Vuex then that's your decision. Some put it in browser's localStorage or cookies.
Similarly when I want to use jwt, I could not benefit from Vuex. Because I must send request each time to find that the jwt is valid or not and after that decide about the user.
There's a lot of things you can store in Vuex that you don't need to do a request first:
Global component states e.g Login/Signup modals, NavMenu, Audio/Video player
Category filters like you see in Amazon or any shop-related apps
I am not sure what you are doing that you need to send request each time to find out if jwt is valid or not.
If something needs to be done on server-side then it has to be done on server-side whether you use jwt or cookies.
Also if my understanding about jwt is correct, does that mean that when the jwt is expired I must ask the user to login again and again (regardless of using or not using Vuex)?
JWT is a format. If you use OAuth2 for example, there's "access token" and "refresh token". You can get another "access token" automatically with "refresh token" and so that might mean you don't need to show login form again.
You could also just refresh your JWT token each time if you want. I'm not sure about the implications of that but there's a lot you can do.
These links might help you:
My question for you is:
If you were not to use JWT and instead just use cookies, how would things differ? (Aside from the technical aspects like needing to refresh tokens)
You are probably approaching/thinking/using JWT the wrong way.

Stateless Authentication - what really does it mean?

I use Socialite library in Laravel. In documentation tells one paragraph:
The stateless method may be used to disable session state verification. This is useful when adding social authentication to an API:
what really does it mean? When I should use that?
Actually, the basic authentication mechanism uses session to store the visitors identity so when you once get authenticated (providing credentials in a login form) the application doesn't ask for the password again when you visit another page after login. So, the session is used to keep the user's current state in the application. This is what happens in most of the cases.
On the other hand, the stateless authentication is used without using the session. In this case, the application doesn't keep any data into the session to identify the user on subsequent requests. Instead, it verifies every request independently.
When you gonna need this?
Basically, it's needed when you are going to build some kind of API which may serve resources as service to users where a user may send a request to your API to get data from anywhere, I mean the user may not be a registered user of your system but you may allow a user to consume data from your server depending on some sort of token based authentication.
This is not enough to describe the stateless auth but this may give you some idea. Further, you may check How to do stateless (session-less) & cookie-less authentication and this and also you'll find useful links if you search on Google using the term Stateless Authentication.

Symfony Guard Component and Stateless Authentication (Shibboleth)

It was required that my application uses a SSO Service called Shibboleth. So I used the existing shibboleth-bundle. Things have changed and we need to add a form authentication method for the user. So I decided to implement Shibboleth authentication with the new Guard Component. (See ShibbolethGuardBundle)
I found a problem during the development. Symfony calls the ShibbolethAuthenticator methods at the first request, creates a token and never calls any ShibbolethAuthenticator method on later requests. That means, if Shibboleth session ends the user is still authenticated using the Symfony session.
This is also a problem if you want to implement a token authentication. The user only need to send the token at the first request. Any other request is authenticated by the session.
This problem exist also with other SSO services. If you logout at Facebook you want to be logged out at any website that uses Facebook authentication. But if you implemented this with Guard you still have a valid session after the logout at facebook.
I found a quick solution by checking if the shibboleth header variables are set in my UserProvider on every request. If they are missing, an Exception is called and my ExceptionListener redirects to the login page.
I think this is not a good solution, because the ShibbolethGuardBundle should handle this problem. Does anyone has an idea how I could solve this in a more appropriate way?
The way I see it, authenticating the first time and sending the user data is to either create a user object or sign it for that website. After that, you have a session with Site A, using data from the SSO service, I think that's the intended behaviour. It is not to sync logins / logouts with the SSO service.
One workaround: In it is described how Google might handle this (not sure if this is still current, but it's still relevant to your question):
When signing out from gmail a few days ago, I noticed my browser visited for 0.5 second. I went back to and realized I was logged out. Same on [...] The main idea is that the browser actually visits all website from Google on which I have the session and closes the session on all of them. [...] The main reason why signing out from several websites in one click is not well documented is because it is not a very common situation. When this problem arises it is probably fixed using a custom, in-house implementation.

Custom login controller in Symfony2

For the last two days I read through multiple resources on authentication in Symfony2. I think I understand most parts, however I feel that I do not understand the whole thing. I successfully created two authentication providers and a UserProvider but I don't understand how to customize the login process.
What I try to do is writing a REST API that will be consumed by a client that I also write. The client will display a form and sent the credentials via Ajax. Therefore, I don't want to use HTTP basic auth (I don't want a browser window to pop up), I don't want to use OAuth or any token (but use credentials) and I don't want to use a form_login (the login form is rendered by Angular).
Using my custom authentication provider, I can verify that a client is logged in, using a cookie I set in the login controller. However, I don't understand how I would login (or what logged in means in Symfony) a user if I'd try to use the session/Symfony security bundle. I could just avoid all security things from Symfony and roll my own implementation but I would prefer to understand how Symfony expects the authentication provider and the login controller to work together.
What I want is one route where a client can check if it is logged in, login and logout.
GET /session # return the session if it exists, or 401
POST /session { session: { email: testy#mctest, password: test1234 }} # login
DELETE /session # destroy session
How would I achieve this in a "Symfony" way?
(Bonuspoints for explaining the general authentication concept in Symfony, outside of the authentication provider)
I'll try to make it the more verbose and simplest that I can from what I personally know :-).
This is what I understood from when I implemented my own Security layer based on the Symfony Security component. If something is not right, please tell me and I will correct it to make it more accurate.
The Security component works with firewalls. A firewall defined a "zone" that is under the responsibility of the Security Component.
For each firewall, you would usually match a pattern that would be matched with the current request. If it matches, then the Security Component tries to determine if the request is allowed to access the resource.
In order to do this, the Security component is divided into two steps :
First : authenticate the user. If the user is not authenticated, we cannot authorize him. So the component will go through its Authentication Manager in order to authenticate the user. Authenticating a user in the Symfony way means trying to create a Token (which is actually juste an instance of the TokenInterface class) matching the current request that is going to be authenticated, and then try to authenticate it.
This Token is supposed to be created thanks to Authentication Listener(s) (classes implementing the ListenerInterface interface). For instance, one will usually use a UserProvider to set a User into the Token object.
Then, when the token is created, it doesn't mean that the Token is authenticated. This Token will be authenticated thanks to the Authentication Manager. An often use kind of Authentication Managers is based on providers that will check if the credentials (or something else) is wrong with the current token. For example, a DaoAuthenticationProvider will check if the password given with the token user matches with the one in what our users provider gives to us. If not, it fails : either another provider can authenticate the current token, or this will be an authentication fail.
Second : authorizing the user. For this, I suggest you to read the chapter about it in the Symfony documentation online. You can find it here. It is based on an AccessDecisionManager that will decide if the current user, based on the authenticated token, is now allowed to access the resource. This is usually made thanks to classes called Voters that will vote in order to decide if a user is allowed to access the current resource.
A voter could vote no, another could vote yes, and another could vote I don't know. The final decision is made from the AccessDecisionManager that will, based on how it is configured, determine if these votes will either allow the user ("Any yes allows the user" or forbid him ("Any no is strict").
I think that this is the basis of what you should understand, to me, about the Security component. Keep in mind that it can be very tricky to understand first, especially for the Authentication part.
Last but not least, I highly recommend you to read this whole chapter : Here !. It is the key and your bible if you want to understand what's happening inside this tricky but awesome component.
Now, for your login issue : what would be useful for you is to check how to create your custom Listener (see the authenticating part of my answer) in order to create your own business logic of "how do I authenticate my user based on the current request". Your form would be an entry point of a firewall zone that would be then pointing to this firewall zone. This listener would check if the information provided by your form is inside the request, and then create the Token. Then, you would have a custom way to authenticate your token thanks to the information you provide.
(Sorry for my english !)

How to manage sessions with Laravel 5.0 as backend

I am developing a web application in Laravel. Now I'm in the process of creating an android app. I need to create a web service (back end) in Laravel, but I don't know how to manage the sessions (auth) in the request.
My idea is to create a unique token for every session, and store it in a database. So, every request need the token be included, and my backend will check if the token is valid or not.
How can I modify the login functionality that comes with Laravel 5.0 to create an return the token?
I read the documentation and some articles in the internet, but it is still not clear to me.
You can create a token during registration of the app which should correspond with the user id. This token will be used together with the user id anytime you call any of your api's to authenticate the user.
You can create a filter named custom_authentication and check for the token validity inside that filter. Now just apply this filter before every routes, which you want to be authenticated.
Using only simple authentication token is not very secure, you need to go with HTTPS always.
If you want to make the API secure with HTTP, you might have to implement OAuth with the help of packages like this.
