subquery in andFilterWhere in yii2 - php

I have to execute this query
select count(id) as numberofcompanies, sum(offered_value) as total_offered_value from campaign_comapany
where ( campaign_id in (select id from campaing where user_id = current_user ) or campaing_company.sp_user_id = current_user)
and campaign_company.status = '3'
And I wrote the query like this in yii2-
$query->select(['count(id) as numberofcompanies','sum(offered_value) as total_offered_value'])
->andFilterWhere(['or',['in','campaign_id',(new yii\db\Query())->select(['id'])->from('campaign')->where(['=','user_id',Yii::$app->user->id])],['=','campaign_company.sp_user_id',Yii::$app->user->id]])
But it gives me error with unknow column campaign_company.user_id
but working if I just use where like following-
$query->select(['count(id) as numberofcompanies','sum(offered_value) as total_offered_value'])
->where(['in','campaign_id',(new yii\db\Query())->select(['id'])->from('campaign')->where(['=','user_id',Yii::$app->user->id])])
What should I do to get the result mentioned sql query, I don't want to hit database server two time, thanks in advance

Use join:
$query->select(['count(id) as numberofcompanies','sum(offered_value) as total_offered_value'])
->innerJoin('campaign','`campaign`.`id` = `campaign_company`.`campaign_id`')

As is it is difficult to follow your logic. To simplify your code and your query, add the first condition as plain sql. Also since the second condition is required, you can swap the positions as follows:
->select(['count(id) as numberofcompanies','sum(offered_value) as total_offered_value'])
->where(['status' => '3'])
campaign_id in (select id from campaign where user_id = :current_user )
or campaign_company.sp_user_id = :current_user1',
[':current_user' => Yii::$app->user->id, ':current_user1' => Yii::$app->user->id]])


Using Laravel Eloquent's with() function along with inner join

I encountered a problem when trying to use with() function along with join:
$query = Model::query()->with([
select *
from <models_table>
where <some_condition>
) as new_model"), '', '=', '<models_table>.id');
After paginate($rpp) call I received all items with appropriate relations appended, but without joined table (aka new_model). Is there a way to retrieve new_model along with relations ?
Have you tried to add select statement to emphasize the tables you want to get?
select *
from <models_table>
where <some_condition>
) as new_model"), '', '=', '<models_table>.id')
->select(['<models_table>.*', 'new_model.*']);
Please try the below code hope it will help you.
$query = Model::query()->with([
$query = $query->join(DB::raw("(
select *
from <models_table>
where <some_condition>
) as new_model"), '', '=', '<models_table>.id')
$query = $query->paginate($rpp);

laravel access outer query column inside subquery

I am trying to convert raw sql queries into laravel queries.
Here's the raw query:
user_tasks as usr
inner join
unassigned_tasks as tsk
on usr.task_id =
usr.assigned_to = 12
tsk.product_id NOT IN ( SELECT product_id FROM product_progresses WHERE request_id = tsk.request_id )
BINARY hash_id NOT IN ( SELECT hash_id FROM product_match_unmatches WHERE request_id = tsk.request_id AND auto_unmatched_by IS NOT NULL )
The laravel query is:
public function getTasks($assigned_to) {
/** fetch products assigned to a specific user token,
* ignore already matched skus, and links that are auto-unmatched
$tasks = DB::table('user_tasks as usr')
->join('unassigned_tasks as tsk', 'usr.task_id', '=', '')
->select('', 'tsk.request_id', 'tsk.sys_index', 'tsk.category_group', 'tsk.category', 'tsk.is_assigned', 'tsk.hash_id')
->where('usr.assigned_to', '=', $assigned_to);
$tasks->whereNotIn('tsk.product_id', function($qs) {
->where('request_id', '=', 'tsk.request_id')
$tasks->whereNotIn(DB::raw('BINARY `hash_id`'), function($qs) {
->where('request_id', '=', 'tsk.request_id')
return $tasks->toSql();
The below query should take tsk.request_id value from outer query, but I think the column value is not passed to it.
Here's the output of toSql():
SELECT `tsk`.`id`,
FROM `user_tasks` AS `usr`
INNER JOIN `unassigned_tasks` AS `tsk`
ON `usr`.`task_id` = `tsk`.`id`
WHERE `usr`.`assigned_to` = ?
AND `tsk`.`product_id` NOT IN (SELECT `product_id`
FROM `product_progresses`
WHERE `request_id` = ?)
AND BINARY `hash_id` NOT IN (SELECT `hash_id`
FROM `product_match_unmatches`
WHERE `request_id` = ?
AND `auto_unmatched_by` IS NOT NULL)
Note the ? inside where clauses.
The resultset is different from the raw and laravel query.
I even tried see the bindings value:
$sql = str_replace_array('?', $tasks->getBindings(), $tasks->toSql());
And on running this raw query, it is outputting the correct result-set.
On checking the bindings, here's what I found:
array:3 [▼
0 => 12
1 => "tsk.request_id"
2 => "tsk.request_id"
Here outer query column is wrapped inside quotes and hence treated as a string.
So maybe where clause is trying to compare request_id with a string rather than the outer column.
If it is so, then how do I make them treat as columns rather than string?
use DB::raw() where you trying to add value of request_id
AND `tsk`.`product_id` NOT IN (SELECT `product_id`
FROM `product_progresses`
WHERE `request_id` = DB::raw('tsk.request_id'))
whereRaw('pgr.request_id = tsk.request_id');
Solved the string issue.
You should try to remove select() method, in the subquery replace where() method with whereColumn() method and remove get() method:
$tasks = DB::table('user_tasks', 'urs')
->join('unassigned_tasks as tsk', 'usr.task_id', '=', '')
->where('usr.assigned_to', '=', $assigned_to);
Note: i put the alias 'urs' as second argument (view docs)
$tasks->whereNotIn('tsk.product_id', function($qs) {
->whereColumn('request_id', 'tsk.request_id');
If you want get specific fields, you must specify the fields in get() method:
return $tasks->get(array('', 'tsk.request_id', 'tsk.sys_index', 'tsk.category_group', 'tsk.category', 'tsk.is_assigned', 'tsk.hash_id'));

SQL exists in Laravel 5 query builder

Good morning,
I've been trying for quite a lot of time to translate this query(which returns an array of stdClass) into query builder so I could get objects back as Eloquent models.
This is how the query looks like untranslated:
$anketa = DB::select( DB::raw("SELECT *
FROM v_anketa a
WHERE not exists (select 1 from user_poeni where and user_id = :lv_id_user)
Order by redni_broj limit 1"
), array( 'lv_id_user' => $id_user,
I have tried this, but it gives a syntax error near the inner from in the subquery:
$anketa = V_anketa::selectRaw("WHERE not exists (select 1 from user_poeni where and user_id = :lv_id_user)", array('lv_id_user' => $id_user,)
The problem is this exists and a subquery in it. I couldn't find anything regarding this special case.
Assume each table has an appropriate Eloquent model.
V_anketa is a view. The db is postgresql.
As far as the query goes I believe this should work:
$anketa = V_anketa::whereNotExists(function ($query) use ($id_user) {
->where('', '=', '')
->where('user_id', '=', $id_user);
but I'm not clear on what do you mean by "assuming every table has an Eloquent model" and "V_anketa" is a view...
Assuming the SQL query is correct, this should work:
$anketa = DB::select(sprintf('SELECT * FROM v_anketa a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM user_poeni WHERE anketa_id = AND user_id = %s) ORDER BY redni_broj LIMIT 1', $id_user));
If you want to get back an Builder instance you need to specify the table:
$anketa = DB::table('')->select('');
If you however, want to get an Eloquent Model instance, for example to use relations, you need to use Eloquent.

Yii2 SQL query grouping OR with AND

Good day.
I am relatively new to yii2.
What am I trying is this sort of SQL query:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE a=1 AND (b=1 OR b=2)
How do I write such query via yii2 query builder?
You need to use orWhere() , andWhere() and where() functions.
the "or" and "and" words are the type of union it made with all the previous where conditions
so, this query:
Make something like this:
select * from Table where (((b=1) or b=2) and a=1)
The all() function tell yii2 to select al records its founds
Note: this code dont work, its just and example.
This can be done like this:
$model = User::find()
->where('a = :a', [':a' => 1])
->andWhere('b = :b1 or b = :b2', [':b1' => 1, ':b2'=> 2])

Left join to get a single row in Laravel

I have been unsuccessfully trying to leftjoin and get the required data
Here is my code:
$album = Albums::->where('users_id',$user_id)
The comments are some of my several trying...
I want to get only a single record from the photos table matching the foreign key album_id which was updated first and also with status 1
pls help...
I have used DB::raw() in order to achieve this
$album = Albums::select( 'albums.*',
DB::raw('(select photo from photos where albums_id = and status = 1 order by id asc limit 1) as photo') )
#JarekTkaczyk 's coding was similar and displayed the same result as I needed, so a special thanks to him for his time and effort...
But comparing the execution time for the quires I stayed to mine as my above snippet
select `albums`.*, (select photo from photos where albums_id = and status = 1 order by id asc limit 1) as photo from `albums` where `users_id` = '1' and `albums`.`status` = '1'
took 520μs - 580μs
and #JarekTkaczyk 's
select `albums`.*, `p`.`photo` from `albums` left join `photos` as `p` on `p`.`albums_id` = `albums`.`id` and `p`.`created_at` = (select min(created_at) from photos where albums_id = p.albums_id) and `p`.`status` = '1' where `users_id` = '1' and `albums`.`status` = '1' group by `albums`.`id`
took 640μs - 750μs But both did the same...
You can achieve it using either leftJoin or rightJoin (but the latter would return Photo models, so probably you won't need that):
Albums::where('users_id', $user_id)
->leftJoin('photos as p', function ($q) {
$q->on('photos.albums_id', '=', '')
->on('photos.updated_at', '=',
DB::raw('(select min(updated_at) from photos where albums_id = p.albums_id)'))
->where('photos.status', '=', 1);
->where('albums.status', 1)
->select('albums.*', fields from photos table that you need )
Are you trying to check for albums that have the status of '1'? If this is the case you are missing an equals sign from your final where.
Alternatively you may be able to achieve this with an 'on' instead of a 'where' inside the join function. You also don't need to split up query inside of the function and can do it as one line with the '->' :
$album = Albums::->where('users_id',$user_id)
You need to make sure that you are using 'first', as it will return a single row of the first result. Get() will return an array.
As a straightforward answer which results in a single object I suggest the following query:
$album = DB::table('albums')->select('albums.*', '')
->join('photos', '', '=', '')
