SQL exists in Laravel 5 query builder - php

Good morning,
I've been trying for quite a lot of time to translate this query(which returns an array of stdClass) into query builder so I could get objects back as Eloquent models.
This is how the query looks like untranslated:
$anketa = DB::select( DB::raw("SELECT *
FROM v_anketa a
WHERE not exists (select 1 from user_poeni where anketa_id=a.id and user_id = :lv_id_user)
Order by redni_broj limit 1"
), array( 'lv_id_user' => $id_user,
I have tried this, but it gives a syntax error near the inner from in the subquery:
$anketa = V_anketa::selectRaw("WHERE not exists (select 1 from user_poeni where anketa_id=a.id and user_id = :lv_id_user)", array('lv_id_user' => $id_user,)
The problem is this exists and a subquery in it. I couldn't find anything regarding this special case.
Assume each table has an appropriate Eloquent model.
V_anketa is a view. The db is postgresql.

As far as the query goes I believe this should work:
$anketa = V_anketa::whereNotExists(function ($query) use ($id_user) {
->where('anketa.id', '=', 'a.id')
->where('user_id', '=', $id_user);
but I'm not clear on what do you mean by "assuming every table has an Eloquent model" and "V_anketa" is a view...

Assuming the SQL query is correct, this should work:
$anketa = DB::select(sprintf('SELECT * FROM v_anketa a WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM user_poeni WHERE anketa_id = a.id AND user_id = %s) ORDER BY redni_broj LIMIT 1', $id_user));
If you want to get back an Builder instance you need to specify the table:
$anketa = DB::table('')->select('');
If you however, want to get an Eloquent Model instance, for example to use relations, you need to use Eloquent.


How to convert raw SQL query to Laravel Query Builder

I need a following code to convert to Laravel query can any one help me with these.
SELECT id, `leave_name`, `total_leave_days`, leave_id, leave_taken_days FROM `leaves` AS t1 INNER JOIN ( SELECT leave_id, SUM(`leave_taken_days`) AS leave_taken_days FROM `leave_applications` WHERE user_id = 2 AND statuses_id = 2 GROUP BY leave_id ) AS t2 ON t1.id = t2.leave_id
I even tried but the output is not showing atall.
$user_leaves = DB::table('leaves')
->select('id', 'leave_name', 'total_leave_days', 'leave_id', 'leave_taken_days')
->join('leave_application', 'leave_application.leave_id', '=', 'leave.id')
->select('leave_application.leave_id', DB::raw("SUM(leave_taken_days) as leave_application.leave_taken_days"))
->where('user_id','=', 2)
->where('statuses_id','=', 2)
How can I solve this issue?
Relations between two models.
Leave Model
public function leave_application()
return $this->belongsTo(LeaveApplication::class, 'id' , 'leave_id');
Leave Application Model
public function leave()
return $this->belongsTo(Leave::class, 'leave_id', 'id');
Try this :
$user_leaves = Leave::select('leaves.id', 'leaves.leave_name', 'leaves.total_leave_days', 'leave_applications.leave_id', DB::raw('SUM(leave_applications.leave_taken_days) as leave_taken_days'))
->whereHas('leave_application', function($q) {
$q->where('user_id', 2)
->where('statuses_id', 2);
On this topic I would like to give my recommendations for some tools to help you out in the future.
SQL Statement to Laravel Eloquent to convert SQL to Laravel query builder. This does a decent job at low level queries. It also saves time when converting old code.
The other tool I use to view the query that is being run is Clock Work
I keep this open in a tab and monitor slow nasty queries or, also gives me perspective on how the query builder is writing SQL. If you have not use this extension I highly recommend getting and using it.
Actually I found my answer,
$user_leaves = DB::table('leaves as t1')
->select('t1.id', 't1.leave_name', 't1.total_leave_days', 't2.leave_id', 't2.leave_taken_days')
->join(DB::raw('(SELECT leave_id, SUM(leave_taken_days) AS leave_taken_days FROM leave_applications WHERE user_id = ' . $user_id . ' AND statuses_id = 2 GROUP BY leave_id) AS t2'), function ($join) {
$join->on('t1.id', '=', 't2.leave_id');
You can use DB:select("your query", params) and put your query and params (as an array (optional)
As below sample:
$result = DB:select("
SELECT id, `leave_name`, `total_leave_days`, leave_id, leave_taken_days
FROM `leaves` AS t1
SELECT leave_id, SUM(`leave_taken_days`) AS leave_taken_days
FROM `leave_applications`
WHERE user_id = 2
AND statuses_id = 2
GROUP BY leave_id
) AS t2 ON t1.id = t2.leave_id" , $params
return response()->json($result);

How to do order by the eloquent query without using join relationship in laravel?

How to order laravel eloquent query using parent model?
I mean I have an eloquent query where I want to order the query by its parent without using join relationship?
I used whereHas and order by on it, but did not work.
Here is a sample of my code:
$query = Post::whereHas('users')->orderBy('users.created_at')->get();
If you want to order Post by a column in user you have to do a join in some way unless you sort after you retrieve the result so either:
$query = Post::select('posts.*')
->join('users', 'users.id', 'posts.user_id')
Note that whereHas is not needed anymore because the join (which is an inner join by default) will only result in posts that have a user.
Alternatively you can do:
$query = Post::has('users')
->sortBy(function ($post) { return $post->users->created_at; });
The reason is that eloquent relationships are queried in a separate query from the one that gets the parent model so you can't use relationship columns during that query.
I have no clue why you wanted to order Posts based on their User's created_at field. Perhaps, a different angle to the problem is needed - like accessing the Post from User instead.
That being said, an orderBy() can accept a closure as parameter which will create a subquery then, you can pair it with whereRaw() to somewhat circumvent Eloquent and QueryBuilder limitation*.
Post::orderBy(function($q) {
return $q->from('users')
->whereRaw('`users`.id = `posts`.id')
It should generate the following query:
select *
from `posts`
order by (
select `created_at`
from `users`
where `users`.id = `posts`.id
) asc
A join might serve you better, but there are many ways to build queries.
*As far as I know, the subquery can't be made to be aware of the parent query fields
You can simply orderBy in your Post model.
public function users(){
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, "user_id")->orderByDesc('created_at');
I hope this helps you.
You can try
->whereColumn('id', 'posts.user_id')
The sql generated would be like
select * from `posts`
where exists (select * from `users` where `posts`.`user_id` = `users`.`id`)
order by (select `created_at` from `users` where `id` = `posts`.`user_id` order by `created_at` asc) asc
But I guess join would be a simpler approach for this use case.
Laravel Docs - Eloquent - Subquery Ordering

How can I make select in select on laravel eloquent?

I use laravel 5.3
My sql query is like this :
FROM products
WHERE `status` = 1 AND `stock` > 0 AND category_id = 5
ORDER BY updated_at DESC
) AS product
GROUP BY store_id
I want to change it to be laravel eloquent
But I'm still confused
How can I do it?
In cases when your query is to complex you can laravel RAW query syntax like:
$data = DB::select(DB::raw('your query here'));
It will fire your raw query on the specified table and returns the result set, if any.
If you have Product model, you can run
$products = Product::where('status', 1)
->where('stock', '>', 0)
->where('category_id', '=', 5)
->orderBy('updated_at', 'desc')
I think this should give you the same result since you pull everything from your derived table.

Laravel 4.2 subquery using Query Builder

How to make this MySQL query in Query Builder?
SELECT traction_instances.*,
(SELECT COUNT(station_id)
FROM traction_stations
WHERE traction_instances.instance_id = traction_stations.monitoring_instance) as `count stations`
FROM traction_instances
What I've tried up to now is the following:
$instances = DB::connection('monitors')->table(DB::raw('traction_instances as ti, traction_stations as ts'))
->select(array('ti.instance_id', 'ti.status', 'ti.cpu_usage', DB::raw('count(ts.station_id) as station_count')))
->where(DB::raw('ti.instance_id'), '=', DB::raw('ts.monitoring_instance'))
With this, I get the single 'Instance' row (and there are 4 of them) with count of 'Stations' the instance is monitoring, but I need all the instances, and if there are no stations that that instance is monitoring, the station_count should be 0.
Found a solution:
$instances = DB::connection('monitors')->table('traction_instances as ti')
->where('ti.instance_type', 'Audio Stream Processor')
->select(DB::raw('ti.*, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM traction_stations AS ts WHERE ti.instance_id = ts.monitoring_instance) AS station_count'))

get user with most articles and its amount with active record or query

I want to get the user that wrote the most articles. I do so fine in two ways with ActiveRecord like the following:
$table = Articles::find()
->select('articles.*, COUNT(*) AS cnt')
->orderBy(('cnt DESC'))
and with a query like the following:
$query = (new Query())
->select('articles.user_id, COUNT(*) AS num_articles')
->join('LEFT JOIN', 'user_details', 'user_details.user_id = articles.user_id')
->orderBy('num_articles DESC')
The problem is that the ActiveRecord gives me further needed informations userDetails that I need. But I do not get the amount of articles of user that should be on cnt
With the Query I get the user_id and the amount of articles. But I do not get it working by joining with userDetails. All of these does not work: LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, INNER JOIN.
I am interested in resolving both for learning, but for concrete I need help with the ActiveRecord problem.
Okay well I solved it for the ActiveRecord. The ActiveRecords needs a public $var; in the Model. So to get the amount you have to add the mentioned public... to your Model so that in my case:
public $cnt; extends the ActiveRecord of Articles
now I can access it with the given Request in my Question. But this just solves the first point. I am still interested in the second way for more complex Queries.
I dont have much idea about active record but I think the below is something what you are looking for
select * from user_details where user_id in
(select A.user from
(select user_id as user, COUNT(*) AS num_articles
from articles group by user_id order by num_articles desc LIMIT 10)A
for second point you should include required column from joined table to select statement:
$query = (new Query())
->select('articles.user_id, COUNT(*) AS num_articles, user_details.username as username')
->join('LEFT JOIN', 'user_details', 'user_details.user_id = articles.user_id')
->orderBy('num_articles DESC')
