I have an api class to contact a REST api for mailing list management. It includes methods such as subscribe(), unsubscribe(), update(), etc.
In my client code, I have lines such as
Api::subscribe($email, array(..));
Because of occasional failures, we want to add retry functionality to each call. If a call fails the first time, we want to retry once or twice more, before we finally give up.
The straight-forward way to do this is
public static function subscribe($email, array $lists ) {
$success = FALSE;
$retries = 3;
while ( ! success && retries > 0 ) {
// API call goes here
Rinse and repeat for each method.
In the interests of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), I was wondering if there was a nice, design-patterny way to wrap my calls in retries without having to repeat the while loop for each method.
If not, and the simple way is the best fit, that's fine. I just wanted to see if there was a better way out there that I was not aware of.
public function retry($apiCall, $retries) {
$success = false;
while (!$success && $retries > 0 ) {
$success |= $apiCall();
public static function subscribe($email, array $lists) {
retry(function() {
// your API call here
}, 3);
You simply construct an anomymous function and pass the anonomous function to the code that handles the retrying. Obviously this should be a bit more elaborate to allow returning values (which can be added quite trivially) or to be observable.
One way to make it observable is by passing a callback:
public function retry($apiCall, $retries, $callback) {
$success = false;
while (!$success && $retries > 0 ) {
$success |= $apiCall();
You'd simply need to pass the proper callback that does the notification. You can expand greatly on this by passing more elaborate parameters about the kind of event and kind of failure, number of retries etc. depending on your exact needs.
Basically, I am looking for a way I could optimize the following.
Not really a PHP programmer, and in the Ruby world this would be easy, but at the moment I have this:
if(count($methods) == 1) {
$resp = $this->$methods[0];
else if(count($methods) > 1) {
$resp = $this->$methods[0]->$methods[1];
Is there somehow a way I could loop over the methods array here, and chain them together?
What you want is essentially an array reduction:
$resp = array_reduce($methods, function ($o, $p) { return $o->$p; }, $this);
It's unclear whether you want $o->$p (property access) or $o->$p() (method call), but you can figure that out.
I need to know if there is a better way to avoid Call to a member function xxxx() on null
currently I'm coding as follows but it is cumbersome.
&& $event->getForm()->getParent()
&& $event->getForm()->getParent()->getParent()
&& $event->getForm()->getParent()->getParent()->getData()
&& $event->getForm()->getParent()->getParent()->getData()->getComponente()
$componente = $event->getForm()->getParent()->getParent()->getData()->getComponente();
$formModifier($event->getForm(), $componente, $defaultComponente);
In PHP 7 this is actually a catchable Error (if you're using hhvm it's a regular Exception):
try {
$componente = $event->getForm()->getParent()->getParent()->getData()->getComponente();
} catch (\Error $e) {
$componente = null;
if ($componente !== null) {
$formModifier($event->getForm(), $componente, $defaultComponente);
In PHP 5 there is a workaround using intermediate variables and the and keyword instead of &&:
if (
$f = $event->getForm() and
$p = $f->getParent() and
$p2 = $p->getParent() and
$d = $p2->getData() and
$componente = $d->getComponente()
) {
$formModifier($f, $componente, $defaultComponente);
If you use && instead of and you'll get "undefined variable" notices and this workaround won't work.
Working examples: https://3v4l.org/0S6ps
no there is no way, but at least you can do some performance improvement
$form = $event->getForm();
//do error handling
$parent = $form->getParent();
//do error handling
$p_parent = $parent->getParent();
//do error handling
$data = $p_parent->getData();
//do error handling
$component = $data->getComponente();
this way you call each function only once and you can do better error handling
I think this is a great example of a bad code. By having a code like this you're breaking several rules and making your life much harder than it should be.
Your code is rigid, fragile, hard to understand and maintain etc.
Simpler is ALWAYS better.
If you can't make your $xx->getComponent() a proper object easily accessible without such ugly nested relationship, you should at least encapsulate the method into something appropriate and use that instead, so if anything changes, you don't have to go full mental and change it all over the place.
This class seems strange in it's creation, but if you are not extracting these methods dynamically using __call(), you can use method_exists() in a loop inside a function, something similar to:
function getMethodChain($class,$arr = ['getForm','getParent','getParent','getData','getComponente'])
# First check the object is set
return false;
# Loop intended method chain
foreach($arr as $method) {
# Check if the method exists in the current class or passed already
$useClass = (!isset($classPass))? $class : $classPass;
# Check if the method exists in the current class
if(is_object($useClass) && method_exists($useClass,$method)) {
# Assign this class/method to use next in the loop
$classPass = $useClass->{$method}();
return false;
# Just send back
return (isset($classPass))? $classPass : false;
The use would be something like:
# This will either be the data you expect or false
$componente = getMethodChain($event);
I have written some functions using Authorize.Net's PHP SDK's that look like the following:
public function getCustomerProfiles() {
$customerProfiles = array();
// Before we can get customer profiles, we need to get a list of all customer id's.
$customerIdListRequest = new AnetAPI\GetCustomerProfileIdsRequest();
$customerIdListRequest->setMerchantAuthentication(self::getMerchantAuth(Config::LOGIN_ID, Config::TRANSACTION_KEY));
$customerIdListController = new AnetController\GetCustomerProfileIdsController($customerIdListRequest);
$customerIdListResponse = $customerIdListController->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEnvironment::SANDBOX);
if(($customerIdListResponse != null) && ($customerIdListResponse->getMessages()->getResultCode() == "Ok")) {
// TODO: Investigate warning about no method named getIds().
foreach( $customerIdListResponse->getIds() as $id ) {
// Now we can get each customer profile.
$request = new AnetAPI\GetCustomerProfileRequest();
$request->setMerchantAuthentication(self::getMerchantAuth(Config::LOGIN_ID, Config::TRANSACTION_KEY));
$controller = new AnetController\GetCustomerProfileController($request);
$response = $controller->executeWithApiResponse(\net\authorize\api\constants\ANetEnvironment::SANDBOX);
if(($response != null) && ($response->getMessages()->getResultCode() == "Ok")) {
// TODO: Investigate warning about no method named getProfile()
// Add it to the array.
array_push($customerProfiles, $response->getProfile()->xml);
} else {
throw new \Exception($response->getMessages()->getMessage());
} else {
throw new \Exception($customerIdListResponse->getMessages()->getMessage());
return $customerProfiles;
Currently, I'm just returning an array of objects. I'd prefer to get the raw XML response. Is this functionality available via Authorize.Net's PHP SDK? Or am I better of using something like Guzzle and making the request manually?
Looking at the source code I think it would be simple enough.
Look the execute method that is invoked by executeWithApiResponse there. See xmlResponse? Just need to store that as a class property (and add a public getter), or maybe tweak the function to take an extra argument telling it to return the raw response. Could hack it, or better yet, extend that ApiOperationBase class (note the interface IApiOperation gives you a outline to follow).
Seeing that serializer also...
$this->apiResponse = $this->serializer->deserialize( $xmlResponse, $this->apiResponseType , 'xml');
Could maybe do something more elegant with that. But not as clear as path I first described.
I need to return from a function call once a React/Promise has been resolved. The basic idea is to fake a synchronous call from an ansynchronous one. This means that the outer function must return a value once a promise has been resolved or rejected.
This is to create a driver for RedBeanPHP using React/Mysql. I am aware that this will likely lead to CPU starvation in the React event loop.
My initial idea was to use a generator then call yield inside a \React\Promise\Deferred::then callback.
function synchronous()
$result = asynchronous();
function asynchronous()
$deferred = new \React\Promise\Deferred;
$sleep = function() use ($deferred)
$deferred->then(function($ret) {
yield $ret;
The PHP generator class, AFAICT, is only directly constructable by the PHP engine itself. The then callback would need to directly invoke send on the generator of the asynchronous function for this to work.
PHP lacks both continuations as well as generator delegation, which would make it possible to call yield from inside a nested callback, making this entirely impossible to achieve for the moment.
ReactPhp offers the async tools package which has an await function.
Code can then become:
function synchronous()
$result = \React\Async\await(asynchronous());
function asynchronous()
$deferred = new \React\Promise\Deferred;
$sleep = function() use ($deferred)
return $deferred->promise();
Scenario: Modify and save an incomplete change to a Campaign
Given I click on the Campaign section folder
And I press Save in the selected Campaign
Then I should see an error balloon informing the changes cannot be saved
Point is that this 'error balloon' in the final step is a ajax call which will then bring a green or red balloon according to the success of the operation. Currently what I do is after
'And I press Save...' I will do a sleep(3) to give it time for this balloon to show up. This doesn't seem very smart coz you are wasting time and also because some times it can take more or less time for this call to be processed.
How do you guys make your behat tests wait for Ajax do be done instead of just putting the beasts to sleep?
thank you very much for any feedback!
This is done by waiting for your outstanding ajax calls to hit 0. jQuery.active will check just that for you.
In your FeatureContext.php, you can do something like;
public function iShouldSeeAnErrorBalloon($title)
$time = 5000; // time should be in milliseconds
$this->getSession()->wait($time, '(0 === jQuery.active)');
// asserts below
And do make sure you use a Mink Driver that runs javascript and ajax (the default does not).
I do it by waiting for the DOM to change as a result of the Ajax Call. I made a subclass of DocumentElement, calling it AsyncDocumentElement and overriding the findAll method:
public function findAll($selector, $locator, $waitms=5000)
$xpath = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->selectorToXpath($selector, $locator);
// add parent xpath before element selector
if (0 === strpos($xpath, '/')) {
$xpath = $this->getXpath().$xpath;
} else {
$xpath = $this->getXpath().'/'.$xpath;
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
// my code to wait until the xpath expression provides an element
if ($waitms && !($this->getSession()->getDriver() instanceof \Behat\Symfony2Extension\Driver\KernelDriver)) {
$templ = 'document.evaluate("%s", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ).snapshotLength > 0;';
$waitJs = sprintf($templ, $xpath);
$this->getSession()->wait($waitms, $waitJs);
return $this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($xpath);
Then in \Behat\Mink\Session I changed the constructor to use that class.
public function __construct(DriverInterface $driver, SelectorsHandler $selectorsHandler = null)
if (null === $selectorsHandler) {
$selectorsHandler = new SelectorsHandler();
$this->driver = $driver;
$this->page = new AsyncDocumentElement($this);
$this->selectorsHandler = $selectorsHandler;
Once I did this, I found my AngularJS tests were working. So far, I've only tested in Firefox.
In case you are using Prototypejs (e.g Magento), the equivalent code is:
public function iShouldSeeAnErrorBalloon($title)
$this->getSession()->wait($duration, '(0 === Ajax.activeRequestCount)');
// asserts below