Scenario: Modify and save an incomplete change to a Campaign
Given I click on the Campaign section folder
And I press Save in the selected Campaign
Then I should see an error balloon informing the changes cannot be saved
Point is that this 'error balloon' in the final step is a ajax call which will then bring a green or red balloon according to the success of the operation. Currently what I do is after
'And I press Save...' I will do a sleep(3) to give it time for this balloon to show up. This doesn't seem very smart coz you are wasting time and also because some times it can take more or less time for this call to be processed.
How do you guys make your behat tests wait for Ajax do be done instead of just putting the beasts to sleep?
thank you very much for any feedback!
This is done by waiting for your outstanding ajax calls to hit 0. will check just that for you.
In your FeatureContext.php, you can do something like;
public function iShouldSeeAnErrorBalloon($title)
$time = 5000; // time should be in milliseconds
$this->getSession()->wait($time, '(0 ===');
// asserts below
And do make sure you use a Mink Driver that runs javascript and ajax (the default does not).
I do it by waiting for the DOM to change as a result of the Ajax Call. I made a subclass of DocumentElement, calling it AsyncDocumentElement and overriding the findAll method:
public function findAll($selector, $locator, $waitms=5000)
$xpath = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->selectorToXpath($selector, $locator);
// add parent xpath before element selector
if (0 === strpos($xpath, '/')) {
$xpath = $this->getXpath().$xpath;
} else {
$xpath = $this->getXpath().'/'.$xpath;
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
// my code to wait until the xpath expression provides an element
if ($waitms && !($this->getSession()->getDriver() instanceof \Behat\Symfony2Extension\Driver\KernelDriver)) {
$templ = 'document.evaluate("%s", document, null, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null ).snapshotLength > 0;';
$waitJs = sprintf($templ, $xpath);
$this->getSession()->wait($waitms, $waitJs);
return $this->getSession()->getDriver()->find($xpath);
Then in \Behat\Mink\Session I changed the constructor to use that class.
public function __construct(DriverInterface $driver, SelectorsHandler $selectorsHandler = null)
if (null === $selectorsHandler) {
$selectorsHandler = new SelectorsHandler();
$this->driver = $driver;
$this->page = new AsyncDocumentElement($this);
$this->selectorsHandler = $selectorsHandler;
Once I did this, I found my AngularJS tests were working. So far, I've only tested in Firefox.
In case you are using Prototypejs (e.g Magento), the equivalent code is:
public function iShouldSeeAnErrorBalloon($title)
$this->getSession()->wait($duration, '(0 === Ajax.activeRequestCount)');
// asserts below
I'm developing a module for PS1.7.8.6 which add datas to a stock movement. In order to do that, I have decorate the PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Stock\StockManager following the doc.
I don't know if the decoration was made in a good way because the stock movement in the BO still use PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Stock\StockManager instead of my class CustomStockManager.
But in my module, if I call my CustomStockManager, the movement is not made. I've found that the function SymfonyContainer::getInstance(); return null so the function saveMovement() return false.
Is there a way to know why the SymfonyContainer return null ?
Finally I have found a solution. The function SymfonyContainer::getInstance() return null because the function is called from an ajax.php file which call a function from the module.
To resolve it, first, I have put the function getKernel() from this article in the file mymodule.php.
Then, il my CustomStockManager, in the function saveMovement(), I have change this
$sfContainer = SymfonyContainer::getInstance();
if (null === $sfContainer) {
return false;
$sfContainer = SymfonyContainer::getInstance();
if (null === $sfContainer) {
$moduleObj = Module::getInstanceByName('mymodule');
$sfContainer = $moduleObj->getKernel()->getContainer();
And because there is no context and so no user to to the movement, at the beginning of the function I add :
if (is_null(Context::getContext()->employee)) {
$context = Context::getContext();
$context->employee = new Employee(1);
It works now but I think this is not the best way to do that. So I will change my ajax.php file in a controller for the module.
When I click on a button, a new page opens with a form and I need to fill a field on that page.
However, as soon as the page starts loading, behat attempts to populate the field that has not yet been loaded.
I would like to put an implicit wait to wait for the field to be displayed before attempting to populate it.
* #Given que preencho corretamente os campos da tela
public function quePreenchoCorretamenteOsCamposDaTela()
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
Does anyone can help me?
From my point of view this can be done more elegant now:
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
function () use ($page) {
$field = $page->findField('voucher_subject');
return $field && $field->isVisible();
You can also wrap this inside some private function.
You can use spin function:
trait FeatureContextHelper
public function spin (callable $lambda, $wait = 5)
$lastErrorMessage = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $wait; $i++) {
try {
if ($lambda($this)) {
return true;
} catch (Exception $e) {
// do nothing
$lastErrorMessage = $e->getMessage();
throw new ElementNotVisible('The element is not visible ' . $lastErrorMessage);
Then in your context:
class FeatureContext extends MinkContext
use FeatureContextHelper;
* #Given que preencho corretamente os campos da tela
public function quePreenchoCorretamenteOsCamposDaTela()
$this->spin(function ($context) {
$faker = Faker\Factory::create();
return true;
It will try to find the element within 5 seconds and then timeout if it didn't find it. It works for us very well with Selenium2 and Goutte.
If you're using a driver that does only simulate the browser (like BrowserKit or Goutte), behat will have control back only when DOM is correctly composed and ready (and of course no js can be interpreted or executed). If you use something like Selenium2 and the field is built from an asynchronous call (If I understand correctly, this is your case), is up to you to be sure that page is loaded in its entirety. That's because the request has a response and the control is passed back to Behat process.
One possibile solution at this problem is to append a class to the body right before each ajax/async call and strip it out right after every call finished. Then, create a "spinner" function in your behat context to check for the class to be gone.
So, as part of a project, I was considering building a flagging system. The idea behind this would be a cron job that runs daily to determine whether each of a series of flags still applied to a specific object (and if so, save that flag data for the object).
// code stub
$flags = $this->getFlags();
foreach($flags as $flag)
$className = 'Svc_Flags_'.$flag->flag_code;
if(class_exists($className, false)
(new $className())->setFlag();
And right now, in the dummy code for that class, I have a constructor that echos a simple text message, and the function setFlag() that echos a different text message.
<?php class Svc_Flags_Test extends Svc
public function __construct()
echo 'construct<br/>';
public function setFlag()
echo 'set flag<br/>';
Now, this doesn't work. By that, I mean that I am not seeing either echo.
However, if I do this:
// code stub
$flags = $this->getFlags();
foreach($flags as $flag)
$className = 'Svc_Flags_'.$flag->flag_code;
(new $className())->setFlag(); // This is the added line of code
if(class_exists($className, false)
(new $className())->setFlag();
I get the constructor echo, and the setFlag() echo TWICE.
Why is this happening? Now, I'm pretty sure I could just wrap part of this in a try/catch block to get past any errors if a class isn't there, but I'm curious as to why it doesn't seem to find the class unless I explicitly call it before the if statement.
I can see in the SWF Management Console a Workflow has around 18 events, with the 16th event being my ActivityTaskCompleted event however whenever i poll for decisions i only get up to the 15th event so i never get to call RespondDecisionTaskCompleted with the decision type CompleteWorkflowExecution as such my workflows are always sitting in the Active state until they timeout.
The flow i'm using is from a PHP SWF git i found a while ago, i unfortunately do not have the link to it anymore though.
$response = $this->swf->PollForDecisionTask($opts);
$decision_list = self::_decide(new HistoryEventIterator($this->swf, $opts, $response), $this->swf);
if(count($decision_list) > 0)
//Some decisions
//No decisions
Where the HistoryEventIterator looks like so
public function __construct(Aws\Swf\SwfClient $swf_client, $original_request, $original_response) {
$this->swf = $swf_client;
$this->events = array();
$this->event_index = 0;
$this->next_page_token = null;
$this->original_poll_request = $original_request;
$this->workflow_id = $original_response->get('workflowExecution')['workflowId'];
$this->run_id = $original_response->get('workflowExecution')['runId'];
protected function _process_poll_response($response) {
if ($response->hasKey("nextPageToken")) {
$this->next_page_token = (string) $response->get("nextPageToken");
} else {
$this->next_page_token = null;
$next_events = $response->get("events");
$next_events_object = new ArrayObject($next_events);
$next_events_copy = $next_events_object->getArrayCopy();
$this->events = array_merge($this->events, $next_events);
I have omitted error checking and functions of HistoryEventIterator that would not be called in this scenario.
I have output the next_page_token of HistoryEventIterator and found it was always NULL.
Should the RespondDecisionTaskCompleted called from an Activity reach the decider? If so, what could be the cause for mine not? Surely it wouldn't be paging after 15 events, and simply not paging correctly.
I can verify that the Domain, Activity Task List, and Decider Task List are accurate as the Workflow shows up in the SWF Management Console, as does the decisions and the Activity (The Activity even has the status Completed) There is appropriate error checking and Try/Catch blocks and in no cases are there any exceptions.
I'm on an app that retrieve datas (a 7k lines CSV formated string) from an external server to update my own entity. Each row is an item in a stock.
Today the job is nicely done but it's very very very slow: more than 60s (prod env) to retrieve datas, push it in a 2D array, update the BDD, and finally load a page that display the bdd content.
When only displaying the page it's about 20s (still prod).
This the profiler's timeline result while only displaying records : Symfony's profiler timeline
Anymore, i'm not able to profile the "updateAction" cause i't don't appear in the last ten request list.
2 days ago I was checking each row of the CSV file to add it only if needed, I was soft-deleting items to restore it later when back in the stock etc. but with that speed I tried many things to have normal performances.
At the begening everything was in the controler, I moved the function that add/remove in a dedicated service, then in the repository to finally get it back in my controler. To have decent results I tried to empty the database and then refill it without checking. First, using LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE but it is not compatible with my table pattern (or I mis understood something) and now I'm simply emptying the table before filling it with the CSV (without any control). The time score I gave earlier was with this last try (which is the best one).
But enought talk
here is my controler:
public function majMatosClanAction()
$resMaj = $this->majClanCavernes();
if ($resMaj === NULL)
$this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('alert-danger', 'Unidentified');
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('loki_gbl'));
} else if ($resMaj === FALSE)
$this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->add('alert-warning','password update required');
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('loki_gbl_ST'));
} else
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('loki_gbl_voirMatosClan'));
here is the function that my controller call:
public function majClanCavernes()
$user = $this->get('security.token_storage')->getToken()->getUser();
$outils = $this->container->get('loki_gbl.outils');
if ($user !== NULL)
$pwd = $user->getGob()->getPwd();
$num = $user->getGob()->getNum();
if($outils->checkPwd($num, $pwd) !== TRUE) return FALSE;
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
//This is a temporary solution
$connection = $em->getConnection();
$platform = $connection->getDatabasePlatform();
$connection->executeUpdate($platform->getTruncateTableSQL('MatosClan', true ));
$repository = $em->getRepository('LokiGblBundle:MatosClan');
$urlMatosClan = "".$num."&passwd=".$pwd;
//encode and format the string via a service
$infosBrutes = $outils->fileGetInfosBrutes($urlMatosClan);
//$csv is a 2D array containing the datas
$csv = $outils->getDatasFromCsv($infosBrutes);
foreach($csv as $item)
$newItem = new MatosClan;
return TRUE;
return NULL;
What is wrong? 7k lines is not that big!
Could it be a lack of hardware issue?
Check out doctrine's batch processing documentation here.
You can also disable logging: