I have elastic search working when not in a testing environment. However when I create a model in a test for some reason it does not work. I have tried running it with the queue and without the queue. I can see that the job gets created and that the job runs before making the call. However, I am able to pull things that are already in the database in the test code. Any ideas why it would not work in testing?
This is my test code
$user = $this->newLoggedInUser();
$invoice = factory(App\Invoice::class)->create(['account_id' => $user->account_id]);
$this->get($this->url() . '?q=' . $invoice->title, $this->userAuthHeader($user))
'Title' => 'Invoice: ' . $invoice->number . ($invoice->title ? ' - ' . $invoice->title : ''),
'Description' => 'Customer: ' . $invoice->customer->name,
'Type' => 'Invoice',
I found that I had to add a slight delay to the get call as the index was not updated before the call was made. So I added sleep(1) and that fixed it. Also, I found that it is best to specify a separate index for the testing environment in the config.
$user = $this->newLoggedInUser();
$invoice = factory(App\Invoice::class)->create(['account_id' => $user->account_id]);
$this->get($this->url() . '?q=' . $invoice->title, $this->userAuthHeader($user))
'Title' => 'Invoice: ' . $invoice->number . ($invoice->title ? ' - ' . $invoice->title : ''),
'Description' => 'Customer: ' . $invoice->customer->name,
'Type' => 'Invoice',
I have done configurations to fetch data from database and assign corresponding to it.
It works Fine. but sometimes issues happen like undefined index or target class not found.if i refresh again issues not happen that time.
Note: sometimes happens only. so i can't find what exact issue.
AppserviceProvider in boot method i call below function
public function CustomInit(){
if (env('DB_DATABASE') != '') {
// Configuration Setup for Email Settings
if (Schema::hasTable('email_settings')) {
$result = DB::table('email_settings')->get();
$mail_config = array(
"default" => $result[0]->value,
"from" => [
"address" => $result[3]->value,
"name" => $result[4]->value
"mailers" => [
"smtp" => [
'transport' => 'smtp',
"host" => $result[1]->value,
"port" => $result[2]->value,
"encryption" => $result[5]->value,
"username" => $result[6]->value,
"password" => $result[7]->value,
'timeout' => null,
$site_settings = SiteSettings::all();
'laravel-backup.backup.name' => $site_settings[0]->value,
'laravel-backup.monitorBackups.name' => $site_settings[0]->value,
'laravel-backup.notifications.mail.from' => $result[3]->value,
'laravel-backup.notifications.mail.to' => $result[3]->value,
if (Schema::hasTable('site_settings')) {
$site_settings = DB::table('site_settings')->get()->pluck('value', 'name');
$rand = str_random(6);
if ($site_settings['site_url'] == '' && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
$url = "http://" . #$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$url .= str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), "", #$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
SiteSettings::where('name', 'site_url')->update(['value' =>$url]);
if (!#$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
Config::set('app.url', $site_settings['site_url']);
View::share("site_name", $site_settings['site_name']);
View::share("version", $site_settings['version']);
View::share("version", str_random(4));
View::share('favicon', url('logos/' . $site_settings['favicon'] . '?v=' . $rand));
View::share('logo_web_1', url('logos/' . $site_settings['logo_web_1'] . '?v=' . $rand));
View::share('logo_web_2', url('logos/' . $site_settings['logo_web_2'] . '?v=' . $rand));
View::share('email_logo', url('logos/' . $site_settings['email_logo'] . '?v=' . $rand));
View::share('web_favicon', url('logos/' . $site_settings['favicon'] . '?v=' . $rand));
define('SITE_NAME', $site_settings['site_name']);
define('LOGO_URL', url('logos/' . $site_settings['logo_web_1'] . '?v=' . $rand));
define('EMAIL_LOGO', url('logos/' . $site_settings['email_logo'] . '?v=' . $rand));
define('FAV_ICON', url('logos/' . $site_settings['favicon'] . '?v=' . $rand));
if (Schema::hasTable('join_us')) {
$join_us = DB::table('join_us')->get()->pluck('value', 'name');
View::share("app_store", $join_us['app_store']);
View::share("play_store", $join_us['play_store']);
if (Schema::hasTable('api_credentials')) {
// For Google Key
$google_map_result = DB::table('api_credentials')->where('site', 'GoogleMap')->get();
define('MAP_KEY', $google_map_result[0]->value);
define('MAP_SERVER_KEY', $google_map_result[1]->value);
View::share('map_key', $google_map_result[0]->value);
// For TWILLO Key
$twillo_result = DB::table('api_credentials')->where('site', 'Twillo')->get();
define('TWILLO_SID', $twillo_result[0]->value);
define('TWILLO_TOKEN', $twillo_result[1]->value);
define('TWILLO_FROM', $twillo_result[2]->value);
// For TWILLO Key
$fcm_result = DB::table('api_credentials')->where('site', 'FCM')->get();
['fcm.http' => [
'server_key' => $fcm_result[0]->value,
'sender_id' => $fcm_result[1]->value,
'server_send_url' => 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send',
'server_group_url' => 'https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/notification',
'timeout' => 10,
$current_route = url()->current();
if (Route::current()) {
$current_route = Route::current()->uri();
View::share('current_route', $current_route);
Thanks in Advance...
Short answer is don't try and read the .env file in your controller, retrieve the values through a corresponding config file instead.
Long answer - since Laravel 5.2.0 "if you use the config:cache command during deployment you MUST make sure you are only calling the env function from within your configuration files, and not from anywhere else in your application" - https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/upgrade#upgrade-5.2.0
In the code you've cited you're calling the .env file direct with :
if (env('DB_DATABASE') != '') {
Depending on which driver you're using, instead you want to retrieve this through the config/database.php file :
if(config('database.mysql.database' != '') {
That will provide a more stable method of retrieving the relevant value so you can see if it is empty or not.
Be patient with me, I am trying to create a Braintree Gateway for my wordpress booking system with no knowledge of php. i have downloaded the php library files from Braintree and ive implemented the area for api connection and creating a transaction using the following code below. This code was taken and tweaked from another gateway! Is this a good method to use? Would this work?
My Code
$config = new Braintree\Configuration();
$gateway = new Braintree\Gateway($config);
// Create transaction
$result = $gateway->transaction()->sale([
'amount' => $price,
'paymentMethodNonce' => 'nonceFromTheClient',
'options' => [ 'submitForSettlement' => true ]]);
if ($result->success) {
print_r("success!: " . $result->transaction->id);
} else if ($result->transaction) {
print_r("Error processing transaction:");
print_r("\n code: " . $result->transaction->processorResponseCode);
print_r("\n text: " . $result->transaction->processorResponseText);
} else {
print_r("Validation errors: \n");
} ```
Personally, I do not understand what the problem is, so please state it, if any. In terms of adjustments, from the code sample attached, I would say:
don't reference unknown variables or share context about them (eg: $parsedCredentials is initialised but not used; also what is $request?)
use "use" statements at the top of the file instead of using the FQCN; it makes it easier to understand what the dependencies are and what the code does.
$gateway = new Braintree_Gateway([
'environment' => $api_keys_merchant_id,
'merchantId' => trim($api_keys_merchant_id),
'publicKey' => 'use_your_public_key',
'privateKey' => 'use_your_private_key'
$result = $gateway->transaction()->sale([
'amount' => $price,
'paymentMethodNonce' => 'nonceFromTheClient',
'options' => [ 'submitForSettlement' => true ]]);
if ($result->success) {
print_r("success!: " . $result->transaction->id);
} else if ($result->transaction) {
print_r("Error processing transaction:");
print_r("\n code: " . $result->transaction->processorResponseCode);
print_r("\n text: " . $result->transaction->processorResponseText);
} else {
print_r("Validation errors: \n");
I'm building a projectmanagement system, where users can upload file attachments to tasks. These attachments are stored in directory 'storage/app/public/projects//'. Uploading works like it should, in the right directory under the right ID.
However when I want to download said attachment, somehow the file can't be found. I've provided the code from my up- and download methods, as well as my 'local' driver configuration.
Driver configuration:
'local' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/public'),
'url' => env('APP_URL').'storage'
Upload method:
$sExt = $request->file('attachment')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$sHashedName = substr(
sha1(str_replace(' ', '', pathinfo($request->file('attachment')->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME))
), 0, 14);
if ( ! Storage::disk('local')->exists($sHashedName . '.' . $sExt)) {
'/projects/'.$oTask->project->id, $sHashedName . '.' . $sExt, 'local'
'name' => $request->name,
'location' => $sHashedName . '.' . $sExt,
'user_id' => Auth::id()
Current download method:
public function downloadAttachment(Project $project, Task $task, Attachment $attachment)
var_dump(rtrim(env('APP_URL'), '/') . public_path('/projects/' . $project->id . '/' . $attachment->location));
if (rtrim(env('APP_URL'), '/') . public_path('/projects/' . $project->id . '/' . $attachment->location)) {
return response()->download(rtrim(env('APP_URL'), '/') . public_path('/projects/' . $project->id . '/' . $attachment->location));
} else {
return $this->redirectWithAlert(
This was my last attempt before posting this question. I have also tried Storage::url('/projects/<project_id>/<filename>') and a number of other things, but none work. I have linked a public storage directory according to the Laravel docs (with php artisan storage:link). I'm probably missing something logical here, but I'm completely lost.
The public_path function refers to ./public/, and not the storage disk 'public' that can be found in ./storage/app/public/
One way of solving this would be to replace public_path('/projects/' with storage_path('app/public/projects/'
I was using the facebook graph api without batch requests to schedule posts of pictures to my pages.
Now I am trying to work with batch requests but I have an issue, the photo are posted immediately, even if I set the parameters to delay it.
$args = array(
'message' => $this->message,
$args['published'] = false;
$args['scheduled_publish_time'] = strtotime($this->programmed_dt);
$appsecretProof = hash_hmac('sha256', $facebookPage['access_token'], self::APP_SECRET);
$queries[] = array('method' => 'POST',
'relative_url' => urlencode('/' . $facebookPage['id'] . '/photos?access_token=' . $facebookPage['access_token'] . '&appsecret_proof=' . $appsecretProof),
'body' => $args,
'attached_files' => 'file1',
$params['file1'] = '#' . realpath('images/' . $timestamp . '.jpg');
$urlPost = '?batch=' . json_encode($queries) . '&access_token=' . self::ACCESS_TOKEN;
$res = $this->fb->api($urlPost, 'POST', $params);
I have a response with the post ID, but the photo post is not scheduled ... Do you see anything wrong?
published and scheduled_publish_time should be passed to the relative_url
$relativeUrl = '/' . $facebookPage['id'] . '/photos?published=' . (string) $args['published'];
$relativeUrl .= $args['published'] ? '' : '&scheduled_publish_time=' . $args['scheduled_publish_time'] . '&access_token=' . $facebookPage['access_token'] . '&appsecret_proof=' . $appsecretProof;
Although we have provinces in the Netherlands we do not use them in an address (postcode is the most important thing with us). For this reason I disabled the province in the OpenCart checkout process. It still displays however on the invoice I print out, and since no province is filled in, the first province on the list is standard displayed, which is often the wrong one. For this reason I want to take away the province from the OpenCart invoice.
So I opened admin/view/template/sale/order_invoice.tpl and searched for the relevant part. Unfortunately, the address is referred to as $order['payment_address'] and $order['shipping_address']. Somehow, that code prints out the address including breaklines (<br />).
My question is now: how do I disable just the province in the customer address displayed on the invoice?
Open up also the controller class admin/controller/sale/order.php and check for the relevant parts where the $order['payment_address'] and $order['shipping_address'] are filled and comment out the appropriate lines (where the province is added to the string/array).
The same thing should also be done in the frontend - catalog/controller/account/order.php.
Should be something like this:
$find = array(
$replace = array(
'firstname' => $order_info['payment_firstname'],
'lastname' => $order_info['payment_lastname'],
'company' => $order_info['payment_company'],
'address_1' => $order_info['payment_address_1'],
'address_2' => $order_info['payment_address_2'],
'city' => $order_info['payment_city'],
'postcode' => $order_info['payment_postcode'],
//'zone' => $order_info['payment_zone'],
//'zone_code' => $order_info['payment_zone_code'],
'country' => $order_info['payment_country']
You would probably also have to change the format line from
$format = '{firstname} {lastname}' . "\n" . '{company}' . "\n" . '{address_1}' . "\n" . '{address_2}' . "\n" . '{city} {postcode}' . "\n" . '{zone}' . "\n" . '{country}';
to (see the /* and */ comment):
$format = '{firstname} {lastname}' . "\n" . '{company}' . "\n" . '{address_1}' . "\n" . '{address_2}' . "\n" . '{city} {postcode}' /*. "\n" . '{zone}'*/ . "\n" . '{country}';
To the comment:
Now I am not sure, it is possible that the addresses format is stored within an order after it is created. In that case, change the appropriate lines in controllers to these:
/*if ($order_info['payment_address_format']) { // <-- same for $order_info['shipping_address_format']
$format = $order_info['payment_address_format'];
} else {
$format = '{firstname} {lastname}' . "\n" . '{company}' . "\n" . '{address_1}' . "\n" . '{address_2}' . "\n" . '{city} {postcode}' . "\n" . '{zone}' . "\n" . '{country}';
$format = '{firstname} {lastname}' . "\n" . '{company}' . "\n" . '{address_1}' . "\n" . '{address_2}' . "\n" . '{city} {postcode}' /*. "\n" . '{zone}'*/ . "\n" . '{country}';
For me this solution works:
edit in: admin/controller/sale/order.php
$replace = array(
'firstname' => $order_info['shipping_firstname'],
'lastname' => $order_info['shipping_lastname'],
'company' => $order_info['shipping_company'],
'address_1' => $order_info['shipping_address_1'],
'address_2' => $order_info['shipping_address_2'],
'city' => $order_info['shipping_city'],
'postcode' => $order_info['shipping_postcode'],
//'zone' => $order_info['shipping_zone'],
//'zone_code' => $order_info['shipping_zone_code'],
'zone' => '',
'zone_code' => '',
'country' => $order_info['shipping_country']
First it didn't work, i thought it was a cache problem and clear all the cache, but it did not work. Then I searched on the request order_invoice and this was also used in /system/storage/modification/admin/controller/sale. After clear the modification cache it worked!