I have done configurations to fetch data from database and assign corresponding to it.
It works Fine. but sometimes issues happen like undefined index or target class not found.if i refresh again issues not happen that time.
Note: sometimes happens only. so i can't find what exact issue.
AppserviceProvider in boot method i call below function
public function CustomInit(){
if (env('DB_DATABASE') != '') {
// Configuration Setup for Email Settings
if (Schema::hasTable('email_settings')) {
$result = DB::table('email_settings')->get();
$mail_config = array(
"default" => $result[0]->value,
"from" => [
"address" => $result[3]->value,
"name" => $result[4]->value
"mailers" => [
"smtp" => [
'transport' => 'smtp',
"host" => $result[1]->value,
"port" => $result[2]->value,
"encryption" => $result[5]->value,
"username" => $result[6]->value,
"password" => $result[7]->value,
'timeout' => null,
$site_settings = SiteSettings::all();
'laravel-backup.backup.name' => $site_settings[0]->value,
'laravel-backup.monitorBackups.name' => $site_settings[0]->value,
'laravel-backup.notifications.mail.from' => $result[3]->value,
'laravel-backup.notifications.mail.to' => $result[3]->value,
if (Schema::hasTable('site_settings')) {
$site_settings = DB::table('site_settings')->get()->pluck('value', 'name');
$rand = str_random(6);
if ($site_settings['site_url'] == '' && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
$url = "http://" . #$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$url .= str_replace(basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), "", #$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
SiteSettings::where('name', 'site_url')->update(['value' =>$url]);
if (!#$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) {
Config::set('app.url', $site_settings['site_url']);
View::share("site_name", $site_settings['site_name']);
View::share("version", $site_settings['version']);
View::share("version", str_random(4));
View::share('favicon', url('logos/' . $site_settings['favicon'] . '?v=' . $rand));
View::share('logo_web_1', url('logos/' . $site_settings['logo_web_1'] . '?v=' . $rand));
View::share('logo_web_2', url('logos/' . $site_settings['logo_web_2'] . '?v=' . $rand));
View::share('email_logo', url('logos/' . $site_settings['email_logo'] . '?v=' . $rand));
View::share('web_favicon', url('logos/' . $site_settings['favicon'] . '?v=' . $rand));
define('SITE_NAME', $site_settings['site_name']);
define('LOGO_URL', url('logos/' . $site_settings['logo_web_1'] . '?v=' . $rand));
define('EMAIL_LOGO', url('logos/' . $site_settings['email_logo'] . '?v=' . $rand));
define('FAV_ICON', url('logos/' . $site_settings['favicon'] . '?v=' . $rand));
if (Schema::hasTable('join_us')) {
$join_us = DB::table('join_us')->get()->pluck('value', 'name');
View::share("app_store", $join_us['app_store']);
View::share("play_store", $join_us['play_store']);
if (Schema::hasTable('api_credentials')) {
// For Google Key
$google_map_result = DB::table('api_credentials')->where('site', 'GoogleMap')->get();
define('MAP_KEY', $google_map_result[0]->value);
define('MAP_SERVER_KEY', $google_map_result[1]->value);
View::share('map_key', $google_map_result[0]->value);
// For TWILLO Key
$twillo_result = DB::table('api_credentials')->where('site', 'Twillo')->get();
define('TWILLO_SID', $twillo_result[0]->value);
define('TWILLO_TOKEN', $twillo_result[1]->value);
define('TWILLO_FROM', $twillo_result[2]->value);
// For TWILLO Key
$fcm_result = DB::table('api_credentials')->where('site', 'FCM')->get();
['fcm.http' => [
'server_key' => $fcm_result[0]->value,
'sender_id' => $fcm_result[1]->value,
'server_send_url' => 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send',
'server_group_url' => 'https://android.googleapis.com/gcm/notification',
'timeout' => 10,
$current_route = url()->current();
if (Route::current()) {
$current_route = Route::current()->uri();
View::share('current_route', $current_route);
Thanks in Advance...
Short answer is don't try and read the .env file in your controller, retrieve the values through a corresponding config file instead.
Long answer - since Laravel 5.2.0 "if you use the config:cache command during deployment you MUST make sure you are only calling the env function from within your configuration files, and not from anywhere else in your application" - https://laravel.com/docs/5.2/upgrade#upgrade-5.2.0
In the code you've cited you're calling the .env file direct with :
if (env('DB_DATABASE') != '') {
Depending on which driver you're using, instead you want to retrieve this through the config/database.php file :
if(config('database.mysql.database' != '') {
That will provide a more stable method of retrieving the relevant value so you can see if it is empty or not.
I received help to solve how to delete files uploaded by using the Cakephp Upload package. However, there seems to be a problem with how I update the values of the photo and dir fields. By using unlink I was able to delete the files perfectly, but there seems to be a problem when I try to set the values to null. I made a function to test it out:
public function deletePhoto2($id)
// $this->request->allowMethod(['post']);
if ($this->request->is(['patch', 'post', 'put'])) {
$brigada = $this->Brigadas
$brigada->dir = null;
$brigada->photo = null;
if ($this->Brigadas->save($brigada)) {
$this->Flash->success(__('Your team data has been saved.'));
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'edit', $brigada->id]);
$this->set('brigada', $brigada);
Before saving I find that the value of $brigada->photo and $brigada->dir are null, but values don't save. I have several possibilities that want to explore but my knowledge of PHP is a hindrance:
I may be doing updates wrong. Link
I may need to use the deleteCallback which is documented here, but I don't know how to do it. I figured that it would be with $this->Brigadas->deleteCallback() or something similar, but I'd like to understand an example first, which is why I'm asking. I found no use of these callbacks in any example on the web, and the documentation on events is still a bit esoteric for me.
Here is how BrigadasTable.php is setup to upload files:
// http://josediazgonzalez.com/2015/12/05/uploading-files-and-images/
$this->addBehavior('Josegonzalez/Upload.Upload', [
'photo' => [
'fields' => [
'dir' => 'dir',
'size' => 'photo_size', // defaults to `size`
'type' => 'photo_type', // defaults to `type`
'nameCallback' => function ($table, $entity, $data, $field, $settings) {
if ($entity->gvCode){
$array = explode(".", $data['name']);
return strtolower($entity->gvCode) . '_' . date("Ymd-hisa") . '.jpg';
} else{
$array = explode(".", $data['name']);
$newArray = array_pop($array);
return strtolower(join('_', $array)) . '_' . date("Ymd-hisa") . '.jpg';
'transformer' => function ($table, $entity, $data, $field, $settings) {
$extension = pathinfo($data['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
// Store the thumbnail in a temporary file
$tmp = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'upload') . '.' . $extension;
// Use the Imagine library to DO THE THING
$size = new \Imagine\Image\Box(640, 640);
$mode = \Imagine\Image\ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET;
$imagine = new \Imagine\Gd\Imagine();
// Save that modified file to our temp file
->thumbnail($size, $mode)
$filenameTmp = explode('.', $data['name']);
$filenameTmp = join('_', $filenameTmp) . '.jpg';
// return debug($filenameTmp);
// Now return the original *and* the thumbnail
return [
$data['tmp_name'] => $filenameTmp,
$tmp => 'thumbnail-' . $filenameTmp,
'deleteCallback' => function ($path, $entity, $field, $settings) {
// When deleting the entity, both the original and the thumbnail will be removed
// when keepFilesOnDelete is set to false
$entity->{$field} = null;
return [
$path . $entity->{$field},
$path . 'thumbnail-' . $entity->{$field}
'keepFilesOnDelete' => false
Thank you!
You can run an update query straight, instead of fetching the record, setting values and saving it.
$query = $this->Brigadas->query();
'dir' => null,
'photo' => null,
Incase any of your columns are json,
$query = $this->Brigadas->query();
'dir = null',
'photo' => null,
I'm building a projectmanagement system, where users can upload file attachments to tasks. These attachments are stored in directory 'storage/app/public/projects//'. Uploading works like it should, in the right directory under the right ID.
However when I want to download said attachment, somehow the file can't be found. I've provided the code from my up- and download methods, as well as my 'local' driver configuration.
Driver configuration:
'local' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => storage_path('app/public'),
'url' => env('APP_URL').'storage'
Upload method:
$sExt = $request->file('attachment')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$sHashedName = substr(
sha1(str_replace(' ', '', pathinfo($request->file('attachment')->getClientOriginalName(), PATHINFO_FILENAME))
), 0, 14);
if ( ! Storage::disk('local')->exists($sHashedName . '.' . $sExt)) {
'/projects/'.$oTask->project->id, $sHashedName . '.' . $sExt, 'local'
'name' => $request->name,
'location' => $sHashedName . '.' . $sExt,
'user_id' => Auth::id()
Current download method:
public function downloadAttachment(Project $project, Task $task, Attachment $attachment)
var_dump(rtrim(env('APP_URL'), '/') . public_path('/projects/' . $project->id . '/' . $attachment->location));
if (rtrim(env('APP_URL'), '/') . public_path('/projects/' . $project->id . '/' . $attachment->location)) {
return response()->download(rtrim(env('APP_URL'), '/') . public_path('/projects/' . $project->id . '/' . $attachment->location));
} else {
return $this->redirectWithAlert(
This was my last attempt before posting this question. I have also tried Storage::url('/projects/<project_id>/<filename>') and a number of other things, but none work. I have linked a public storage directory according to the Laravel docs (with php artisan storage:link). I'm probably missing something logical here, but I'm completely lost.
The public_path function refers to ./public/, and not the storage disk 'public' that can be found in ./storage/app/public/
One way of solving this would be to replace public_path('/projects/' with storage_path('app/public/projects/'
I have elastic search working when not in a testing environment. However when I create a model in a test for some reason it does not work. I have tried running it with the queue and without the queue. I can see that the job gets created and that the job runs before making the call. However, I am able to pull things that are already in the database in the test code. Any ideas why it would not work in testing?
This is my test code
$user = $this->newLoggedInUser();
$invoice = factory(App\Invoice::class)->create(['account_id' => $user->account_id]);
$this->get($this->url() . '?q=' . $invoice->title, $this->userAuthHeader($user))
'Title' => 'Invoice: ' . $invoice->number . ($invoice->title ? ' - ' . $invoice->title : ''),
'Description' => 'Customer: ' . $invoice->customer->name,
'Type' => 'Invoice',
I found that I had to add a slight delay to the get call as the index was not updated before the call was made. So I added sleep(1) and that fixed it. Also, I found that it is best to specify a separate index for the testing environment in the config.
$user = $this->newLoggedInUser();
$invoice = factory(App\Invoice::class)->create(['account_id' => $user->account_id]);
$this->get($this->url() . '?q=' . $invoice->title, $this->userAuthHeader($user))
'Title' => 'Invoice: ' . $invoice->number . ($invoice->title ? ' - ' . $invoice->title : ''),
'Description' => 'Customer: ' . $invoice->customer->name,
'Type' => 'Invoice',
I'm trying to use the 'filerenameupload' filter with \Zend\File\Transfer\Adapter\Http():
$adapter = new \Zend\File\Transfer\Adapter\Http();
$adapter->addFilter('filerenameupload', array(
'img' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'gallery' .
'randomize' => true,
var_dump($adapter->isValid()); // true
if (!$adapter->receive()) {
$messages = $adapter->getMessages();
echo implode("\n", $messages);
Always having the error,
File '/tmp/somefile.png' could not be renamed. An error occurred while processing the file.
/tmp/somefile.png - exists, is readable an writable, distention folder too is readable an writable
Error comes from class RenameUpload:
protected function moveUploadedFile($sourceFile, $targetFile)
$result = move_uploaded_file($sourceFile, $targetFile);
$warningException = ErrorHandler::stop();
if (!$result || null !== $warningException) {
throw new Exception\RuntimeException(
sprintf("File '%s' could not be renamed. An error occurred while processing the file.", $sourceFile), 0, $warningException
return $result;
So maybe someone have an example or know how to fix this error? Or what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks for #hemangpatel from #zftalk for advice, so the working action looks like:
public function uploadAction()
$adapter = new \Zend\File\Transfer\Adapter\Http();
$adapter->setDestination(BASE_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'public' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR .
// Returns all known internal file information
$adapter->addFilter('File\Rename', array('target' => $adapter->getDestination() .
DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . rand(2, 10) . '.jpeg',
'overwrite' => true));
if (!$adapter->receive()) {
$messages = $adapter->getMessages();
return new ViewModel(['messages' => $messages]);
} else {
$this->flashMessenger()->addSuccessMessage('Upload success');
$this->redirect()->toRoute('admin', ['controller' => 'gallery',
'action' => 'index']);
I am trying to print out the album information for a certain artist and album using the last.fm api. I have used dump-autoload for the api library (so the classes should be available). In one of my controllers, LastFMController.php, I have the following:
public function some_function() {
$authVars['apiKey'] = '************************';
$auth = new lastfmApiAuth('setsession', $authVars);
$artistName= "Coldplay";
$albumName = "Mylo Xyloto";
$album = Album::getInfo($artistName, $albumName);
echo '<div>';
echo 'Number of Plays: ' . $album->getPlayCount() . ' time(s)<br>';
echo 'Cover: <img src="' . $album->getImage(4) . '"><br>';
echo 'Album URL: ' . $album->getUrl() . '<br>';
echo '</div>';
I have a route that runs this code. When I run this, I get the following error:
Class 'Album' not found
Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thank you.
You you are using this package: https://github.com/fxb/php-last.fm-api
You might have forgotten to autoload api classes:
require __DIR__ . "/src/lastfm.api.php";
Or you can add it to composer.json, as an example:
"autoload": {
"files": [
And execute:
composer dump-autoload
You are using one package and the example from another one. There is no Album class in the package you are using, here is a full example of it:
// Include the API
require '../../lastfmapi/lastfmapi.php';
// Get the session auth data
$file = fopen('../auth.txt', 'r');
// Put the auth data into an array
$authVars = array(
'apiKey' => trim(fgets($file)),
'secret' => trim(fgets($file)),
'username' => trim(fgets($file)),
'sessionKey' => trim(fgets($file)),
'subscriber' => trim(fgets($file))
$config = array(
'enabled' => true,
'path' => '../../lastfmapi/',
'cache_length' => 1800
// Pass the array to the auth class to eturn a valid auth
$auth = new lastfmApiAuth('setsession', $authVars);
// Call for the album package class with auth data
$apiClass = new lastfmApi();
$albumClass = $apiClass->getPackage($auth, 'album', $config);
// Setup the variables
$methodVars = array(
'artist' => 'Green day',
'album' => 'Dookie'
if ( $album = $albumClass->getInfo($methodVars) ) {
// Success
echo '<b>Data Returned</b>';
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
else {
// Error
die('<b>Error '.$albumClass->error['code'].' - </b><i>'.$albumClass->error['desc'].'</i>');