Sending route parameter in form - php

I am trying create form (defined like this: link) but I dont know what is $user->id in syntax
echo Form::open(array('route' => array('', $user->id)))
When I use it I have error:
Undefined variable: user (View: ...)
Could anyone explain ?

You probably should pass your user to the view:
public function index()
return view('your-view-name')->with('user', Auth::user());


Cannot pass full array from controller in laravel to a view using redirect()

I am unable to solve passing of array issue
below is my function in controller
public function fetchData($id)
return redirect()->route('prod_d_view', compact($prod_detail));
below is my route
Route::get('/product_view', function(){
return view('/admin/product_d_mgt');
below is my error
Undefined variable: prod_detail (View: \admin\product_d_mgt.blade.php)
I am unable to pass the full array from one controller using redirect()->route() to another view
Maybe you can use something like this:
In your controller function:
return Redirect::to('product_view')->with('prod_detail', $prod_detail);
And in your product_view.blade.php file (in resources/view directory):
#foreach (Session::get('prod_detail')as $key => $value)
{{ $value->ColumnName }}
{{ $value->ColumnName2 }}
It has typo. Missing $ symbol before variable name prod_detail.
correct version:
public function fetchData($id)
$id = base64_decode(urldecode($id));
return redirect()->route('prod_d_view', compact($prod_detail));

Undefined variable $user->username (Laravel 5.7)

I can't get the data from the database. Getting an error:
ErrorException (E_ERROR)
Undefined variable: user
public function __construct()
$this->middleware('auth', ['except' => ['getById',
'getByUsername', 'submissions', 'comments', 'showSubmissions',
public function showSubmissions($username)
$user = new UserResource(
User::withTrashed()->where('username', $username)->firstOrFail(),
$submissions = SubmissionResource::collection(
->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')
return view('user.submissions', compact('user', 'submissions'));
{{ $user->username }}
Route::get('/user', 'UserController#getByUsername');
I need get information about user (username).
What is the problem and where is the error?
Based on your comment you have this route:
Route::get('/submission', function () {
return view('user.submissions');
When you are loading this view, you are not passing the user object to it. Then when the view is running, it is trying to access a variable that does not exist.
To fix this, you need to pass a variable to the view you are loading. For example, you could do something like this:
Route::get('/submission', function () {
return view('user.submissions', ['user' => auth()->user()]);
Note that you can change how you get the user instance depending on your use case. I am just getting the authenticated user to demonstrate the principle.

How to solve the "Undefined variable" error in Laravel?

I am using Laravel, and I got an error:
Undefined variable: getFormTest (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\survey\resources\views\tambahformtest.blade.php)
That error references to this view:
<input value="{{ $getFormTest[0]->ms_test }}">
I have put $getFormTest in my controller:
public function TambahFormTest()
$ms_id = FormTest::max('ms_id');
$getFormTest = FormTest::Select('ms_test')->where('ms_id', '=', $ms_id)->get();
return view('tambahformtest', $getFormTest);
When returning a view in laravel, you have to pass an array of params.
return view ('myView', ['param1' => $v1, 'param2', $v2]);
then in your view
{{ $params->property }}
You should take a use of compact method of php
public function TambahFormTest()
$ms_id = FormTest::max('ms_id');
$getFormTest = FormTest::Select('ms_test')->where('ms_id', '=', $ms_id)->get();
return view('tambahformtest', compact('getFormTest'));
This would be sent to view as - ['getFormTest' => $getFormTest]
Hope this helps

Laravel Passing Additional Parameter To Controller

I need to pass an additional parameter($uid) from my index.blade.php to my edit.blade.php by clicking on a button.
My index.blade.php:
My FlyersController:
public function edit($id, $uid)
return view('backend.flyers.edit')->withUid($uid);
With the code above I get an error: "Missing argument 2 for App\Http\Controllers\FlyersController::edit()"
What am I doing wrong here?
The error is not throwing from the action method. It is coming from route for that URL.
Check the URL for passing argument to the the controller.
If this is the your desire URL localhost:8000/backend/flyers/10/edit?%24uid=1 then the second argument is in $request variable not in controller function argument.
You should pass an array into action() helper:
action('FlyersController#edit', ['id' => Auth::user()->id, 'uid' => 1])
the only way I can solve this is by using the following in My FlyersController:
public function edit(Request $request, $id)
return view('backend.flyers.edit')->withRequest($request);
and access then the uid with {{request->uid}} in my view.
If anybody has a better solution for this, let me know.
Use this code
return view('backend.flyers.edit', ['var1' => $var1, 'var2' => $var2]);
That will pass two or more variables to your view

Undefined variable Laravel

I'm trying to make a dropdown list but the code don't recognize the array($comunas), telling that's a undefined variable
This is the controller
class ComunasController extends BaseController {
public function mostrarComunas()
$comunas = Comuna::all();
return View::make('pymes.crear', array('comunas' => $comunas));
The route
Route::get('pymes/crear', array('uses' => 'ComunasController#mostrarComunas'));
The View
{{Form::select('Comuna', $comunas->Nombre_Comuna, $comunas->Id_Comuna)}}
You should try something like this:
$comunas = Comuna::lists('Nombre_Comuna', 'Id_Comuna');
return View::make('pymes.crear', array('comunas' => $comunas));
In the view:
{{ Form::select('Comunas', $comunas, Input::old('Comunas')) }}
