how to pass variable value to sql query in codeigniter? - php

is it possible to pass the variable value in mysql query in codeigniter ?
I want to select records from database that have id same as my session id.
my code is :
$this->db->select('*'); // <-- There is never any reason to write this line!
$this->db->where('id_admin = (SELECT id_admin FROM users WHERE id='.$this->session->userdata('user_id').')', NULL, TRUE);
can we concatenate variable values in database queries?
This code not given any error, but not give any result also.

Use join in active records
$this->db->from('products as p');
$query = $this->db->get();

An Example Reference of how to write the JOIN Query in CI as per the Documentation of the Active Records.
$article_id = $this->input->post('article_id');
$this->db->join('news', ' =');
$query = $this->db->get();
The above code will produce the query as follows for execution.
SELECT * FROM articles JOIN news ON = WHERE'10'
Provided the passed id is 10
In order to view the Result of the executed query you must perform the below code.

Try like this..use joining of two tables.
$query = $this->db->get();
print_r($query->result_array());//your array of records


Yii2 query with all() returns less data than expected

I want to find all data from database with this query:
$dataSearch = House::find()
->select(["number","DATE(reg_date) AS date","((value) > 100) AS result","info"])
->join("INNER JOIN", Owner::tableName(), Owner::tableName().'.number_ow= '.House::tableName().'.number_ow')
$data = $dataSearch->asArray()->all();
If I perform the query with all() return only a few part of the results, but if I perform the raw SQL query on the database, I get all the results. I don't understand where the problem is.
This is raw SQL:
SELECT `number`, DATE(reg_date) AS date, ((value) > 100) AS result, `info`
FROM `ho_house` INNER JOIN `ho_owner` ON ho_owner.number_ow = oh_ho_house.number_ow
WHERE (`ho_house`.`number_ow`=2100174106) AND (`ho_house`.`space`='m')
ORDER BY `ho_house`.`reg_date` DESC, `info`
That is because ActiveQuery tries to remove duplicated models from results of query with JOIN (for example if house have 2 owners, house data will be repeated twice in results set). In your case, if you want to raw data from database, you should use Query:
$dataSearch = (new Query())
->select(["number","DATE(reg_date) AS date","((value) > 100) AS result","info"])
->join("INNER JOIN", Owner::tableName(), Owner::tableName().'.number_ow= '.House::tableName().'.number_ow')
$data = $dataSearch->all();
But if you really need ActiveQuery, you should configure $indexBy to return unique ID for every row.
Replace andWhere with Where Check this code
$dataSearch = House::find()
->select(["number","DATE(reg_date) AS date","((value) > 100) AS result","info"])
->join("INNER JOIN", Owner::tableName(), Owner::tableName().'.number_ow= '.House::tableName().'.number_ow')
$data = $dataSearch->asArray()->all();

Cross Join with php codeigniter query

Is there away to cross join from php. In example:
Currently I query a database like so:
$company_id = 20;
$templates_data = $this->db->select('template_id')
What I'm looking to do is something like this:
There's several responses to this question on SO but post reference a regular sql query like so:
"SELECT * FROM citys LEFT JOIN comments ON WHERE$id";
This would be the way to do it in SQL query but the point here is to do it in php and get the data returned with a cross join. I also realize the query can be made with in php to have it select the data and join it with code but my question is related to is there away to simply add ->cross_join() or something like that.
You can run raw query in codeigniter to solve your problem as below:
$sql 'your query here with cross join';
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->result_array();
Hope it helps you :)
You can use CI join method.
$company_id = 20;
$templates_data = $this->db->select('dr_template_relational.template_id')
where 'LEFT' is the join type

Result from two tables order by date

can you help I have two tables images and note. I would like to get all items from these tables and order by date. It is possible I am using active record in codeigniter. Tables are independent.
Thank you for replies.
this should work:
$this->db->orderby("date", "ASC"); //or desc
$query = $this->db->get('images'); //or $query = $this->db->get('note');
or if you want use union all
$this->db->query('SELECT * FROM (SELECT id, date FROM images UNION ALL SELECT id, date FROM note) result ORDER BY');
Notice that each SELECT statement within the UNION must have the same number of columns. The columns must also have similar data types. Also, the columns in each SELECT statement must be in the same order from
I think you want a Cross Join.
Here is your codeigniter code
$this->db->from("images ,note");
//make sure both dont have same column name other wise use this
$this->db->orderby("", "DESC");
//you can add more orderby
//you can add where condition too
Now you will get the cross product.
Hope it will help you.
In which table do you have date column? I assume you have it in images table.
$this->db->select('images.coulmn1, images.culmn2, images.date_col, note.col1, note.col2');
$this->db->join('note', 'note.key1 = images.key1); //key1 is key field to relate both table.
$this->db->order_by("images.date_col", "desc");
$result = $this->db->get()->result_array();
Hope it will help.
Try this:
$this->db->orderby("date column name", "ASC");
$query = $this->db->get();

codeigniter query prbolem

This code is working perfectaly in mysql run command
SELECT employeeCode
FROM employee_details
WHERE employeeCode
IN (
SELECT DISTINCT (employeeCode) FROM quiz_answer_detailsWHERE submitTime
IN (SELECT MIN( submitTime ) FROM quiz_answer_details WHERE quizId
IN (SELECT id FROM quiz_details WHERE uploadtime = '2014-04-03')
AND answer IN (SELECT answer FROM quiz_details WHERE uploadtime = '2014-04-03'))
But I want to use this code on my codeigniter, but it is not working.
My codeigniter query code is
return $query;
return false;
What is wrong please help me
The problem lies with this code and subsequent similar uses of where_in
You have given the where parameter value but not what to match with.
for eg.
The documentation of where_in:
Generates a WHERE field IN ('item', 'item') SQL query joined with AND
if appropriate
$names = array('Frank', 'Todd', 'James');
$this->db->where_in('username', $names); // Produces: WHERE username
IN ('Frank', 'Todd', 'James')
You have to create a separate sub query for each invocation of where_in.
You should re write you subquery and use joins instead to get the better performance,without having full information regarding your tables/relationship and desired result i can't provide you the new query but you can use your subquery in active record's where function
$subquery=" SELECT DISTINCT (employeeCode) FROM quiz_answer_detailsWHERE submitTime
IN (SELECT MIN( submitTime ) FROM quiz_answer_details WHERE quizId
IN (SELECT id FROM quiz_details WHERE uploadtime = '2014-04-03')
AND answer IN (SELECT answer FROM quiz_details WHERE uploadtime = '2014-04-03')) ";
$this->db->where('employeeCode IN('.$subquery.')',null,FALSE);
You should pass third parameter as FASLE in order to prevent the query to be quoted by bacticks
Or you can use query() fucntion to run your raw queries
$query=$this->db->query(' your full query here');

How do you make a codeigniter join?

I'm having trouble creating a join in the codeigniter format, i have a MySQL query that returns what i want:
SELECT nwsite.siteid, nwsite.installer_username,
calcdata.esolar, calcdata.time, calcdata.wsolar
FROM nwsite, calcdata
WHERE nwsite.siteid = calcdata.siteid AND time = '2011-10-29 12:45:00';
I've looked at the documentation but i keep getting it wrong.
From the CI docs...
$this->db->join('comments', ' =');
$query = $this->db->get();
// Produces:
// SELECT * FROM blogs
// JOIN comments ON =
So in your case, I would not use the cartisian product in your FROM, I would actually use a join.
$this->db->select("... your fields here...");
$this->db->join("calcdata", "nwsite.siteid = calcdata.siteid");
$this->db->where("nwsite.time", "2011-10-29 12:45:00");
$query = $this->db->get();
For Future reference, I often utilize
to output the actual query that's being generated. It makes it easier to debug and compare to what you are attempting to generate.
