PHP Function to generate an infinite unique indentifier - php

I'm making a new project in Zend 3 that requires me to have a unique ID or HASH which I can use in several places later.
I looked at many examples on Google, and could not find a function that can satisfy my requirements because this needs to be 99% unique all the time, and it needs to be able to generate hundreds, millions of "hashes" unique all the time.
The following function caught my attention:
function uniqidReal($lenght = 13) {
// uniqid gives 13 chars, but you could adjust it to your needs.
if (function_exists("random_bytes")) {
$bytes = random_bytes(ceil($lenght / 2));
} elseif (function_exists("openssl_random_pseudo_bytes")) {
$bytes = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(ceil($lenght / 2));
} else {
throw new Exception("no cryptographically secure random function available");
return substr(bin2hex($bytes), 0, $lenght);
A simple test:
echo "<pre>";
for($i = 0; $i < 100; $i++)
echo $this->uniqidReal(25) .PHP_EOL ;
The result:
But I cannot confirm that this does guarantee me a 99% success rate for my production environment.
If someone can advise me, or provide me an example I would much appreciate it!

Function random_bytes generates cryptographically secure random bytes
For openssl_random_pseudo_bytes add the crypto_strong paramdeter to ensure the algorithm used is cryptographically strong.
Since your requirement is only 99% unique cryptographically secure random bytes will meet your requirement.

This should be a comment, but its a bit long.
There is some confusion over your use of "unique" and "all the time". A token is either unique or it is not. Using a random number generator to create tokens alone is not sufficient to guarantee uniqueness - the whole point of a random number generator is that you don't know what the next value to be generated will be - meaning you also don't know that the next number won't be the same as a previous number. OTOH, using random_bytes() or openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() to generate a token which is "99% unique all the time" seems like a massive overkill.
To work out how unique this is likely to be we would need to know how many tokens will be considered within the populations at any one time (or to be able to calculate this from the expected rate of creation and the TTL).
That you are using large numbers rather implies you have a very good reason for not using the simplest and most obvious unique identifier - i.e. an incrementing integer. Hence the resistance to guessing an existing identifier is clearly critical to the implementation - but again you've told us nothing about that.
Pasting the title of your post into Google turns up your post as the top result - with PHP's uniqid() function immediately after it - yet for some reason you've either not found uniqid() or have rejected it for some reason.
The title of your post is also an oxymoron - In order to define an infinite set of identifiers, the identifiers would need to be of infinite length.
it needs to be able to generate hundreds, millions of "hashes"
....and you want it all to run within the Zend Framework? - LOL.
But I cannot confirm that this does guarantee me a 99% success rate for my production environment.
Why not? You have sufficient information here to confirm that the bitwise entropy is evenly distributed and should know the planned capacity of the production environment. The rest is basic arithmetic.

We are about 8x10⁹ people. Imagine all us access your site once each second needing a unique identifier during a year. You need about 2,52288×10²³ identifiers. If you think your site will be in production about 1000 years, and population get bigger by a 1000 factor you need about 10²⁹ identifiers; so a 32 bytes auto-incremental string is good enough. Add as suffix a pseudo-random 32 bytes string to get a secure 64 bytes identifier. Doing a bit plus you can hash identifiers to create tokens.
Then is easy to write a function to get them.
Edited 2017/04/13
A small sample:
The first thing you need is a pseudo-random strong keys generator. I'll post the function I'm using currently:
function pseudoRandomBytes($count = 32){
static $random_state, $bytes, $has_openssl, $has_hash;
$missing_bytes = $count - strlen($bytes);
if ($missing_bytes > 0) {
// If you are using a Php version before 5.3.4 avoid using
// openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()
if (!isset($has_openssl)) {
$has_openssl = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.4', '>=')
&& function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes');
// to get entropy
if ($has_openssl) {
$bytes .= openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($missing_bytes);
} elseif ($fh = #fopen('/dev/urandom', 'rb')) {
// avoiding openssl_random_pseudo_bytes()
// you find entropy at /dev/urandom usually available in most
// *nix systems
$bytes .= fread($fh, max(4096, $missing_bytes));
// If it fails you must create enough entropy
if (strlen($bytes) < $count) {
// Initialize on the first call. The contents of $_SERVER
// includes a mix of user-specific and system information
// that varies a little with each page.
if (!isset($random_state)) {
$random_state = print_r($_SERVER, TRUE);
if (function_exists('getmypid')) {
// Further initialize with the somewhat random PHP process ID.
$random_state .= getmypid();
// hash() is only available in PHP 5.1.2+ or via PECL.
$has_hash = function_exists('hash')
&& in_array('sha256', hash_algos());
$bytes = '';
if ($has_hash) {
do {
$random_state = hash('sha256', microtime() . mt_rand() .
$bytes .= hash('sha256', mt_rand() . $random_state, TRUE);
} while (strlen($bytes) < $count);
} else {
do {
$random_state = md5(microtime() . mt_rand() . $random_state);
$bytes .= pack("H*", md5(mt_rand() . $random_state));
} while (strlen($bytes) < $count);
$output = substr($bytes, 0, $count);
$bytes = substr($bytes, $count);
return $output;
Once you have that function you need a function to create your random keys:
function pseudo_random_key($byte_count = 32) {
return base64_encode(pseudoRandomBytes($byte_count));
As random does not mean unique! you need to merge a unique 32 bytes prefix as I suggested. As big number functions are time-expensive I'll use a chunk-math function using a prefix I suppose generated from time to time using a cron function and stored at an environment DB variable and an auto-incremental index also db-stored
function uniqueChunkMathKeysPrefix(){
// a call to read your db for prefix
// I suppose you have an environment string-keyed table
// and a couple of dbfunction to read and write data to it
$last18bytesPrefix = dbReadEnvVariable('unique_prefix');
// Also you store your current index wich returns to 0 once you get
// a 99999999999999 value
$lastuniqueindex = dbReadEnvVariable('last_unique_keys_index');
if ($lastuniqueindex < 99999999999999){
$currentuniqueindex = $lastuniqueindex + 1;
$curret18bytesPrefix = $last18bytesPrefix;
$currentuniqueindex = 0;
$curret18bytesPrefix = dbReadEnvVariable('next_unique_prefix');
// flag your db variables to notify cron to create a new next prefix
dbStoreEnvVariable('next_unique_prefix', 0);
dbStoreEnvVariable('unique_prefix', $curret18bytesPrefix);
// you have the time needed to have site visits and create new
// 99999999999999 keys as a while to run your cron to adjust your
// next prefix
// store your current index
dbStoreEnvVariable('last_unique_keys_index', $currentuniqueindex);
// Finally you create the unique index prefix part
$uniqueindexchunk = substr('00000000000000'.$currentuniqueindex, -14);
// return the output
return $curret18bytesPrefix.$uniqueindexchunk;
Now you can write a function for unique pseudo-random 64 bytes uniquekeys
function createUniquePseudoRandomKey(){
$newkey = uniqueChunkMathKeysPrefix() . pseudo_random_key(32);
// to beautify the output make a dummie call
// masking the 0s ties
return md5($newkey);


Is this a good approach to "Obfuscate" User ID?

I need to provide users with a unique link that contains their USER ID (please do not suggest usage of UUID etc in this case)
It's not that important, but I still rather make sure it's very difficult to extract the user id or guess the next one etc! (even if it's achieved with security by obscurity...)
I came up with this solution:
// #var $id int|string
function obfuscate_number($id, bool $reverse=FALSE)
$changing = (int)substr($id, -1);
$multiplier = '45' . $changing;
$base = 25;
// Obfuscate Number
if($reverse === FALSE)
$new = bcmul("$id", "$multiplier", 0);
$convert = bcadd("$new", "$changing", 0);
$obf = base_convert($convert, 10, $base) . $changing;
return $obf;
// Reverse to Number
$deobf = base_convert(substr($id, 0, -1), $base, 10);
$convert = bcsub("$deobf", "$changing", 0);
// Simple Validation
if($convert % $multiplier !== 0) return FALSE;
$number = (int)bcdiv("$convert", "$multiplier", 0);
return $number;
// For example number 123456 => 5dnpfi6
// After reversing 5dnpfi6 => 123456
// For example number 563 => g81h3
// After reversing g81h3 => 563
If it is possible please help me improve it.
Also I think the chance of collision is 0 here, am I correct?
Possible Solutions
Hashing, hashing will allow you to send the hash out and without an extremely moderate amount of computations will not be put reversed into the user id. The server would hash, send string to client, client visits webpage, you lookup in a database of some sort matching hash with user id.
Fast (Recommended)
Using AES encryption will allow you to encrypt data that is generally guaranteed to be unbreakable if you follow AES guidelines. So an approach would be to encrypt data with AES and convert to base 64. Send the base64 to the user and when the user clicks the link, you simply just need to convert base 64 to binary, and decrypt. I would say this is considerably faster than the hashing approach.

Array Insert Time Jump

During deep researching about hash and zval structure and how arrays are based on it, faced with strange insert time.
Here is example:
$array = array();
$someValueToInsert = 100;
for ($i = 0; $i < 10000; ++$i) {
$time = microtime(true);
array_push($array, $someValueToInsert);
echo $i . " : " . (int)((microtime(true) - $time) * 100000000) . "</br>";
So, I found that every 1024, 2024, 4048... element will be inserted using much more time(>~x10).
It doesn't depends will I use array_push, array_unshift, or simply $array[] = someValueToInsert.
I'm thinking about that in Hash structure:
typedef struct _hashtable {
uint nNumOfElements;
} HashTable;
nNumOfElements has default max value, but it doesn't the answer why does it took more time to insert in special counters(1024, 2048...).
Any thoughts ?
While I would suggest double checking my answer on the PHP internals list, I believe the answer lay in zend_hash_do_resize(). When more elements are needed in the hash table, this function is called and the extant hash table is doubled in size. Since the table starts life at 1024, this doubling explains the results you've observed. Code:
} else if (ht->nTableSize < HT_MAX_SIZE) { /* Let's double the table size */
void *old_data = HT_GET_DATA_ADDR(ht);
Bucket *old_buckets = ht->arData;
ht->nTableSize += ht->nTableSize;
ht->nTableMask = -ht->nTableSize;
HT_SET_DATA_ADDR(ht, pemalloc(HT_SIZE(ht), ht->u.flags & HASH_FLAG_PERSISTENT));
memcpy(ht->arData, old_buckets, sizeof(Bucket) * ht->nNumUsed);
pefree(old_data, ht->u.flags & HASH_FLAG_PERSISTENT);
I am uncertain if the remalloc is the performance hit, or if the rehashing is the hit, or the fact that the whole block is uninterruptable. Would be interesting to put a profiler on it. I think some might have already done that for PHP 7.
Side note, the Thread Safe version does things differently. I'm not overly familiar with that code, so there may be a different issue going on if your using ZTS.
I think it is related to implementation of dynamic arrays.
See here "Geometric expansion and amortized cost"
To avoid incurring the cost of resizing many times, dynamic arrays resize by a large amount, **such as doubling in size**, and use the reserved space for future expansion
You can read about arrays in PHP here as well
It is a standard practice for dynamic arrays. E.g. check here C++ dynamic array, increasing capacity
capacity = capacity * 2; // doubles the capacity of the array

How to secure an authentication cookie without SSL

I am in the process of creating a login system which uses both sessions (for those who disallow the use of cookies (to agree with the cookie law.. I am using the site as a reference)
Now, I have this system for my cookie authentication
function GenerateString(){
$length = mt_rand(0,25);
$characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$string = '';
for ($p = 0; $p < $length; $p++) {
$string .= $characters[mt_rand(5, strlen($characters) -1)];
return $string;
$RandomString = GenerateString();
$CookieAuth = $DB->prepare("INSERT INTO cookieauth (Username,RandomString) VALUES (?,?)");
$CookieAuth->execute(); // Insert the Authentication Methods into the database
$CookieAuth->close(); // Allow another query/statement
$GetInsertID = $DB->prepare("SELECT ID FROM CookieAuth WHERE RandomString=?");
Then to process the cookie:
$Authenticate = $DB->prepare("SELECT Username,RandomString FROM cookieauth WHERE ID=?");
if ($_Cookie['Auth']['UName'] == $RowUsername){
if ($_COOKIE['Auth']['RandomString'] == $RowString){
header("Location: LoggedIn.php");
die("Possible Cookie Manipulation, Autologin Cannot Continue");
die("Possible Cookie Manupulation, Autologin Cannot Continue!");
My overall objective is to provide an auto login feature by using cookies. As people should know they are essentially stored on the hard drive as plain text.. So If i include a randomly generated string which will be changed on further processing each time (then updating the cookie to match the database) is this a reasonably secure way to achieve the task? I mean, I understand that this is not 100% secure due to some users might attempt to manipulate the random string, so I could resort to a salt, random key then use hash_hmac to sha512 the salt+key and save that as the cookie...
My overall question, is the chunks I have provided a semi-secure method to process automatic logins via cookies and can minimize the possibility of some bad guys manipulating the keys to achieve the required data?
Why do you want to authenticate cookie when that is exactly what sessions are going ? If you want to change the ID you can easily achieve that with session_regenerate_id as #MarcB has pointed.
My Assumptions
I want to assume i did not understand the question clearly and probably this is what you want to achieve
Store Values to Cookie
Know if such values have been modified
You solved it already
I could resort to a salt, random key then use hash_hmac to sha512 the salt+key and save that as the cookie...
That is exactly the the solution but you need to note that
Session Can Sill be hijacked
PHP has better ways of generating random strings
Imagine the overhead having to updated your mysql table every time for something sessions can easily do for you
using hash_hmac 512 would generate 126 in hex format you need to understand that there is Browser Cookie Limits so i suggest you reduce it to 256
Your Solution Modified
If we are going to use your solution we need some little modification
// Strong private key stored Securly stored
// Used SESSION For demo
$privateKey = isset($_SESSION['key']) ? $_SESSION['key'] : mcrypt_create_iv(128, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
$my = new SignedCookie($privateKey);
$my->setCookie("test", "hello world", time() + 3600);
echo $my->getCookie("test");
hello world
But the Data was stored like this :
This just uses hash_hmac to sign and verify your values and also uses a random variable to make sure the bad guys are not able to build table of possible values because really they don't have to break the hash .. the can just study it can also use a valid one previously used eg.
10 Cookies = AAAA
1 Cookie = BBBB
He can login with valid session and changed cookies from BBBB to AAAA so even if you re not storing to database always include a random argument
You can also still remove the cookies like this :
$my->setCookie("test", null, time() - 3600);
Simple Class Used
class SignedCookie {
private $prifix = '$x$';
private $privateKey;
function __construct($privateKey) {
$this->privateKey = $privateKey;
function setCookie($name, $value, $expire, $path = null, $domain = null, $secure = null, $httponly = null) {
$value = $value === null ? $value : $this->hash($value, mcrypt_create_iv(2, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM));
return setcookie($name, $value, $expire, $path, $domain, $secure, $httponly);
function getCookie($name, $ignore = false) {
if (! isset($_COOKIE[$name]) || empty($_COOKIE[$name]))
return null; // does not exist
if ($ignore === false) {
if (substr($_COOKIE[$name], 0, 3) !== $this->prifix)
return - 1; // modified
$data = pack("H*", substr($_COOKIE[$name], 3)); // Unpack hex
$value = substr($data, 32, - 2); // Get Value
$rand = substr($data, - 2, 2); // Get Random prifix
if ($this->hash($value, $rand) !== $_COOKIE[$name])
return - 1; // modified
return $value;
return $_COOKIE[$name];
function hash($value, $suffix) {
// Added random suffix to help the hash keep changing
return $this->prifix . bin2hex(hash_hmac('sha256', $value . $suffix, $this->privateKey, true) . $value . $suffix);
You are not a security expert Just Use so just use SSL (SSL also has its issues but far better) or Look for an existing secure authentication service. #ircmaxell reminded me of Schneier's Law recently :
#Baba: "surprise" is the enemy of security. The ONLY thing that should be secret is the private key. Remember Schneier's Law: Anyone can invent an encryption scheme that they themselves can't break. My answer is based on tried and true cryptographic principles.
well i think you should take to that advice too.

PHP - Create random hash string for email closed loop verification

I am currently working on a project which requires closed loop email verification. As part of the process I need to generate a random hash string which can be appended to a link sent to the user. When they click the link they will be directed to my site at which time the app will confirm the hash and complete the registration process. For all my hashing I have been using:
hash('sha256', $string);
But for this process, I need to seed $string with a random value. I have Zend Framework available and was looking to do something like this:
$crypt = new Zend_Filter_Encrypt_Mcrypt(array());
$hash = hash('sha256', $crypt->getVector());
My question is, is this a viable algorithm for generating random hash codes?
Here is the Zend_Filter_Encrypt_Mcrypt::setVector() method (generates the value returned via getVector():
public function setVector($vector = null)
$cipher = $this->_openCipher();
$size = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($cipher);
if (empty($vector)) {
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN' && version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) {
$method = MCRYPT_RAND;
} else {
if (file_exists('/dev/urandom') || (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN')) {
} elseif (file_exists('/dev/random')) {
} else {
$method = MCRYPT_RAND;
$vector = mcrypt_create_iv($size, $method);
} else if (strlen($vector) != $size) {
require_once 'Zend/Filter/Exception.php';
throw new Zend_Filter_Exception('The given vector has a wrong size for the set algorithm');
$this->_encryption['vector'] = $vector;
return $this;
I'm not very familiar with ZF, but something that has the word Encrypt in it just sounds like the wrong approach.
The ->getVector() sounds similar to what the Initialization Vector does in symmetric encryption; the problem is that such a vector doesn't need to be cryptographically safe, just random. For instance, it may well be just implemented as uniqid(mt_rand()) or something.
->getVector() uses mcrypt to first initialize the encryption cipher to know how big the IV should be; this is typically 8 bytes, but it largely depends on the block size of the used cipher. The thing is, you're not encrypting anything; you just want a random sequence.
The better way to get a random sequence is by using openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() with a size of 8 bytes.
In its absence, you could also read from an entropy file such as /dev/random or /dev/urandom. Afterwards you can run it through binh2hex() to generate a hexadecimal string.
Something like this is pretty rudimentary but should work on Linux'y systems:
$rnd = bin2hex(file_get_contents('/dev/urandom', false, null, 0, 8));
As a fallback for Windows, you can still use something like:
$rnd = hash('sha256', uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
You may want to look into ircmaxell's CryptLib which has a fairly comprehensive suite of random generation features. If you use the medium strength random string generator, like so:
$generator = ( new CryptLib\Random\Factory() )->getMediumStrengthGenerator();
$string = $generator->generateString(LENGTH);
The library will use multiple cryptographically secure sources and run them through a mixer to generate a string. It's worth checking into if you just want a simple solution and don't want to recompile PHP with openssl.
See the readme on secure string generation.

Seeding the random number Generator In PHP

I m having a application in which i have to select a number out of many numbers according to their weights. Every time I will select , I have send the result to flash.I have found a algorithm in python. I have implemented it in php and was testing for its results. If i was running that algo in python it was giving good results but in php not so good. Ex. (1=>30,2=>40,3=>30) After running many times , the probablity of occurence first number in weighted array is always more but in python it is uniform. I have attatched the PHP code.
echo weightedselect($reelfrequencies);
/*function weightedselect($frequency)
echo $r=mt_rand(0,$arr[$len-1]);
return $index;
function cumWghtArray($arr)
return $cumArr;
function weightedselect($frequency)
echo $i." ".$count[$i]."\n";
function binarySearch($ar,$value,$first,$last)
return -1;
return $mid;
return $mid;
else if($a>$value)
else if($a<$value)
return binarySearch($ar,$value,$first,$last);
Here is the Python Code. I have taken this code from this forum .
import random
import bisect
import collections
def cdf(weights):
for w in weights:
return result
def choice(population,weights):
assert len(population) == len(weights)
return population[idx]
for i in range(max):
for k, v in counts.iteritems():
Problem is of mt_rand() function which is not uniform. The python random.rand() is very much uniform. Which random function should i implement in php with a proper seeding value every time it runs. I was thinking of using Withcmann (used by python random.random) but how will i provide the seed.
Both rand and mt_rand should both be more than sufficiently random for your task here. If you needed to seed mt_rand you could use mt_srand, but there's no need since PHP 4.2 as this is done for you.
I suspect the issue is with your code, which seems unnecessarily involved given what I believe you're trying to do, which is just pick a random number with weighted probabilities.
This may help: Generating random results by weight in PHP?
