Access Array on HTML VIEW Laravel - php

I've an error like Trying to get property of non-object, I use var_dump and realize that I've array not object but idk how to access
public function ptkp($id){
$keluhan = keluhan::findOrFail($id);
$tindak = DB::table('tindakans')
->select(DB::raw(', id_keluhan, perbaikan_sementara, revisi_dokumen, target_verifikasi, ttd_tanggung1,
$analisa = DB::table('analisas')
->select(DB::raw('id_tindakan, analisa, tindakan, pic, tanggal_pelaksanaan'))->get();
return view('Laporan.ptkp',compact('keluhan','tindak','analisa','halaman'));
//$pdf = \PDF::loadView('laporan.ptkp', compact('keluhan','tindak','analisa','halaman'));
//return $pdf->stream();
Look at $tindak when I use var_dump the result is array, in View I try to access using <?php echo $tindak->perbaikan_sementara ?> but error.

Since you are in Laravel, I assume you use a blade templating engine, so you can try this in the view to access property of object :
{{ $tindak->perbaikan_sementara }}
Or if it's an array of objects :
#foreach ($tindak as $example)
{{ $example->perbaikan_sementara }}

if you really have an array it's in your Laporan.ptkp (better use laporan.blade.php instead)
#foreach ($tindak as $item)
{{ $item['perbaikan_sementara'] }}


Echo Data From Collection to Blade View

I am simply (for my own testing purposes) trying to take data from a collection and pass it to a view. I am using Laravel.
I am getting my data from the GitHub API, converting it and putting it in a collection. From here it's passed to a view, but I can't output each individual field.
Here's some code:
$httpClient = new Client();
$response = $httpClient->get('<randomuser>');
$json = json_decode($response->getBody(), true);
$collection = collect($json);
return view('github')->with('github', $collection);
and my Blade file is
#foreach ($github as $git)
{{ $git }}
Now I thought it would be something as simple as {{ $git->email }} to output it, but I don't think the array keys are been sent (?)
Can anybody point me in the right direction of where I am going wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Because it's a key => val array, you should loop it as such...
#foreach ($github as $key => $val)
Key: {{ $key }} ~~ Value: {{ $val}} <br />
However if you are looking to just grab the email, use the Collection's get method.
$email = $github->get('email')
Simple use get() method in your blade
Try this,
in your controller use View and in function
$data['github_data'] = $collection;
return view('github', $data);
and in blade
{{ dd($github_data) }}
When you are working with Laravel try to check if you have the correct structure before trying to manipulate it.
In this case, check that:
You are getting what you expect in $response after call $httpClient->get (if you are using Guzzle).
You have a $json with the structure that you expect to receive.
You have a Collection instance after calling collect().
You can use dd() or var_dump() to see what data structure you have. What´s probably happening is that you don´t have the structure that you think.

Laravel Get item syntax

I use Laravel with foreach in a blade.php
{{ $users = App\User::where('user_id', $post->user_id)->get() }}
and I got the result of this which show on the page
But I want to get "Tony" only, how can I call?
{{ ($users = App\User::where('user_id', $post->user_id)->first())->first_name }}
Or better in sense of performance, if you select posts with user:
{{ $post->user->first_name }}
But it is better to prepare necessary data in controller.
get() returns an array, you should use first()
{{ ($users = App\User::where('user_id', $post->user_id)->first())->first_name }}
Since you said you are using foreach in blade. Try something like this
#foreach($user as $u)
This will give you first_name for all users

Using ::find but with a custom where clause

I use ::find to find the business but business_position I need to use WHERE business_id = and WHERE id to find the correct position, and example is avalible below...
$s = Stats::find(Auth::user()->id);
$myJob = \App\Businesses::find($s->business_id);
$matchedValues = ['business_id' => $s->business_id, 'id' => $s->business_position];
$myPosition = \App\BusinessPositions::where($matchedValues)->get();
And using $myPosition I use
{{ $myPosition->pay_amount }}
And on that line it throws and error...
Undefined property:
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::$pay_amount (View:
Laravel's get() returns a collection of results that match your query (even if there are none or just one, it'll be an array of Laravel model instances).
You can use first() instead of get() to grab the first result, or you can foreach through each of the results get() provides. It depends if your application permits more than one permission per business_id/id combination.
$myPosition This is an array of objects.
So if you need the result:
{{ $myPosition[0]->pay_amount }}
#foreach($myPosition as $position)
{{ $position->pay_amout }}
Of if you don't want to use any of these:
Change your query to :
$myPosition = \App\BusinessPositions::where($matchedValues)->first();
Now you can use: {{ $myPosition->pay_amount }}

Unique collection in Laravel

I need to find out unique value. So I tried bellow code. It is through undefined variable error.
$employee = Employee::all();
Return view ('page', compact('employee'));
Page view:
$uniqueEmpLoc = $employee->unique('location')->values()->list('location')->toArray();
#Foreach($uniqueEmpLoc as $empLoc)
{{ $empLoc }}
//this is select box used for search
//Display Entire data
#foreach($employee as #employee)
//Display all value
But I got an uniqueEmpLoc is undefined error. I'm using LARAVEL 5.1. Please help me to solve this problem.
There are some errors in your code:
I don't think compact(employee) would work. Shouldn't that suppose to be compact('employee') ?
In Blade, there is no need of putting curly braces at all. Remove them.
Try out the following:
$employees = Employee::unique('locations')->values()->list('location')->toArray();
return view('page', compact('employees'));
And then in your view:
#foreach($employees as $employee)
{{ $employee }}
Use this query in controller
$employees = Employee::distinct()->list('location')->toArray();
return view('page', compact('employees'));
In view
#foreach($employees as $employee)
{{ $employee }}
I agree with the other answers here, this code should be in the controller. You shouldn't be doing logic in the views.
In the controller do:
$uniqueEmpLoc = $employee->unique('location')->values()->list('location')->toArray();
$employee = Employee::all();
Return view ('page', compact('employee', 'uniqueEmpLoc'));
The reason your code isn't working is the line that defines $uniqueEmpLoc is interpreted by blade as text, not code.
If you really want to do that in the view, you need to wrap it in #php tags.
$uniqueEmpLoc = $employee->unique('location')->values()->list('location')->toArray();
#Foreach($uniqueEmpLoc as $empLoc)
{{ $empLoc }}
//this is select box used for search

Showing a JSON with the following structure in Laravel

Good afternoon
I recieve this JSON
{"id":130,"nif":"47812480B","name":"Bernat","cognoms":"Fernandez","file":"uploads\/fondo.jpg","birthday":"0000-00-00","presentacion":"presentacion","email":"","password":"$2y$10$GfP1DYkTqyohjVzRcuuxaeKBSu7iJUBWJK6UDj7p681307uI6Ersq","idempresa":1,"id_poblacion":889,"id_online":0,"remember_token":null,"created_at":"2015-05-28 15:25:04","updated_at":"2015-05-27 15:25:04","municipio":{"id":889,"idprovincia":33,"poblacion":"Art\u00e9s","poblacionseo":"artes","postal":8271,"latitud":"41.798479","longitud":"1.954828"},"subastas":[{"id":16,"nombre":"HTC Wildfire","descripcion":"Descripcion","precio_salida":125,"cant_actual":125,"id_estado":0,"id_metode_envio":1,"id_metodo_pago":1,"id_creador":130,"id_ganador":125,"id_categoria":33,"id_adquirido":1,"data_inici":"2015-06-13","data_final":"2015-06-13","durada":1,"created_at":"2015-06-06 09:09:54","updated_at":"2015-06-06 09:55:49"}]}<p>34.884533408812</p> {"id":131,"nif":"263","name":"Lalo","cognoms":"Lelo","file":"uploads\/count.png","birthday":"0000-00-00","presentacion":"jejjsjsj","email":"","password":"$2y$10$QtrolUS9emCS7bfirsly9.JXt9AsYfAc.\/vA0iJCs47\/3g\/ypc8d6","idempresa":1,"id_poblacion":175,"id_online":0,"remember_token":"B1vEqdX8w42i7sLNvG201EArwSTrODe0DDzkVmjzj48ahMMV8oOLmzYRM5Mp","created_at":"2015-05-20 06:52:59","updated_at":"2015-06-06 08:35:13","municipio":{"id":175,"idprovincia":9,"poblacion":"Benej\u00fazar","poblacionseo":"benejuzar","postal":3390,"latitud":"38.083525","longitud":"-0.836494"},"subastas":[{"id":15,"nombre":"Nombre","descripcion":"Descripcion","precio_salida":142,"cant_actual":142,"id_estado":1,"id_metode_envio":1,"id_metodo_pago":1,"id_creador":131,"id_ganador":131,"id_categoria":33,"id_adquirido":1,"data_inici":"2015-06-18","data_final":"2015-06-17","durada":1,"created_at":"2015-06-06 00:00:00","updated_at":"2015-06-06 10:00:57"}]}<p>475.51158492016</p>
When I use the following foreach I show the information
#foreach ($subastas as $subasta)
Now I try to use the following code
#foreach ($subastas as $subasta)
#foreach ($subasta->subastas as $sub)
And I recieve this error
Trying to get property of non-object (View: C:\xampp3\htdocs\laravel\resources\views\prodcercanos.blade.php)
Any solution for this problem ?
The question is , how I can render the json in laravel ?
The controller to recieve the JSON
public function productoscercanos ($lat,$long){
$subastas = Subasta::all();
$categorias = Categoria::all();
$provincias = Provincia::all();
$cercanos = User::with(array('municipio', 'subastas'))->get();
$coordA = Geotools::coordinate([$lat,$long]);
$output = [];
foreach ($cercanos as $p) {
$coordB = Geotools::coordinate([$p->municipio->latitud,$p->municipio->longitud]);
$distance = Geotools::distance()->setFrom($coordA)->setTo($coordB);
$dis = $distance->in('km')->haversine();
$output[$dis] = $p."<p>$dis</p>";
return view('prodcercanos')->with('categorias',$categorias)->with('provincias',$provincias)->with('subastas',$output);
$json = (your json file);
$subasta = json_decode($json);
then you should be able to use the json as a object now.
Try array syntax in the second foreach loop.
#foreach ($subasta['subastas'] as $sub)
Your code is outputting exactly what is defined. First look at how the controller is building the array.
$output[$dis] = $p."<p>$dis</p>";
$p is a User model from the variable $cercanos, appending it to $dis results in it being converted into JSON and added to your output array which your view iterates and outputs.
It looks like you are trying to add the distance to the user and pass it on.
Instead use an Accessor & Mutator to add an extra attribute to your model then pass on the $cercanos list to the view, from there you can render using a for each and grab the value.
#foreach($cercanos as $c)
{{ $c->username }} {{ $c->dis }}
Once you have added your accessor and mutator you will be able to sort using Collections built in method.
