$name = $db->validation($_POST['name']);
$id = "";
for($i= strlen($name) ; $i>=1 ; $i--){
if($name[$i-1] == 'a'){
$id = $id.$name[$i-1];
$userid = strrev($id);
$query = "SELECT * FROM bluekolar_user WHERE token = '$name' AND user_id='$userid'";
$result = $db->select($query);
if(mysqli_num_rows($result) ==1 ){
$qu = "UPDATE bluekolar_user SET active = '1' WHERE user_id='$userid'";
$res = $db->update($qu);
$url = "profile/index.php?id=".$userid ;
header('location:'.$url) ;
$error = "Provide correct confirmation code";
$error = "Provide correct confirmation code";
The code is performing good but it is unable to redirect. I don't know why. I need help.
Please help me so that I can redirect my code command to another page.
Thank you.
You need to ensure the path you are trying to redirect to is correct. The code in your question will try to redirect to a "profile" subdirectory of the location where this script is running. If you want to go to "http://example.com/profile/index.php?id=" you need to change your $url to be "/profile/index.php"
I have the following teachers.php page, developed by a freelancer. He says it works on his localhost and he is using php 5.3, but the only reason it doesn't work when we upload it to our servers, and BlueHost has v.4.3 is because of the older version.
I am awaiting a response on how he can resolve this, assuming he will say he can, but would be interested in any responses/suggestions/solutions.
What is causing the error (what lines of code) and what are the best solutions to get around this?
the page in question does some teacher tracking:
The start of the code in the page is as follows:
if(!isset($_SESSION['teacher'])) header('Location: teacher_login.php');;
if (isset($_POST["logout"])) {
$err = "";
if (isset($_POST["add_class"]) && !empty($_POST['class_names']) && $_SESSION['teacher']) {
$class_name = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST['class_names']);
$school_pin = $_SESSION['teacher_school_pin'];
$teacher_username = $_SESSION['teacher_username'];
$teacher_id = $_SESSION['teacher_id'];
$query = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO classes (teacher_username, teacher_id,school_pin, class_name)
VALUES('$teacher_username','$teacher_id', '$school_pin', '$class_name')");
if (isset($_POST["track_button"])) {
$var = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST['user_name']);
$quiz = #mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST['quiz']);
$school_pin = mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST['school_pin']);
$class_name = #mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST['class_name']);
$top = #mysqli_real_escape_string($con,$_POST['top']);
$array_one = comma_separated_to_array($var);
$query = array();
if($quiz != "non"){
array_push($query," quiz_id=".$quiz." ");
if(count($array_one) != 0){
array_push($query," username IN ('".implode("','",$array_one)."') ");
if($class_name !== "all"){
array_push($query," class_name='".$class_name."' ");
array_push($query," school_pin='".$school_pin."' ");
if($quiz == "non"){
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT DISTINCT username FROM quiz_takers WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$query)." ORDER BY percentage DESC LIMIT ".$top);
if(!$result)$err = "Enter Your student data to Track, Please!";
$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM quiz_takers WHERE ".implode(" AND ",$query)." ORDER BY percentage DESC LIMIT ".$top);
if(!$result)$err = "Enter Your student data to Track, Please!";
if(#mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0){
$err = "No Result Found!";
$all_classes = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT class_name FROM classes WHERE teacher_username='".$_SESSION['teacher_username']."'");
I keep getting a 'Resource id # 6' failure when submitting a script on my website. The code I'm using is the same type of code I use for registering for the website and that works but this script doesn't work at all. What my code does is send a booking request with the fields as shown to the database. I keep getting a Resource id#6 error , and I've googled what that is but I can't seem to figure out whats wrong. I am a beginner at php , so any tips on whats to look for to avoid a resource id # 6 error would be a lot of help
$Name_of_Person = $_POST['Name_of_Person'];
$Name_of_Group = $_POST['Name_of_Group'];
$room = $_POST['room'];
$How_Many_People = $_POST['How_Many_People'];
$Date_of_Booking = $_POST['Date_of_Booking'];
$End_time = $_POST['End_time'];
$Purpose = $_POST['Purpose'];
$Contact_Number = $_POST['Contact_Number'];
$Contact_Email = $_POST['Contact_Email'];
$Alcohol = $_POST['Alcohol'];
$Security = $_POST['Security'];
$Projector = $_POST['Projector'];
$Extra_Chairs = $_POST['Extra_Chairs'];
$Extra_Info = $_POST['Extra_Info'];
$Activated = '0';
$con = mysql_connect('localhost','root','test123') or die("couldn't connect");
mysql_select_db('bookerdb') or die("couldn't connect to DB");
//if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)){//(preg_match($pattern, $_POST['Contact_Email'])){
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `booking_table` WHERE Date_of_Booking='".$Date_of_Booking."' AND room='".$room."'");
$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);
echo $query;
$sql="INSERT INTO `booking_table` (Name_of_Person,Name_of_Group,room,How_Many_People,Date_of_Booking,End_time,Purpose,Contact_Number,Contact_Email,Alcohol,Security,Projector,Extra_Chairs,Extra_Info, Activated) VALUES ('$Name_of_Person','$Name_of_Group','$room','$How_Many_People','$Date_of_Booking','$End_time','$Purpose','$Contact_Number','$Alcohol','$Security','$Projector','$Extra_Chairs','$Extra_Info',$Activated)";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
echo "Sent to be approved";
$redirect_page = '../ASC.php';
$redirect = true;
header('Location: ' .$redirect_page);
echo "Failed";
echo"There is already a requested booking on that date & time";
$redirect_page = '../EAR.php';
$redirect = true;
header('Location: ' .$redirect_page);
echo "error";
$redirect_page = '../EWF.php';
$redirect = true;
header('Location: ' .$redirect_page);
You have error in your second SQL query. You try to insert 14 values into 15 columns (in values you forgot $Contact_Email).
$sql="INSERT INTO `booking_table` (Name_of_Person,Name_of_Group,room,How_Many_People,Date_of_Booking,End_time,Purpose,Contact_Number,Contact_Email,Alcohol,Security,Projector,Extra_Chairs,Extra_Info, Activated) VALUES ('$Name_of_Person','$Name_of_Group','$room','$How_Many_People','$Date_of_Booking','$End_time','$Purpose','$Contact_Number','$Contact_Email','$Alcohol','$Security','$Projector','$Extra_Chairs','$Extra_Info',$Activated)";
Than remove echo $query from your code, line 30.
In $query isn't query, but mysql result object. You can't work with that by this way, you can't echo it.
The following is the email verification code for my site.
The verification url sent to the user's email is as follows:
Extra notes :
1) key is a column in my database which gets a random value on registration.
2) if $verify == 1 and password_in_db=== user_entered_password, then login takes place in the login page.
include 'connect.php';
$query = mysql_query("SELECT verify,key FROM users WHERE id = '$_GET['userid']'");
$details = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$verify = $details['verify'];
$confirm2 = $details['key'];
if($verify == "1") {
echo "Link Expired . Go to our login page :";
} else {
if (isset($_GET["confr"]) && isset($_GET["userid"])) {
$confirm1 =$_GET["confr"];
if($confirm1 == $confirm2) {
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (`verify`) VALUES ('1') WHERE id = '$_GET["userid"]' ;");
echo "Thank You For Registering with us . Go to your LOGIN PAGE Here ";
} else {
echo "Invalid link ";
echo "Go to your LOGIN PAGE Here ";
} // of if isset
} // of else part
Code for connect.php
mysql_connect("host", "username", "pass"); //connects to the server
mysql_select_db("database_name"); //selects the database
The problem is that it is giving me a blank screen .
i believe the error lies in the sql
when ever i use a "WHERE" statement i always define as a variable, try this
include 'connect.php';
$user_id = $_GET["userid"];
$query = mysql_query("SELECT verify,key FROM users WHERE id = '$user_id'");
$details = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$verify = $details['verify'];
$confirm2 = $details['key'];
if($verify == "1"){
echo "Link Expired . Go to our login page :";
if (isset($_GET["confr"]) && isset($_GET["userid"]))
$confirm1 =$_GET["confr"];
if($confirm1 == $confirm2){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (`verify`) VALUES ('1') WHERE id = '$user_id'");
echo "Thank You For Registering with us . Go to your LOGIN PAGE Here ";
else {
echo "Invalid link ";
echo "Go to your LOGIN PAGE Here ";
} // of if isset
} // of else part
also, you have a semi colon in the insert sql
Try this.......
include 'connect.php';
$user_id = $_GET["userid"];
$query = mysql_query("SELECT verify,key FROM users WHERE id = '$user_id'");
while ($details = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
$verify = $details['verify'];
$confirm2 = $details['key'];
if($verify == "1"){
echo "Link Expired . Go to our login page :";
if (isset($_GET["confr"]) && isset($_GET["userid"]))
$confirm1 =$_GET["confr"];
if($confirm1 == $confirm2){
mysql_query("INSERT INTO users (`verify`) VALUES ('1') WHERE id = '$user_id'");
echo "Thank You For Registering with us . Go to your LOGIN PAGE Here ";
else {
echo "Invalid link ";
echo "Go to your LOGIN PAGE Here ";
} // of if isset
} // of else part
Note: insert statement has no where - as long as you dont use "insert into select..."
I am passing the string value through link in the URL to the next page like this <a href="ApplicationRegister.php?plan=trial">
In the ApplicationRegister.php page, i am getting this value like this $plan = $_GET["plan"];
and i will put this into a session variable like this $_SESSION['plans'] = $plan;
Here i am getting the value. but after the if statement i am not getting the value for this plan even after using Session variable.
My complete code is like this
$plan = $_GET["plan"];
echo $plan;
$_SESSION['plan'] = $plan;
$plans = $_SESSION['plan'];
echo $_SESSION['plans'];
If (isset($_POST['submit']))
$CompanyName = $_POST['CompanyName'];
$CompanyEmail = $_POST['CompanyEmail'];
$CompanyContact = $_POST['CompanyContact'];
$CompanyAddress = $_POST['CompanyAddress'];
$StoreName = $_POST['StoreName'];
echo $plans;
$myURL =$StoreName.'.'.$myURL;
if (stripos($myURL, 'www.') !== 0) {
$myURL = 'www.' . $myURL;
if (stripos($myURL, 'http://') !== 0) {
$myURL = 'http://' .$myURL;
if(stripos($myURL, '.com') !== 0) {
$myURL = $myURL . '.com';
echo $plans;
$RegistrationType = $_POST['RegistrationType'];
$Status = "Active";
$sql = "select * from plans where planname = '$plans'";
echo $sql;
mysql_query($sql) or die (mysql_error());
$planID = $row['planid'];
$query1 = "select count(CompanyEmail) from ApplicationRegister where CompanyEmail = '$CompanyEmail'" ;
$result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die ("ERROR: " . mysql_error());
$msg = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result1))
if($row['count(CompanyEmail)'] > 0)
$msg = "<font color='red'> <b>This E-mail id is already registered </b></font> ";
if($msg == "")
$query2 = "select count(URL) from ApplicationRegister where URL = '$myURL' ";
$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die ("ERROR: " . mysql_error());
$msg = "";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2))
if($row['count(URL)'] > 0)
$msg = "<font color='red'> <b>This Stroename is already registered </b></font> ";
if($msg == "")
$sql = "INSERT INTO ApplicationRegister(planid, CompanyName, CompanyEmail, CompanyContact, CompanyAddress, RegistrationType, ApplicationPlan, ApplicationStatus, URL, CreatedDate) VALUES ('$planID', '$CompanyName', '$CompanyEmail', '$CompanyContact', '$CompanyAddress', '$RegistrationType', '$plans', '$Status', '$myURL', NOW() )";
mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$id = mysql_insert_id();
$_SESSION['application_id'] = $id;
if($plans == "trail")
header("Location: userRegister.php");
header("Location : PaymentGateway.php");
Only in the beginning it holds the value , if i try to display it within theIf (isset($_POST['submit'])) it shows blank value for plans. Do not know what to do. Plz suggest
Even after using like this, its the same. i do not know what may be the problem :(
$plan = $_GET["plan"];
echo $plan;
$_SESSION['plans'] = $plans;
echo $_SESSION['plans'];
// $plan = +$plan;
If (isset($_POST['submit']))
$CompanyName = $_POST['CompanyName'];
$CompanyEmail = $_POST['CompanyEmail'];
$CompanyContact = $_POST['CompanyContact'];
$CompanyAddress = $_POST['CompanyAddress'];
$StoreName = $_POST['StoreName'];
echo $_SESSION['plans'];
In ApplicationRegister.php, i have passed the hiddenvalue which i got fro\m previous page like this
<input type="hidden" name="plan" value="<?php echo $plan ?>"/>
then POST method i have used this. Now i am getting the value for it. Thanks to all
if($PlanName == "trail")
header("Location: userRegister.php");
header("Location : PaymentGateway.php");
It's because you're not calling session_start() at the top of the page. You need that for your sessions to persist across requests (which is the point of sessions)
As well as not calling session_start();, this code is wrong:
$plan = $_GET["plan"];
echo $plan;
$_SESSION['plan'] = $plan;
$plans = $_SESSION['plan'];
echo $_SESSION['plans'];
It should be:
$plan = $_GET["plan"];
echo $plan;
$_SESSION['plan'] = $plan;
$plans = $_SESSION['plans'];
echo $_SESSION['plans'];
You are setting $_SESSION['plan'] and then trying to access $_SESSION['plans'].
Also, are you clicking a link or submitting a form? You say that you have a link, yet your code tries to access values passed from a form.
If you are using a form, don't use links. Instead, use a select element to select a plan, and then change $plan = $_GET["plan"]; to $plan = $_POST["plan"];.
For the redirection problem, try this code:
echo "<pre>** Plan Name: **\n";
echo "</pre>";
if($PlanName == "trail")
header("Location: userRegister.php");
header("Location: PaymentGateway.php");
and see what it outputs.
When someone clicks the link, it's going to set the variable properly. However, it's not going to hit the $_POST['submit'] logic, because it's not a post, just a get. Then, assuming your actually posting to that page at a later point, trying to access anything in $_GET will be null, and will then reset the session variable to null.
Your first page should have code something like this
<form action="ApplicationRegister.php" method="post">
<select name="plan">
<option value="trial">Trial</option>
<input type="submit"/>
Then, you check for $_POST['plan'] and $_POST['submit']
I have written a simple application which has login page. After login search insertion buttons are there. I build this simple application and run successfully last month. But now when i am using this now my pages are not redirecting to next page. i double checked my syntax.
i googled for the answer and found ob_start() method. And now my application is running successfully.
when the first time i have used this application i didn't use ob_start. But why its not working now without the ob_start(); method.
Please explain.
Search function :
$email = $_POST['search'];
$sql = "select * from employee_details where ";
$sql .= " email = '$email' ";
$rv = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($rv) == 0){
$errmsg_arr[] = "Employee records are not found.";
$page = "HomePage.php";
$errflag = true;
errors($page,$errmsg_arr, $errflag );
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($rv)){
$var['employee_id'] = $row['employee_id'];
$var['employeename'] = $row['employee_name'];
$var['email'] = $row['email'];
$var['phone'] = $row['phone'];
$var['address1'] = $row['address1'];
$var['state'] = $row['state'];
$var['country'] = $row['country'];
header("location: EmployeeDetails.php");
addvars function:
function addvars($vars) {
$_SESSION[] = array();
foreach($vars as $keys => $vals) {
$_SESSION[$keys] = $vals;
Errors Function:
function errors($page,$errmsg_arr, $errflag){
if($errflag) {
$_SESSION['ERRMSG_ARR'] = $errmsg_arr;
header("location: $page");
Most likely because you try to set headers when they're already sent out. (you can try to adjust output buffering instead of using ob_start if it bothers you).