Im trying to pass the verot image editing class to a custom class that I created, but it doesnt seem to work, it doesnt do anything when I try to run it. How do I pass the verot image class to my class?
//Now I run my class
$process = new ProcessEventLogo();
$process->editEventLogo($event_id,$file_ext,$savepath,new upload(''));
Here is my custom class. I thought by running upload('') to this method, Im passing a copy of the verot upload class that I can access in my custom class method. But when I run it, it doesnt even get past the $mainimg->uploaded path. In fact $mainimg = $fileupload->upload($savefile); returns NULL when I var_dump it. What am I doing wrong?
class ProcessEventLogo {
public function editEventLogo($eventid,$fext,$url,$savepath,$fileupload)
//We generate the file name to save this image to
$savefile = $savepath .'event_' .$eventid .'.' .$fext;
//We check to see if the event image is there
$mainimg = $fileupload->upload($savefile);
//We now resize the image
$mainimg->file_overwrite = TRUE;
$mainimg->image_ratio_crop = TRUE;
$mainimg->image_resize = TRUE;
$mainimg->image_x = 50;
$mainimg->image_y = 50;
echo $mainimg->error;
It appears this worked, can someone verify this is the proper way of doing this? So instead of this line:
//We check to see if the event image is there
$mainimg = $fileupload->upload($savefile);
This worked.
//We check to see if the event image is there
$mainimg = new $fileupload($savefile);
#mr.void Right, so how else would I pass this class to my custom class
method? Just seems like this is the wrong way
I think writing a little Factory is the right way for this:
class uploadFac {
public function getUploadInstance($file)
return new upload($file)
And use it like this:
$uplFac = new uploadFac();
$process = new ProcessEventLogo();
and in the method:
public function editEventLogo($eventid,$fext,$url,$savepath,$uplFac)
//We generate the file name to save this image to
$savefile = $savepath .'event_' .$eventid .'.' .$fext;
$mainimg = $uplFac->getUploadInstance($savefile);
New to laravel here.
I'm trying to save an image in the models and in the folder in the project. Seems like it only saves in the folder but returning BadMethodCallException in Macroable.php line 74: Method save does not exist. whenever i save it to database. Any help is very much appreciated!
public function itemPicture(Request $request)
$bfItemPic = $request->file('itemPic');
$filename = /*time() . '.' . */ $bfItemPic->getClientOriginalName();
Image::make($bfItemPic)->resize(250,250)->save( public_path('/itempictures/' .$filename));
$bfproducts = bufashItems::all();
$bfproducts->item_picture = $filename;
return redirect('/Items');
You get this error because you're trying to use save() method on a collection. You should get an object to make it work, for example:
$bfproducts = bufashItems::where('id', 5)->first();
$bfproducts->item_picture = $filename;
You are trying to save a collection there and save method calls do not exist on collections, that's why it's throwing the error.
If you are trying to create a new record, try the following:
$bfproducts = new bufashItems();
$bfproducts->item_picture = $filename;
Make sure you have set the fillable field correctly on bhfashItems class.
bufashItems::all(), this is the eloquent by which you can retrieve data.
You have to do:
$bfproducts = new bufashItems();
$bfproducts->item_picture = $filename;
Before explaining the problem. Let me show the controller function:
public function storePost(IdeaRequest $request)
$idea = new Idea();
$idea->idea_title = $request->input('idea_title');
$idea->user_id = $request->input('user_id');
$idea->idea_image = $request->file('idea_image')->move('publicPages\images')->getClientOriginalName();
$idea->idea_info = $request->input('idea_info');
$idea->selection = $request->input('selection');
$idea->idea_location = $request->input('idea_location');
$idea->idea_goal = $request->input('idea_goal');
$idea->idea_description = $request->input('idea_description');
session()->flash('flash_message', 'Your idea has been submitted for Review');
return back();
It stores the image as .tmp file. Things I have tried out
guessExtension(), It just returns the extension name and does not
even store the image.
getClientOriginalName(), it throws an error;
getClientOriginalName method is not defined. I have searched the
method and it is in there. used its namespace
Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\UploadedFile. it did not work
Tried different things out from stackoverflow, Nothing has worked
for me till now. In other words, i have invested a lot of time to
solve this problem but nothing worked. Any help would highly be
Here you go:
public function storePost(IdeaRequest $request)
$filename = $request->file('idea_image')->getClientOriginalName();
$idea = new Idea();
$idea->idea_title = $request->input('idea_title');
$idea->user_id = $request->input('user_id');
$idea->idea_image = $filename;
$idea->idea_info = $request->input('idea_info');
$idea->selection = $request->input('selection');
$idea->idea_location = $request->input('idea_location');
$idea->idea_goal = $request->input('idea_goal');
$idea->idea_description = $request->input('idea_description');
session()->flash('flash_message', 'Your idea has been submitted for Review');
return back();
Observe closely. You will have to do this in 2 separate lines:
$filename = $request->file('idea_image')->getClientOriginalName();
move() returns a File object representing the new file.
The File class doesn't have a getClientOriginalName() method. That method belongs to UploadedFile.
When you chain them, you are trying to access getClientOriginalName() from File, which doesn't exist. Have a look at the docs here.
File extends the PHP native SplFileInfo class which has a getFilename() method. So I guess you could also do:
I found a problem that I not sure if is a bug of the php or on my code (probably mine) so let me show you what is happening:
<?php namespace MyApp\Conciliation;
use SimpleExcel\SimpleExcel;
use ForceUTF8\Encoding;
use MyApp\Conciliation\Gol;
class Conciliation {
protected function equalizeFile($file, $providerName)
$type = false;
$nfile = 'public'.$file;
// TEST 1: the ideal aproach. not working (see error#1 bellow)
$provider = new $providerName();
// TEST 2: working, getting the correct response
$provider = new Gol();
// TEST 3: working, getting the correct response
$provider = new MyApp\Conciliation\Gol();
Note, the $providerName = 'Gol';
Class 'Gol' not found
So, there is any way that I could keeping using variables to instantiate aliases similar as above?
Edit, Problem solved: working example
<?php namespace MyApp\Conciliation;
use SimpleExcel\SimpleExcel;
use ForceUTF8\Encoding;
class Conciliation {
protected function equalizeFile($file, $providerName)
$type = false;
$nfile = 'public'.$file;
$providerName = "MyApp\\Conciliation\\".$providerName;
$provider = new $providerName();
If you are calling the class dynamically, you have to use the full path to the class.
So, your call to equalizeFile should be something like:
equalizeFile("myFile", "MyApp\\Conciliation\\Gol");
I need to send an image to server via an ajax request and it gets through just fine
and in my controller I can just use $_FILES["image"] to do stuff to it.
But I need to validate the image before I save it.
And in the Yii this can be achieved by doing something like this
$file = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model,'image');
$model->image->saveAs(Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . '/upload/user_thumb/' . $model->username.'.'.$model->photo->extensionName);
But the problem is I don't have a $model, all I have is $_FILES["image"], now what should I put instead of the $model???
is there any other way where I can validate and save files without creating a model and just by Using $_FILES["image"]?
thanks for this awesome community... :)
Exists many ways how you can do upload. I want offer to you one of them.
1.You need to create model for your images.
class Image extends CActiveRecord {
//method where need to specify validation rules
public function rules()
return [
['filename', 'length', 'max' => 40],
//other rules
//this function allow to upload file
public function doUpload($insName)
$file = CUploadedFile::getInstanceByName($insName);
if ($file) {
} else {
$this->addError('Please, select at least one file'); // for example
2.Now, need to create controller, where you will do all actions.
class ImageController extends CController {
public function actionUpload()
$model = new Image();
if (Yii::app()->request->getPost('upload')) {
$model->filename = 'set filename';
$insName = 'image'; //if you try to upload from $_FILES['image']
if ($model->validate() && $model->doUpload($insName)) {
//upload is successful
} else {
//do something with errors
$errors = $model->getErrors();
Creating a model might be overkill in some instances.
The $_FILE supervariable is part of the HTTP mechanism.
You can handle the copy by using the native PHP function move_uploaded_file()
$fileName = "/uploads/".myimage.jpg";
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $fileName);
However, you lose the niceties of using a library that provides additional functionality and checks (eg file type and file size limitations).
I'm using a plugin called jQuery file upload to upload images to a page. Currently it uploads with the original image name as the file name (IMG_1234). I need a specific format for the image name on the server (eg 1.123456.jpg)
I found this PHP code that works for changing the image name:
class CustomUploadHandler extends UploadHandler
protected function trim_file_name($name, $type) {
$name = time()."_1";
$name = parent::trim_file_name($name, $type);
return $name;
When I upload an image, it is named correctly, but the link for the image preview is undefined. This prevents me from deleting the image via the plugin.
The variable data.url is undefined... If I go back to the original code that doesn't rename the image, everything works fine.
Has anyone had any experience with this plugin that could help? Thanks!
I've found part of the problem at least...the function to return the download link (which is also used for deletion) is giving the original file name, not the updated one. I am really new to PHP classes, so I'm not sure where the variable originates and how to fix it. I'd really appreciate any help I can get!
Here's the PHP code for that function:
protected function get_download_url($file_name, $version = null, $direct = false) {
if (!$direct && $this->options['download_via_php']) {
$url = $this->options['script_url']
// The `$file_name` variable is the original image name (`IMG_1234`), and not the renamed file.
if ($version) {
$url .= '&version='.rawurlencode($version);
return $url.'&download=1';
if (empty($version)) {
$version_path = '';
} else {
$version_url = #$this->options['image_versions'][$version]['upload_url'];
if ($version_url) {
return $version_url.$this->get_user_path().rawurlencode($file_name);
$version_path = rawurlencode($version).'/';
return $this->options['upload_url'].$this->get_user_path()
EDIT 2: I think it has something to do with 'param_name' => 'files', in the options. Anyone know what that does?
Fixed it by editing the trim_file_name function inside UploadHandler.php instead of extending the class in index.php.