how can show a html table row by row using php - php

this is my code to display a html table using php :
echo "<table border='1'>";
for ($r =0; $r < $rows; $r++){
echo "<th> Etat".$r."</th>";
for ($c = 0; $c < $rows; $c++){
echo '<td><input type="checkbox" name="'.$r.''.$c.'" placeholder="nb d etat" /></td>';
if ($c==$rows) {
ECHO '<td><input type="number" name="'.$r.''.$c.'" placeholder="etat" /></td>';
echo '</tr>'; // close tr tag her
echo "</table>";
and this is the php file to recuperate data
foreach ($p as $k => $v) {
if ($v=="on") {
# code...
$a= "X$k \n";
echo $a;
else {
$b="$v \n";
echo $b;
and this is the result :
the objective is :
if the checkbox checked recupere the keys of the same row like this :
(X00+X01+X02 .......etc)
follows recupere the value (input in the last column of the table ) ex:12
finally a want to traduce each row like this :
i want just to display this table like this
please help me to do this
and thanks in advance


Filling table in a specific way with sql data using loops

I want to put data from the following database table in a html table in a specific way.
Below is my php code:
echo "<table style='border:2px solid black;width:100%;'>";
foreach ($results as $key => $value) {
for ($i = 1; $i < 4; $i++) { // 3 + 1 = 4 (itération sur la valeur de $value['ligne'])
if ($i == $value['ligne']) {
echo "<tr>";
for ($j = 1; $j < 4; $j++) { // itération sur la valeur de $value['colonne']
//if ($j == $value['colonne'] ) {
echo "<td style='padding:1em;border:1px solid black;'>".$value['contenu']."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
And here is the output that i'm having:
What I want to achieve is having "colonne1" only in the column 1 of the table; "colonne2" only in column 2, etc. In the same way, "Ligne1" should appear only in row 1; "Ligne2" in row 2, which is what i've been able to do. Any idea? Thanks, in advance.
You can use a two dimensional array to achieve the object seeing you’re looking for.
First, build a data structure from the database results.
// assuming you’ve retrieved table into $results
$table =array();
foreach($results as $v) {
$row = $v[‘ligne’];
$col = $v[‘colonne’];
$content = $v[‘contenue’];
$table[$row][$col] = $content;
// build html table
Then you can print it out in the view:
<?php foreach($table as $row_array): ?>
<?php foreach($row_array as $col): ?>
<td><?= $col ?></td>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Fill a table vertically in php

I'd like to fill a table vertically. For example one name on one row, the age on the second row alternately, and limit the table to 4 columns:
Is this possible with this kind of code?
Here is my Code:
$age = array("26","16","17","19","24","30");
$name = array("adam","andrew","tim","mike","don","eddy");
echo "<table border=1>";
if ($i > 0 && $i % 4 == 0)
echo "</tr><tr>";
echo "<td>";
echo $name[$i];
echo "</td>";
echo "<td>";
echo $age[$i];
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
Please try this. It is not the most elegant way but will give you an idea and maybe improve your answer. I will suggest you maybe use multi-dimensional array to store age and name together.
$age = array("26","16","17","19","24","30");
$name = array("adam","andrew","tim","mike","don","eddy");
$ageChunks = array_chunk($age, 4); //divide age array into chunks of 4
$nameChunks = array_chunk($name, 4); //divide name array into chunks of 4
//print table data
function printData($td)
echo "<td> ".$td." <td>";
//print table row. Assumption here is $nameChunks and $ageChunks are same length.
function printRow($nameChunks, $ageChunks)
foreach ($nameChunks as $key=>$val) {
echo "<tr>";
array_map("printData", $nameChunks[$key]);
echo "</tr><tr>";
array_map("printData", $ageChunks[$key]);
echo "</tr>";
//print table
function printTable($nameChunks, $ageChunks)
echo "<table>";
printRow($nameChunks, $ageChunks);
echo "</table>";
printTable($nameChunks, $ageChunks);
you need to change condition
if ($i > 0 && $i % 4 == 0) to if ($i > 0 && $i % 2 == 0) because you print 2 columns per iteration

How to create two columns PHP?

I am having the worst time trying to create this, it should be simple. I have an $info array that consists of $person=>$personInfoArray and I am trying to say, for the first six, do one column, for the next x amount, do another column.
What I have is:
$infoCounter = 0;
foreach($info as $person => $information){
echo '<tr>';
if($infoCounter <= 5){
echo '<td>'.$person.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$information['Extension'].'</td>';
}elseif($infoCounter > 5){
echo '<td>'.$person.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$information['Extension'].'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
I am essentially trying to create a table that looks like:
Name Extension Name Extension
Some one 54545 Name 9785
Some One else 54212 Something else 44121
But I am getting:
Name Extension Name Extension
Some one 54545
Name 9785
Some One else 54212
Something else 44121
Thoughts? This should be ridiculously easy.
See that you are creating a <tr> for each person, try doing something like this:
$infoCounter = 0;
foreach($info as $person => $information){
if ($infoCounter % 2 == 0) {
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td>'.$person.'</td>';
echo '<td>'.$information['Extension'].'</td>';
if ($infoCounter % 2 == 0) {
echo '</tr>';
Check that % its the modulus
You will always have "2" columns with this code. I think what you are after is this.
$counter = 0;
foreach($info as $person => $information){
if($counter == 0) echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>$person</td>";
echo "<td>$information</td>";
$counter += 2;
if($counter == 4) {
$counter = 0;
echo "</tr>";
Keep in mind this is crude and off the top of my head. Not sure why you want 4 columns for 2 column information, other than formatting.

how can I higlight the correct cell in PHP

I am trying to make a function in PHP which writes out a table, and looks in the database to find what cells should have info. the grid will always be the same size, but the content may be in different places.
I've gotten it to be able to look in the database, though it seems to only highlight the first cell, rather than the correct coordinates.
$sql = <<<SQL
FROM `maps`
WHERE `objpresent` = 1
if(!$result = $db->query($sql)){
die('There was an error running the query [' . $db->error . ']');
} // ran the query
$xobj = array();
$yobj = array();
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
//echo $row['x'] . $row['y'] . $row['object'] . '<br />';
$xobj[] += $row['x'];
$yobj[] += $row['y'];
}// get the rows
//find whether the row is obstructed
for($a=0; $a<=20-1; $a++) //rows (y)
for($i=0; $i<=25-1; $i++) //cols (x)
echo "<td>"; //between these write the apt content
// if (empty($xobj[$i]) || empty($yobj[$a]) ){
// echo '0';
//} //detect whether there is even a record for this space
echo $xobj[$i]; //debug
if($xobj[$i] == $i)
//echo $xobj[$i];
echo "A";
//echo "<td><img src='emptysym.png'></img></td>";
echo "</td>"; //add textual descriptions for now, add icons later
echo "</tr>";
this is my current(though rather messy) code.
if there is a row with the column x saying 2, and the column y saying 3, then it should put a letter at (2,3.
is it possible to fix this, or is there a better method for this?
Use a 2-dimensional array whose indexes are the x and y values from the database:
$xyobj = array();
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){
$xyobj[$row['x']][$row['y']] = true;
Then your output loop should be:
for ($y = 0; $y < 20; $y++) {
echo '<tr>';
for ($x = 0; $x < 25; $x++) {
echo '<td>';
if (isset($xyobj[$x][$y])) {
echo 'A';
echo '</td>';
echo '</tr>';

Render SQL query results as an HTML table

I need help rendering data in PHP:
I want to use the results of a SQL query to populate a table, displaying images in a 4-column grid. Here's what I've written so far:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery ORDER BY id ASC ");
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo "<td align=\"center\" ><img src=\"upload_gallery/thumbnail/sml_".$row['image_name']."\" width=\"200\" height=\"170\" /></td>";
<?$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM gallery ORDER BY id ASC ");
$result =mysql_fetch_array($result)
for($row =0; $row<count($result); $row++)
echo '</tr><tr>';
echo "<td align=\"center\" ><img src=\"upload_gallery/thumbnail/sml_".$row['image_name']."\" width=\"200\" height=\"170\" /></td>";
You can do a for loop as was suggested by Frederick:
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
for($i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++)
// Check if beginning of row
if($i % 4 == 0)
//If not the first row, end the last row first
if($i > 0)
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
//Output each individual image
echo "<td> {*EACH IMAGE code*}</td>";
That should give you the idea.
Try this one:
$arr =array("Test1","Test2","Test3","Test4","Test5","Test6","Test7","Test8","Test9","Test10");
echo "<table><tr>";
for($i = 1 ; $i <= count($arr) ; $i++)
$last = $i % 4 == 0? "<tr/><tr>":"";
echo $last;
echo "</table>";
Try this, hope it works for you,
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$data[]= $row['image_name'];## Pass the image data to new array
$ImagePerRow = 4;### Set the value of image per table row
echo "<table border='1'><tr>";
foreach($data as $key => $ImageName)
if(($key+1) == $ImagePerRow)## if key index+1 is equal to ImagePerRow
echo "<td align=\"center\" ><img src=\"upload_gallery/thumbnail/sml_".$ImageName."\" width=\"200\" height=\"170\" /></td></tr><tr>";## then close the table row and start a new table row
$ImagePerRow+=4;### Add a value of 4 in order to increment the imageperRow value on the next loop
echo "<td align=\"center\" >".$ImageName."</td>";### else echo the normal table data
echo "</tr></table>";
