can't read data field values on views from controller in codeigniter - php

Getting successfully the query result from db on to the view in array variable. But not able to read individual field values on views. why print_r($sales->creditofferamount) shows nothing even has data in it.
My controller:
function edit($id = NULL)
$id = $this->input->get('id');
$sales = $this->Pricecomparison_model->getSalesByID($id);
$this->data['sales'] = $sales;
$this->data['id'] = $id;
$this->page_construct('pricecomparison/edit', $this->data);
print_r($sales); //this shows all data values read from db
print_r($sales->creditofferamount); //although this feild contain data in it but still does not show it.


How do I assign values in a retrieved array from database table, to a single variables in a same function in controller?

enter image description here
I need to get values in a retrieved array from database table, to a single variables to use in a same function without changing the data types.
class TemporaryUserController extends Controller{
function test(){
$got_cutoff = DB::table('tempuser_tests')
->where('test_id', 'test005')
//return $got_cutoff;
This is returned array from function:
[{"test_id":"test005","designation_id":"des3","test_name":"des3 test","test_part":"1","test_type":"written","cutoff":50,"date":"2022-04-07","time":"28:19:28","created_at":null,"updated_at":null}]
I want to take these values as a single variable like this:
$test_id = "test005";
$cutoff = 50;
........... etc

Find values ​in the database starting from a session id

I need display the value in the ga845_clients table ​​in the atacado column, that have 's' or 'n' recorded, but they return blank.
Then when I call <?php echo $this->session->userdata('usu_id');?> in view, the ID is displayed.
I have checked that usu_id is the session ID and the same value from id of table ga845_clientes.
I created the following codes:
Model (Cliente_model.php):
public function getAtacadista($id) {
$this->db->where('id', $this->session->userdata("usu_id"));
$query = $this->db->get('ga845_clientes');
return $query->result();
Controller (Cliente.php):
public function getAtacadista() {
$this->load->view("carrinho", $data);
$data['atacadista'] = $this->cliente_model->getAtacadista($id);
View (carrinho.php)
echo 'test1:' .$data['atacadista'];
echo 'test2:' .$atacadista;
Remember, $data['atacadista'] dont exists on view, only $atacadista
Also move down the " load view " line, as everton suggested, they are swapped and $data need to be before.
And lastly, as a tip, session userdata can contain a bunch of info, and you should pass the name of the session, not of the value, maybe usu_id is a value inside an array, not the array itself.
You can try the following in your controller
public function getAtacadista() {
$data['atacadista'] = $this->cliente_model->getAtacadista($id);
$this->load->view("carrinho", array("data"=>$data));
You should place the $data variable assign before the load view.
Because you are not sending your data to the view. change the sequence of your statements.
public function getAtacadista() {
$data['atacadista'] = $this->cliente_model->getAtacadista($id);
$this->load->view("carrinho", $data);

Before fetching data from DB checking row null or not

I fetching data from DB and passing to Google Map. But sometimes in address table, lat and lng rows are being empty. So if it happens and I use that half empty array Google Map is crushes. So when I fetching data in Controller is there any option like; if row empty go next row... For example:
public function index()
$Data = DB::table('allestates')->whereNotNull('lat')->whereNotNull('lng')->get();
return view('home', 'Data');
Of course this is not proper code but, I just want to show what I am trying. Is this possible?
You can use whereNotNull:
public function index()
$Data = DB::table('allestates')->whereNotNull('lat')->whereNotNull('lng')->get();
if (!empty($Data)){
The filter you used (where('lat','lng')) actually means "records where the field lat has the value 'lng'".
you can add check if a field is not null by using below code:
$Data = DB::table('allestates')
if (!empty($Data)){

Pass variable from controller to view

In my controller, I can get the organization name but when I pass it to the view
there's an error. It said invalid argument supplied for foreach( ):
This is my codes.
public function index()
$user_id = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
$data['title'] = "User";
$getID['orgID'] = $this->userModel->getOrganizationID($user_id); // used my session user_id to
foreach ($getID['orgID'] as $orgID)
$org_id = $orgID->org_id;
$getName['myOrganization'] = $this->userModel->myOrganization($org_id);
foreach($getName['myOrganization'] as $orgName)
$name = $orgName->org_name;
$data['name'] = $name;
public function getOrganizationID($user_id)
$this->db->where('user_id', $user_id);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
public function myOrganization($org_id)
$this->db->where('org_id', $org_id);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
My output
First array is my result of $getID['orgID'] = $this->userModel->getOrganizationID($user_id); which I used my user_id session to get all the org_id of the user then
Second array is my result of $getName['myOrganization'] = $this->userModel->myOrganization($org_id); which I used my org_id(from my previous method) to get all the org_name of the user.
Is there going to be more then one result? Because if its only one result then you can use $query->row(); and eliminate the foreach completely.
Always check to make sure your database method worked AND that you actually got a returned value whenever you are making any database call. So i'll let you add the if condition in the database method but in short it should return FALSE if nothing came back. So thats the database method heres one way of doing it in your controller. Note this: $getID['orgID'] is very awkward. You are getting results back from the members table so call it members.
// check for the negative first - if no members came back
if( ! $members = $this->userModel->getOrganizationID($user_id) )
// if no results back leave this method
// pass the user id so you can echo it out in the error page
$this->showNoResultsFor($user_id) ;
foreach ($members as $member)
$org_id = $member->org_id;
// etc etc etc
I'm not a codeigniter expert but looking at your code, I am wondering why you are setting:
$getID['orgID'] = $this->userModel->getOrganizationID($user_id);
First, you are setting an array $getID['orgID'] rather than just using something like $memberships = ...; I'm not sure why you are casting an array.
Secondly, you seem to be referencing a model class without instantiating it:
Perhaps codeigniter does some magic? $this refers to this instance and from the code you show, your model is likely in a separate class/file so I am unclear how $this->userModel is referenced in your method, unless you are instantiating it in your Controller's constructor?
From what I see it looks like you are getting the error because you are not supplying a valid object/array to your foreach. Perhaps start by testing you are actually getting a valid return from $this->userModel->getOrganizationID($user_id).

passing sql query results from controller into view with code igniter

So I'm having this problem, it should be pretty simple, but I don't know why I can't figure it out. I"m new to the whole idea of MVC, and I'm trying to pass a database query from my controller into a view and display the results in the view. The way I'm doing it now says "undefined variable, sql" when I load the view. This is what I have:
function make_login()
//Select list of departments for dropdown
$sql = $this->db->query('SELECT departmentName FROM department ORDER BY departmentName ASC');
$this->load->view('makelogin.php', $sql->result_array());
foreach($sql->result_array() as $row)
echo $row['departmentName'];
(If I just echo it out in the controller, it displays the results)
Any help would be awesome...
few tips ~
your make_login should be in a model. your controller will look something like this:
function make_login
$this->load->model('login_model'); // whatever you call it
$data['departments'] = $this->login_model->get_departments();
/* note - you don't need to have the extension when it's a php file */
$this->load->view('makelogin', $data);
now in your model, have something like:
function get_departments()
$sql = $this->db->query('SELECT departmentName FROM department ORDER BY departmentName ASC');
return $sql->result();
/* you simply return the results as an object
* also note you can use the ActiveRecord class for this...might make it easier
and finally, your view:
foreach($departments as $store)
echo $store->name . '<br />'; // your fields/whatever you want to output.
The SQL query should be done in the model.
Cheap mnemonic device: the D in model = database.
In the Controller, you assign part of the $data array to the results of the query:
$data['posts'] = $this->blog_model->getPosts();
// Load the view with the data
$this->load->view('blog', $data);
In the Model, you do the actual query:
public function getPosts()
// Method chaining supported in PHP 5
// Assign the query object to a variable
$query = $this->db->get();
// We don't want to return an empty result, so let's handle that error somehow
if (!$query->num_rows() > 0) {
die("There are no posts in the database.");
// Make a new array for the posts
$posts = array();
// For the purposes of this example, we'll only return the title
foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
$posts[$row->id] = $row->title;
// Pass the result back to the controller
return $posts;
Now, in the view, each element of $data will be its own variable:
<div class="post">
<?php foreach ($posts as $id => $title) : ?>
<h1 class="post-title"><?php echo $title; ?> (ID: <?php echo $id; ?>)</h1>
<p class="post-content">
<?php endforeach; ?>
That's it!
It seems that either CI is confusing you or you are also new to PHP. They are just functions so you can't pass variables like that.
When passing an associative array it will take the key and make that into a variable with the value in the array, using native PHP functions. What Ross said is exactly what you are supposed to do.
Model: all database stuff
Controller: uses models to pass variables to views
View: outputs the variables (a view should never have any sql in it)
Also note that result and result_array have the same data but result returns objects and result_array returns associative arrays.
foreach($array as $row)
echo $row['departmentName'];
You need to pass the $array in.
I am not sure what ->load->view() does and how it treats the incoming parameters.
