Delete one of data JSON from Database - php

I want to delete JSON from database but I can't
My delete function in controller:
public function deletephoto($id)
$product = $this->productRepository->findWithoutFail($id);
$photo = json_decode($product->photo_list,true);
$photos = $photo[$id-1];
Flash::success('Photo deleted successfully.');
return back();
Here my edit controller:
public function edit($id)
$product = $this->productRepository->findWithoutFail($id);
$store = Store::pluck('name', 'id')->all();
$photo = json_decode($product->photo_list);
$category = Category::pluck('name','id')->all();
if (empty($product)) {
Flash::error('Product not found');
return redirect(route('products.index'));
return view('products.edit',compact('product','store','category','photo'));
Here my view blade.php. I'm using button to delete it.
#foreach($photo as $pro)
<div style="margin-right:10px" class="form-group col-sm-1">
<p><img src="{{ env('FRONTEND_URL') . "/img/products/$product->id/$pro->name"}}" width="100" height="100"/></p>
I clik my button delete but it doesn't work.
My Delete Function
public function deletephoto($productid,$photoid)
$product = $this->productRepository->findWithoutFail($productid);
$photo = json_decode($product->photo_list,true);
foreach($photo as $key => $value) {
if($value['id'] == $photoid) {
return back();
my view blade.php
#foreach($photo as $pro)
<div style="margin-right:10px" class="form-group col-sm-1">
<p><img src="{{ env('FRONTEND_URL') . "/img/products/$product->id/$pro->name"}}" width="100" height="100"/></p>
I use that code but it doesnt work too...

Currently you are getting photo_list column using $id and trying to remove it using the same $id that's why it is not working. Suppose $id is 23, then you don't have 23 id in your json array of photo_list
Now if you want to remove en element you need to have id of single a image, using that id you can remove like:
To remove key from all array
foreach($photo as $key => $value) {
if($value['id'] == '1') { // assumed 1 to be removed
if you want to remove whole JSON, you can update that photo_list column's value as NULL
please check the below example:
$photo ='[{"id": "1","name": "test"},{"id": "2","name": "test"}]';
$photo_obj = json_decode($photo,true); // to get array
$result =[];
foreach($photo_obj as $key => $value) {
if($value['id'] != '1') { // assumed id = 1 to be removed
$result[] = $value;

seems like your function, findWithoutFail($id) fail on finding the $id.
try dumping the $product and $photo to see if it really returning the data of the $id


Deleting multiple records in laravel using foreach loop

I am trying to delete multiple images using product_id, I am able to delete one image at a time but am figuring out how i can insert a variable like $i=0 to a loop over but it does not work in laravel.
so far this is my code
public function ImageDelete($slider_id)
//int $i=0; Had introduced this but doesn't work
$slider = Products::findOrFail($slider_id);
foreach($slider as $product){
$image_path = public_path().'\images2\\'.$product_images[0]->filename;
return response()->json(['success'=>'Pics deleted successfully!']);
The findOrFail method return only one item. So you cannot iterate over it.
You can use the each method
$product = Products::findOrFail($id);
$images = $product->images()->get();
$images->each(function ($file, $key) {
$filePath = public_path("images2/") . $file->filename;
// Delete the product
Try this:
public function ImageDelete($slider_id)
$product = Products::find($slider_id);
foreach($product_images as $product_image){
$image_path = public_path().'\images2\\'.$product_image->filename;
return response()->json(['success'=>'Pics deleted successfully!']);

finding array index from view in laravel

how can I fetch one particular index from the array to delete? e.g. if I have array[a, b, c] in the array list and want to delete b which is index array[1] from it? Any help would be great.
I need to pass index to the controller so I can delete it
#foreach (json_decode($p->filename) as $picture)
public function deleteProductImageName($id) {
if(Auth::check()) {
$products = Product::where('id', $id)->first();
foreach($products as $p) {
if(($products->user_id == Auth::user()->id) && ($products->id == $id)) {
$product = Product::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)
->where('id', $id)->first();
$filename_index = $product->filename;
echo $filename_index; '<br/>';
echo $filename_index . '[' . $index . ']';
} else {
Session::flash("message", "OOPS! You dont have permission to delete the items. Please login first.");
return redirect("/register-user");
Have a look at the Loop Variables.
To get the current index, you can use:
$name = $request->query('name');
Ok I understand the question better. You want to add additional parameters to the request.
View Example
#foreach($items as $item)
Controller Example
public function delete($id) {
// get the query parameter
$index = $request->query('index');

export to excel file one specific row records

in laravel 5.1 using maatweb / Excel package i need to export specific row records to excel file where the current page id is viewing
in my VlistController
public function export()
Excel::create('Company List', function($excel)
$excel->sheet('companies', function($sheet)
$data = Vlist::all();
$data = json_decode(json_encode($data),true);
$companies = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$company['vname']= $value['vname'];
$company['vaddress']= $value['vaddress'];
$companies[] = $company;
in my routes file
Route::get('/vlist/{vlist}/export' , 'VlistController#export');
in my show view
<li><i class='fa fa-link'></i> <span>Export Supplier : {!! $vlist->vname !!}</span></li>
the above controller code list all the records in excel sheet and i need only one specific record with the active id .
If I understand you problem,you can try this code.You can query by your primary key to retrieve specific row.
public function export($id)
Excel::create('Company List', function($excel) use ($id)
$excel->sheet('companies', function($sheet) use ($id)
$data = Vlist::where('id', $id)->get();
$data = json_decode(json_encode($data),true);
$companies = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$company['vname']= $value['vname'];
$company['vaddress']= $value['vaddress'];
$companies[] = $company;
and I don't think the following code is necessary.
$data = json_decode(json_encode($data),true);
$companies = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$company['vname']= $value['vname'];
$company['vaddress']= $value['vaddress'];
$companies[] = $company;
You can simply use the retrieve specific data
$data = Vlist::where('id', $id)->get(['vname', 'vaddress']);
and pass it to the method
I am in not sure about your Question, in my point of view you want to put(show) record form a specified row then my solution will work.
$projectArr[] = ["col1","col2","col3","col4","col5","col6"];
Excel::create('project_directory_result_sheet', function($excel) use($projectArr) {
$excel->sheet('Project_Directory_Result', function($sheet) use( $projectArr ) {
$sheet->fromArray($projectArr,null, 'A3');
In my solution noticeable point is $sheet->fromArray($projectArr,null, 'A3');
here i am giving 3 parameter value that are
first:Project Value Array.
second: show header true or false
third: row number where you want to represent record.

How To Fetch And Display Multiple Rows?

I'm using Magento which is on the zend framework and the following code currently outputs the first row matching the criteria is_read != 1', 'is_remove != 1'. I need to modify this code to output the last 4 table rows that matches said criteria. I tried a few things but none worked. Please Help!
public function loadLatestNotice(Mage_AdminNotification_Model_Inbox $object)
$adapter = $this->_getReadAdapter();
$select = $adapter->select()
->order($this->getIdFieldName() . ' DESC')
->where('is_read != 1')
->where('is_remove != 1')
$data = $adapter->fetchRow($select);
if ($data) {
return $this;
Here are some other codes that are used...
public function loadLatestNotice()
return $this;
public function getLatestNotice()
return $this->_getHelper()
href="<?php echo $latestNoticeUrl ?>" onclick="'_blank';"><?php echo $this->getLatestNotice() ?>
I was able to solve the problem myself, by using the following method.
The first thing i tried to produce is 4 notification table rows instead of 1, is to change ->limit(1); to ->limit(4); and $adapter->fetchRow($select); to $adapter->fetchAll($select);. The issue is, the solution requires more than just changing these 2 values.
public function loadLatestNotice(Mage_AdminNotification_Model_Inbox $object)
$adapter = $this->_getReadAdapter();
$select = $adapter->select()
->order($this->getIdFieldName() . ' DESC')
->where('is_read != 1')
->where('is_remove != 1')
$data = $adapter->fetchAll($select);
if ($data) {
return $this;
After changing this, the template will stop outputting information, In order for the template to output the new array, you must duplicate some code and remove ->getTitle() line in the block file, then change a few line of codes in the template .phtml file as follows.
public function getNewFuncName()
return $this->_getHelper()
$notice = $this->getNewFuncName();
foreach ($notice as $item) {
foreach ($item as $value) {
echo '<div class="notemssg"><p id="notetitle" href='.$value['url'].' >'.$value['title'].'</p><p id="notedate">'.$value['date_added'].'</p></div>';
Changing the code to properly call and display the array will result it 4 table rows being displayed. the code can be modified to be used and any way you would like to display the info on the fronted.
Hope this helps Someone!

CodeIgniter : How to get data by ID and preview it (Where ID)

I have 2 table :
which is every product have group_id as Foreign Key in the table.
I try to call every product by group_id.
this is my list_group view :
<i class="icon-line-ellipsis"></i>
I try to attach the group_id in URL.
this is my controller :
public function get_product_by_group($group_id)
$group_id = $this->input->get('group_id', TRUE);
$data['product_data'] = $this->group_model->list_product_by_group($group_id);
$this->load->view('fend/list_product', $data);
This is my model :
function list_product_by_group($group_id)
$this->db->where('group_id', $group_id);
$query = $this->db->get('product');
return $query->result();
and the last is list_product view :
foreach($product_data as $value)
<div class="masonry-thumbs col-3" data-big="2" data-lightbox="gallery">
<img class="image_fade" src="<?= base_url('uploads/'. $value->product_picture);?>" alt="Gallery Thumb 1">
I got no error, but the data did not appear in product_view.
Thanks for your help :))
If you remove the line $group_id = $this->input->get('group_id', TRUE); it will solve your problem.
Here is the explanation:
Your controller function name is public function get_product_by_group($group_id) so when you go to this link localhost/norwin/list_group/get_product_by_group/1 1 will be passed as $group_id into your get_product_by_group function.So your final function will be like this
public function get_product_by_group($group_id='')
//write this way so that you can call the url like
if($group_id)//no need to check uri->segment
$data['product_data'] = $this->group_model->list_product_by_group($group_id);
$this->load->view('fend/list_product', $data);
