I'm using Magento which is on the zend framework and the following code currently outputs the first row matching the criteria is_read != 1', 'is_remove != 1'. I need to modify this code to output the last 4 table rows that matches said criteria. I tried a few things but none worked. Please Help!
public function loadLatestNotice(Mage_AdminNotification_Model_Inbox $object)
$adapter = $this->_getReadAdapter();
$select = $adapter->select()
->order($this->getIdFieldName() . ' DESC')
->where('is_read != 1')
->where('is_remove != 1')
$data = $adapter->fetchRow($select);
if ($data) {
return $this;
Here are some other codes that are used...
public function loadLatestNotice()
return $this;
public function getLatestNotice()
return $this->_getHelper()
href="<?php echo $latestNoticeUrl ?>" onclick="this.target='_blank';"><?php echo $this->getLatestNotice() ?>
I was able to solve the problem myself, by using the following method.
The first thing i tried to produce is 4 notification table rows instead of 1, is to change ->limit(1); to ->limit(4); and $adapter->fetchRow($select); to $adapter->fetchAll($select);. The issue is, the solution requires more than just changing these 2 values.
public function loadLatestNotice(Mage_AdminNotification_Model_Inbox $object)
$adapter = $this->_getReadAdapter();
$select = $adapter->select()
->order($this->getIdFieldName() . ' DESC')
->where('is_read != 1')
->where('is_remove != 1')
$data = $adapter->fetchAll($select);
if ($data) {
return $this;
After changing this, the template will stop outputting information, In order for the template to output the new array, you must duplicate some code and remove ->getTitle() line in the block file, then change a few line of codes in the template .phtml file as follows.
public function getNewFuncName()
return $this->_getHelper()
$notice = $this->getNewFuncName();
foreach ($notice as $item) {
foreach ($item as $value) {
echo '<div class="notemssg"><p id="notetitle" href='.$value['url'].' >'.$value['title'].'</p><p id="notedate">'.$value['date_added'].'</p></div>';
Changing the code to properly call and display the array will result it 4 table rows being displayed. the code can be modified to be used and any way you would like to display the info on the fronted.
Hope this helps Someone!
I am fairly new to CodeIgniter and I'm sure there's a simple answer. I need to determine if there are records returned prior to executing this line of code in my VIEW:
foreach ($announcements->result_array() as $announcement_data){
My disconnect is that I can't check if array is empty because it is not an array yet until the foreach line is executed. Checking if $announcements is empty also doesn't work.
public function summary() {
$data['propid'] = "516";
$data['propinfo'] = $this->Propinfo_model->get_propinfo($data['propid']);
// query for proposal info
$data['announcements'] = $this->Propinfo_model->get_announcements($data['propid']);
$this->load->view('summary_view', $data);
// Select all records from 'prop_announcements' table per prop ID
public function get_announcements($propid) {
// Build query
$this->db->from('prop_announcements P');
$this->db->join('ssp_users', 'P.user = ssp_users.userid');
$this->db->where('P.propid', $propid);
return $this->db->get();
foreach ($announcements->result_array() as $announcement_data){
echo $announcement_data['user']; // example field
You use
if ($announcements->num_rows() == 0) {
//code for no rows
I have 2 cases where i am fetching the entire data and total number of rows of a same table in codeigniter, I wish to know that is there a way through which i can fetch total number of rows, entire data and 3 latest inserted records from the same table through one code
Controller code for both cases is as given below (although i am applying it for each case seperately with different parameters)
public function dashboard()
$data['instant_req'] = $this->admin_model->getreq();
1) to fetch the entire data from a table in codeigniter
Model Code
public function getreq()
return $query->result();
View Code
foreach ($instant_req as $perreq)
echo $perreq->fullname;
echo "<br>";
2) to fetch number of rows from a table in codeigniter
public function getreq()
return $query->num_rows();
View Code
echo $instant_req;
You can make only one function that gives you the all data at once total number of rows, entire data and 3 latest inserted records
for example in the model
public function getreq()
return array("all_data"=>$result,"num_rows"=>$num_rows,"last_three"=>$last_three_record);
in controller dashboard function
public function dashboard()
$result = $this->admin_model->getreq();
in view
foreach ($all_data as $perreq)
echo $perreq->fullname;
echo "<br>";
//latest three record
foreach ($last_three as $perreq)
echo $perreq->fullname;
echo "<br>";
//total count
echo $num_rows;
Raw query may work here.
$resultSet = $this->db->query("select * from table_name");
$queryCount = count($resultSet );
Try this logic :
Model code :
public function getreq()
$this->db->order_by('id', 'DESC'); //actual field name of id
return $query->result();
Controller Code :
public function dashboard()
$data['instant_req'] = $this->admin_model->getreq();
$data['total_record'] = count($data['instant_req']);
View Code:
foreach ($instant_req as $perreq)
echo $perreq->fullname;
echo "<br>";
Echo 'Total record : '.$total_record;
function getData($limit = 0){
//Create empty array
$data = [];
//Where clause
//Order Data based on latest ID
$this->db->order_by('id', 'DESC');
if($limit != 0){
//Get the Data
$query = $this->db->get('instanthire');
$data['count'] = $query->num_rows();
$data['result'] = $query->result();
return $data;
//Last 3 Inserted
$data = getData(3);
//All Data
$data = getData();
CodeIgniter Database Documentation
Here is a simple solution that I can first think of but if you want me to maybe improve I can.
Just stick with your first code(Model) and in the view count how many items are iterated through.
$count = 0;
foreach ($instant_req as $perreq)
echo $perreq->fullname;
echo "<br>";
echo $count;
Am I still missing something? just let me know
This is another solution, return an array
public function getreq()
$data['results'] = $query->result();
$data['count'] = $query->num_rows();
return $data
I'm not very confident and haven't really tried this but on top of my head I think it can work.
public function getreq()
$res = $this->db->order_by("<place column primary id>","desc")->get_where('instanthire',['status'=> 'pending']);
$latest_3 = [];
foreach($res as $r){
if($i == 3)
$arr = [
'latest_3' => $latest_3,
'count' => count($res),
'total_result' => $res,
return $arr;
I need to call a function from view to echo a value. I use following code,
Controller (test_controller)
public function displayCategory()
$data['categories'] = $this->Model_test->getCategories();
$this->load->view('test_view', $data);
public function display($id)
$name= $this->Model_test->getName($id);
return $name;
Model (Model_test)
function getCategories() {
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM category");
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->result();
} else {
return NULL;
function getName($userId) {
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT name FROM user where id = '$userId' ");
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->row()->name;
} else {
return NULL;
<div id="body">
foreach ($categories as $object) {
$temp = $this->test_controller->display($object->id);
echo $object->title . " ". $object->no . $temp . '<br/>';
but some error when running the code.
error Message: Undefined property: CI_Loader::$test_controller in view
I am not sure if you use CodeIgniter 2 or 3.
Anyway, basically you don't want to use anything inside View files except perhaps helper function(s) or some kind of "presenter" layer (that should be called inside controller I guess).
Solution using Join
Go and read this manual page and search for join. There you can learn about implementation of SQL join directive.
You want to modify this (getCategories()) function so it returns data that you require
function getCategories() {
$this->db->select('category.title, category.no, user.name as username')
->join('user', 'user.id = category.id');
$query = $this->db->get();
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->result();
} else {
return NULL;
and in view you can get your username like this
foreach ($categories as $object) {
echo $object->title . " ". $object->no . $object->username . '<br/>';
I am not 100% sure so please post comments I will edit this answer later.
Solution "breaking rules"
general notes
Also consider naming your tables using plural so categories, users...
Also it is a bad practise to use "category.id as user.id" (storing user id inside category table in "id" field) instead you shold use either a pivot table or in case of 1:1 relation field "user_id".
I have to search for multiple values in a field using mysql in codeigniter. Here follows my code.
In Controller
public function vpsearch()
$data['info'] = $this->psearch_m->emp_search_form();
IN Model
public function emp_search_form()
$skill = $this->security->xss_clean($this->input->post('ps_skills'));
$jrole = $this->input->post('ps_jobrole'));
if ( $jrole !== NULL)
return $this->db->get('js_edu_details');
In view i.e, (../employer/result)
foreach($info->result() as $row)
echo $row->js_id."<br/><br/>" ;
However I am getting all the records in 'js_edu_details' table instead of fields having searched 'skills'.
Where I am going wrong? Any help wud b appreciated, thanx in advance.
public function emp_search_form()
$skill = $this->security->xss_clean($this->input->post('ps_skills'));
//$skill = $this->input->post('ps_skills', true); other short way of getting the above result with `xss clean`
if ( $jrole !== NULL)
$this->db->like('js_skills',$skill); #remove the single quote around the `$skill`
$res = $this->db->get('js_edu_details');
echo $this->db->last_query(); #try to print the query generated
return $res;
Return statement should be after the like statement
You should arrange the code properly like this
public function emp_search_form()
$ps_skills = $this->input->post('ps_skills')
$skill = $this->security->xss_clean($ps_skills);
if ( $jrole !== NULL)
return $this->db->get('js_edu_details');
Also you should note the condition will never meet. It will always give error undefined variable $jrole
Hey guys !
Well I was trying out codeigniter but it seems to me that I have made some kind of mess while trying to retrieve and display the data from the tables
here is the code snippet.
I want to retrieve all the articles stored in my article table along with that I need to pull out all the tags associated with each article from the relationship table and the tag table called articleTagRelation and tags respectively
Table structure :
Article table : articleID, articleContent, date
Tags table : tagID, tagName
articleTagRelation : aricleID,tagID {Combination of both is my primary key}
CI model :
public function getAllTags($postId){
$this->db->select('articleTagRelation.tagId as tagId, articleTagRelation.postId as postId, article.tagName as tagName,');
$this->db->join('Tags','Tags.tagId = articleTagRelation.tagId');
$qTag = $this->db->get();
if($qTag->num_rows() > 0){
foreach ($qTag->result() as $tag) {
return $tag;
public function getAllArticles(){
foreach ($query->result() as $row) {
$data['row'] = $row;
$data['articletags'] = $this->getAllTags($row->articleId); // I'm trying to get get a array of all the associate tags.
echo 'nothing found !';
return $post;
my controller file
I'm calling this function in the index function
$data['rows'] = $this->blog_model->getAllArticles();
and then loading the view by passing the data array
now the part where things get messy
in my view
echo $r->articleId // works fine
echo $r->articletags->tagId //gives me a error message
Can any one help me out in printing those tagIds
First you don't need the foreach at all to get the tag information, it comes back from a query_result.
like this...
if($qTag->num_rows() > 0){
return $qTag->result();
else {
return array(); //return empty array if no tags
Then to build your article, do this with getAllArticles()
public function getAllArticles(){
// removed uneccessary select and from
// the below accomplishes the same thing
$query = $this->db->get('Article');
if ( $query->num_rows() > 0 ) {
// store the result in a variable you will end up returning
$articles = $query->result();
// make sure you foreach by reference so that changes you make
// to the interated $article will be made to the actual article
// result
foreach ($articles as &$article) {
// create a new property of your article "tags" and save an
// array of tags in it
$article->tags = $this->getAllTags( $article->articleId );
} else {
echo 'nothing found !';
return $articles;
The last thing to note is that when you now reference $r->tags that is an array, so you can foreach it to process all tags, OR reference an index like $r->tags[3]->tagId
if($qTag->num_rows() > 0){
foreach ($qTag->result() as $tag) {
$tags[] = $tag; //this create the array with the result
return $tags;
"$r->articletags->tagId" only works if you return results as an object, use "$r->articletags['tagId']" instead.