create dynamic tree using php - php

I have a code for dynamic tree view using php mysql.
function fetchCategoryTreeList($parent = '', $user_tree_array = '')
// code here
i just want i have a variable
$top = '1234';
now how to put in this function like
function fetchCategoryTreeList($parent = $top, $user_tree_array = '')
// code here
if i put $top in this function then i got fatal error. Please help me

You cant assign default value as another variable to arguments. You can use constant instead
define("TOP", "1234");
function fetchCategoryTreeList($parent = TOP, $user_tree_array = '')
// code here

If you really need a default dynamic value :
$top = '1234' ;
// Some code
function fetchCategoryTreeList($parent = '', $user_tree_array = '')
global $top ;
if ( $parent == null || $parent == '' ) $parent = $top ;
// code here
But if the value is constant take a look at B Desai answer.


Catch Tweets with JSON and sort by likes?

I am currently running a wordpress backend and want to display some tweets based on hastags on my website. For the general API request and database storage, I use this function:
private function parseRequest($json) {
$tmp = $json;
$result = array();
if (isset($json['statuses'])) {
$tmp = $json['statuses'];
if (isset($tmp) && is_array($tmp)){
foreach ($tmp as $t) {
$this->image = null;
$this->media = null;
$tc = new \stdClass();
$tc->feed_id = $this->id();
$tc->id = $t['id_str'];
$tc->type = $this->getType();
$tc->nickname = '#'.$t['user']['screen_name'];
$tc->screenname = (string)$t['user']['name'];
$tc->userpic = str_replace('.jpg', '_200x200.jpg', str_replace('_normal', '', (string)$t['user']['profile_image_url']));
$tc->system_timestamp = strtotime($t['created_at']);
$tc->text = $this->getText($t);
$tc->userlink = ''.$t['user']['screen_name'];
$tc->permalink = $tc->userlink . '/status/' . $tc->id;
$tc->media = $this->getMedia($t);
#$tc->additional = array('shares' => (string)$t['retweet_count'], 'likes' => (string)$t['favorite_count'], 'comments' => (string)$t['reply_count']);
if ($this->isSuitablePost($tc)) $result[$tc->id] = $tc;
return $result;
Now I am looking for a function that counts all the variable in the "additional array together e.g. shares + likes + comments and sorts all posts based on the resulting number.
I am using the standard wordpress sql database. I cannot find a solution or I am just blind.
Thanks in regards
You could use a simple usort function:
usort($tc, function($a, $b) {
$a_sum = array_sum($a->additional);
$b_sum = array_sum($b->additional);
if ($a_sum == $b_sum) {
return 0;
return ($a_sum < $b_sum) ? -1 : 1;

joomla plugin replace tag by mysql query

I want write a plugin with replace //tag syntax need {loaddata}
how to write a php plugin i think, this no hard but but im understaned php.
i found other sample plugin to helps maid it, but need modify it.
jimport( 'joomla.plugin.plugin' );
class plgSystemNiceUserInfoLite extends JPlugin {
var $u; var $guestname; var $rgx;
function plgSystemNiceUserInfoLite( &$subject, $params ){
parent::__construct( $subject, $params );
$this->guestname = $this->params->get( 'guestname', 'Guest' );
$this->rgx = '/{niceuserinfo}/'; // {loaddata}
function onAfterRender(){ $app = JFactory::getApplication();
if( $app->isAdmin() || strpos($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"], "index.php") === false || JRequest::getCmd('task') == 'edit' || JRequest::getCmd('layout') == 'edit' ){return;}
$u = JFactory::getUser(); $c = JResponse::getBody(); $r = array();
preg_match_all($this->rgx, $c, $r, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
if(count($r[0]) > 0){
for ($i=0; $i < count($r[0]); $i++){$c = preg_replace($this->rgx, $this->bldUserInfo($u), $c, 1);}
return true;
function bldUserInfo($u){
if (isset($u->id)) {$ui = $u->id == 0 ? $this->guestname : $u->username;}else {$ui = $this->guestname;}
return $ui;
when plugin found tag {loaddata} a will build sql query to load data for this site...

Wouldn't the if statement in this PHP function be useless?

I am trying to work on someones code and ran into this.
private function getAttImages($limit, $forumIds = 0, $fidsReverse = false, $topicIds = 0, $membersIds = 0, $order = 'attach_date', $sort = 'desc', $group = null)
$fids = '';
if ($forumIds)
$r = '';
if ($fidsReverse)
$r = ' NOT ';
if (is_array($forumIds))
$forumIds = implode(',', $forumIds);
$fids = ' AND forums_topics.forum_id ' . $r . ' IN (' . $forumIds . ')';
function continues to other things. However, the question is that first if statement if($forumIds) wouldn't it be useless if every time this function is called $forumIds is set to 0 ?
This is the default value for this function if nothing else is specified. It means that if nothing is entered when calling the function, it will default be 0 and the function will essentially do nothing.
getAttImages(5, 1)
Will essentially set $limit to 1 and $forumids to 1. The rest of the parameters will be set to their default values as nothing is entered ( $fidsReverse = false, $topicIds = 0, $membersIds = 0, $order = 'attach_date', $sort = 'desc', $group = null )
The only required parameter is limit as it has no default value in it. So, at minimum the function can be called like so:
getAttImages(0); and the rest will just default to the values defined in the function. However, this code won't do anything as $forumIds will be 0.
No. $forumIds is set to zero in the function parameters, but that zero is only applied to $forumIds if someone calls the function but does not explicitly set a value for that parameter.
The code
..., $forumIds = 0, ...
is setting up the default for that variable. It can be overridden with any value when called, but will default to 0 if no value for $forumIds is provided.
See the PHP documentation:

Codeigniter DataGrid Class

So, I am building myself a simple(ish) datagrid class for my CodeIgniter app.
What I am wondering is, I have some columns that I would like to "format" in that I mean, some may contain only a 1 or a 0, yet I want to turn them into a Yes or No respectively.
How can I do this? In other words, I want to be able to pass in another parameter..something like:
$this->_columnCallBack pass it an array like array(column_number=>'NameOfCallBackFunction')
I am assuming that I would do it somewhat like I did the _columnclass, where I pass in the column number, and the class as an array... but I don't know how I would get the function to fire off to do the replacement...
class O7thDG {
public function __construct($params){
$this->_table = $params['table'];
$this->_pk = $params['pk'];
$this->_fields = (isset($params['fields'])) ? $params['fields'] : null;
$this->_where = (isset($params['where'])) ? $params['where'] : null;
$this->_order = (isset($params['order'])) ? $params['order'] : null;
$this->_extras = (isset($params['extras'])) ? $params['extras'] : null;
$this->_add = (isset($params['add'])) ? $params['add'] : FALSE;
$this->_edit = (isset($params['edit'])) ? $params['edit'] : FALSE;
$this->_delete = (isset($params['delete'])) ? $params['delete'] : FALSE;
$this->_editlink = (isset($params['editlink'])) ? $params['editlink'] : null;
$this->_deletelink = (isset($params['deletelink'])) ? $params['deletelink'] : null;
$this->_editlinkextras = (isset($params['editlinkextras'])) ? $params['editlinkextras'] : null;
$this->_deletelinkextras = (isset($params['deletelinkextras'])) ? $params['deletelinkextras'] : null;
$this->_tableid = (isset($params['tableid'])) ? $params['tableid'] : null;
$this->_tableclass = (isset($params['tableclass'])) ? $params['tableclass'] : null;
$this->_columnclass = (isset($params['columnclass'])) ? $params['columnclass'] : null;
$this->_includeheader = (isset($params['includeheader'])) ? $params['includeheader'] : TRUE;
$this->_allowpaging = (isset($params['allowpaging'])) ? $params['allowpaging'] : FALSE;
$this->_sorting = (isset($params['sorting'])) ? $params['sorting'] : null;
$this->_columncallback = (isset($params['columncallback'])) ? $params['columncallback'] : null;
public function BuildIt($responsive = TRUE){
$_ci =& get_instance();
$_ci->load->library('TKCommon', null, 'comm');
$fldlist = $this->_buildSelectFieldList();
$cols = $this->_buildColumnFieldList();
$ret = '';
if($this->_where != null){
// build the where
if($this->_order != null){
// build the order
if($this->_extras != null){
// build the extras
// Query the specified table
$qry = $_ci->db->get($this->_table);
if($cols == null){
$cols = $_ci->db->list_fields($this->_table);
$fldlist = $cols;
$fldlist = explode(', ', $fldlist);
// throw the results into an associative array
$rs = $qry->result_array();
$rCt = count($rs);
$cCt = $qry->num_fields();
// add our responsive wrapper
$ret .= '<div class="table-responsive">';
// fire up our table
$tid = '';
$tc = '';
if($this->_tableid != null){$tid = ' id="' .$this->_tableid . '"';}
if($this->_tableclass != null){$tc = ' class="' .$this->_tableclass . '"';}
$_ci->table->set_template(array('table_open'=>'<table' . $tid . $tc . '>'));
// build our header row, but only if we need to
if($this->_includeheader && $cCt > 0){
// see if we need to include the admin column
if($this->_edit || $this->_delete){
$_ci->table->set_heading(array_merge($cols, array('Admin')));
// build each records row
for($r = 0; $r < $rCt; ++$r){
$ca = array();
for($c = 0; $c < $cCt; ++$c){
if(($this->_columnclass != null) && ($c == key($this->_columnclass))){
// figure out which column needs the class, and what class needs to be applied
$ca[] = $this->_columnCallback($c, array('data'=>$rs[$r][$fldlist[$c]], 'class'=>$this->_columnclass[key($this->_columnclass)]));
$ca[] = $this->_columnCallback($c, $rs[$r][$fldlist[$c]]);
// see if we need to include the admin column
if(($this->_edit || $this->_delete) && ($this->_editlink != null || $this->_deletelink != null)){
$txt = '';
if($this->_edit &&($this->_editlink != null)){
$txt .= '<span class="fa fa-pencil fa-lg"></span> ';
if($this->_delete &&($this->_deletelink != null)){
$txt .= '<span class="fa fa-trash-o fa-lg"></span>';
if(($this->_columnclass != null) && ($cCt == key($this->_columnclass))){
$ca[] = array('data'=>$txt, 'class'=>$this->_columnclass[key($this->_columnclass)]);
$ca[] = $txt;
$ret .= $_ci->table->generate();
// close our responsive wrapper
$ret .= '</div>';
$ret .= $_ci->comm->ErrorBox('There was an issue running the query, please make sure at least your primary key, and table are correct.');
$ret .= $_ci->comm->ErrorBox('There was an issue running the query, please make sure at least your primary key, and table are correct.');
return $ret;
// build our select's field list
private function _buildSelectFieldList(){
if($this->_fields == null){
return '*';
$flds = array_map(function($item){return $item['field'];}, $this->_fields);
return implode(', ', $flds);
// build our tables column list
private function _buildColumnFieldList(){
if($this->_fields == null){
return null;
return array_map(function($item){return $item['label'];}, $this->_fields);
private function _columnCallback($col, $val){
if($this->_columncallback != null){
if($col == key($this->_columncallback))
return $this->_columncallback[key($this->_columncallback)]($val);
return $val;
and my external function that I may want to use is simply:
// Format boolean value to Yes or No
public function YesNo($val){
return ((bool)$val) ? 'Yes' : 'No' ;
CI Documentation for the table class has $this->table->function, however, the function(s) passed applies to the entire table
What about using and/or anonymous functions:
Update 2 "reloaded"
You could also check grocery crud, it's CI library and do some interesting things that can be useful for you project:
Grocery crud uses call_user_func from PHP and allows you to use any function declaread in your controller, if this is what you need then it's just matter of time and check grocery crud code.
In the library a protected property is declared for each callback for example (line #3386 v1.4.1):
/* Callbacks */
protected $callback_before_insert = null;
So you/me/any can set the callback function in case is needed, then check for any callback setted doing something like (line #878 GroceryCrud 1.4.1):
if($this->callback_before_insert !== null)
$callback_return = call_user_func($this->callback_before_insert, $post_data);
if(!empty($callback_return) && is_array($callback_return))
$post_data = $callback_return;
elseif($callback_return === false)
return false;
Of course there's a method to set the callback (line #4518 from v1.4.1):
public function callback_before_insert($callback = null)
$this->callback_before_insert = $callback;
return $this;
And the user/dev set the callback doing:
And/Or this technique allows you use something like:
even if you're usign php 5.3 or greater you can use an anonymous method:
$post_array['user_id'] = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
return $post_array;
More info:
About Grocery Crud:
Author: John Skoumbourdis (more about author/library)
Web: GroceryCrud
License: released with dual licensing, using the GPL v3 and the MIT license.
Update 3
Update I've read more carefully your question, thinking functions varible can work for you:
See the first and second samples here:
Still don't know if they will work "outside" your class, but it could.
These functions will work as you want to, but you need to rewrite a bit for your needs.
function callback1($array, $row_id, $function)
return $function($array[$row_id]);
return 0;
function YesNo($val)
return intval($val) ? 'Yes' : 'No' ;
#example of array and usage of script.
$array = array('id' => '0', 'id2' => '1');
$ok = callback1($array, 'id2', 'YesNo');
Make filters array
$this->filters = ['column_name' => 'function_name', 'column_name2' => 'otherFunction'];
Then you just apply the filter to the data
if ( array_key_exists($column_name, $this->filters) ) {
// Add row that contains filtered data
$row_data = $this->filters[$column_name]($column_val);
$row_data = $column_val;
If your functions aren't available globally (not in a helper or built-in php), you'll have to use something like this:
call_user_func(array($this, $this->filters[$column_name]), $column_val);
This would run a function from inside the library O7...

What is wrong with my function?

Here is my code for the function
function multiple_delete($checkbox, $table = 0, $url = 0, $picture1 = 0, $picture2 = 0, $picture3 = 0){
echo $count = count($checkbox);
for( $j=0;$j<$count;$j++)
$delete_id = $checkbox[$j];
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = '$delete_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if( $picture1 !== 0 && $picture2 !== 0 && $picture3 !== 0)
$pic_1 = $picture1;
$pic_2 = $picture2;
$pic_3 = $picture3;
if( $picture1 !== 0 && $picture2 !== 0 && $picture3 == 0 )
$pic_1 = $picture1;
$pic_2 = $picture2;
for($i=0;$i<$count;$i++) {
$del_id = $checkbox[$i];
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id='$del_id'";
$result_delete_data = mysql_query($sql);
alert('Deleted Successfully');
return true;
My Problem is when i call the function using the following code.
#multiple_delete($_POST['checkbox'], 'news', 'news.php', '$row[\'pic_title\']', '$row[\'pic_brief\']', '$row[\'pic_detail\']');
the three array variables $row['pic_title'], $row['pic_brief'], $row['pic_detail'] , does not parse as the value in the function in first for loop, instead it just print the string and hence is not able to fetch the value stored in the database. for example
in the first if condition i have defined 3 variables,
$pic_1 = $picture1;
$pic_2 = $picture2;
$pic_3 = $picture3;
$picture1, $picture2, and $picture3 holds the value that i declared in the function , now when i do something like this echo $pic_1 = $picture1; it prints $row['pic_title'] the exact value which i declared in the function instead of parsing the value which is actually upload/news/title/pic_title1.jpg i tried testing it like this, instead of declaring the value in the defined function i actually just changed the value of the three variables to
$pic_1 = $row['pic_title'];
$pic_2 = $row['pic_brief'];
$pic_3 = $row['pic_detail'];
this works very fine without any problem. why is that variable $picture1 which holds the value $row['pic_title']; refuses to parse it and force it to just print the string while if i change it manually it works? where i am going wrong?
apart from the last three parameters i dont have any problem parsing the first three parameters it works perfectly fine i have tested it in many ways. the only problem i am facing is of the last three parameters
Edit : i tried double quotes, single quotes, and single quotes with double quote with the combination of concatenation operator. without quotes. nothing works.
P.S : thanks in advance
Try this:
function multiple_delete($checkbox, $table, $url, $picture1, $picture2, $picture3){
echo $count = count($checkbox);
for($j=0; $j<$count; $j++)
$delete_id = $checkbox[$j];
$query = "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE id = '$delete_id'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$pic1 = $row[$picture1];
$pic2 = $row[$picture2];
$pic3 = $row[$picture3];
if(!empty($pic1) && !empty($pic2) && !empty($pic3))
else if(!empty($pic1) && !empty($pic2))
$sql = "DELETE FROM $table WHERE id='$delete_id'";
$result_delete_data = mysql_query($sql);
// this is javascript, not php
// alert('Deleted Successfully');
return true;
Call the function like this:
multiple_delete($_POST['checkbox_name'], 'table_name', 'redirect_url', 'column_name_pic_1', 'column_name_pic_2', 'column_name_pic_3');
get rid of the apostrophes around your variable names in the function call, ie try
, $row[\'pic_title\'],
instead of
, '$row[\'pic_title\']',
I got the solution for this problem. in case it can benefit anyone here is the link to the solution.
How do i parse the the value from a string in the function call?
