How to make direct youtube video url work not embeded? - php

How to make youtube video work on site without embeded code? I mean direct code as: I want the user to paste direct video url into a field VIDEO_LINK not the embeded code. How can I do that? Only embeded link works on the below code not the direct link.
<iframe width="100%" height="550" src="<?php the_field('video_link') ?>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Use the following code to get video key (assuming the URL is
$url = urldecode(rawurldecode($video_url));
preg_match("/^(?:http(?:s)?:\/\/)?(?:www\.)?(?:m\.)?(?:youtu\.be\/|youtube\.com\/(?:(?:watch)?\?(?:.*&)?v(?:i)?=|(?:embed|v|vi|user)\/))([^\?&\"'>]+)/", $url, $matches);
// Get key of youtube by preg_match and put it in iframe
$videoKey= $matches[1];
<iframe width="100%" height="550" src="<?php echo $videoKey ;?>" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

You may use this function to convert Youtube URL to embeded code:
function get_youtube_embed($youtube_url, $width=560, $height=315)
$height = (int)$height;
$width = (int)$width;
$embed_html = '';
$parts = parse_url($youtube_url);
if(isset($parts['query'])) {
parse_str($parts['query'], $query);
if(isset($query['v'])) {
$embed_html = '<iframe width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" src="'.$query['v'].'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>';
return $embed_html;


str_replace() not displaying video when inserted after an image

I have a variable as follows:
$post= 'TO UPLOAD DO THIS <img src="Christmas.PNG"> and this <iframe src=""></iframe>';
With the <img> tag I want to process the image to display diferently. I also want the video to be processed differently (customisable). I have done the following:
//Image processing:
preg_match_all('/<img src=\"(.*?)\">/',$post,$matches);
$toAdd = [];
foreach($matches[1] as $m){
$value = $m;
$toRemove[]='<img src="'.$value.'">';
$toAdd[]='<img src="images/'.$value.'" width=20% height=20%>';
$new_message = str_replace($toRemove,$toAdd,$post);
$post= $new_message;
//video processing
preg_match_all('/<iframe src=\"(.*?)\">/',$post,$matches);
$toAdd = [];
foreach($matches[1] as $m){
$value = $m;
$toRemove[] ='<iframe src="'.$value.'">';
$toAdd[] ='<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>';
$new_message = str_replace($toRemove,$toAdd,$post);
$post= $new_message;
echo $post;
When I echo $toAdd[0], the video displays correctly with what i want. However, after the str_replace($toRemove,$toAdd,$post); and then i echo $post the video just disappears but the image is still there and displaying correctly.
So the video processing is working but when it i go to add it, the video doesn't appear just blank.
Why is this occurring? Thanks.

Extract part of url in php

I have a url: http://domain.tld/123456789abc.html
My goal is to create an embed code like this:
<iframe src="http://domain.tld/embed-123456789abc-620x360.html" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="620" height="360"></iframe>
But instead of gave me this:
<iframe src="http://domain.tld/embed-123456789abc.html-620x360.html" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="620" height="360"></iframe>
Notice the ".html" included above (123456789abc.html-620x360)?. How can create the code without the ".html" from the source url?
This is the code being used.
elseif (substr_count($link,"domain")){
$video_id = explode("/",$link);
if (isset($video_id[count($video_id)-1])){
$video_id = $video_id[count($video_id)-1];
$embed = '<IFRAME SRC="http://domain.tld/embed-'.$video_id.'-'.$width.'x'.$height.'.html" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'"></iframe>';
Appreciate the help. Thank you.
You need to 'clean' $video_id because the ".html" should be contained into the array component you are retrieving.
So instead of
$video_id = $video_id[count($video_id)-1];
try something like this:
$video_id = str_replace('.html', '', $video_id[count($video_id)-1]);
It might be easier to use a regex to match the last part of your
original link, already excluding the .html:
elseif (substr_count($link,"domain")) {
$embed = preg_replace(
'<iframe src="http://domain.tld/embed-$1-'
. $width . 'x' . $height . '.html"'
. 'frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"'
. 'width="' . $width . '" height="' . $height . '"></iframe>',

Replace youtube link with embed and leave other text unharmed

I'm trying to turn youtube links into embed iframes, to play the videos. However, my current code is replacing the entire sentence with the embed code. What I want to do is to just convert the youtube link to an embed code, and leave the rest of the text unharmed.
Example: This is a youtube link: and some text after.
Turned into: This is a youtube link: <embed> and some text after.
My current code:
$testing = "This is a youtube link: and some text after.";
echo $core->convertyoutube($testing);
And the function:
public function convertyoutube($link) {
if (strpos($link, '') == true) {
$url = $link;
parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $youtube_array);
$videoid = $youtube_array['v'];
$embed = "<iframe width='420' height='315' src='".$videoid."'></iframe>"; // what it should create with the extracted code
return $embed;
Well You are returning only embed code:
return $embed;
You need to replace only youtube part:
public function convertyoutube($link) {
$position = strpos($link, '');
if ($position !== false) {
$chunks = explode(' ', $link);
foreach ($chunks as &$chunk) {
$isYoutubeLink = strpos($chunk, '');
if ($isYoutubeLink !== false) {
$url = $chunk;
parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $youtube_array);
$videoid = $youtube_array['v'];
$chunk = "<iframe width='420' height='315' src='".$videoid."'></iframe>"; // what it should create with the extracted code
return implode(' ', $chunks);
It works with multiple links in sentence. I guess there is "better" way with using regexp, however I am not very good at regexp and don't like to use it where it is not mandatory.
You could actually do this all with a single regex.
echo preg_replace('/https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\?v=(.+?)(?:&|\s|$)/',
'<iframe width="420" height="315" src="$1"></iframe>',
'This is a youtube link: and some text after.');
This is a youtube link: and some text after.
Regex101 Demo:
It will be better if you convert the links at the front-end view with javascript to avoid a excess loading of server. But it's your choise.
Single youtube video has different links like these:
For this reason you should write your codes like this to catch every type of youtube links:
public function convertYouTube($content) {
$content = preg_replace("/http(s)?:\/\/youtu\.be\/([^\40\t\r\n\<]+)/i", '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="$2"></iframe>', $content);
$content = preg_replace("/http(s)?:\/\/(w{3}\.)?youtube\.com\/watch\/?\?v=([^\40\t\r\n\<]+)/i", '<iframe width="420" height="315" src="$3"></iframe>', $content);
return $content;

php youtube and links regex are combining and in turn rendering useless

i have a posting feature on my site that can embed links and youtube videos. the problem is, that the two clash together, and the youtube iframe ends up being a 404 page on my site. my codes for the youtube videos and links are below, but im not sure how to stop them from combining and ruining it.
by combining, i mean this turns to
<iframe src="">
which then turns into
<iframe src="">
sorry if i am unclear in any way. my codes are below.
function youtube($string)
return preg_replace(
'<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="$4?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>',
$posted = youtube($posted);
$rexProtocol = '(https?://)?';
$rexDomain = '((?:[-a-zA-Z0-9]{1,63}\.)+[-a-zA-Z0-9]{2,63}|(?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3})';
$rexPort = '(:[0-9]{1,5})?';
$rexPath = '(/[!$-/0-9:;=#_\':;!a-zA-Z\x7f-\xff]*?)?';
$rexQuery = '(\?[!$-/0-9:;=#_\':;!a-zA-Z\x7f-\xff]+?)?';
$rexFragment = '(#[!$-/0-9:;=#_\':;!a-zA-Z\x7f-\xff]+?)?';
// Solution 1:
function callback($match)
// Prepend http:// if no protocol specified
$completeUrl = $match[1] ? $match[0] : "http://{$match[0]}";
return '<a href="' . $completeUrl . '">'
. $match[2] . $match[3] . $match[4] . '</a>';
$posted = preg_replace_callback("&\\b$rexProtocol$rexDomain$rexPort$rexPath$rexQuery$rexFragment(?=[?.!,;:\"]?(\s|$))&",
'callback', $posted);
A popular solution to this problem is to use placeholders. On your first pass you turn all YouTube links into a placeholder, for example:
After that you run your normal link converter. And at the end your run yet another regex to turn all your palceholders into youtube embeds.

correct syntax to echo variable inside iframe

I know i am missing something simple. I just want to display this iframe if $video-code exists. Can anyone see what is wrong with this? working in wordpress. error is on the echo line. i've also tried adding .'$video-code'. into the url.
it is displaying the iframe correctly, but the variable is displaying as text in the url. if i call the variable elsewhere in the page without the If statement, it displays correctly.
THANKS for any help!
$key = 'video-code';
$themeta = get_post_meta($post->ID, $key, TRUE);
if($themeta != '') {
echo '<iframe id="player" width="560" height="315" frameborder="2" src="$video-code" ></iframe>';
You can concatenate your $key, like so:
echo '<iframe id="player" width="560" height="315" frameborder="2"
src="' . $key . '" ></iframe>';
