Lumen/Dingo API Dynamic Versioning - php

I'm using Lumen for my project, currently the way I version my API is through prefixing and using a specific corresponding controller like so:
$api->get('/v1/users', 'App\Api\V1\Controllers\UserController#show');
$api->get('/v2/users', 'App\Api\V2\Controllers\UserController#show');
I want to change this, such that I take an argument from the user and use a controller based on that parameter.
This Route:
Should use this controller:
I'm currently using Dingo along side Lumen, is there anyway to do this with either Lumen or Dingo?

Yes, you can. But it's a little bit more complicated than in your example, but it's still a one-liner. Just define a closure and invoke your controller within it instead of passing the FQCN controller name directly.
$app->get("api/v{version}/users", function ($version) use ($app) {
return $app->make("App\Api\V{$version}\Controllers\UserController")->show();
If someone else is interested (as I was) how to achieve the same in an laravel installation: Just use the method Controller::callAction() after the controller was resolved
Route::get("api/v{version}/test", function ($version) {
return app()->make('App\Api\V{$version}\Controllers\UserController')->callAction("show", [/* arguments */]);


"Undefined type 'App'" in api.php Laravel

I'm using Laravel 8.53 and Vuejs.
I want to set language for specific controller based on api parameter. (to send password reset email in desired language)
I have this route in api.php which works:
Route::post('forgot-password', [NewPasswordController::class, 'forgotPassword'])->name('password.reset');
Now I wanted to create something like this:
Route::post('forgot-password/{locale}', function ($locale) {App::setLocale($locale);}, [NewPasswordController::class, 'forgotPassword'])->name('password.reset');
Now when I send to /api/forgot-password/en I get 200 OK but no response.
My VS Code is showing me this error: Undefined type 'App'.
Do I need to define "App" in api.php? How?
I am not sure if it's correlated but maybe the problem is in different place. You passing three parameters to post method. According to laravel docs you should pass only two. In this case you pass callback, or you pass controller path with method. Try to move App::setLocale() to your controller method and use your first syntax. Remember to import App facade before using it.
// api.php
Route::post('forgot-password', [NewPasswordController::class, 'forgotPassword'])->name('password.reset');
// NewPasswordController.php
use \App;
class NewPasswordController {
public function forgotPassword( $locale ) {
App::setLocale( $locale );
/* rest of code */

Declare same route twice but expect different behaviour according to a middleware

I started creating a REST API using the lumen framework and wanted to set up a particular behaviour for my GET /user route. Behaviour is the following:
If the request come from an authenticated user (using auth middleware), the method getAllFields from UserController is called and return all the data from the user
If it's not the case, the method get from UserController is called and return some of the data from the user
It seems logic to me to just write it like that in my web.php using a simple middleware:
$router->group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () use ($router) {
$router->get('/user/{id}', [
'uses' => 'UserController#getAllFields'
$router->get('/user/{id}', [
'uses' => 'UserController#get'
But for some reason, even if the middleware is correct, I always get the response of the second route declaration (that call get()). I precise that if I remove the second route declaration, the one in the middleware work as expected.
Have someone an idea how I can achieve something similar that work?
Router will check if your request matches to any declared route. Middleware will run AFTER that match, so You cannot just return to router and try to find another match.
To fallow Laravel and Routes pattern - You should have single route that will point to method inside controller. Then inside that You can check if user is logged or not and execute getAllFields() from that controller. It will be not much to rewrite since You are currently using UserController in both routes anyway.
$router->get('/user/{id}', 'UserController#get');
public function get()
return auth()->check() ? YourMethodForLogged() : YourMethodForNotLogged();
Or if there is not much logic You can keep this in single method.
Also it is good idea to fallow Laravels REST standards (so use show instead of get, "users" instead of "user" etc - read more
$router->get('/users/{user}', 'UserController#show');
public function show(User $user)
if (auth()->check()) {
} else {
To summary - for your needs use Auth inside controller instead of middleware.
To check if user is logged You can use Facade Auth::check() or helper auth()->check(), or opposite Auth::guest() or auth()->guest().
If you are actually using Lumen instead of full Laravel then there is not auth helper by default (You can make own or use package like lumen-helpers) or just keep it simple and use just Facades instead (if You have then enabled in Lumen).
Read more and
This pattern is against the idea of Laravel's routing. Each route should be defined once.
You can define your route without auth middleware enabled and then define your logic in the controller.

Laravel get url's route name [duplicate]

In Laravel, we can get route name from current URL via this:
But, how can we get the route name from a specific given URL?
Thank you.
A very easy way to do it Laravel 5.2
It outputs my Route name like this
Update: For method like POST, PUT or DELETE you can do like this
app('router')->getRoutes()->match(app('request')->create('/qqq/posts/68/u1', 'POST'))->getName()//reference
Also when you run app('router')->getRoutes()->match(app('request')->create('/qqq/posts/68/u1', 'POST')) this will return Illuminate\Routing\Route instance where you can call multiple useful public methods like getAction, getValidators etc. Check the source for more details.
None of the solutions above worked for me.
This is the correct way to match a route with the URI:
$url = 'url-to-match/some-parameter';
$route = collect(\Route::getRoutes())->first(function($route) use($url){
return $route->matches(request()->create($url));
The other solutions perform bindings to the container and can screw up your routes...
I don't think this can be done with out-of-the-box Laravel. Also remember that not all routes in Laravel are named, so you probably want to retrieve the route object, not the route name.
One possible solution would be to extend the default \Iluminate\Routing\Router class and add a public method to your custom class that uses the protected Router::findRoute(Request $request) method.
A simplified example:
class MyRouter extends \Illuminate\Routing\Router {
public function resolveRouteFromUrl($url) {
return $this->findRoute(\Illuminate\Http\Request::create($url));
This should return the route that matches the URL you specified, but I haven't actually tested this.
Note that if you want this new custom router to replace the built-in one, you will likely have to also create a new ServiceProvider to register your new class into the IoC container instead of the default one.
You could adapt the ServiceProvider in the code below to your needs:
Otherwise if you just want to manually instantiate your custom router in your code as needed, you'd have to do something like:
$myRouter = new MyRouter(new \Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher());
$route = $myRouter->resolveRouteFromUrl('/your/url/here');
It can be done without extending the default \Iluminate\Routing\Router class.
$route = Route::currentRouteName();
If you call Route::currentRouteName() after dispatchToRoute call, it will return current route name of dispatched request.

Laravel get route name from given URL

In Laravel, we can get route name from current URL via this:
But, how can we get the route name from a specific given URL?
Thank you.
A very easy way to do it Laravel 5.2
It outputs my Route name like this
Update: For method like POST, PUT or DELETE you can do like this
app('router')->getRoutes()->match(app('request')->create('/qqq/posts/68/u1', 'POST'))->getName()//reference
Also when you run app('router')->getRoutes()->match(app('request')->create('/qqq/posts/68/u1', 'POST')) this will return Illuminate\Routing\Route instance where you can call multiple useful public methods like getAction, getValidators etc. Check the source for more details.
None of the solutions above worked for me.
This is the correct way to match a route with the URI:
$url = 'url-to-match/some-parameter';
$route = collect(\Route::getRoutes())->first(function($route) use($url){
return $route->matches(request()->create($url));
The other solutions perform bindings to the container and can screw up your routes...
I don't think this can be done with out-of-the-box Laravel. Also remember that not all routes in Laravel are named, so you probably want to retrieve the route object, not the route name.
One possible solution would be to extend the default \Iluminate\Routing\Router class and add a public method to your custom class that uses the protected Router::findRoute(Request $request) method.
A simplified example:
class MyRouter extends \Illuminate\Routing\Router {
public function resolveRouteFromUrl($url) {
return $this->findRoute(\Illuminate\Http\Request::create($url));
This should return the route that matches the URL you specified, but I haven't actually tested this.
Note that if you want this new custom router to replace the built-in one, you will likely have to also create a new ServiceProvider to register your new class into the IoC container instead of the default one.
You could adapt the ServiceProvider in the code below to your needs:
Otherwise if you just want to manually instantiate your custom router in your code as needed, you'd have to do something like:
$myRouter = new MyRouter(new \Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher());
$route = $myRouter->resolveRouteFromUrl('/your/url/here');
It can be done without extending the default \Iluminate\Routing\Router class.
$route = Route::currentRouteName();
If you call Route::currentRouteName() after dispatchToRoute call, it will return current route name of dispatched request.

PHP Laravel extending resource routing

Laravel routing functionality allows you to name a resource and name a controller to go with it. I am new to Laravel and would like to know if anyone knows how to extend the resources method in the route class provided.
Basically say I have: (which works fine)
But say I want:
How is this achievable?
To see the basics of what I am doing check:
Resource controllers tie you into a specific URLs, such as:
GET|POST /invoices
GET|PUT /invoices/{$id}
GET /invoices/create
and so on as documented.
Since, by convention, GET /invoices is used to list all invoices, you may want to add some filtering on that:
/invoices?status=unpaid - which you can then use in code
class InvoiceController extends BaseController {
public function index()
$status = Input::get('status');
// Continue with logic, pagination, etc
If you don't want to use filtering via a query string, in your case, you may be able to do something like:
// routes.php
Route::group(array('prefix' => 'invoice'), function()
Route::get('status/unpaid', 'InvoiceController#filter');
Route::resource('invoice', 'InvoiceController');
That might work as the order routes are created matter. The first route that matches will be the one used to fulfill the request.
